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Sep 9, 2018 8:20 pm
The group makes good time through the treacherous Spine of the World. A dragon escort makes all the difference when passing through territory known for difficult travel and fearsome monsters.

The weather is also surprisingly clear and warm. Perhaps as a result of Yxonumei's death, the freak storms that once plagued the mountain range seem to have been dispelled.

The journey still takes two days, but finally they feel the warm breeze that signals the outer edge of the circle of warmth provided by Kuldahar's Great Oak, and they know they are close. Then the Tree itself comes into view, and the town about its roots.

They find a crowd of smiling and waving townsfolk waiting for them, Father Tulfgyr and Halla at their head. Cheers erupt as the group arrives, and the tears fill many eyes as the abducted Kuldahari are returned to their families. Kaleel and Maegan greet their friends and loved ones, and Conlan falls to his knees to accept an enormous hug from Sheemish. Looking up at the party from over his boy's shoulder, the blacksmith mouths a silent 'thank you' between sobs of joy.

Halla, somehow standing straighter and with more presence than the last time the party saw her, wraps each of the returned heroes in an uncharacteristically warm hug. Zenithral almost feels as though the woman might deal as much damage to his ribs as Bilewing had.

Father Tulfgyr, his tattooed, wrinkled face twisted in a smile of true joy, welcomes the party back with strong backslaps and the typical old man dwarf whiskerburn.

The crowd disperses as smaller groups go their own way, but Father Tulfgyr declares that a feast is in the making.

The shadow of Nessa's death still hangs over the group, but they have to admit that it feels good to be back.
For returning the abducted villagers to Kuldahar, 3,000 XP! That puts the total at... 85,350 XP.

Which means...

LEVEL UUUUUUUP! The heroes are all now level 11. Woohoo!

Also, the party will have a chance for some nice downtime now. At least a couple of weeks, perhaps as much as a month or even two. While I get that figured out, feel free to do whatever you'd like in town. Catch up with people, sleep, whatever. Timey wimey!
Sep 9, 2018 9:13 pm
Alalla pulls Zenithral aside before they enter Kuldahar. "Did you tell Halla about your father?" She sighs at his surprised look. "You need to tell her. Like I said before, that's not the sort of information you want her learning when you're not in control of the situation."
Sep 9, 2018 9:30 pm
Alalla pauses to talk to Aeri as the groups disperse. "Ive been meaning to ask you about that orc you took with you the last time we met. How did that go? Do you know where he could be now?"
Sep 9, 2018 10:00 pm
"Oh, him?" Aeri wrinkles her nose. "I dumped him outside, like you asked. He wasn't in the best of shape, but he was alive enough when I left him." She frowns. "He wasn't acting very... well, orcy though. He just sort of sat there in the snow, staring at nothing. I had things to do, and he was just an orc, so I left him." Aeri shrugs. "For all I know, he could still be there."
Sep 9, 2018 10:09 pm
Al nods. "He was sort of in the middle of an existential crisis, I think. Would you be able to point out where you left him roughly on a map?"
Sep 9, 2018 10:20 pm
Aeri looks puzzled, but nods. "Sure! But if you want an orc I can just go get one for you. There are tens of thousands of them in these mountains."
Sep 9, 2018 10:32 pm
Alalla frowns, looking somewhat queasy. "So many..." she mutters. "Ah, no, I'm just looking for him right now. He is... special? He asked me for some help, uh, showing him how to be happy. If he's serious, I said I would. If not, he's probably out pillaging, in which case I need to put an end to it."
Sep 9, 2018 11:26 pm
Aeri shrugs. "If you say so. I wouldn't bet on an orc changing its ways though." She sighs. "I need to get back to my task. That drow... well. He isn't going to kill himself. I better get back to it." She glances at Ras. "You'll... keep an eye on him, won't you? Keep him safe? I don't like seeing him like this. Maybe if I visit later he'll be feeling better? Well... I'll keep an eye out for your orc."

Aeri gives Al a small wave, then walks to the edge of town. A moment later she becomes her magnificen dragon self, and she flies off into the sky. Even as she disappears, it seems like she keeps turning her long neck around to look back at the sad little gnome druid.
Aeri is gone, for now.
Sep 9, 2018 11:34 pm
Strong tattooed arms grab Alalla from behind and crush her in a hug. "Al! Erevain told me the news. I knew you both would see it eventually. Now. Let's make it happen, before I get any older!"

Erevain trails behind Father Tulfgyr, smiling, but also with eyes that seem just slightly too wide, as though he is feeling slightly overwhelmed by the exuberant priest.

"Well, girl? Do you want the whole town there, or just the two of you and a witness, or just your friends?"
Sep 9, 2018 11:49 pm
Ras, who has barely spoken on the return trip, feels a little better on returning to Kuldahar. At least, his body feels better. Although the group knows that he plans to bring Nessa back, he chooses to do it without them watching. It just seems better that way.

Finding a secluded spot, not too far from the Tree, Ras begins the long process of casting the spell. He has all the necessary materials, pricey though they were, including the most important one: one of Nessa's fingers. He unwraps it from a small piece of cloth and places it carefully amid the other materials. It doesn't look like much, laying there on its own. Like a prop, or a toy. It seems wrong that this is all he has of Nessa. After all they've been through, how could everything that she is (was) be presented this way? How could he have let this happen?

As Ras continues the spell, hoping that this will make things right, he notices that the body forming is all wrong. ALL wrong! That body cannot be his Nessa! Not knowing what else to do, Ras finishes the spell, secretly hoping he's made a mistake.

Finishing the spell, and suddenly exhausted, he stares at the body. He can already tell it has worked. He doesn't know what to think or how to react. Nessa as a hill dwarf? As a male hill dwarf? It just isn't right.

He starts suddenly as the confused dwarf sits up and yells, "TOMB SPIDERS?!"
Last edited September 10, 2018 12:15 am


Nessa's new bod - (1d100)

(8) = 8

Nessa's new bod - male (1) female (2) - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Sep 10, 2018 12:00 am
Alalla coughs under the hug. "Father Tulfgyr! Right now? Oh- uh-" She looks between the two men, overwhelmed herself. "How is it... usually done?"
Sep 10, 2018 12:12 am
Father Tulfgyr takes a heavy step backward, aghast. "You... you mean your parents never told you? Hmm..." He pulls his beard and taps his foot for a moment. "Well, you see, when a man and woman love each other very much, they... well... What. Do you want me to draw you a picture? You'll figure it out. If not, you can come to the Lathander fertility class I teach once a week, right after the birthing class." He shrugs. "People need to be educated."

He looks at the two of them again. "So? Tonight? We're already preparing a feast."
Sep 10, 2018 12:28 am
Alalla doesn't know whether to crawl into a hole or throttle the dwarf. "That is not the question you asked and you know it." She growls, grinding her glaive into the ground. She makes a mental note about those classes, though. They sounded interesting, if she could manage to listen in without that infernal dwarf looking smug at her.

"Tonight," she agrees, desperate to be rid of the man.
Last edited September 10, 2018 12:38 am
Sep 10, 2018 1:30 am
"Yes! It will be lovely. It's mid-morning now... Hmm. I will have everything ready by this evening. And the feast!" The old dwarf wanders off muttering to himself. "Where is my formal robe? Don't want to borrow from those Ilmatari..."
For further stuff regarding the wedding - preparation and the event itself - go to the Wedding thread. Game continues as normal here!
Sep 10, 2018 2:02 am
Standing up Fergy gives himself a patdown surprised at the various changes. Though having changed his body several times he takes to it quickly. Letting out a rather long and explicit 5 minutes of inappropriate language Fergy suddenly stops.

"Sorry, I think I was talking dwarf. I'm still getting used to the changes. Everything is so different, not bad, but different."

With a wave of his hand an image is laid over top his body. Looking and sounding like her old self, Nessa gathers together her things and leaves.

"Thanks so much for saving me AGAIN, Ras. I need to go, and figure out this new body, and my magic. I sense I can do more now. But, at least I'm still taller than you!" Nessa giggles and walks off for a bit before stopping and turning back around.

"Pssst. Did anything happen between you and Aeri after I, you know. I mean..." waggling her eyebrows "I'd be offended if you didn't at least get some sympathy snogging"
Sep 10, 2018 2:15 am
As Ras and Nessa talk, they hear a strange clanking sound followed by a muffled explosion. "Yeeeooow! Turnip-blasted contraption!" The voice is faint, but unmistakably belongs to Oswald Fiddlebender.

Following the line of smoke in the sky, they see it's coming from the airship. The odd ship looks better than last they saw it, but apparently Uncle Oswald hasn't managed to fix it yet.
Sep 10, 2018 11:53 am
As the crowd goes on its way, Halla catches Zenithral's eye. The druid seems different. As she smiles and nods at the passing villagers she seems genuinely comfortable around them, and they no longer cringe when passing too close to her. Stepping up to lead them during a time of such turmoil seems to have mended the distrust they once had for the 'witch'.

For all the smiles though, she clings to the staff in her hands - the one found in Arundel's house after his murder. A symbol of the archdruid of Kuldahar, the protector of both the Great Oak and the town, it seems to be part of her now. Has she needed to wield it to face down threats while the party has been gone?

"Zenithral! 'Tis a sign of better days to come, now that you and your friends have returned. You brought back our missing folk, there have been fewer sightings of monsters, and the weather has returned to normal! You must tell me all that you have done since you left Kuldahar."
Sep 10, 2018 2:03 pm
"I'm starting to regret agreeing to this..." Al says to Erevain, wearily watching Father Tulfgyr nearly skip away. "The wedding!" she clarifies quickly, eyes wide. "Not the marriage. Too late now though. I don't think we could stop that avalanche of a dwarf now if we wanted to." Alalla smiles at Erevain. A genuine one, if a bit overwhelmed. "Well I had better go get ready, since it sounds like tonight is going to be a whole... thing." She gives the elf a quick kiss, then flees.

On her escape route she passes Halla and Zenithral. She gives the woman a friendly wave, and the man a pointed look.
Sep 10, 2018 2:05 pm
Zenithral smiles weakly at Halla, still fatigued from the expedition. Fluphy the flumph drifts from behind him over to Halla, bouncing around her head. Seems she's taken up becoming a leader quite well, he thinks to Fluphy. Unlike a certain half-elf archer we know...

"All that we've done?" Zenithral asks. "My, my, I'm not sure I can speak for that long... Though I suppose I can offer an abridgement..."

Zenithral recounts the trip: the encounter with aeri, the yuan-ti-invested sanctuary, the journey down under, the stone giants and aeri again, the trolls, the drow merchant Nym, the zombies, and the necromancer's war journal.

When Alalla passes, Zenithral gives her a sidelong glance. I'm getting there! it said.

"That journal gave us interesting information. I don't quite understand it all, but it's all connected. All the attacks. It also revealed that the elf named Erestor, technically my father, was...'geesed'? 'greased?' I'm still not sure what that means... Perhaps I'll speak with Orrick... Anyways, he was" Zenithral takes a deep breath. "...the assassin sent to kill Arundel."
Last edited September 10, 2018 2:42 pm
Sep 10, 2018 3:36 pm
As Zenithral tells the tale, Halla ushers him to walk with her to Arundel's house - or, rather, the house that used to belong to Arundel - and invites him in.

The place has changed some in Halla's keeping. While Arundel had kept things plain, smooth, and tidy, the house seems to have grown more wild under Halla's care. The floor has a layer of fresh soil, leaves sprout from the furniture, and weaver nests line the walls. Zenithral thinks he even sees a badger curled up underneath one of the chairs.

Halla settles down at the table that seems to have grown up straight out of the Great Oak's roots. She listens intently to Zenithral's tale, fingering the two oak leaf symbols around her neck.

When Zenithral mentions Erestor, she freezes, eyes wide. For a moment she just sits there, lost for words. Zenithral somehow knows that the events of that night are replaying themselves in her mind. "I... your father. Your father killed Arundel!" Her eyes flash, and Zenithral is also reminded of that night, and how Halla had nearly lost herself in that primal fury. The table beneath her hands darkens, thorns growing up between her fingers.

She meets Zenithral's eyes and he sees that though this woman has become more comfortable in town, the wild has not left her heart. Something in his eyes makes her take a deep breath, however, and she lets the air out slowly.

"Where is he?"
Sep 10, 2018 7:51 pm
It wasn’t enough Ug thinks as he stars into the large empty glass mug. The bar had been somewhat rebuilt after the Orog assault, enough that Ug was able to sit secluded as much of the village was still celebrating. His chills and fevers were still there, hidden under his muscular form. Ras healing hadn’t made them go away. They stayed there as a constant reminder of what he had faced.

Ug, son of Nancy, had faced evil in the eyes, used every ounce of barbaric strength he had, and had failed. He had been beaten, left for dead, and his friend butchered before him.

It wasn’t enough For all Ug could do, his strength and his determination, For all his talk of cherishing being a barbarian, Ug was not enough. He wasn’t enough to save so many of his friends.

That power he witnessed in the dragons lair. He had trouble remembering it, but yet . . . It had left an impression as solid as the clearest memory. Ug had had no chance. Nessa has had no chance. Nothing they could have done could have been enough.

We can’t win The confession was so logical and obvious. They lose so much every time they gain so little. They will not ever succeed as they are now. They have no chance.

As we are now . . . Ug again feels the chill crawl through him. He curses and slams the glass mug down and it breaks into ice-like shards on the countertop.

He needed to find Zenithral.
Last edited September 10, 2018 7:53 pm
Sep 10, 2018 8:05 pm
"Believe me," Zenithral tells Halla darkly. "If I knew the answer to that, he'd already have half a dozen arrows though him. I don't know, but we might be able to deduce where he may be...He was last underground to the dragon Bikewing's lair—whom we slayed by the way—Erestor killed Erevain to save his own skin from giant spiders. I just need some time...and perhaps a powerful spell or two." He sighs. "But until then, I'm not sure there's much to be done."
Sep 10, 2018 10:02 pm
Halla's gaze drifts towards the open door, to the lawn where Arundel's throat had been slit. "That man owes Kuldahar, the Great Oak, and all of the North a debt. If you find him, I ask that you bring him to me." Her voice is hard, like an axe splitting a sapling.

She sighs, then looks down to finger the oak leaves again. "I have been praying." Some of the edge leaves her voice, but Zenithral can also hear the emotion beneath the surface. "I... I would not have made the effort, but people I trust have encouraged me to give religion a chance."

