Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Oct 9, 2015 5:13 pm
Crolwell turns to the barkeep and gives him a smile.
"Good sir, I thank you for the drink. May you be ever prosperous and your beard be ever long (not as long as mine, of course)".
With that, Crolwell will jump ontop of his chair and pull out his pocket Fluba and begin playing a song... something he made up on the spot.
Last edited October 9, 2015 5:15 pm


preformance - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Oct 10, 2015 2:37 am
Crolwell's performance, after so many attempts actually comes out quite soothing and pleasing. Maybe it's the ale, but he seems to have a musical prowess in this performance.

The hooded man flips down his hood and you see a human that appears to be in his late 30s. His dark black hair and narrow features he may be a Mulan. Generally found more in eastern shore of the inner sea of Faerun. He has one large jagged scar that runs all along one side of his face. Despite his rather gruff appearance his voice comes out almost melodically. "Ah, you must be the bard Aelar, though it looks like the old man is giving you a run for your money. I must say, you do not look the most orthodox of the new recruits I've seen", he finishes his current ale.

"The daggers have put us up in the Inn across the road, perhaps we should gather the rest of your party and head there. I understand we want to move fast to get your friends back safely. I have a plan I think may work, but this...", he looks around the tavern, "...isn't quite the place to discuss such things."
Oct 10, 2015 2:15 pm
Aelar will stand, "That sounds fine," with that he will gather up the rest of the group and they will head to the inn across the road.
Oct 10, 2015 2:42 pm
Seeing that Aelar has apparently finished his conversation with the hooded man, Ütés will slide the appropriate amount of coinage for her drink to the barkeep and head towards him. In elvish she asks, "Any news about your troupe?"
Oct 10, 2015 2:54 pm
Aelar replies to Utes in Elvish as well, "He says he has a plan, but no details yet. He wants us to discuss it with him at another inn."
Oct 11, 2015 3:23 am
The human comes up behind you Aelar and places his hand on your shoulder. Speaking quietly he whispers to you in Dwarven, "Don't look, but I think we are being watched. The gentlemen at the card table. They've been eyeing me since I arrived. We should leave quickly."

Having seen the group at the table before you know there are 4 men. They have swords on their hips and short bows across their backs. They've been fairly inconspicuous, but Utes, you have indeed noticed the group glancing at the table Aelar was at. It was always fleeting glances between card plays, but they have been looking none-the-less.
Oct 11, 2015 3:35 am
Crolwell jumps to action and waddles over to the group of people on the card table (clearly a bit woozy from the drinks he had). Drawing a chair and plopping down at the table he will look between each of the men sitting there. "Good day there! Could you deal this old geezer in? I am sort of out of practice, if you aknow me meaning". With that, Crolwell will pull out some money and throw it onto the table. He hopes his distraction will work... either that or he is hopelessly drunk. "Come on. You can't top dough like that fellers. How about a round or two? Any o' you throwing your money in? Or are we dealing with chips?" he gives them each a big, toothless grin.
Last edited October 11, 2015 3:36 am


Deception - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Oct 11, 2015 4:06 am
The men at the table look between each other. A few of them have their hand on their hip, but as the money hits the table they lighten up a tad and slide some money onto the table as well.

"Aye, old man. We'll deal ye' in a game", one of the men says as he re-shuffles the cards. A grin is crawling across his face as he thinks he has just won a chance at some free coin.

He deals out the cards to everyone at the table, "We'll try an' take it easy on ye', grandfather", he says with a chuckle.

[ GM: Crolwell, give me a performance check. If you can beat a DC15 check you'll win the round of cards. On top of that your character will successfully distract the people so everyone else can leave undetected. If you fail, you lose 5 gold and this distraction is going to have failed. ]
Oct 11, 2015 4:49 am
Crolwell spits into his hands and rubs them together. He is in his zone. Is he distracting for anyone? He has forgotten. A look of determination is plastered on his face as he goes in for the kill...


Preformance, Take That! - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Oct 11, 2015 5:20 am
After Crolwell loses his gold he looks up at the other players and shrugs. "Well I'm going to have to do it the old fashioned way". Crolwell whispers under his breath as he turns to the guy on his left. "Well, would you look at that, it seems as if I lost me marbles". Crollwell will then punch the cardplayer in the face.


