Jul 19, 2018 1:14 pm
So I've been inspired to try and run a game idea that my friends and I have been brewing since high school. It was inconceivable to run IRL, But I think it could work in PbP.
Using World of Darkness rules, we pit two groups of PCs against each other. One as Predator and the other as Prey. We can work out the plot details together. But the prey will have some kind of win condition (other than not being caught/killed) and the Predators goal is to kill the prey.
I'm initially thinking Werewolves tracking Vampires but we can discuss that as agroup .
Anyone interested?
It would take me a bit to set this up and figure out the details but I wanted to gauge interest first.
Using World of Darkness rules, we pit two groups of PCs against each other. One as Predator and the other as Prey. We can work out the plot details together. But the prey will have some kind of win condition (other than not being caught/killed) and the Predators goal is to kill the prey.
I'm initially thinking Werewolves tracking Vampires but we can discuss that as agroup .
Anyone interested?
It would take me a bit to set this up and figure out the details but I wanted to gauge interest first.
Last edited Jul 19, 2018 1:15 pm