The woman looks about to say more, but then Ug appears in the doorway. Halla makes to snatch up her nearby staff, but when she sees it is Ug she relaxes and offers the goliath a smile. In the past she always seemed to refer to Ug as an idiot, but now her smile seems genuine. "Welcome, Ug. Is there something I can help you with?"
Sep 10, 2018 10:53 pm
Though determined as he walked in, Ug pauses as he sees his two friends were in a discussion. He holds his hands out, palms up in a pleading gesture.

"Ug needs help from friends," he says shakily, "Ug needs flumphy, Ug needs memories of battle" he looks down sorrowfully, "Ug does not understand"
Last edited September 10, 2018 11:12 pm
Sep 10, 2018 11:50 pm
Halla stands. "You are welcome to use my home, Ug. You should find it comfortable enough. I suppose I should go see what can be done for the wedding." She shrugs. "'Tis an antequated tradition, marriage, but if it brings Alalla happiness I shan't dismiss hers out of hand." She gives Zenithral a small wave, then pats Ug on then shoulder and leaves.
Sep 11, 2018 1:22 am
Uncle Oswald is happy to have Ras around the airship again. While Ras is there, the older gnome keeps up his usual steady babble.

"...so many adventures, Young Rastix! Snakes and lizards and trolls and demons and dragons! You know, when I was a young gnome I caught a snake once. Thought it would make a fun trick to pull on your Uncle Pwiskies. He's actually from the Copperbottom side of the family, you see, and they're all terrified of snakes - every gnome of them! So I stuffed it in his pillowcase, right next to his stash of turnips....

...and that's how I accidentally kissed your Cousin Nanfoodle. I couldn't smell straight for a month! Always remember to wash your...

...really is a lot of work keeping up this old ship. Not that it's old, mind you. Why, she's only been in the family for three-and-a-quarter generations. Still, if I can't get her up and running again, she'll just be a... hmm. I don't know what you'd call her. But she really should be in the sky. I just can't get her fixed all by myself! Maybe with help from you and your friends we can get her sailing the skies again... Yes, that would be nice...

... I say, I must have dozed off there. Hmm, I promised that old dwarf I would bring extra juice to the party tonight. Seems to be a local favorite! No trick to it at all, just add some extra turnip oil to pretty much anything...

...What's the matter, boy? I haven't seen you so glum since your pet frog took a nosedive over the rail that one time."
Sep 11, 2018 1:29 pm
Flumphy dissapears like a soap bubble popping and a startled Fergy takes its place.

"Oh, hey Ug. I didn't know you were going to be here. You need flumphy? I was just borrowing him....for whatever reason you were too."

Fergy pulls Flumphy out from under his cloak. "Umm here you go, maybe it can help us jog each others memories?"
Last edited September 11, 2018 1:30 pm
Sep 11, 2018 1:45 pm
Zenithral steps up to Ug and claps one of his big, Goliath hands, looking proudly up at him. "I hope you know, Ug, just how—"

And then Fergy appears.

Zenithral drops his arms, tilts his head back slightly and silently moans.

"Well, it would certainly give us some much-needed answers, but I don't want to make Fluphy do anything he doesn't want to do. You'll likely need to feed him something pleasant first—a happy memory—then he might be willing to delve into the less pleasant ones. Zenithral looks at Fluphy. Well? What do you think?
Sep 11, 2018 4:39 pm
Ug reaches inside himself for a memory. The layers of tiredness and pain were still there, but underneath . . .

Mamas birthday! Ug didn’t know how old she was because mama gnomes live forever, but he wanted to surprise her. Ug was a proud member of the Junior Gnomes Of Bakery Mastery and had prepared a very special birthday cake for mama. It was slightly tilted, some of the frosting over flowing on one side, but he made it special. With two hand prints in it for hugs, and his lip marks on it where he pressed his face in and left a kiss for her, Ug woke her in the morning with the best present he could make. She laughed and gave him the biggest hug. Hers were the best and warmest hugs . . .
Last edited September 11, 2018 4:45 pm
Sep 11, 2018 5:06 pm
Ras is content to listen (or not listen, as is often the case with Oswald), but he doesn't feel like talking. What is he supposed to say? That he let his best friend die? That he could barely save the rest of them? That things are getting worse no matter what they do? He's just supposed to be happy and party the night away? How can the rest of them just push all this heaviness aside? They must be stronger than him. Stronger than a little gnome.

He shrugs at Oswald and helps him gather the jugs of juice for the party. "Turnip oil?" he asks, knowing that will be all it takes to set Oswald off again.
Sep 11, 2018 5:18 pm
Happy memories...happy memories....


Fergy plops the flying squid on his head and intertwines some tentacles with his beard. Then he thinks back to when he was a she and flying on the airship with Ras before they met the party.

(Nessa):"So, Ras, you listen to your Uncle way more than I do. Do you happen to know what that big pretty red button does in the engine room?"
(Ras):Has a thoughtful face for a bit then replies, "It's supposed to eject the engine in case of an emergency, but it hasn't worked in years, so right now all it does is overload the engine and cause a core shutdown, or something like that".

(Nessa):"They really should label something like that..."
A concussive wave washes over them knocking everyone unconscious for a few seconds. After that the only thing Nessa can hear is a ringing. Shaking her head, sounds and colors start coming back. The ship was falling out of the sky! Nessa looks over the railing only to see the ground still so far away. Grinning she let's go of the railing and jumps up just a little holding her arms outstretched. She's now falling at the same rate as the ship, but it feels like she's flying. The thrill overcomes her. The freedom of not being stuck at home under her parents' gaze. This is life! This is freedom! I love this!
With that final feeling a vine shoots out of the ship and grabs Nessa and pulls her back down to the ship. Wow she was further away from the ship than she thought! Then they're both wrapped in soft leafy vines just in time before they crash.
Good ol' Ras, always saving her.
Last edited September 11, 2018 5:23 pm
Sep 11, 2018 9:02 pm
Fluphy toots over to Ug first and nestled in on the goliath's shoulder, tentacles gently stroking the marbled colorations on Ug's skin. As it drinks in Ug's memory of mama, the flumphs seems to breathe deeply and sigh, the air coming out in a series of contented flatulence. For Ug's part, he can feel the memory of mama come back clear and crisp: the feeling of frosting on his hands and face, her warm hug. Her voice... "Oh my handsome boy... you always give the best 'ugs'!" Laughter and tickles ensue...

Full up on that happy memory, Fluphy waddles lazily through the air over to Fergy. It lets out a nervous 'squooo!' at the dwarf's treatment of its tentacles, but eventually snuggles in for another treat. As it is barraged by the sensation of hurtling through the sky, the flumph emits a much more frightened warble and politely declines that memory by ripping out some of Fergy's beard.

Fluphy is hesitant to continue helping the two, but at Zenithral's gentle urging it hovers in the air between Ug and Fergy, a tendril on each of their cheeks. For a few short moments, they each have a vague impression of Fluphy sorting through their memories, looking for memories they have in common. There aren't many.

But there is that one. Despair. An utter lack of hope. Burning eyes, and terrible power...

Poquelin's lightning bolt throws Nessa into one wall of the tunnel, where she lands with a splash in the water. She drags herself to her feet and casts a powerful spell just as Ug's hammer smashes once, twice into Poquelin - but though the priest staggers there is no crunch of bone.

The priest turns, eyes burning and flesh warping. He speaks a thunderous word of power that strikes fear into the heroes' hearts, and then the very air around him electrifies. Though they try to resist, that despair makes them question the point of their existence, and they react too slowly.

Nessa is blasted again against a wall, and her eyes roll up into her head. Ug tries to reach her, but Poquelin suddenly swells in size, his robes falling to the soggy ground. The priest - not a priest - has dark red skin engorged with taut muscles that make Ug look like a child by comparison. Sharp teeth dig into Ug's shoulder, and he feels a terrible fire run through every vein in his body.

Nessa dimly sees Ug fall to his knees, overcome by otherworldly poison. As Poquelin turns to her, she notices dark folds of skin on his back - could those be wings? Then Poquelin hoists the tiefling up with one meaty hand around her throat. "Dragon? No. His voice is thick and growling. "Dragons care for nothing beyond their hoard, and I do so much more for the multiverse - like exterminate your loathsome kind, spawnling." With a bellowing shriek and a violent surge of muscle, Nessa becomes a wet smear.

The last thing Ug's mind comprehends is Poquelin calmly picking up his robe and vanishing in a ripple of light.

Fluphy trembles and toots away from the two, squirming so quickly through the air that it tumbles upside down - and drops uncononscious to the floor. It doesn't seem to be injured however.
Sep 11, 2018 9:42 pm
"Fluphy!!" Zenithral hurries to its aid, flipping it right-side up and holding it. "I'm sorry...are you alright?" Zenithral's eyes look pained. He looks to Ug and Fergy. "Well, what was it?"
Sep 11, 2018 10:14 pm
Nessa tries to remember all she can about beings like pookie.


Int check for knowledge - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Sep 12, 2018 12:08 am
Ug mutters almost incoherently as flumphy opens images, but Zenni is able to make out the words "Lightning . . . Dark . . . Red . . . Wings . . . Fear. . . Blood . . . MY FRIEND! . . . NESSA! Flumphy pulls away as Ug jerks awake.
Last edited September 12, 2018 12:11 am
Sep 12, 2018 1:31 am
Straining her memory of that time spent in the void, Nessa understands that Revered Brother Poquelin is, in reality, a Baatezu.
More on this in the Lore thread. 300 points to Gryffindor! I mean, 300 XP! Brings us up to 85,650 XP total.
Sep 12, 2018 2:21 am
The party is relieved to have some time to rest from their many adventures, but they cannot shake the feeling that evil yet lurks in the North. The Heartstone Gem may be of use, but so far Ras has had no real luck in learning to use it.

Normally the snows blocking the passes would not melt for months yet, but with the strange changes the weather has undergone makes it difficult to say. It certainly seems to be getting warmer, and perhaps the snows will melt early. And so the party decides to enjoy their reprieve and wait to see what the weather decides.
Since everything is officially tied up in the Wedding thread, we can really open up the timey-wimey-ness here in the main thread. You've got got at least a couple of weeks of time to kill. Some things people have mentioned they want to do:

Research - Learn more about a thing! The Heartstone Gem, the Blood War, the nature of flumphs, whatever. The Temple of Ilmater may have some religious texts, Arundel/Halla's House might have some druid lore, and Orrick's tower has decently extensive library for history and arcane matters.

Buy stuff - better armor/equipment?

Chat with folk around town - get caught up on their lives, maybe help train villagers or boost morale?

Training - want to learn a skill/tool/language? It'll cost some $, but it's doable.

Multiclass/cool stuffs - if there's something neat your character is developing mechanically, you can write about the circumstances that it happens and how you're adjusting to it.

Look for Keggy - some brief scouting forays into the mountains.

Make/buy a magic item - tricky! No guarantees, but if you want something specific you'll have to clear whatever it is with me (open to stuff outside of the DMG) and we'll decide on $. Also, you may need to convince Orrick and/or Conlan to help.

Help fix the airship - wouldn't it be cool to have a flying base! If you want it up and working, it'll cost some $$$.

Other stuff? Go for it!
Sep 12, 2018 6:34 am
With each passing day, the village of kuldahar continues to brighten and its people grow with hope. And each night Ug fights off nightmares and chills. He fights them in his sleep only to wake feeling almost as exhausted as he did in the caverns beneath the spine. And the worst part was that none of his friends seemed to share the same burden. Except one- little ras, Ugs fellow gnome. Ugs poor friend often looked as tired and angry as Ug felt. Maybe, just maybe, they could help each other out. And Ug knew the best way to try.

Ug invites ras to what might or might not be a drinking contest at the tavern.
Last edited September 12, 2018 11:47 am
Sep 12, 2018 1:56 pm
Ras goes through the motions with his daily tasks. He helps Oswald, he communes with nature, he checks on his friends as best he can. He tries to avoid "Fergy", the weird dwarf who is and is not Nessa. Watching Fergy run around with the children, healing people whenever he suits his fancy, leaves Ras feeling empty. Obviously Fergy is a better healer. Maybe the group doesn't need Ras anymore?

After some time, he finds himself thinking more and more about the Heartstone Gem. Sometimes he just stares at it for hours. He decides to learn as much as he can about it, since he has the time.

One night, Ug asks him to have a drink. Ras is not usually one to frequent drinking establishments, but he finds himself drawn to Ug, thinking that Ug might understand how Ras is feeling. Ras does not consume nearly as much drink as Ug, but finds himself lowering his barriers a little.
Last edited September 12, 2018 2:01 pm


History check on gem - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Sep 12, 2018 3:02 pm
Alalla and Erevain return to Kuldahar late one night some time after the wedding. The first to see them are Ras and Zenithral, who are discretely intercepted on their way to bed.

"I need your help," Alalla says as she pulls a black case from her pack. She has led them a fair way out of town. "I need you to help me... install this." She opens it briefly to show them the strange black sapphire that is Valraxxaxath's heart, glinting in the moonlight.
Sep 12, 2018 3:11 pm
"Install the dragonheart?" Zenithral asks incredulously. "Alalla, I'm no surgeon; certainly one of the priests would know more about medical procedures than I. I'll offer moral support if that's what you'd like though. Also, I highly recommend you have someone who can sense desecrated or cursed items. I'm not certain something like this can be trusted."
Last edited September 12, 2018 3:19 pm
Sep 12, 2018 3:16 pm
"Oh, it's cursed," Al says nonchalantly, "but it's not like I can just swap it out whenever I want to, anyway. It's worth the risk." She closes the lid of the case. "Please, Zenithral. You have healing magic. You can help Ras. This is all magical bizarreness anyway. It should be easier than surgery." Zenithral isn't sure who she is trying to convince with her words. "I want you two to do it. If you won't agree, will priests?"
Last edited September 12, 2018 3:58 pm
Sep 12, 2018 3:28 pm
Erevain holds up a hand. "Please, this is something we have discussed for weeks already. You are the two we have decided to trust."
Sep 12, 2018 4:08 pm
Ras is wary about the whole situation, but looking at Al's face, he nods. Maybe she needs this. Maybe she knows exactly what she's doing. Maybe not. But she came to him, and that means so much.
Sep 12, 2018 4:16 pm
"Thank you, Ras," Alalla says with relief. "This will help me to protect everyone. I haven't forgotten what Poquelin did to Nessa and Ug." She turns to Zenithral. "Please."
Last edited September 12, 2018 4:17 pm
Sep 12, 2018 4:17 pm
Ras sits at a table with Ug, the goliath towering over him. The drink in front of him is tall enough that it's a bit of a struggle to drink while Ras is sitting. He kneels on the seat to get a little bit of height.

