
Sep 9, 2018 8:20 pm
The group makes good time through the treacherous Spine of the World. A dragon escort makes all the difference when passing through territory known for difficult travel and fearsome monsters.

The weather is also surprisingly clear and warm. Perhaps as a result of Yxonumei's death, the freak storms that once plagued the mountain range seem to have been dispelled.

The journey still takes two days, but finally they feel the warm breeze that signals the outer edge of the circle of warmth provided by Kuldahar's Great Oak, and they know they are close. Then the Tree itself comes into view, and the town about its roots.

They find a crowd of smiling and waving townsfolk waiting for them, Father Tulfgyr and Halla at their head. Cheers erupt as the group arrives, and the tears fill many eyes as the abducted Kuldahari are returned to their families. Kaleel and Maegan greet their friends and loved ones, and Conlan falls to his knees to accept an enormous hug from Sheemish. Looking up at the party from over his boy's shoulder, the blacksmith mouths a silent 'thank you' between sobs of joy.

Halla, somehow standing straighter and with more presence than the last time the party saw her, wraps each of the returned heroes in an uncharacteristically warm hug. Zenithral almost feels as though the woman might deal as much damage to his ribs as Bilewing had.

Father Tulfgyr, his tattooed, wrinkled face twisted in a smile of true joy, welcomes the party back with strong backslaps and the typical old man dwarf whiskerburn.

The crowd disperses as smaller groups go their own way, but Father Tulfgyr declares that a feast is in the making.

The shadow of Nessa's death still hangs over the group, but they have to admit that it feels good to be back.
For returning the abducted villagers to Kuldahar, 3,000 XP! That puts the total at... 85,350 XP.

Which means...

LEVEL UUUUUUUP! The heroes are all now level 11. Woohoo!

Also, the party will have a chance for some nice downtime now. At least a couple of weeks, perhaps as much as a month or even two. While I get that figured out, feel free to do whatever you'd like in town. Catch up with people, sleep, whatever. Timey wimey!
Sep 9, 2018 9:13 pm
Alalla pulls Zenithral aside before they enter Kuldahar. "Did you tell Halla about your father?" She sighs at his surprised look. "You need to tell her. Like I said before, that's not the sort of information you want her learning when you're not in control of the situation."
Sep 9, 2018 9:30 pm
Alalla pauses to talk to Aeri as the groups disperse. "Ive been meaning to ask you about that orc you took with you the last time we met. How did that go? Do you know where he could be now?"
Sep 9, 2018 10:00 pm
"Oh, him?" Aeri wrinkles her nose. "I dumped him outside, like you asked. He wasn't in the best of shape, but he was alive enough when I left him." She frowns. "He wasn't acting very... well, orcy though. He just sort of sat there in the snow, staring at nothing. I had things to do, and he was just an orc, so I left him." Aeri shrugs. "For all I know, he could still be there."
Sep 9, 2018 10:09 pm
Al nods. "He was sort of in the middle of an existential crisis, I think. Would you be able to point out where you left him roughly on a map?"
Sep 9, 2018 10:20 pm
Aeri looks puzzled, but nods. "Sure! But if you want an orc I can just go get one for you. There are tens of thousands of them in these mountains."
Sep 9, 2018 10:32 pm
Alalla frowns, looking somewhat queasy. "So many..." she mutters. "Ah, no, I'm just looking for him right now. He is... special? He asked me for some help, uh, showing him how to be happy. If he's serious, I said I would. If not, he's probably out pillaging, in which case I need to put an end to it."
Sep 9, 2018 11:26 pm
Aeri shrugs. "If you say so. I wouldn't bet on an orc changing its ways though." She sighs. "I need to get back to my task. That drow... well. He isn't going to kill himself. I better get back to it." She glances at Ras. "You'll... keep an eye on him, won't you? Keep him safe? I don't like seeing him like this. Maybe if I visit later he'll be feeling better? Well... I'll keep an eye out for your orc."

Aeri gives Al a small wave, then walks to the edge of town. A moment later she becomes her magnificen dragon self, and she flies off into the sky. Even as she disappears, it seems like she keeps turning her long neck around to look back at the sad little gnome druid.
Aeri is gone, for now.
Sep 9, 2018 11:34 pm
Strong tattooed arms grab Alalla from behind and crush her in a hug. "Al! Erevain told me the news. I knew you both would see it eventually. Now. Let's make it happen, before I get any older!"

