Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders

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Mar 8, 2019 3:20 am
Music to my ears to hear that history will always be there. Skriz glances at Hetris and then back to the group as a whole. "What do we know of this Foxglove manor?"
Mar 8, 2019 3:35 pm
Foxglove Manor is owned by a local noble that Urthask and I saved when the goblins attacked Sandpoint several months ago. but since that point I haven't had any contact with him.
I'm including a knowledge local check to see if I know anything else about the Foxglove family, the man in particular or any history around the Manor.


Knowledge (Local) - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Mar 9, 2019 3:11 am
Gongar is able to remember quite a few details about the Foxgloves once he takes some time to think about it.

Foxglove Manor is over 80 years old, and has been the seat of the Foxglove family the whole time. Some sort of tragedy struck the family a few decades ago, and no one's lived there since. Common rumor holds that the place is haunted.

Foxglove Manor is known as the "Misgivings" by some locals, particularly by Varisians. It certainly has a bad reputation - sightings of strange lights in the attic windows, muffled sounds of screaming from above and below, and even rumors of a huge bat-winged devil living in the caves below the manor are but a few of the tales told about the place. The Foxglove family lived there as recently as 2 decades ago, but then a fire burned down the servants' building, Cyralie Foxglove was found dead - burnt and dashed on the rocks below the cliffs behind the house - and Traver Foxglove was found in his bedroom, dead by his own hand. The children, including young Aldern Foxglove, were sent away to be raised in Korvosa by distant relations.

Aldern Foxglove recently returned to live in the manor, but he had a hell of a time hiring locals to aid him in the reconstruction and repair of the old building. Until Aldern moved back in, the place was cared for by a man named Rogors Craesby (a retired innkeeper who lost an ear in a bar fight many years ago) who came in 3 days a week from Sandpoint to air the place out, check for squatters, and make minor repairs.

Foxglove Manor was built decades ago by Yore! Foxglove, a merchant prince from Magnimar. He and his family lived there for 20 years before the entire family perished from disease. The surviving Foxgloves of Magnimar shunned the place for 40 years, until Traver Foxglove moved back in.
Mar 9, 2019 7:16 am
"That is quite a history, friend Gongar!" Urthask remarks. "I hate to say it, but these wealthy, 'civilized' folk very nearly always hide skeletons in the closet."
Mar 10, 2019 10:22 pm
Shadow nods quietly in agreement.
Mar 11, 2019 5:27 am
Quite a dark history, I might add. Viktor picks up his backpack from the corner of the room and nods at Hemlock before looking at the others.You wanted to see a woman before we decide what to do about Misgivings?
Last edited March 11, 2019 5:32 am
Mar 13, 2019 8:16 pm
I think the plan was to go to the Manor first because it's more time sensitive, what with people dying and all :P

But the choice is up to you guys
Mar 13, 2019 9:09 pm
Yes that does seem reasonable
Mar 14, 2019 3:42 pm
Let us head to the manor first and do the talking later. With that he motions for the old and new members follow him out of Belor's office. With a wave at his old friend We'll figure out whats happening at Foxglove and report back to you.
Mar 14, 2019 4:44 pm
Viktor nods to Belor and follows Gongar.
Mar 14, 2019 9:02 pm
The walk to Foxglove Manor only takes a couple hours. As you near Foxglove Manor, it almost seems as if nature herself has become sick and twisted. Nettles and thorns grow more prominent, trees are leafless and bent, and the wind seems unnaturally cold and shrill as it whistles through the cliffside crags. The path slowly rises, bending around a steep corner in the cliffs, and then Foxglove Manor looms at the edge of the world.

The strangely cold sea wind rises to a keening shriek as Foxglove Manor comes into view. The place has earned its local nickname of the "Misgivings" well, for it almost appears to loathe its perch high above the ocean, as if the entire house were poised for a suicide leap. The roof sags in many places, and mold and mildew cake the crumbling walls. Vines of diseased-looking gray wisteria strangle the structure in several places, hanging down over the precipitous cliff edge almost like tangled braids of hair. The house is crooked, its gables angling sharply and breached in at least three places, hastily repaired by planks of sodden wood. Chimneys rise from various points among the rooftops, leaning like old men in a storm, and grinning gargoyle faces leer from under the eaves.

Of to the side of the path is a small outbuilding, long ago burned down. It's impossible to tell how many floors the outbuilding that stood here once had, for all that remains are the sooty, scorched stones of its foundation. To the east, a four-foot-wide stone well sits, partially collapsed, in the corner of the ruins.
Mar 14, 2019 9:28 pm
Flail and shield clanking slightly, Victor reaches for his bow. Best be prepared if there really are ghouls roaming these parts. Keep an eye out for the dead. He pulls his coat tighter over his armor and squints at the house and it's surroundings. Truly a horrible sight, a manor so grand left to rot.


Perception, anything hiding in sight? - (1d20+7)

(15) + 7 = 22

Mar 15, 2019 4:50 pm
Urthask rides straight-backed astride his loyal steed, pennant fluttering proudly in the chill wind. Arktos plods on bravely, drawing strength from his master, but the bear is obviously agitated by the blighted landscape.
[ +- ] Banner (Ex)
Mar 15, 2019 5:20 pm
Viktor peers around, but doesn't see anything hidden. It's impossible to tell how many floors the outbuilding that stood here once had, for all that remains are the sooty, scorched stones of its foundation. To the east, a four-foot-wide stone well sits, partially collapsed, in the corner of the ruins. There are currently about a dozen ravens sitting atop the foundation stones quietly, staring at you as you approach.
Mar 18, 2019 1:57 pm
Skriz twitches his nose as he looks at the ravens. More to himself than anything, he says, "Strange creatures, those. Some say they can talk like a man."
Knowledge nature to see if these ravens are normal for their kind.


Knowledge: Nature - (1d20+9)

(16) + 9 = 25

Mar 18, 2019 2:07 pm
As far as Skriz can tell, there's nothing odd about the ravens.
Mar 21, 2019 7:40 pm
Gongar scans the grounds with his new companions alongside him and motions with his hammer at the manor house. I did not think the estate had fallen so far as this... lets check the surroundings before we enter the house so we aren't surprised by some foul undead.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Mar 21, 2019 10:50 pm
Shadow nods and scans the area with Gongar.


Perception - (1d20+11)

(15) + 11 = 26

Mar 22, 2019 12:53 pm
Urthask nods his agreement with Gongar's plan, and guides Arktos accordingly. The great bear sniffs about for the ghoulish stink of undeath.


Arktos perception - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Urthask perception - (1d20+8)

(14) + 8 = 22

Mar 22, 2019 1:42 pm
Moving about the grounds, you don't notice any signs of undead in the area at all. Any time he turns toward the manor, Arktos growls and his fur stands on end.
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