Ug is apparently a drink or two in already and is acting his usual boistrous self, although Ras can tell it's partly an act. The barbarian's eyes don't twinkle like they used to.

He's not sure if the goliath wants to party or talk or some combination, but for once it actually feels nice for Ras to be around people. His drink has little effect on him, and it doesn't taste particularly good, but it's comforting nonetheless.
Sep 12, 2018 4:22 pm
Fergy's pride took a bigger hit with his death than his body. Ok, well maybe not THAT bad, but still. Fergy's physically fine now, but still upset over the whole thing. Seeing as how he can now do cleric magic, and is already the best infiltrator he knows, Fergy puts his unique talents to the test.

Walking up to the temple dressed, as himself, Fergy approaches Brother Ferg.

"Hello! I don't believe I have had the pleasure. My name is Fergy. I may not look it in these clothes, but I'm also a priest of Ilmater. I'm traveling with some friends you see, and was hoping I could be of use around here. I'm particularly adept at the sacred healing magics that com from Ilmater."


Deception - I'm totally a priest guy! - (1d20+8)

(1) + 8 = 9

Sep 12, 2018 6:45 pm
"So you want me to kill you, rip out your heart and replace it with a cursed one that was torn from an evil dragon and ritually prepared by an unbelievably powerful devil, the mastermind manipulator behind all the deaths we've encountered since Easthaven." Zenithral laughs.

"Alalla, my dear, I don't think you've thought this through at all. Nes—...Fergy said devils are infamous for making deals and corrupting those they forge agreements with. Does it not occur to you that this could be a bad idea, part of his plan? Do you want to end up like Jhonen?" His demeanor turns harsh and determined, as if speaking from experience. "It may extend your lifespan and may prevent your life from belonging to the one-eyed god, but I'd bet my life that it won't being to you." He turns to leave. "So no, I won't do it. Please don't do it."
Sep 12, 2018 6:51 pm
As Fergy approaches the temple doors he is reminded of the night that Kuldahar was attacked by orogs. Much of the town had found shelter here in the Temple of Ilmater, after the heroes had cleared away the orcs trying to break down the front door. The wood still bears scars from that night.

Finding the door unlocked, Fergy let's himself in. The place is quiet - quite possibly too quiet - but the dwarf is too involved in going over his cover story to pay much attention.

Then he finds a body: Brother Ferg, lying in a pool of his own blood, his head caved in. What IS it about temples and murdered priests always just laying around for anyone to step on.

When a scream sounds behind him, Fergy wonders why it always happens to him.
Sep 12, 2018 6:52 pm
Fergy turns to see Natalie by the door, staring in horror, eyes flicking between him and the body, one hand covering her mouth. "Murder!" She turns to run.
Sep 12, 2018 7:22 pm
"My life has never belonged to me!" Al snaps, darting around Zenithral to make him face her. She takes a deep breath before continuing more softly. "And this isn't about Gruumsh. It's about Poquelin. I don't know why he keeps offering me deals but I've never accepted, even when I trusted him. Maybe he thinks these acts of 'good faith' will win me over but it's not going to work. I've been fighting the persuasions of a god my whole life; I can handle Poquelin's.

What I can't handle is Poquelin directly. Any moment he can decide that he's done with our meddling and just show up and splatter us the length of the Spine.

Forget Jhonen,"
she spits. "Do you want to end up like Nessa? Maybe you won't get to come back."

Al pushes down the anger and continues more reasonably. "Our victory here is going to be short-lived if we can't keep fighting. This heart will make me stronger. Maybe it will help me fight Gruumsh too, but right now, it's the only thing I can think of that will help me to defend the North. If I even pretend to care about these people, I have to do it."

Alalla looks Zenithral in the eye. "So, Zenithral, my dear. I never said it was a good idea, but do you have a better one?"
Last edited September 12, 2018 7:43 pm
Sep 12, 2018 7:46 pm
Zenithral's face pains with her retorts. "N-n-no. I...don't... Other than to keep doing what we've been doing, I mean.
..Which has worked. It's just..."
Zenithral sighs. "That's what my mother wanted: a way to make her stronger, a way to make me stronger. She made a deal with...something...and was never the same,"

Zenithral pauses, thinking. A leader has to make the tough calls. You did vote for her. That means you need to let her.

"But if you're going to do this, please don't make me do it. Dok's surprisingly well-versed in medicine and magic. He might be able to help you better than I."
Last edited September 12, 2018 7:48 pm
Sep 12, 2018 7:58 pm
Al's face softens. "I'm sorry, Zenithral. I can't imagine. I'm not making any deals, but there's just too much at stake here to give up this opportunity. More than me. More than you."

She sighs. "I couldn't make you if I wanted to, but are you sure you won't help? Ras will be doing most of it. He just needs backup. Besides, I can't get Dok now. I need this done now before Nessa catches wind. There's a reason we arrived when we did."
Last edited September 12, 2018 10:38 pm
Sep 12, 2018 8:06 pm
At the mention of Nessa, Ras feels his face turn red. Whether it's embarrassment or anger, he is unsure. He would do anything to prevent something like that happening again.
Sep 12, 2018 8:28 pm
Fergy looks around confused at the mention of murder. "Murder?!?!?". Finally looking down from his practiced speach Fergy's eyes widen and he screams and points at the woman who came in. "Did you murder him? I didn't murder him. Quick go get the guard so we can find the killer." Fergy bends over to touch the body and see if he's been dead for less than a minute.
Last edited September 12, 2018 8:30 pm


Persuasion - I didn't kill him promise! - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Investigation check to see if dead within minute and can revivify him - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Sep 12, 2018 10:24 pm
With his companions busy with their own tasks, Ras finds plenty of time to research the Heartstone Gem. He digs deeper into the dusty times in Arundel's house, and even manages to get his hands on some of Orrick's history books.

He is reading through one such book in his cabin on the airship when he comes across a reference to an elven city located somewhere in the Spine of the World. While it doesn't give a location, it does mention the resident archmage - a powerful elf named Larrel.

This brings to mind a passage from one of Arundel's books, and he quickly flips through an old journal that once belonged to Tolben, a past archdruid - and there on a yellowed page are the intriguing words:

I firmly believe that it is through community that we find our truest potential realized. What would the bees accomplish with no hive to unify them? The bees would fail, and the flowers would follow, and the world would be less. How can we believe that we are not to be involved with the world? Imagine, if you will, what we could accomplish with such a noble and wise collaborator as Larrel of the elves? That is one true soul who is both honorable and capable. Look at all that his people have accomplished with the dwarves of Dorn's Deep! Larrel himself used our greatest artifact, the Heartstone Gem, and worked with it wonders that impressed us all. Let all come and grow in the shade of Kuldahar, and together we will learn of the greatness within each.

As Ras considers the time period in which the journal is set, he realizes it is more than possible that this Larrel still lives. The lifetime of a gnome can span many centuries, and an elf much more so. If Larrel can be found, he may be able to teach Ras how to use it properly, or use it himself to learn more of the evil that plagues the land.


The Gem on the mantle glows with a healthy red light... beckoning Ras? He touches the Gem, and the gnome's vision swims as he communes with it more deeply than before. He feels it search his mind for that name... Larrel. Then it moves on and makes another connection: a city that rises from the ground, towers reaching upward like fingers from an outstretched hand. Ras has seen this before, from high up on the airship.

The surrounding mountain range blurs in Ras' mind as the Heartstone Gem whips his consciousness back to Kuldahar, in the blink of an eye supplying him with directions to the elven city - and the teacher who might be waiting there.
Sep 12, 2018 10:47 pm
Natalie pauses for just a moment. "We don't have a town guard! But we've got something better. I'll get Halla!" She dashes out the door.

In the meantime, Fergy is fairly certain the priest has been dead for a while.
Sep 12, 2018 10:50 pm
A feel minutes later Natalie returns with Kuldahar's druid guardian. Halla moves into the temple with a predator's gait, nostrils flaring as she takes in the scent of blood.

She looks at Brother Ferg, then at Fergy, her glare hard as ironbark. "I know you, Nessa. None of your tricks. What happened here?"
Sep 13, 2018 12:00 am
Looking around at the deja-vous around him Fergy sighs and seems to deflate a bit.
"Honestly? A devil posing as a priest of Ilmater killed me recently. I'm sure you heard. And, well I showed up to infiltrate them too, it seemed like a good way to gain their trust and information. Well when I got here to offer my services, well this is what I found. I checked the body. He seems to have died a while ago otherwise I would try to bring him back. Thankfully, this nice lady happened in on us and went to go get you. I decided to stay with the body, because the last time I stumbled across a dead priest there was this whole thing where I had to run around and save my party from the guards. There were shapeshifters all over and bodies kept disappearing. Well you know how it goes out there." Fergy guestures vaguely in a random direction.

Realizing he's rambling a bit Fergy blows a long breath of air out of his mouth.

"So, I guess this means vacation is over. Did you want to guard the body, or look around the temple for more dead bodies? Last time it was snake people...or was it lizard people? I can't remember. This time? I'm pretty sure it's not them since we killed them really well. But we never did find the owner of the lost hand. I think it's a one-armed assassin looking for his hand. Dok has it by the way."
Last edited September 13, 2018 12:10 am
Sep 13, 2018 12:15 am
Natalie trembles. Even when the orogs came, she had not shown such unease. "Jermsy! I came to check on him, as I do. Do you think he is..."
Sep 13, 2018 12:16 am
"Hush, child. Stay outside an de let us know if anyone approaches."Halla turns to Fergy. "Zenithral told me all about that. Your group has been busy." Hands gripping her staff, she moves to the back of the room to the door that leads to the dormitory. "If there is anyone else here, they will be beyond that door."
Sep 13, 2018 12:32 am
"Fine, Zenithral agrees, teeth clenched. "But whatever happens isn't my fault." He waves his hands, magically cleaning them of any dirt or dust. "Where are we performing the operation?"
Sep 13, 2018 12:40 am
"Thank you," Al says fervently, her relief obvious. "You two are only doing me a favour. This is all on me," she agrees.
Last edited September 13, 2018 12:41 am
Sep 13, 2018 12:55 am
"You must know this temple better than I. I'll trust you with this. Prepare yourself. On two."

Fergy goes over to the door and waits for a nod from Halla, then counts.

"One....TWO!" And then Fergy opens the door quickly.
Sep 13, 2018 1:34 am
Erevain takes them to a small cottage in town that hasn't quite been fully repaired since the orog attack. But the place is clean, and there is a large table for them to work on.

Alalla lays down on the table, and Erevain takes her hand in both of his. Ras stands close by with healing magic at his fingertips, and Zenithral begins the work. He acts quickly, in spite of his reservations, taking comfort in the fact that Ras' healing has brought the companions back from the brink of death many times before.

It is not a task for the weak of stomach, but Zenithral's experience on the battlefield steels him as he works. He has led men, but he also knows how to take orders, and leave the consequences of those orders up to those who give them. When the moment comes to swap the hearts, he does so without hesitation and with deft hands.

Though the large sapphire does not seem to have the right contours or openings to act as a heart, once it is in place the surrounding arteries immediately attach to it. However this magic works, it thankfully does not need any urging from Zenithral.

The sapphire begins to vibrate, pumping blood through Alalla's veins. It seems too strong, too fast, almost violent. She begins to shake, but Ras is there closing the wound. Under his guidance, her skin knits and closes, leaving not even the trace of a scar. Her trembling stops, and her breathing relaxes.

To everyone's amazement, Alalla immediately sits up. With the pain gone, she feels only energy... strength... vitality coursing through her whole body. She can feel the heart within her regulate, and each pump makes her want to climb a mountain.
[ +- ] Valraxxaxath's Dragonheart
Sep 13, 2018 1:35 am
Erevain immediately swings around in front of Alalla. He stares intently into her eyes, desperate to make sure she is still herself. "Alalla! How are you? How do you feel?"
Sep 13, 2018 1:50 am
Fergy and Halla step into the dormitory, fingers tingling with magic. They find no threats, however, only Jermsy, unconscious on bed. The boy sports a black eye, but does not seem injured beyond that.

At a touch from Halla's hand the boy comes awake. He raises a small fist to wallop her, but stops as he recognizes her face. "Halla! The priests were acting awful strange. I never saw either of them hurt a fly before, but Brother Ferg was yelling at Brother Gus, and they started fighting! I tried to stop them..." He fingers his eye and winces. "Where are they? Did they calm down?" He peers at Fergy. "Who's the funny dwarf? That's not Father Tulfgyr!"
Sep 13, 2018 2:14 am
Dok is going about his business around town when he finds Mock tugging on one of his ears. It takes the goblin a moment to notice that the spider is actually trying to get his attention, and not just be a pain. When the spider uses one fuzzy leg to gesture towards the wizard tower, Dok realizes it has been quite a while since he paid his Master a visit.
Sep 13, 2018 2:38 am
With a wink at Halla Fergy tries again repeating his prepared line from before. "Hello! I don't believe I have had the pleasure. My name is Fergy. I may not look it in these clothes, but I'm also a priest of Ilmater. I'm traveling with some friends you see, and was hoping I could be of use around here. I'm particularly adept at the sacred healing magics that come from Ilmater."


Persuasion I'm totally a priest! Don't blow my cover Halla! - (1d20+8)

(11) + 8 = 19

Sep 13, 2018 3:41 am
Alalla laughs a shaky laugh of incredulity and relief. "I'm not even old and I feel young again. Do you want to look for Keggruk tomorrow? I could use a hike." She laughs again. "I'm joking," she assures. She is, mostly. "I should take it easy for a bit, but I feel like I could run all the way to Targos."

Al looks to Ras and Zenithral. "Thank you," she says, from the bottom of her heart. It is hers now. "You are good friends."
Last edited September 13, 2018 3:42 am
Sep 13, 2018 3:51 am
Halla runs a hand over her face. "'Tis only the nature of priests after all." She winces. "Do not tell Zenithral I said that."
Sep 13, 2018 3:53 am
Ug smiles down at the little gnome. He knows ras is not much for talking, but the company helps. Perhaps they could even enjoy a moment that wasn’t fake, wasn’t pushed, and wasn’t simply a show. That was part of the problem, was nothing felt honest or genuine, it was all simply a cover. But Ug had an idea to break that cover, something that usually brought the honesty out of people, if they stayed awake long enough.