Attack, unarmed. - (1d20+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Oct 11, 2015 2:38 pm
Hearing the commotion Ütés turns towards the men playing cards just after Crolwell takes a swing at one of the players. Placing her hand on the hilt of her sword she'll watch to see how the situation plays out. The moment Crolwell seems to be in over his head she'll move in to help.
Oct 11, 2015 8:23 pm
Crolwell's hit sends the man sprawling onto the floor, blood seeping from his nose. The others stand and draw swords in reaction to the hit. They all stand around the table with swords drawn. The man on the floor manages to cough out, "Kill them, kill them all! The Bard said no prisoners."

[ GM: Crolwell does 5 damage total with his unarmed strike. 1 base damage for the strike, plus strength modifier. His hit also knocked the man prone as he was seated at the time. The others are all still standing around the table, swords drawn. I'll go ahead and give initiative to your side since Crolwell caught them off-guard with his action. Crolwell will get to go again for this round, I'll consider the first punch a surprise round. ]

Ruffian 1: 5
Ruffian 2: 0
Ruffian 3: 0
Ruffian 4: 0
Oct 11, 2015 8:43 pm
With her hand on the hilt of her sword Ütés stands still and doesn't make a move. Concentrating on her circlet she'll send out three rays of fire at the non-prone men.


Attack on Ruffian #2 [+5] - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Attack on Ruffian #3 [+5] - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

Attack on Ruffian #4 [+5] - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Damage on Ruffian #2 - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Damage on Ruffian #3 - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Damage on Ruffian #4 - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Oct 11, 2015 8:50 pm
Utes scorches two of the men with bolts of flame that launch from the small gem on the center of the circlet. The third ducks the shot. As it passes the man it hits the wall behind him and a small portion of the wooden building becomes ignited.

Ruffian 1 (prone): 5
Ruffian 2: 0
Ruffian 3: 8
Ruffian 4: 4
Oct 11, 2015 8:55 pm
Aelar rushes in behind the rays of fire with Rapier drawn, stabbing at the nearest one.


Attack/Damage - (1d20+5, 1d8+3)

1d20+5 : (6) + 5 = 11

1d8+3 : (7) + 3 = 10

Oct 11, 2015 9:05 pm
As one of the burned men (#4) turns back to sneer at Utes he is met by Aelar brandishing his Rapier. The man manages to twist his way away from the blade as it stabs out towards him.

Ruffian 1 (prone): 5
Ruffian 2: 0
Ruffian 3: 8
Ruffian 4: 4
Oct 11, 2015 9:20 pm
I turn from my position at the bar and circle my left arm above my head in a now familiar pattern.

Ooc: trying to avoid Crolwell & Aelar if possible.
Last edited October 11, 2015 9:21 pm


Casting Sleep - (5d8)

(81613) = 19

Oct 11, 2015 10:04 pm
Crolwell jumps upon the table and shouts to the crowd, trying to get them involved in the fight. "My good and gentle, men and woman, that are now sitting in this tavern. As you see, these men have assalted us, attempted to hurt us, just because they loss in a simple game of cards. Stand with us now as we defeat these tyrants!"
Last edited October 12, 2015 2:47 am


Attempting to gain Allies-- Preformance - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Oct 12, 2015 2:28 am
As Xadira waves her arms through the air Crolwell's impassioned speech rings out through the tavern. Though since it is fairly early in the day still and there was only one other patron in the bar aside from the card players, the dagger member, and the bartender, little comes of it. The only other patron was a scraggly old man who was already passed out at his table.

One of the burned men begins laughing. They all break out laughing when suddenly Xadira finishes her spell and one of them slumps into the table and then onto the ground, asleep. The man still prone on the ground also has fallen asleep.

Ruffian 1 (prone) (asleep): 5
Ruffian 2: 0
Ruffian 3 (prone) (asleep): 8
Ruffian 4: 4
Oct 12, 2015 2:43 am
The member of the daggers hops over the counter of the bar and searches for a water pale, he has seen the wall start on fire and doesn't want this to become a bigger problem then it already is. He grabs a bucked with water and runs over to the end of the bar.

As the ruffians are struck by a wave of effects the one directly across the table from Crolwell (#2) slashes out with his short sword. The one engaged with Aelar (#4) tries to parry past his rapier stab. The other two snooze peacefully on the floor.

[ GM: Back to the heroes turns. ]


Ruffian #2 Attack vs Crolwell's AC - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Ruffian #2 Damage - (1d6+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Ruffian #4 Attack vs Aelar's AC - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Ruffian #4 Damage - (1d6+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

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