Erevain trails behind Father Tulfgyr, smiling, but also with eyes that seem just slightly too wide, as though he is feeling slightly overwhelmed by the exuberant priest.

"Well, girl? Do you want the whole town there, or just the two of you and a witness, or just your friends?"
Sep 9, 2018 11:49 pm
Ras, who has barely spoken on the return trip, feels a little better on returning to Kuldahar. At least, his body feels better. Although the group knows that he plans to bring Nessa back, he chooses to do it without them watching. It just seems better that way.

Finding a secluded spot, not too far from the Tree, Ras begins the long process of casting the spell. He has all the necessary materials, pricey though they were, including the most important one: one of Nessa's fingers. He unwraps it from a small piece of cloth and places it carefully amid the other materials. It doesn't look like much, laying there on its own. Like a prop, or a toy. It seems wrong that this is all he has of Nessa. After all they've been through, how could everything that she is (was) be presented this way? How could he have let this happen?

As Ras continues the spell, hoping that this will make things right, he notices that the body forming is all wrong. ALL wrong! That body cannot be his Nessa! Not knowing what else to do, Ras finishes the spell, secretly hoping he's made a mistake.

Finishing the spell, and suddenly exhausted, he stares at the body. He can already tell it has worked. He doesn't know what to think or how to react. Nessa as a hill dwarf? As a male hill dwarf? It just isn't right.

He starts suddenly as the confused dwarf sits up and yells, "TOMB SPIDERS?!"
Last edited September 10, 2018 12:15 am


Nessa's new bod - (1d100)

(8) = 8

Nessa's new bod - male (1) female (2) - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Sep 10, 2018 12:00 am
Alalla coughs under the hug. "Father Tulfgyr! Right now? Oh- uh-" She looks between the two men, overwhelmed herself. "How is it... usually done?"
Sep 10, 2018 12:12 am
Father Tulfgyr takes a heavy step backward, aghast. "You... you mean your parents never told you? Hmm..." He pulls his beard and taps his foot for a moment. "Well, you see, when a man and woman love each other very much, they... well... What. Do you want me to draw you a picture? You'll figure it out. If not, you can come to the Lathander fertility class I teach once a week, right after the birthing class." He shrugs. "People need to be educated."

He looks at the two of them again. "So? Tonight? We're already preparing a feast."
Sep 10, 2018 12:28 am
Alalla doesn't know whether to crawl into a hole or throttle the dwarf. "That is not the question you asked and you know it." She growls, grinding her glaive into the ground. She makes a mental note about those classes, though. They sounded interesting, if she could manage to listen in without that infernal dwarf looking smug at her.

"Tonight," she agrees, desperate to be rid of the man.
Last edited September 10, 2018 12:38 am
Sep 10, 2018 1:30 am
"Yes! It will be lovely. It's mid-morning now... Hmm. I will have everything ready by this evening. And the feast!" The old dwarf wanders off muttering to himself. "Where is my formal robe? Don't want to borrow from those Ilmatari..."
For further stuff regarding the wedding - preparation and the event itself - go to the Wedding thread. Game continues as normal here!
Sep 10, 2018 2:02 am
Standing up Fergy gives himself a patdown surprised at the various changes. Though having changed his body several times he takes to it quickly. Letting out a rather long and explicit 5 minutes of inappropriate language Fergy suddenly stops.

"Sorry, I think I was talking dwarf. I'm still getting used to the changes. Everything is so different, not bad, but different."

With a wave of his hand an image is laid over top his body. Looking and sounding like her old self, Nessa gathers together her things and leaves.

"Thanks so much for saving me AGAIN, Ras. I need to go, and figure out this new body, and my magic. I sense I can do more now. But, at least I'm still taller than you!" Nessa giggles and walks off for a bit before stopping and turning back around.