Rules for the match. Each hero rolls a DC 10, ras with advantage. Each round the DC increases by 1. After first fail, the hero now has disadvantage. After third fail the hero loses. A roll of 1 results in the hero splurting ale onto a fellow patron and starting a good old fashioned brawl. DM can insert adjustments as he wishes, and maybe even a prize for the winner. Hero has to carry on a dialogue with each round.

Ug gestures around the room with one hand as he downs his drink with the other. "It is good to see many friends happy, when days are so dark. But it is also hard. Ug wish to know how one can stay happy. Ug used to, but now Ug maybe forget." he says with a sigh. Then he adds with a tired smile, "but maybe Ug just needs help. he turns his empty mug over and puts it upside down on the table.
Last edited September 13, 2018 4:02 am


So it begins D10 - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Sep 13, 2018 3:53 am
Jermsy completely misses Halla's sigh and eye roll. He reaches up to tug Fergy's beard. "If you're a real priest, that means you won't let me do this" He starts jumping up and down on the bed.
Sep 13, 2018 9:43 am
Ras is not sure about this drinking game, but Ug's insistence has him feeling a little cornered. Finally he concedes. What's the worst that could happen?


Bottoms up - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Advg - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Sep 13, 2018 10:35 am
With great difficulty Fergy channels his inner adult.
"Get down from there young man, we have work to do."


I'm a priest and I'm responsible - (1d20+8)

(3) + 8 = 11

Sep 13, 2018 11:56 am
Zenithral's vision is different this time. A scene begins, one of a tall tower made of crystal, but it shimmers and fades as Myllandra appears before him. Though any sign of her face is hidden by her cowl, the deva seems to be leaning forward as though to examine him.

"Zenithral!" Concern chokes her voice. "You saw him! You saw the Pretender!" She raises a gauntleted hand as if to smooth his hair in a motherly fashion, but stops. She steps back. "But... you are alright. That is good." Despite their blank surroundings, her voice resonates as though she were standing within a grand cathedral.

She folds her arms in front of her, and her luminescent wings give a shimmering flap that makes the air hum. "I did not think you would meet him so soon. What did he tell you? Did you agree to anything he asked?"
Sep 13, 2018 11:59 am
Halla moves out of the dormitory to deal with the body. Jermsy kneels down on the bed. "If you're a priest, what's your favorite scripture?"
Sep 13, 2018 12:05 pm
Erevain sighs in relief. "Thank all the gods." He holds up the black case, its outside stained with blood. "What shall we do with this? Bury it?"
Sep 13, 2018 12:18 pm
"We don't have time for this. Halla, you know this town better than me, we need to go find the other Brother who Ferg was fighting with."
Nessa walks back to the body and puts the Mirror of Narciss on the floor by it. The air shimmers and the floor looks clean and the body gone. "Now Halla you can bring the child past. No need for him to see that. Oh and my favorite scripture is: All of them."
Sep 13, 2018 12:32 pm
"Not all of them." Alalla looks at the case, feeling queasy. "Whatever you like, Erevain. Haven't I told you it's yours?" She tries to laugh, but coughs instead. "Sorry... That seems as good an idea as any...?" A sudden thought occurs to her and her eyebrows knit together with concern. "Unless we should burn it? Is there magic that can be done on a person's disembodied heart? I don't want Poquelin showing up for it..."
Last edited September 13, 2018 12:41 pm
Sep 13, 2018 1:01 pm
A little bit of foam dribbles down Ugs chin as he finishes the next drink, "To courageous friends!" he says a little more loudly as he thumps that glass down empty as well.
Last edited September 13, 2018 1:19 pm


FOR NANCY DC 11!!!!!!! - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Sep 13, 2018 1:15 pm
That next drinks seems to go down a little easier. Ras isn't usually competitive, but the atmosphere in the room makes him want to prove himself.
Last edited September 13, 2018 1:33 pm


Maybe 3 grapes? - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Sep 13, 2018 1:42 pm
Ug grins as he sees Ras’s face grow determined. He starts pounding the table with his hand, "Ras! Ras! Ras!"
Last edited September 13, 2018 1:46 pm


Ugs got this! DC 12 - (1d20+7)

(14) + 7 = 21

Maybe? - (1d20+7)

(5) + 7 = 12

Sep 13, 2018 1:48 pm
Ras is starting to not feel so great. A drinking game with a goliath? What was he thinking?! He burps loudly."That..." He hesitates, then shakes his head. "That doesn't feel better."
Last edited September 13, 2018 1:52 pm


Is the room starting to spin? - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Sep 13, 2018 1:54 pm
Ug let’s out a loud laugh, a good genuine Ug laugh. "Ras More brave than barbarian!"
Last edited September 13, 2018 2:02 pm


Never give up DC 13 - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Never surrender - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Sep 13, 2018 1:58 pm
Hearing the goliath cheer his name, Ras sits up a little taller. The energy in the room is getting to him and he smiles for the first time in weeks. He suddenly has the urge to be silly, so he folds a napkin to look vaguely like a spider and puts in on his shoulder and waves his arms around. "No Mock! Is my drink! Me weenog!" He starts to giggle and can't seem to stop.
Last edited September 13, 2018 2:01 pm


Mehold! *Giggle* - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Sep 13, 2018 2:14 pm
Ug roars with laughter and then leaps awkwardly to his feet. "And Ug is leader Al!" he says with glee, "Al love you erevain, this much!" Ug proceeds to repeatedly punch up an imaginary elf.
Last edited September 13, 2018 2:20 pm


Ug think he can Ug think he can DC 14 - (1d20+7)

(5) + 7 = 12

Lose to a gnome? - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Sep 13, 2018 2:15 pm
Ras is overcome with a case of the hiccups and finally stops giggling. "I think... I think I might..." he lays his head on the table, struggling to keep his eyes open.
Last edited September 13, 2018 2:16 pm


Is this really happening? - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Sep 13, 2018 2:36 pm
As a toast to his friend, Ug downs the last beer with a flourish. He then picks up the small gnome, and carries him gently out of the bar.

The night has given Ug the two reassurances he needed. He was surrounded by good friends. And he would do anything for them.

After making sure ras is comfortable, Ug turns to the barkeep and says loudly and slightly slurred, that he is looking for a potions master.
Last edited September 14, 2018 4:38 pm


For Ras! DC 15 - (1d20+7)

(10) + 7 = 17

And Friends! - (1d20+7)

(8) + 7 = 15

Sep 13, 2018 3:36 pm
Grudgingly, the young goblin begins his trek towards the tower of his master.

"You no fun Mock, me have fun to make, now you tell me to no have fun."

Grumbling to himself, he realizes he is already at the tower. Looking up he remembers the first time he found himself in front of the tower, how nervous he had been walking with the man he would soon call master. He even remembered how much he missed Granny’s owlbear eye soup, which most people would claim is unpalatable, upon eating his first meal with the reclusive wizard.

No longer the tiny two foot tall goblin urchin, one of too many mouths to feed at Granny’s, Dok the Powanog reaches for the door knocker to seek more instruction from his master.

Struggling to reach the knocker, the goblin jumps up and down for a good ten minutes before he gives up and casts Knock on the door, causing the door handle to fly off. A thunderous knocking sound echoes throughout the halls of the tower. Fiddling with the handle the door opens as the goblin manages to reattach the handle to the door.
Last edited September 13, 2018 4:02 pm
Sep 13, 2018 5:29 pm
The tower is different than Dok remembers. The entryway is dark and empty, except for a lamp shining onto an empty chair pushed under a desk. On the desk is a stack of papers, a quill and ink pot alongside.

The first page on top of the pile has writing on it. It says:



Year of study:_______________

1. What is the most common supplement component if there are no grasshopper wings at hand?

2. What is the meaning behind the phenomenon "Agannazar's Folly"?

3. Name 3 reasons you must never mix bat guano with dairy products from a stench kow.

4. What is Mordenkainen's middle name?

5. Explain how a transfusion of willowbark and illithid saliva might result in death.

6. Why did Otiluke freeze his spheres?

7. Identify.

8. Why did the cockatrice cross the road?

9. How did the Blood War get its name?

10. What is the circumference of a Snapple Gob?

Upon further investigation, there does not seem to be any other exit from the room.
Sep 13, 2018 5:47 pm
Fergy and Halla search the town, but find no trace of Brother Gus. Wherever he is, he does not seem to be in Kuldahar any longer.
Sep 13, 2018 5:55 pm
The clever goblin takes a moment to think as Mock crawls up and down the paper studying each question carefully.

Dok casts skill empowerment for arcana.
Last edited September 13, 2018 5:56 pm


This not me idea of fun (arcana with double proficiency) - (1d20+12)

(7) + 12 = 19

Me no think that right answer Mock! (Islimach helps) - (1d20+12)

(6) + 12 = 18

Sep 13, 2018 9:37 pm
With the help of his enlightened mind (and obnoxious familiar), Dok fills out the pages of the test as fast as he can. Just as he's halfway through the stack of papers, however, the surface of the desk opens to reveal purple teeth that chomp down on the test and nearly close on Dok's fingers.

Chewing the papers up into tiny pieces, the mimic turns on the goblin wizard and his spider.
Round 1 Dok Phase!
Sep 13, 2018 10:34 pm
"Oh no, not again? Me always forget feed desk first."

The goblin wiggles his arms and legs to appease the desk with an interpretive dance of his people. Islimach jumps on his shoulders and starts dancing as well.

Dok casts blur, Islimach helps.
Last edited September 13, 2018 10:55 pm


Mehold dance of weenoogies. (Performance) - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Yes Mock, me can dance if me want to. (Islimach helps) - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Sep 13, 2018 10:58 pm
With all the Priests of Ilmater either dead or gone, Fergy takes over the temple. Going over what the priests left behind Fergy cleans up the dead body, pockets valuables, and ministers to the sick. Having found a schedule in a drawer, Fergy even holds a small service in the evening. There he announces the memorial service that will be held for Ferg tomorrow. And that he will be taking over the priests' duties until further notice.


Deception - I'm totally a priest guy! - (1d20+8)

(15) + 8 = 23

Sep 14, 2018 12:29 am
Vacation over and dragon heart decision made and followed through, Alalla turns her attention back to Khuldahar and it's people.

"Halla?" Alalla knocks on the door to the druid's home. "It's Al." She backs up and leans on her glaive as she waits for a response.

She is not wearing armour, but with the troubles Kuldahar has had in the past, Al doesn't feel comfortable going about unarmed. Not when so many in the town expect her to protect them.

Colour= "saddlebrown"
Last edited September 14, 2018 12:30 am
Sep 14, 2018 3:08 am
The desk/mimic rotates weirdly, almost as if cocking its head at the motions of goblin and spider. It begins to rock back and forth on its wooden legs, slimy elongated tongue lolling out between its teeth to hang over the edge of the desk.

The mimic happily dances across the room - revealing a lever on the floor. Islimach encourages Dok to pull it, and when he does the far wall slides open to show an ascending staircase.

Ushered on by the spider, Dok climbs the stairs to find the next room. It is filled with live chickens. On the far wall is a door covered in thick iron chains that glow with arcane runes, with a padlock that sports a large keyhole. He gets the feeling that Knock will not work on this door.
Sep 14, 2018 3:20 am
Fergy finds 30 gold pieces in the temple's coffers, as well as decent collection of books on religion and scripture.

Halla lets Fergy know in no uncertain terms that she is onto his game. But since she does not put a lot of stock in gods anyway, she lets him do as he wishes. But if he cheats the people of Kuldahar, she will see him buried in a place that Ras will not be able to find.

All goes well at first. People stop by often to ask about remedies for this or that, for injuries to be mended, crops blessed, loved one side to be protected, neighbors to be gossiped about. They begin to ask for money and means, claiming that with the difficult winter they have run low on food for their families. More come by, asking for advice on every little thing in their lives. Fergy begins to feel accosted when he is about in town, and when he returns to the temple he always finds a line of townsfolk waiting for him. What's more, he is responsible for the care of the boy Jermsy - who is always quick to challenge him on everything possible. One day Fergy arrives at the temple to find the boy has coated the floor with holy water mixed with soap, causing no small amount of injury to the visiting Kuldahari - who the new come to Fergy asking to be healed.

Still, at the end of a few days' labor Fergy finds that the temple has accumulated 10 more gold pieces in donations.
Sep 14, 2018 3:32 am
The door opens to reveal Halla dressed for bed. She blinks wearily, but smiles as she sees Alalla. "Come in, please. I apologize for my attire. I have been scouring the outskirts of town by night, and 'tis tiring work."

The inside of the house seems to have grown a few more branches. A giant tortoise sits with its head stuffed against one wall, legs splayed out behind it. "Do not mind Arvid. He is just passing through."

The druid sits at the table and motions for Al to join her. She tries to stifle a yawn with one hand. "Congratulations again on the wedding. I wish you and the elf many happy memories. How can I be of assistance?"
Sep 14, 2018 3:42 am
"'The elf' is named Erevain," Al says with a chuckle. "Thank you. It's all rather strange. I was looking for a number of things when I left Kuldahar last, but a husband was not one of them. But I'm glad I did."

Al leans her glaive against one wall and sits. "I just came to catch up. How has Kuldahar been since we left? How have you been? What has you running around the town at night?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 4:30 am
Sep 14, 2018 4:27 am

Before Zenithral can answer Myllandra, another figure appears in the half-elf's dream. Zenithral recognizes Erestor, but times have surely been difficult for the man. His features are sunken as though he has found little rest in weeks, but judging by the simmering wrath behind his eyes, he must have some unpleasant burden driving him on.

He steps forward through the vague dreamscape toward Zenithral.
Sep 14, 2018 4:30 am
Myllandra holds out an armored hand to stop Erestor, but it passes through the dour elf. Whatever magic is allowing either of them to step into Zenithral's dream, they do no seem to be able to affect each other.

Her hooded head turns to the half-elf. "Remember, Zenithral. Your choices are your own. You need not listen to a word he says."
Sep 14, 2018 4:34 am
Ignoring the deva - or perhaps unaware of her - Erestor stops close enough for Zenithral to clearly see the hostility etched onto his father's face. "Listen carefully, boy. This spell did not come cheaply or without favors owed." His lips move as if to say more, but little sound escapes him. Zenithral can hear the elf's teeth grind. "It is about your mother."
Sep 14, 2018 11:56 am
"Yes, well just so long as you are careful. 'Twould be a bad time to start raising a family." Halla stares at the tortoise, but seems to be thinking of other things.

