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Sep 8, 2018 5:46 pm
Ooh, I see! Yah, it's buggy on some phones. I don't have the software or money to test along all phones/setups :/
Sep 9, 2018 9:44 pm
Yeah, if I scroll back and forth a bit it comes back.
Sep 30, 2018 6:36 pm
Keleth says:
In the redesign, I was going to forward onto the game details once created; think the forums are a better option?

I'm also adding a "test" flag when creating a game, so that doesn't show up at all.
What about creating a "Test View" so the GM can see the game from his players' perspective to test if he / she has the Read permissions correctly? Almost like a one-time sandbox view to see if everything is setup correctly? Not sure what would be involved, but clearly useful for newbies like me that have never moderated a forum. It would have saved me a few rookie mistakes that I felt embarrassed about with my players. We have moved on, but... ooooops.
Oct 1, 2018 2:59 pm
Simkin says:
What about creating a "Test View" so the GM can see the game from his players' perspective to test if he / she has the Read permissions correctly? Almost like a one-time sandbox view to see if everything is setup correctly? Not sure what would be involved, but clearly useful for newbies like me that have never moderated a forum. It would have saved me a few rookie mistakes that I felt embarrassed about with my players. We have moved on, but... ooooops.
I've considered that before. It's quite possible I'm overthinking the problem, but I couldn't think of a simple way to do it, so it's been somewhat lower priority. However, as I do the redesign, maybe something will come to mind!

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