"Pssst. Did anything happen between you and Aeri after I, you know. I mean..." waggling her eyebrows "I'd be offended if you didn't at least get some sympathy snogging"
Sep 10, 2018 2:15 am
As Ras and Nessa talk, they hear a strange clanking sound followed by a muffled explosion. "Yeeeooow! Turnip-blasted contraption!" The voice is faint, but unmistakably belongs to Oswald Fiddlebender.

Following the line of smoke in the sky, they see it's coming from the airship. The odd ship looks better than last they saw it, but apparently Uncle Oswald hasn't managed to fix it yet.
Sep 10, 2018 11:53 am
As the crowd goes on its way, Halla catches Zenithral's eye. The druid seems different. As she smiles and nods at the passing villagers she seems genuinely comfortable around them, and they no longer cringe when passing too close to her. Stepping up to lead them during a time of such turmoil seems to have mended the distrust they once had for the 'witch'.

For all the smiles though, she clings to the staff in her hands - the one found in Arundel's house after his murder. A symbol of the archdruid of Kuldahar, the protector of both the Great Oak and the town, it seems to be part of her now. Has she needed to wield it to face down threats while the party has been gone?

"Zenithral! 'Tis a sign of better days to come, now that you and your friends have returned. You brought back our missing folk, there have been fewer sightings of monsters, and the weather has returned to normal! You must tell me all that you have done since you left Kuldahar."
Sep 10, 2018 2:03 pm
"I'm starting to regret agreeing to this..." Al says to Erevain, wearily watching Father Tulfgyr nearly skip away. "The wedding!" she clarifies quickly, eyes wide. "Not the marriage. Too late now though. I don't think we could stop that avalanche of a dwarf now if we wanted to." Alalla smiles at Erevain. A genuine one, if a bit overwhelmed. "Well I had better go get ready, since it sounds like tonight is going to be a whole... thing." She gives the elf a quick kiss, then flees.

On her escape route she passes Halla and Zenithral. She gives the woman a friendly wave, and the man a pointed look.
Sep 10, 2018 2:05 pm
Zenithral smiles weakly at Halla, still fatigued from the expedition. Fluphy the flumph drifts from behind him over to Halla, bouncing around her head. Seems she's taken up becoming a leader quite well, he thinks to Fluphy. Unlike a certain half-elf archer we know...

"All that we've done?" Zenithral asks. "My, my, I'm not sure I can speak for that long... Though I suppose I can offer an abridgement..."

Zenithral recounts the trip: the encounter with aeri, the yuan-ti-invested sanctuary, the journey down under, the stone giants and aeri again, the trolls, the drow merchant Nym, the zombies, and the necromancer's war journal.

When Alalla passes, Zenithral gives her a sidelong glance. I'm getting there! it said.

"That journal gave us interesting information. I don't quite understand it all, but it's all connected. All the attacks. It also revealed that the elf named Erestor, technically my father, was...'geesed'? 'greased?' I'm still not sure what that means... Perhaps I'll speak with Orrick... Anyways, he was" Zenithral takes a deep breath. "...the assassin sent to kill Arundel."
Last edited September 10, 2018 2:42 pm
Sep 10, 2018 3:36 pm
As Zenithral tells the tale, Halla ushers him to walk with her to Arundel's house - or, rather, the house that used to belong to Arundel - and invites him in.

The place has changed some in Halla's keeping. While Arundel had kept things plain, smooth, and tidy, the house seems to have grown more wild under Halla's care. The floor has a layer of fresh soil, leaves sprout from the furniture, and weaver nests line the walls. Zenithral thinks he even sees a badger curled up underneath one of the chairs.

Halla settles down at the table that seems to have grown up straight out of the Great Oak's roots. She listens intently to Zenithral's tale, fingering the two oak leaf symbols around her neck.

When Zenithral mentions Erestor, she freezes, eyes wide. For a moment she just sits there, lost for words. Zenithral somehow knows that the events of that night are replaying themselves in her mind. "I... your father. Your father killed Arundel!" Her eyes flash, and Zenithral is also reminded of that night, and how Halla had nearly lost herself in that primal fury. The table beneath her hands darkens, thorns growing up between her fingers.

She meets Zenithral's eyes and he sees that though this woman has become more comfortable in town, the wild has not left her heart. Something in his eyes makes her take a deep breath, however, and she lets the air out slowly.

"Where is he?"
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