She comes back to herself with a shrug. "You heard of Brother Ferg's murder? We believe it was his brother who killed him, but we cannot find the priest anywhere. I have been searching for tracks around the village to see where he might have gone, but he seems to have simply vanished." She meets Alalla's eyes. "Do you think this Poquelin fellow could have disguised himself as Brother Gus? I simply cannot reconcile his actions with the gentle priest I knew."
Sep 14, 2018 12:30 pm
Fergy, quietly approving of the kid's antics, is trying to be a priest. After careful consideration Fergy has come to the conclusion that all priests of Ilmater, well the real ones, are Devils. Obviously, Pooky is, Gus is, and Ferg died because he wasn't. He's not sure about the kid, but has a pretty fool proof plan ready.
Sitting down with the kid who's name he still doesn't know, Fergy begins.

"Kid, it's time you received your first quest. Farmers are mad that their crops are being ruined by rabbits. Go out into the forest with this dagger, and kill 10 rabbits. Bring me their corpses as proof, and you'll get one gold for your efforts. In order to kill them you need to sneak up on them quietly. Take a LONG time getting into position to ensure the kill. If you are able to kill more than 10, even better. I'll give you one gold per 10 rabbits slain. When you are done we will make rabbit stew for the village."


Persuasion to get kid out of Fergy's beard - (1d20+8)

(6) + 8 = 14

Sep 14, 2018 1:07 pm
Al considers this, moving her finger so that her ring taps against the wood of the table. "It's possible, though I doubt it. He seems to orchestrate larger things, and insert minions to complete most tasks. It seems very likely that he's involved or responsible somehow, but I doubt he came in disguise to do the deed himself." She shrugs with a frown. "That said, we really know very little about him."
Last edited September 14, 2018 1:07 pm
Sep 14, 2018 1:24 pm
Jermsy takes the dagger with wide eyes, then a grin slowly splits his face from ear to ear. He dashes for the door outside, waving the dagger about wildly.
Sep 14, 2018 1:27 pm
Just as Jermsy reaches the door, it opens to reveal Natalie, a cloth bag in one hand. With a shriek she snatches the weapon away from him. Her bag falls to the floor and several apples tumble onto the floor. She shoots Fergy an incredulous glare. "What is going on here?!" She has to keep one hand on Jermsy's face to keep him from jumping for the knife.
Sep 14, 2018 1:31 pm
"Won't hurt to hear him though, Zenithral tells Mylandra.

"Murderer," Zenithral spits at Erestor in the same tone the elf called him 'boy'. "Where have you been? Killing priests? What about my mother?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 1:31 pm
Sep 14, 2018 1:31 pm
Halla sighs. "I fear Brother Gus may be dead as well, then."

The woman leans over to rub her nails along the tortoise's shell, making a clacking noise. The large reptile doesn't seem to notice, but some of the tension in Hallamd posture relaxes. "Well. Anything else on your mind, Alalla?"
Sep 14, 2018 1:48 pm
"Well, you see there are two problems. One, I'm not cut out for raising a child. Just now I gave him a dagger to teach him some responsibility. I still think it's a good idea. Secondly, my posting here is temporary, and I will be leaving soon. With Ferg dead and Gus a Devil who killed Ferg there won't be anyone to care for this poor child. You, on the other hand seem full of motherly instincts. Would you be able to watch after the lad? The temple would be willing to part with a few coins to help with his accommodations." With his offer complete Fergy walks over and takes the dagger back and gives it back to the boy.
Last edited September 14, 2018 1:50 pm


Persuasion - take this terrible child from me! - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Sep 14, 2018 2:46 pm
"Well it will be hard to get that out of it..." Al says, leaning back in her chair. "But I was wondering if you've seen anything else while you were searching. You haven't had any more trouble with orogs and the like, have you?" Alalla was sure it probably wasn't best to ask about Keggruk directly.
Sep 14, 2018 3:36 pm
Myllandra stands a short distance away, intent on the conversation but saying nothing more.
Sep 14, 2018 3:39 pm
Erestor takes a step closer, a sneer on his face. "You know nothing of what I have had to deal with. Murder is just another sharp tool at my belt."

He folds his arms over his dark suit. "Your mother... has gotten herself involved in dangerous business that she should not be a part of. I am getting her out of it." Erestor almost seems to choke spitting out his next words. "I... cannot do so without your aid."
Sep 14, 2018 3:47 pm
Natalie shakes her head. "You're new, but you're in charge. Jermsy needs a home, and the Temple has custody of him! I come by often to help, but you cannot simply dump him on anyone. You are supposed to educate him!"

The young woman throws up her hands, then snatches the dagger back and tucks it into her belt. "Halla is going to hear about this. Brothers Gus and Ferg had been acting strange, and I'm beginning to think something might be wrong with all the priests of Ilmater."
Sep 14, 2018 3:54 pm
Halla shakes her head wearily. "I've still seen signs of their passing in the mountains, and sometimes I hear of them through the animals that pass by," she pats one of Arvid's legs fondly, "but they have not come near to Kuldahar, thank Silvanus." She starts at that last comment, as though surprised to find herself uttering gratitude to a god. "Being here for the town... leading them... it is changing me."
Sep 14, 2018 4:09 pm
Alalla nods at Halla's words. She would have to go out looking for him then.

Al smiles at Halla's surprise. "What do you think of your new self?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 4:09 pm
Sep 14, 2018 4:10 pm
Like a candle was lit above Fergy's head, his demeanor changes.

"You are absolutely right mam! I will educate this young lad. He will be a true agent of Chao.... Ilmater. Lad follow me, we are going to teach you some priest things."

Pushing past the lady and quietly taking the dagger back, Fergy leads the kid out into the town. "Ok child first lesson. Boredom! You can't be a good priest if you are bored, or if the people you priest at are bored. Boredom is the enemy. Vile, evil Boredom has no place here. But at the same time we must be good. So, pranks are encouraged, but only if nobody gets hurt. Got it? Secondly, you need to learn some magic. Either arcane or divine. I have both because I'm amazing. Can you do magic yet? Also, how old are you?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 4:16 pm


Take the dagger back on the sly - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Sep 14, 2018 4:55 pm
Mirek slaps Ug across the back. "A potions master? You and the little one are going to need something for that headache tomorrow!" When he sees Ug is serious, the cobbler scratches his head. "Huh. Well. There's Maegan the midwife. She might know some things. And Halla isn't nearly the crone she seemed at first. She cured a hangover for me once, a few weeks past. And... there's our very own Whitcomb! He brews the best mixtures around!" The man grins again and lets out cheer that is echoed by the other patrons.
Sep 14, 2018 4:57 pm
Whitcomb smiles at the applause and pours another mug for Ug. The barkeep slides it over to the goliath. "Well, I haven't received too many complaints. My ales can cure any 'ale-ment'! What troubles you, Ug? Maybe a room full of friends can help you out."
Sep 14, 2018 7:26 pm
Halla contemplates for a moment before answering. "I used to think 'twas easier not to care what people thought of me. 'Witch', they called me. Perhaps I even enjoyed their superstition. People, and their gods, and their cities could all live in their world, and I would live in mine." She sits up, speaking more determinedly. "Mankind blunders through the world, crushing what it does not understand; elves, dragons, magic...the list is endless. We must stem the tide, or be left with nothing more than the mundane." She sighs. "But... taking Arundel's place, and getting to know these people has taught me that there is more to them than I suspected. 'Not caring' is no longer so easy."

The druid leans forward. "I have been reading the old lore, and I think Arundel was right when he spoke of the Balance. There must be some way to keep everything in check." She looks out a window at the roots of the Great Oak. "But whether that means to preserve everything as it is, or evolve into something new... I know not."

She chuckles and looks at Alalla. "At the very least, this has made me more philosophical. What of youself? You and the others have changed since you left Kuldahar to seek the Heartstone Gem."
Sep 14, 2018 8:56 pm
"If you want to preserve everything as it is, it is already too late. Kuldahar's children are be bigger and it's old older than yesterday, and the town has been shaped by their changing lives. Even this house is different." Alalla reaches over to pat the tortoise herself. "But it's not just humans. Seasons change, and the animals do too. I don't know much about magic or dragons," she taps her chest over her heart absently, "but I'm sure they don't stay completely the same over time either.

If you want to restore what was, how far will you go? Yesterday? The beginning of time?"
Alalla shrugs. "It seems easier to accept change, and try and make sure it's change for the better."

"As for me..." Al runs a hand through her hair, sending her beads clacking. "We all went through things underneath the Spine. It's begun it's work, but I think I'm still waiting to see how what I learned will change me. However it does, I hope to change the world with it too." She fidgets uncomfortably at the declaration. "Hopefully that doesn't put us at odds, she laughs awkwardly.
Last edited September 14, 2018 9:05 pm
Sep 14, 2018 9:44 pm
Jermsy hops up and down. "Oh, I HATE boredom. Ever since I hid for days in a cellar from those orcs, I hate being bored. I don't know any magic. Magic is for old men and goblins. Natalie says I'm ten, maybe. What's a prank? Are you going to give me back that knife? You were SO sneaky! But I noticed. Can I have it?"
Sep 14, 2018 10:04 pm
Wow, 10? That's plenty old to help me out. Remember how bad Orcs are? We are going to go out of town and find some orcs! We are looking for one in particular, but we can kill the rest. Here."

Nessa casts Mage Armor on both of them and holds out the dagger, but keeps it out of reach.

"You can use it for now, but if you fail to do everything I say, I take it back. However, if you are able to hurt an Orc you can keep it. Deal?"
Sep 14, 2018 10:09 pm
Hall puts a finger to her lips in thought. "You would not restore the past? 'Tis an odd thing for you to say. Did you not go to great lengths in restoring Erevain to life? Could we not seek such a thing for Arundel?" She shakes her head sadly. "I doubt his spirit would agree to return."

Arvid has apparently had enough of the wall. He moves his ponderous bulk backwards, revealing a wrinkled, bald face that turns slowly to consider Alalla. He stays that way for several long minutes as the conversation continues.

"Us at odds? I hardly think so!" Halla scratches the tortoise's scaley head. "If change is what the world needs, then perhaps we can work together to keep it from whirling out of control."
Sep 14, 2018 10:12 pm
Jermsy's grin shows a couple of missing teeth. "Ferg and Gus always said hurting people was bad. But I think orcs don't count!" He just about quivers with excitement. "Deal! Deal!"
Sep 14, 2018 10:23 pm
"You got me there," Alalla admits. "It's all just philosophy I suppose. Speaking of Arundel... Zenithral didn't happen to mention his father when he spoke to you, did he?"
Sep 14, 2018 10:25 pm
"You can't do it without me, you say?" Zenithral echoes Erestor, studying him. "My, my, what would this assistance entail, and what do I get out of it? You know I love my mother, regardless of her downfalls, but I still must justify my travels with sufficient resources."


Insight (This feels like a trap... What are your *real* intentions?) - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Sep 14, 2018 10:32 pm
Halla stiffens. "Yes. He said his father is the one who murdered Arundel." Her voice is frigid as a glacier. "Alalla. If you find him, I want him brought to me." The woman's eyes flash dangerously, and Arvid lets out a low wug-wug. "We are agreed that change is for the good? The world will be better without that assassin walking about."
Sep 14, 2018 10:40 pm
Fergy hands over the dagger to the boy and they walk towards the edge of town.

"They we're right about Orcs kid, they don't count. Also, pranks my dear boy are tricks. Like when you soaped the floor. Funny and good, until someone got hurt. Then it became bad. When you do tricks or pranks, make sure you do one where nobody can get hurt. Like this."

With a wave of his hand a spider the size of a dog jumps out of a shadow and lands in front of Jermsy.
Last edited September 14, 2018 10:42 pm
Sep 14, 2018 10:44 pm
"Ah, good. I was worried I would have to be the one to break the news when I found out Zenithral hadn't told you before we left Kuldahar."

Alalla hesitates, then reaches out to take Halla's hand. "Halla... I can't promise that. For one, I can't say what circumstances will be when we encounter him. Taking him prisoner so we can bring him to you would be too risky. He will see justice," Al promises, "but we've talked about revenge already. Don't let Erestor take more from you than he has. Don't let him take any more from Kuldahar."
Last edited September 14, 2018 11:06 pm
Sep 14, 2018 10:54 pm
The lines on Erestor's face harden. "If your mother's soul is not reason enough to put aside your frivolities, then you are more worthless than I thought."

The elf bites back another spiteful comment, then takes a breath and continues. "She will not listen to me, but perhaps she will heed your words. She always was... attached." It is obvious he does not wish to share any more information with Zenithral than necessary. "Also, the place I must go to reach her is... difficult to enter. I cannot reach it on my own. But with your help, I can."

He holds his hand palm up in front of him, and a shape appears there: a small replica of a city, with five towers stretching upwards like fingers.

"This is where she is being held. The place is warded against those of most bloodlines. Yours is one that will bypass many of the defenses. You can get me through."

For all of the doubts he harbors about his father, Zenithral feels that Erestor is being truthful. About most of it, at least. But he does seem earnest about helping Zenithral's mother.
Sep 14, 2018 11:41 pm
Inside, Zenithral smiles at his father's prodded, spiteful response.

"Hm," Zenithral says, trying to memorize the general appearance of the city. "Alright. Where shall I meet you then?"
Sep 15, 2018 12:16 am
Halla blinks. "He knew before you left? You all knew?" The door slams open suddenly as a chilling breeze enters the house. The woman stands, fists clenched. "My so-called friends knew who murdered my father, and none of you said anything." Alalla feels the temperature drop as frost forms on her clothes.

"And you sit here and lecture me on vengeance, Alalla, but I remember well how you buried an axe in an orc priest when the fight was already won. And Zenithral, claiming the goodness of the gods, yet lying to me about something I had every right to know the full truth of." She stares down at Alalla with fury. "You might be heroes, but you are not friends."
Sep 15, 2018 1:04 am
Alalla's mouth drops open. "He- He didn't-? Halla, he said he would tell you. I would have but we were already gone!" The frost on her clothes seeps into her heart.

"That priest-! That fight was not won as long as he lived. You've never had them worm about in your head. If I hadn't killed him he could have turned me against you, and my axe could have found your chest instead."

Alalla stands herself, her own cold anger towering inches above Halla. She moves to open her mouth to say more but the look in the smaller woman's eyes stops her. Does her own face look like that? She really is losing her hold on herself.

Alalla sits with forceful sigh, willing the anger to seep away. "I'm not trying to lecture," she says through gritted teeth. She puts her elbows on the table and her head in her hands.

Calm, calm.

"The lessons I've learned, I've learned through pain. I'm sure you've learned yours the same way. I'm just trying to help spare you any more.

I can't speak for Zenithral, but I'm only doing my best, Halla. For everyone. If you have suggestions,"
Al waves to Halla's empty chair, "please." Her voice contains no more anger. Only weariness. It would be nice if she can live up to someone's expectations. She and Erevain should have stayed in Waterdeep, or Silverymoon. She hasn't failed anyone there.
Last edited September 15, 2018 1:09 am
Sep 15, 2018 1:28 am
Halla does not back down. "You know how much this means to me. You could have turned back and come to tell me. You have powerful spellcasters - someone could have sent me a message." She holds up a hand and her staff whirls from across the room to her grasp. You could have decided to tell me yourself, before you left. Why did you leave it to Zenithral? You really thought it best to let the son of my father's killer tell me what actually happened that night? You knew, and you said nothing."

The staff in Halla's hands does not change appearance, but the hairs on the back of Alalla's neck rise as an aura of power emanates from it. A swirling wind howls within the room, ripping through the leaves on the walls and clattering the dishes in the cabinets.

It is only when Arvid's head droops that Halla realizes the damage being done. She pulls the staff close to her, shutting off the wind. In the sudden silence the temperature begins to rise again, but the ice Halla's eyes and voice does not warm.

"I am going out. I do not want you in this house when I return."
Sep 15, 2018 1:47 am
Jermsy jumps nearly a foot into the air at the sight of the spider. "Yah!!" He ducks behind Fergy, keeping the dwarf between the spider and himself. "Kill it!"
Sep 15, 2018 1:55 am
Alalla's weariness turns to irritation.

"You know what else was important? Conlan's little boy. You think I should have turned around, leaving Sheemish in the clutches of a dragon, so that I could give you a message? And I trust my spellcasters with things like this as far as their attention spans are long."

Al folds her arms stubbornly. "What about Zenithral? He's a victim in this too. I chose what I thought was the best thing for all my friends. You are only thinking about yourself."

I'm sorry you found out like this, maybe I should have tried to send you a message, but honestly, it wasn't on my mind. I was trying to stay alive, to keep my party alive, to keep the Kuldaharans alive. Mail was not my first priority. But you know what? Finding out sooner would have changed nothing, except maybe left Kuldahar without a druid while you went haring off in a rage, or perhaps prevented this magical tantrum."

Al waves her hand dismissively and snaps at the druid. "Go then. But I can't promise I won't be here. I'm tired of taking your claws whenever I try to help you, but if Kuldahar needs me to, I will." She scratches at her chest casually, pulling her shirt down to where the tops of sabertooth claws scarred her chest. There had been too many in need that night for much magical healing.

Al hopes that Halla will remember what else had happened that night. That she had held her in the rain while Halla cried into her shoulder and her claw wounds dripped blood onto the ground. They had been friends then. Halla had appreciated her advice then.
Last edited September 15, 2018 6:23 am


Intimidation (Snap out of it, girl!) - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Sep 15, 2018 1:59 am
Erestor nods, and Zenithral thinks he sees relief in the older elf's posture. "Then you will come. Good. This city was once called The Hand of the Seldarine. You will find it here..." The city disappears and is replaced by a map of the Spine of the World. Zenithral can make out the locations for both Kuldahar and this city of towers. It looks to be a journey of two to three weeks by foot, with how difficult the land is between the two points.

"I will meet you at the drawbridge that leads into the city. Come as quickly as you can. Bring your friends if you must, but I will not guarantee their safety. This place has danger enough for only the two of us. Including more will only make the task more difficult." Erestor closes his eyes. "Hurry, boy. Every day your mother's state grows worse."

Then he is gone, and Zenithral is left with Myllandra.
Sep 15, 2018 2:01 am
Myllandra draws closer to Zenithral. "What will you do, Zenithral? Many difficult choices lie ahead of you." For some reason the deva sounds weary.
Sep 15, 2018 2:20 am
"Firstly, good instincts boy. When there's danger always jump behind someone stronger. I do it frequently. Secondly, I want you to attack the spider. If you can't fight a spider, you have no chance of fighting an Orc. Don't worry, if it bites your hand off, I'll just regrow it for you."
Sep 15, 2018 2:45 am
"Hm...Indeed," Zenithral muses. "I believe Halla will be interested in this...I will think on it. But this Pretender, the 'Revered Brother' Poquelin." Zenithral turns to face Mylandra. "We believe him to be the Old Enemy. We slayed Bilewing like he wanted, but we were planning on doing that in the first place, not really an agreement. But he did take Bilewing's heart and ritually prepare it, and Alalla replaced her heart with the dragonheart as a means of gaining power." He pauses "I fear for her, Mylandra...Should I?"
Last edited September 15, 2018 2:46 am
Sep 15, 2018 2:52 am
Jermsy looks from the spider to Fergy and back. "That's a bad idea. Why don't you kill it? Wait. I'll just try once." He steps out from behind Fergy just for a moment and flings the dagger like he would a rock.


Dagger vs spider (disadv) - (1d20+1, 1d20+1)

1d20+1 : (19) + 1 = 20

1d20+1 : (9) + 1 = 10

Sep 15, 2018 6:20 am
For a time Myllandra remains totally motionless but for the ripple of her wings. When she speaks it is with hesitation, as though she is unsure she should be speaking of this.

"The Pretender is no 'Revered Brother', and no servant of Ilmater. 'Old Enemy' is not our name for him, but it suits him well. He has long been an adversary to that which is good. I... cannot say more on the matter. Your decisions are yours, and influencing your choices cheats you of the opportunity to do it yourself."

She pauses, and Zenithral sees that her form is fading. "Your friends all face danger from every side. But fear... is a choice."
Sep 15, 2018 11:39 am
"Hmm, well, looks like you aren't very good at daggers... That's alright, when we get outside of town I'll give you magic."

Fergy snaps his fingers and the spider disappears. Then he picks up the dagger and gives it back to the boy. The two of them go towards the edge of town then leave it entirely behind them.

"Ok, kid, I'm going to give you magic now. It will only last a few minutes, but while you have this mark on your hand any spell you say will happen. If you see an Orc and say 'Fireball', a fireball will shoot out of your magic hand and hit the Orc."

One prestidigitation to mark Jermsy's hand with an arcane looking rune that isn't actually an arcane rune, and then casting Major Image around them. "Ok, we are ready, try a spell out on that tree. Which do you prefer? Ice, fire, lightning, or something else?" Fergy points at a tree 10 feet away.
Last edited September 15, 2018 11:39 am
Sep 15, 2018 12:45 pm
Ug grins at the barkeep, "Friends do good raising Ugs ‘spirits!’ he says with a chuckle and nudges Merck, "You see what Ug do there.". Ug raises his mug to his forehead, "Mother would be proud" he salutes to the barkeep, "And it is for mother’s and friends Ug wants potion now. Ug and friends have beaten many enemy, orc kings, ice witches, dragons, and fat yetis." Ug gestures towards a yeti skull that had somehow made itself onto a mantle above the bar top and become adorned with tavern mugs hanging of its horns. The bar crowd beat their fists upon their tables in admiration and thanks. "But what would friends do," Ug asks the crowd, "If you face a enemy stronger than friends?"
Last edited September 15, 2018 12:52 pm
Sep 15, 2018 12:47 pm
Jermsy looks down in awe at the mark on his hand. "You mean I can..." He looks at the tree, points a finger at it, and says "LIGHTNING!"
Sep 15, 2018 12:51 pm
The crowd's cheers turn to mutterings as they consider Ug's questions. After a moment, Mirek speaks up. "Get more friends!" Voices raise once more in toast to friendship and comradery.

When it dies down, Mirek takes another sip of his drink, then leans towards Ug. "But what could be stronger than our friend Ug?"
Sep 15, 2018 12:55 pm
Halla storms out of the house, leaving Alalla alone with the weaver birds and Arvid.

Over the next few days the town sees little of the druid. Still, from experience Alalla knows that sometimes Halla just needs some space and time to deal with her emotions. She can't be gone too far or for too long from Kuldahar.
Sep 15, 2018 1:05 pm
"More Friends!" Ug cheers with the crowd once more, "And with good friends nothing evil can defeat us!" he promises, voice growing louder.

To prove emphasize his point Ug stands and downs his next mug to laughter and applause. Ug teeters slightly but digs down deep to stay up, his barbarian endurance fighting off the dizziness. He bows to the patrons and almost falls over. (Ug uses stones endurance to negate passing out) "But if there was way to protect friends more and be stronger, would not friends do it?"he asks as he sits down again. He turns to Mirek. There is an enemy that Ug has fought that has power Ug does not know," he says solemnly, "but this potion would help Ug feel this power and maybe use against enemy."
Last edited September 15, 2018 1:22 pm


Still not done! Rally friends DC 16 - (1d20+7)

(2) + 7 = 9

Sep 15, 2018 1:29 pm
Whitcomb is busy filling and passing out more drinks to the patrons, but he hesitates. "You aren't talking about a brew, are you? What is this thing you are going to drink?" The rest of the crowd quiets down to hear Ug's reply.
Sep 15, 2018 1:42 pm
Ug looks to Mirek, "If mirek were stronger to face yeti and save brother, would Mirek do it?" Ug asks solemnly and then scans the tavern making eye contact with more of the crowd, "Or stop kidnapping of family and friends." Ug turns back to whitcomb ,"This is potion, is named Hunters Bane. In small potion, Ug will fight like enemy. In small potion," Ug emphasizes.
Last edited September 15, 2018 3:21 pm
Sep 15, 2018 1:56 pm
"But...Then why did you ask?" Zenithral says to Mylandra, complaining, but not expecting further response. "Why appear to me and ask, then tell me you can't help me?" Zenithral growls in frustration. Erestor was proving to be a greater source of information than Ilmater's servant herself... He'd consult Alalla in the morning about his father's request. Then he'd tell Halla. Zenithral would help his mother, but he would not help his father... Strange this was...planning out the day while still asleep...
Sep 15, 2018 1:58 pm
Mirek stares at the far wall for a long moment. "Aye! To save my brother, I would have done anything." He looks around at the others. "We've all lost people to the evils in these mountains." He stands up, a bit wobbly. "If Ug, the bravest of us all, is going to drink this Hunter's Bane, I'll have some too!"
Sep 15, 2018 2:31 pm

The day after his vision and after Halla leaves, Zenithral tries to find Alalla.
Sep 15, 2018 2:40 pm
Alalla sighs as Halla departs. "Brilliantly handled, Al," she mutters. Halla was not used to interacting with people, but she is supposed to be.

Al pats Arvid. "Sorry for that, old boy." She stands and collects her glaive, then departs. She had better find Zenithral before he caught the same surprise from Halla that she did.

She finds him looking for her, as it happens, and they head back to the inn for a place to sit and talk.

"You didn't happen to pass Halla, did you?"
Sep 15, 2018 2:46 pm
Ug slowly shakes his head and sighs. "Friends can do what friends wish, but this potion has danger. " Ug says this as seriously as a drunk Goliath can, "Ug has already seen one good friend leave because of dangerous choice. Ugs shoulders sag in remembering the kindly fisherman. "But village does need warriors, and the choice is for friends to make. But Ug is taking potion so good friends won’t have to.." Ug sits silently for a moment then slaps Mirek on the back. "Choice best made in morning, not in tavern yes?"

Standing up as tall as he can Ug raises a new mug, "Now which friend challenges son of Nancy!?!"
Last edited September 15, 2018 3:20 pm


Because why not DC 17 - (1d20+7)

(19) + 7 = 26

Barbarian!!! - (1d20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Sep 15, 2018 3:01 pm
"Ah, there you are,"[/b] Zenithral says to Alalla. "No, I did not. I know where Erestor is, though, and I thought she might like to know. He had a spell cast that allowed him to communicate with me in my dreams." Assuming Alalla is interested in the information, he continues. He's near a city once known as 'The Hand of the Seldarine'. My mother is inside and something is wrong with her. He wishes to help her, but the city's defenses prevent him from entering. With my mixed heritage, I could bypass them, apparently. I certainly wish to help my mother, but this could be the perfect opportunity to take Erestor down." Zenithral tries to read Alalla's expression. "But what do you think?"
Sep 15, 2018 3:07 pm
A warmpth and tingle is felt from the mark as sparks spin around Jermsy's hand, coalesce, and shoot out to strike the tree. A loud boom splits the air and a dark scorch mark is left on the tree.

"Well Done! You pick up magic better than most! And I've never seen a scorch mark so big on the first try. It's too bad magic is only for old people, because you are quite good at it. Now before your borrowed magic runs out, let's see if we can find any orcs."

They creep slowly through the forest for just a minute before vaguely Orc like sounds are heard coming from all over! "We're surrounded kid! Get your magic ready, as soon as you see them, start blasting them as fast as you can!"

The following battle is 25 minutes of pure childlike bliss. Jermsy is untouchable. Enemies fall by the score, and Fergy only calls an end to it when the piles of orc bodies within the cube of influence begins to fill the cube. Surprisingly, there is little blood. Fergy has Jermsy clean up his mess by snapping his fingers and burning the bodies to ash. The heat is almost uncomfortable before the bodies are gone and the rune on Jermsy's hand fades away.

"Well, we can sleep soundly tonight. The city is safe thanks to you. But your magic is spent, so we need to head back in now. You know, learning divine magic really isn't all that difficult, I'm sure if you do a little studying and prayers you might be able to get Ilmater to grant a few cantrips. It would be much easier than the years of study required to learn arcane magic like a wizard. What do you say Jermsy? Should we go back and study Ilmater together?"

They head back to the temple.
Sep 15, 2018 3:10 pm
Alalla considers this for a moment, pulling the neck of her shirt aside slightly to scratch at the faint saber-tooth claw scars reaching up toward her collar bone. She had irritated them in her show to Halla.

"What do you think?" she turns the question back on him. "My opinion seems secondary on this. I know little of Erestor and nothing of your mother."
Sep 15, 2018 3:31 pm
"Well, I certainly think it's relevant. Both of them were marked as of interest in the war journal. I was thinking that perhaps we could find and take down Erestor with the others, and then, if possible, find out what's happening inside the city. I really don't want to meet my father alone...and it might provide some resolution for Halla, as well as give us another lead into Poquelin's plan, if it is, indeed, related."
Sep 15, 2018 3:44 pm
Al nods. "Makes sense. Erestor needs to be dealt with, and you need backup. Erevain and I will come with you. We can see if the others are interested. As for Halla... I'm not sure what you told her, but I gathered from our conversation that it was not that we knew about Erestor killing Arundel since before we left. She's really angry, Zenithral." She sighs, running a hand through her hair. "At all of us, but mostly you and me."
Last edited September 15, 2018 3:46 pm
Sep 15, 2018 3:52 pm
Jermsy roars with glee as foe after foe falls to his magic. By the end of it, the boy is sweating from the exertion of pointing and yelling. "I did it! Brother Fergy, I beat them all! I want to be a dwarf now. Can I be a dwarf when I grow up?"

He skips along happily beside Fergy on the way back to town. Fergy thinks he sees the spark of true magic at the the boy's fingertips. Whether the day's excitement has sparked an innate talent within the boy, or whether Fergy has truly endowed him with some power, he is not sure.
Jermsy is now a level 1 character. I'm thinking variant human rogue with the Magic Initiate feat, but he could also be a Wild Magic sorcerer. It would probably be pretty hard to convince Ilmater to take him as a cleric.
Sep 15, 2018 4:22 pm
After Mirek's declaration the rest of the men cheer. Ug's cautions are met with deaf ear as the men all stand and lift their drinks high.

One drink and our foes will feel our pain.
All hail, all hail, to the brew: Hunter's Bane!

Despite the celebration, Ug sees a deadly determination in the eyes of these men who have lived a rugged life on the frontier. Perhaps in the morning their nerve will have left them, but tonight they seem unified in following their goliath brother to whatever doom he chooses.

Either way, Whitcomb's new local favorite bears the name 'Hunter's Bane'.
Sep 15, 2018 4:46 pm
The not too lucid Ug decided the best bet will be to buy rounds of hunters bane for everyone and get them to pass out.

That’s the last thing he remembers.
Last edited September 15, 2018 4:48 pm


All hail all hail DC 18 - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

To the mother of ug - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Sep 15, 2018 5:10 pm
"I'm sorry, what?" Zenithral asks, confused. "I'm fairly certain she was aware Arundel was killed. I told her Erestor specifically was the assassin when we returned, but why should the assassin's identity change anything? I guess that's more of a question for her, I suppose..."
Last edited September 15, 2018 5:10 pm
Sep 15, 2018 5:25 pm
Fergy is surprised by the boy's magic coming alive before his very eyes. Sensing a kindred trickster, Fergy let's the boy in on a little secret.

"Yes, with magic you can be a dwarf when you grow up. In fact I used to be a tiefling. But you did very well today. And if you're going down the path I think you are, let me help you out in last time." Stopping by a smith on the way back Fergy a matching pair of small things daggers (4GP). Perfect for a little rogue. "Here, I'll trade you, give me my old dagger back and you can have these. You should have a pair. That way if you need to throw one, you always have a second. Also, keep them hidden, you don't want to that lady to take them away again do you?"

Trading daggers, they return to the temple grab some food and call it a day. The books of Ilmater long forgotten.
Sep 15, 2018 5:36 pm
Alalla gives Zenithral a flat look. "Are you serious? Her father was murdered and she wants to bring his killer to justice. If you came home to your grandfather's corpse, would you just acknowledge it with a shrug? 'Well, he's dead, and that's enough for me.'" She rolls her eyes. "It's important to her. At best she probably feels like we didn't care enough about her to tell her and at worst she probably thinks we were keeping secrets. He's your father, Zenithral. It looks bad. This is what I was trying to prevent when I told you to tell her!" Al searches his eyes. "Come on, man. You're not that ignorant or callous. What were you thinking?" Her question sounds sincere.
Last edited September 15, 2018 7:48 pm
Sep 15, 2018 6:37 pm
The next day Fergy continues his teaching.

"You've got a good gig here kid. Lucky for you, you probably already know some of Ilmater's teaching. Even if you never follow his teaching, pretending can get you a free place to stay, and free gold. You could probably go to any city, go to a temple and get free stuff. Temples are easy marks. Speaking of easy marks, my big dumb friend Ug has a mission for us. It requires deception, sticky nimble fingers, and probably a distraction. You up for it? Any gold you steal and get away with will go towards some gear for you."
Sep 15, 2018 6:56 pm
Fergy finds Jermsy playing with his two new daggers. The boy looks up and grin splits his face. "Yes! Another adventure! I can be pretty sneaky, you know." He frowns for a moment. "But Ug isn't dumb. He's my friend! He saved me from orcs, even though he was naked." The boy leans forward to whisper loudly. "His bum-cloth doesn't stay on very well."
Sep 15, 2018 7:17 pm
"Ah, so you already know Ug. And yes he's a little dumb. He knows this. It's important to recognize your weaknesses so you can befriend people who make up for them. Ug is strong. Super strong. I am not. Which is why he makes a great friend. Now, since he has saved both our lives, let's head over to the Inn and repay him a bit shall we? He needs us because another thing Ug isn't is sneaky. I'll be the distraction, and you be the sneaky, and we can help out Ug together."

We then head over toward the Inn.
Sep 15, 2018 7:41 pm
Yet another flash of light and column of smoke erupt from the airship. "Geeblagh!"Uncle Oswald cracks open a window and begins airing out the interior of the ship between curses. "Radish-kissing, rothe-herding, snapple-gobbing piece of tinkertrash!"

The gnome turns to Ras, who is sitting quietly nearby. "You know, I'm wondering if this bird even deserves to fly anymore? It's broke, and I can't break it better, not without proper parts. Repairing it properly is going to be costly. Maybe it should just stay here and become a permanent piece of history. Like Granduncle Stu. We just need a medusa to turn me to stone, and I'll stay here with it forever." The older gnome sighs, and for once is completely silent - a rare sign that he is truly considering giving up on the ship.
Sep 15, 2018 7:45 pm
Aldwin sits in his customary place on a high stool, all the better to keep an eye on customers. The halfling is chewing on some stringy meat, fingers laced over his ample belly. When Fergy walks in, Aldwin sits up straight. "A new face in town! Well, you've come to the right spot. 100 gold for the night, friend!"
Sep 15, 2018 8:39 pm
Ug comes in behind fergy and pushes his way through. With a wide smile he picks up the halfling in a bear hug and carries him out of the inn in a rush. "Friend gnome! Ug just saw a full grown Snapple gob outside, you must come see!

Ug grins at Fergy and Jermsy as he runs past
Last edited September 15, 2018 8:54 pm


Strength - (1d20+7)

(14) + 7 = 21

Strength advantage - (1d20+7)

(4) + 7 = 11

Sep 15, 2018 9:10 pm
Knowing this was going to be a mission of a pilthering nature, Fergy picked up a set of thieves tools for Jermsy and casts mage armor on both of them on the way to the Inn.

Arriving in short order Fergy and Jermsy see Ug carry out the small owner. Fergy takes the cue and casts major image. Walking over to the back door the illusion of falls over them and the back door/wall. Making it look like Fergy and Jermsy are standing nearby and the door is closed, the real two try to open the back door.
Last edited September 15, 2018 9:11 pm
Sep 15, 2018 9:15 pm
Jermsy's tongue sticks out between a gap in his teeth as he tries to work the thieves' tools, but it seems he's never actually used the large before. Even with Fergy helping, he doesn't seem to quite know how to get it. Once Fergy notices the back door isn't even locked however, it's easy to convince Jermsy he's finally done it. With a push the door opens.

It seems to be a small office room with a desk and some shelves of logbooks. Time to investigate!


Jermsy pick lock DC 10 (adv from Fergy) - (1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

1d20+3 : (6) + 3 = 9

Sep 15, 2018 9:22 pm
Meanwhile, Aldwin is not pleased about being handled so roughly. "Aah! What is going on? I don't even know what a Snapple Gob is!" Try as he might, the chubby little fellow cannot wriggle out of Ug's grasp.


Acrobatics to escape Ug - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Sep 15, 2018 9:30 pm
"I didn't---! ...But---!" Zenithral sighs, opens his mouth a few times, but says nothing, then finally speaks. "Fine...you're right. I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want her to think less of me just because I happened to be conceived by a murdering scoundrel. Now she probably sees me as a careless liar and son of a murdering scoundrel..." he grumbled. "Simply splendid...Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll be preparing for my apology and perhaps my funeral...and the journey. Maybe this will help matters? Ugh."

Zenithral pauses, then continues with visible effort, not looking Alalla in the eye. "Well...thank you for trying to stop me from being an idiot...and I...am...sorry...for damaging Halla's opinion of you. And the others. Because of my petty fears." He exhales heavily, as if he had just exerted a great deal of effort, then looks up at her, wincing slightly.
Last edited September 15, 2018 9:31 pm
Sep 15, 2018 9:54 pm
Whispering to Jermsy Fergy says, "Help me find some important looking papers and locked places. Drawers, safes, or any false bottoms, loose floorboards, or any good place to hide important papers. Put everything back the way you find it."

Then they quickly search the place.


Investigation with help from Jermsy - (1d20+1, 1d20+1)

1d20+1 : (3) + 1 = 4

1d20+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

Sep 15, 2018 9:57 pm
"Thank you, Zenithral. I appreciate it." Al laughs somewhat awkwardly, hand over her mouth. "I can understand why you did what you did. I don't know that your fears are petty. I have similar ones for having an orc for a mother, and I loved her." She winces in kind. "That's still uncomfortable to say out loud, and it's still something I want to keep from being bandied about. I don't blame you for wanting to keep your heritage from Halla. I tried to tell her you were a victim of Erestor's behaviour too, but..." Alalla leans back in her chair with a sigh. "There was a lot of yelling. I'm not sure if my words got through. I'm hardly the expert at handling people, myself. We both owe her apologies."

Al furrows her brow. "As for the journey... This is definitely a sensitive issue. We can't keep it from Halla if we pretend to be the friends we are trying to convince her we are. But she'll want to come and deal with Erestor herself. With the way she gets, I'm not sure we trust her to work with us. Or convince her that we are working with her. It's going to be another hard conversation." She grimaces, hiding tusks behind her hand again.
Last edited September 15, 2018 10:00 pm
Sep 15, 2018 10:32 pm
Ras looks up at Uncle Oswald and seems to see him for the first time. It's like the old gnome hid behind his torrent of words and is now laid bare in the silence. Instead of the blustering all-knowing uncle, Ras sees a tired old gnome who is losing the thing that he's worked for all his life.

Ras stands up and rolls up his sleeves. "We can do it, Uncle. I'm sorry I've been so distracted. Let me help. We can save this old airbag." He pats the railing affectionately.

Gathering up his things, including an apron, some goggles, and his tinkerers tools, Ras earnestly begins working on the ship.


Here a tinker there a tinker - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Thanks Unc - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Sep 15, 2018 10:46 pm
Jermsy is very helpful. First he pulls the drawers out of the desk and upends them, doing their contents all over the floor. Then he grabs one of his daggers and slices up the bottoms of the drawers. Then he cuts up the floorboards. Then he starts just ripping up paper. After a few minutes' search, the mess is rather disheartening. Still, Jermsy seems to be enjoying himself.
Sep 16, 2018 12:00 am
Zenithral nods. "Well, until we see Halla, I'll be recruiting the others. We've been here for what, a few weeks now? And I still hardly know what's going on around the town..."

He was quite the hermit, wasn't hit?

He had spent a lot of time exploring the area around Kuldihar, speaking with Fluphy and crafting arrows. He spoke with Fluphy about whether he wanted to continue traveling with Zenithral despite the dangers and pain of being blasted away time and time again. The flumph decided to stay, but requested that he stay out of most combat. He had also spent some time praying in the temple to Ilmater, paying proper respects to his divine patron. Zenithral paid for new half-plate armor with the party's funds and it was still being fitted for him.

He still had yet to speak with Orrick...perhaps that should be his first stop.
Sep 16, 2018 12:32 am
"Sounds like a plan. Let me know if you see Halla." Alalla stands, rapping the table with her knuckles. "Good talk. Tell me if Erestor comes poking around in your dreams again, too." She departs with a wave, leaving Zenithral to his business.
Last edited September 16, 2018 12:33 am
Sep 16, 2018 1:25 am
Ras and his uncle throw themselves into the work of repairing the airship. Soon Oswald's rambling returns, and something about the situation just seems right to Ras.

They run into some troubles however. Uncle Oswald pauses and wipes some sweat and soot from his eyes. "Well. Maybe she will fly again after all. But we've got some damaged parts here that just won't do. It'll take a small fortune to get her in the air." He scratches an ear. "Your friends. Adventuring is a strange profession. Either you get filthy rich, or you die. Since you're all still alive - even your friend, kind of - maybe they've got some gold to spare? If they can spot us some money to get her flying, I'll take them anywhere they want! At their beck and call, and all that. It certainly beats staying grounded, and it seems like you lot are doing good work anyway."

He cleans some dust out of his goggles. "What do you think, nephew?"
Fixing the airship will cost 5,000 gold.
Sep 16, 2018 2:08 am
"Wow kid, you have a lot to learn. But, since we haven't found anything mundane let's look at the arcane?"


Arcana check with help of course - (1d20+5, 1d20+5)

1d20+5 : (1) + 5 = 6

1d20+5 : (16) + 5 = 21

Insight into an innkeepers mind. Where would he hide it? - (1d20-1, 1d20-1)

1d20-1 : (8) - 1 = 7

1d20-1 : (3) - 1 = 2

Sep 16, 2018 2:24 am
Fergy and Jermsy reach out with their arcane senses. Fergy starts to realize that his dwarf brain simply is not as keen as Nessa's tiefling one, when he notices Jermsy fiddling with a silver ring. The boy looks up and shrugs, apparently as clueless as Fergy as to how it ended up on his hands.

Inscribed on the inside of the ring are the words:

In the case of my death, The Evening's Shade Inn shall belong to my niece Natalie.
Sep 16, 2018 2:39 am
"Success!" Taking the ring from the kid's finger and grabbing any loose coin or valuables they leave the room an utter mess. Closing the door behind them and merging with their Illusions, Fergy changes tactics.

Casting message at Ug he says "We are coming out, play along.". And to the boy he says "Let's chase the illusion, don't hit it."

The door seemingly bursts open and a figure darts out. The door bangs against the wall, rebounds and closes again. Making the figure look as closely as possible to the image Zen told them about his father the night of the assassination, he looks like Zen, but has blood red leather armor.

The figure runs out the front door and Nessa and the kid follow behind him yelling, "Thief!"

The run out of the inn, shooting illusiory firebolt at the fleeting figure. Faster than humanly possible the thief dashes past Ug and the fake owner. Fergy and kid continue to yell, "Thief, thief!" As he pulls away Fergy stops fireing at him. He darts between a few houses and disappears.
Last edited September 16, 2018 2:43 am
Sep 16, 2018 4:23 pm
Fergy and Jermsy find little of value besides the ring, but when the come out chasing the 'thief', Aldwin cries out in horror. "No! Stop the thief! Master Ug, maybe you should put those muscles to better use catching that thief? LET GO!"
Sep 16, 2018 4:29 pm
Erevain approaches Alalla with packs ready for a trek through the mountains. "I have packed provisions for a a few days, and I can likely keep us fed beyond that if we feel we need to stay out longer. Shall we seek out Keggruk? We will not travel so easily as with Orrick's magical helm, but I have always enjoyed walking."
Sep 16, 2018 4:42 pm
"Lets. I hope the orog is not out there pillaging something." Alalla says as she gets ready. "I hope to meet him with aid, and not my blade."
Sep 16, 2018 4:45 pm
Alalla and Erevain set out to the location where Aeri said she had left Keggruk. With the tricks Erevain picked up from his time with the Evereskan Greycloaks, they make excellent time even through the harsh mountain range.

Within a few days they find the place. Supposedly Keggruk had stayed kneeling here in the snow even as Aeri left him behind. That had been many weeks earlier however. At this point, they do not expect to find much sign of the orc, aside from his corpse if he had simply sat and starved or frozen.

True to their suspicions, they find no sign of the orog. Still, this could be an indication that Keggruk lives - wherever he is.

They spend the next day looking about for signs of any orcs in the area nearby. Around midday they pick up a trail, where it appears that two orcs recently killed a stag. Following the pair's footprints in the snow, Alalla and Erevain eventually come to a ridge where they look down upon a camp of orcs.

With the sun beginning to creep towards dusk, Erevain whispers to Alalla.

"Aside from several sentries, I do not see many warriors. I would guess that either they are out on a raid, or have gone to join a larger force. Should we go down to speak with them, sharuhk? I doubt they will be happy to speak to an elf, but if you leave me your bow I can cover you from here."


Erevain Survival to find Keggruk - (1d20+6, 1d20+6)

1d20+6 : (6) + 6 = 12

1d20+6 : (17) + 6 = 23

Mystery roll - (1d20+14)

(5) + 14 = 19

Mystery roll - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Mystery roll - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Sep 16, 2018 6:41 pm
Alalla furrows her brow, then nods. She gives Erevain her bow and quiver, then leaves her hand axes as well.

"I can't say I've ever done anything quite like this before," she says, using her scarf to pull her dreadlocks away from her ears, showing their orcish shape. "Orcs aren't interested in diplomatic excursions from the Ten Towns, and as a member of them I don't typically flaunt my heritage." Al gives Erevain a kiss. "Here goes nothing. Be back in a minute."

Alalla begins trekking down the ridge, using her glaive as a walking stick to help get her through the rough terrain. She takes a somewhat sideways approach to the camp so that they won't be able to immediately pinpoint Erevain's location should she end up needing the backup.

When she knows the sentries have seen her, Al calls out to them.

"Hail, brothers," she says in Orcish, voice confident and strong. "How goes hunting in these parts?"

Really? That's your opener?
Last edited September 16, 2018 6:43 pm
Sep 16, 2018 7:15 pm
One of the sentries sees Alalla coming and grunts out a cry of alarm. He turns his spear towards her, glaring with dark red eyes. Despite his size, there is a certain gangliness to his frame, and Alalla recognizes that he is an adolescent.

As several more orcs run to join him, this one charges forward to skewer Alalla. From the corner of her eye, she can see Erevain ready with an arrow on the string, but not drawn. He seems to be waiting.
Sep 16, 2018 7:25 pm
Alalla tosses her glaive aside, then grabs the orc's spear as he comes within range. She kicks him free it and he sits down hard in the snow.

"Peace!" she says, throwing the spear away from her and raising her hands. "I come to talk and then to leave. I am unarmed." They didn't need to know that she could summon her glaive to her, despite it being out of her reach. "Don't make me prove I am a poor enemy to make." She adds a flash of tusks to her warning.
Last edited September 16, 2018 7:39 pm


Athletics - (1d20+9)

(7) + 9 = 16

Opposed check - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

You don't want to mess with me (intimidation) - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Sep 16, 2018 9:10 pm
The young orc falls on his rear in the snow, limbs splayed out trying to keep his balance. He tries to regain his feet as the other orcs approach, but a dry voice snaps out at him in Orcish. "Stay down, Brigghor. You never did pay attention. Can't you see it's her?"

An orc woman steps forward. Her face is lined and weathered from a lifetime of hardship, but her crimson eyes are bright with wisdom. She steps past the fallen orc sentry, giving his foot a kick as she goes. Her piercing gaze follows Alalla from head to toe and back again. "You are as he described. Young, strong. Merciful." The last word is almost tasted a small it is spoken. She reaches out a claw of a hand, letting it hand in the air as an invitation. "My name's Chaide."

The other orcs, most of them young or very old, watch with wide eyes, fingering their weapons hesitantly.
Sep 16, 2018 9:37 pm
Al takes the woman's hand and shakes it firmly, mind reeling.

"I am Alalla," she says, leaving off her Elvish last name for the moment. "But I suppose you know that, since I'm assuming you've met Keggruk?"
Sep 16, 2018 10:30 pm
For being an older woman, Chaide's callused grip does not lack strength. "Yes, the little that the orog's spoken has been of you. I will take you to him."

The other orcs give Chaide and Alalla a wide berth as they enter the camp. Just before they enter a tent made of thick canvass, Alalla notices Erevain shadowing them along the ridge high above. He appears alert, but calm. He nods to her as she ducks into the tent.
Sep 16, 2018 10:33 pm
Within the shelter of the tent, a candle's flame shows Keggruk sitting on a rug. The muscular orog is leaned over a piece of parchment, a heavy quill in one hand. More pages sit in small stacks around him, covered in writing. He looks up, annoyed, and then sees Alalla.

"Daughter of Gru-" He cuts off the title. "I do not know what else to call you. I did not think you would come to find me..." He gestures to the pages. "I have struggled to remember everything from our time together, and to write down your words and actions. It seemed to me that any guidance would be better than none at all..." He hesitates, an odd behavior for the proud warrior. "Have you come to show us the way?"
Sep 16, 2018 10:47 pm
Alalla looks around at the stacks of parchment in surprise. Orcs typically do not feel the need to make records. The thought that they are filled with things she has said and done makes her nervous.

"I have a name, Keggruk," she says dryly. "Did you write that down in here?" She gestures to his parchment. "I said I would help you. Here I am." Al crosses her arms, regarding the man. "I'm still not sure what you're hoping I'll give you, though."
Last edited September 16, 2018 10:53 pm
Sep 16, 2018 11:14 pm
Keggruk looks down at the pages, then shrugs his massive shoulders. "I did what I could. The dragon left me without food or water, but it was not knowing what to do with my life that was difficult. I sat there for days, trying to make sense of things. These orcs found me and, seeing I was an orog, nursed me back to health, hoping that the gods would bless them for it." He says that last part with obvious bitterness. "But you have shown me that Gruumsh will not bring us happiness."

Keggruk spreads his thick hands. "I have spoken with these, and they might be willing to listen. Teach us what to do, and we will do it."
Sep 16, 2018 11:49 pm
"I'm sorry Keggruk," Al says with a wince. "I should have checked to see what you had in your pack. I was in a hurry to get you out of the tunnels, and didn't think."

Alalla looks the orog up and down. He certainly seems genuine. "First you must forsake Gruumsh and his pantheon. They only serve themselves, and care nothing for the orcs save for how the orcs can serve them.

Next you must let go of hatred. It's hard,"
she says, thinking of the burning in her gut that comes when she thinks of Gruumsh, "but you can't be happy while you hold it close. Are you willing to do that, Keggruk? Are you and yours?" She asks Chaide.
Sep 17, 2018 1:12 am
Keggruk's reddish face wrinkles in a grimace. "I have tried all other paths available to me. Yours is the only one that remains. I will do follow it, or die trying."
Sep 17, 2018 1:12 am
Chaide's smile shows the full extent of her teeth and tusks. "I served Luthic for decades, and in her name corrupted the sons and daughters of the tribe. Too may generations were raised in hate, and too many lost to pointless bloodshed." Her eyes glitter, perhaps with tears, but her voice is strong. "I renounce Luthic and Gruumsh and all of their kin. I once taught the orcs strength in arms, but now I would teach them strength in spirit. Find us a place to gather, and more will come to us. Then we will take whatever fate we make for ourselves."
Sep 17, 2018 1:40 am
"Well," Alalla says, trying not to let her surprise colour her voice. "Then I will do what I can to help you." She hesitates for a moment, but decides they are sincere. "Come. I have your first test."

Alalla steps out of the tent and into the cold. She walks through the crunching snow back the way they came, and stops at the entrance of the camp where she had sent Brigghor sprawling into the snow.

Knowing what she is looking for, she is able to spot Erevain on the ridge, and waves him down to join her.

"I can't expect attitudes to change overnight, but I do expect you to try. Harm this man, and you lose all help from me." Al makes eye contact with all those nearby, impressing upon them her complete seriousness.
Last edited September 17, 2018 1:42 am
Sep 17, 2018 1:46 am
"A thief?!?!" Ug shouts in surprise, "Snappling gobblers will have to wait!" Ug drops the halfling into the snow and rushes after the illusionary bandit culprit.
Sep 17, 2018 1:52 am
As Al carries on this important conversation her eyes are drawn to the side where a pair of shorter than average orcs are walking by. They are almost stereotypically orc-ugly, and oddly enough not speaking orcish. You catch faint whispers in common. One of them catches you looking and startles a little bit. Recovering quickly, but then kind of giving in, you recognize a sly look that you would recognize on any face. A group of orcs pass by between Al and the two orcs and you lose sight of the pair.

Was Fergy that really Fergy or was it an illusion? Also, who was with him?

Frustrated, Al turns back to the conversation at hand.
Sep 17, 2018 2:23 am
"Don't worry friend, I'm sure that if that thief could be caught, that strapping big fellow can do it. Besides, I know the perfect thing to lift your spirits up. I'll allow you the use of my apprentice here to help you clean up the mess the thief is sure to have made. He did seem to be off in a hurry. Why don't you go see what might be missing with my apprentice and I'll keep the ale flowing in the common room. Sound good?"

Sending a message spell to Jermsy, Fergy let's him know that he should have to clean up the mess he made. And he's more than welcome to use magic if he's figured out how to yet.
Last edited September 17, 2018 2:33 am
Sep 17, 2018 4:14 am
Aldwin fumes, little legs kicking at tufts of grass. "A thief! In Kuldahar! No decency..."

He whirls on Fergy. "Leave my wares to you? I don't think so. Out! Everybody out! Into your rooms or out in town, but stay out of the common room!" He marches inside, ushering customers away.

Jermsy tries to tail the halfling, but Aldwin just slams the door in his face.
Sep 17, 2018 4:16 am
Jermsy turns back to Fergy with a grin. "But we found this ring! It's got Natalie's name on it! She's real nice. We should go give it to her!"
Sep 17, 2018 10:31 am
"Nope, we give it to Ug. He wanted to set this right, and that grumpy innkeeper is going to be asking uncomfortable questions at the person who has that ring. Not our problem. Best to be rid of it. Ug can say he caught up to the thief and managed to get it off him."

They wait till Ug comes back then go for a walk away from the inn. On the walk they give Ug the ring and head back to the temple.
Last edited September 17, 2018 10:33 am
Sep 17, 2018 1:13 pm
After passing the ring to Ug and returning to the temple, Jermsy shoves a hand into his pocket. "Okay! But what should we do with this?" Jermsy holds out a small pouch that clinks with coin. Fergy isn't sure when it was that Jermsy found and pocketed that.
Pouch has 30 gold.
Sep 17, 2018 1:16 pm
Erevain comes down from the ridge with the bow slung over his shoulder, hands held high. When he gets closer, he pulls his hood back from his head, revealing his elven features. The nearby orcs hiss and growl, and even Keggruk straightens in surprise.
Sep 17, 2018 1:20 pm
"Do nothing!" Chaide's voice rings out over the camp. "This is a test, and we will not fail it." As the orcs quiet down, she turns to Alalla. "They won't hurt him, but I don't think he should stay here long."
Sep 17, 2018 2:49 pm
Alalla nods at Chaide. "It's a start. That man," she gestures to Erevain, "wants to help me help you. He wants to help me mend relationships between the races, so that orcs can live peacefully, without having to warmonger to survive. I would not have found you without his help." Al gives Erevain a reassuring smile, then turns to Keggruk and Chaide. "His name is Erevain Blacksheaf, and he's my husband."
Sep 17, 2018 2:50 pm
"Fluphy, would you fly around and search for Halla? I'm going to Orrick with a few questions."

After speaking with Fluphy, Zenithral heads to find Orrick.


History (What does Zenithral know about this Orrick fellow?) - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Sep 17, 2018 3:34 pm
Keggruk blinks, which for him is as much a sign of shock as clapping a hand over his mouth. He looks back and forth between Alalla and Erevain, then at the sword on Erevain's belt. Then he laughs, a deep guffaw that has him wiping his eyes. "I hope you do not wish us each to take an ugly elf as a mate!"

He steps forward, towering over Erevain and outweighing him by at least two hundred pounds. "I once balked at taking orders from one of your kind. I am still not ready for that." He points a finger at Alalla. "But I can obey her. If you keep her alive and safe, I have reason to thank you, rather than kill you."
Sep 17, 2018 5:32 pm
Fluffy toots away to look for Halla, and Zenithral starts on his way to Orrick's tower.

Apart from having seen the wizard once the night of the orog attack, Zenithral can't recall much about him. He almost never leaves his tower or mingles with the townsfolk. But from what Dok and Ras have mentioned, he's amenable to chatting with people about his research and perhaps even letting them use his library.

Zenithral finds the front door open, and he proceeds up through the tower to the mage's study. Orrick has three tomes open in front of him, and the contents that Zenithral can make out seem to be advanced arcane notes, diagrams, and formulas.

The wizard gestures for Zenithral to sit, then marks his places in all three books and closes them. He leans back in his chair and looks Zenithral over. "My tower has never seen more use than in the past several weeks. You and your friends must be looking for some information. You are all welcome to use the library, of course." He breathes for a moment, intelligent eyes seeming to gaze through Zenithral's forehead. "But if, in your travels, you hear of a lost elven city hidden somewhere in the Spine of the World, you must inform me."
Sep 17, 2018 7:39 pm
"Indeed we are," he says, looking around, curiously. Never having been in a wizard's tower, before, Zenithral casts detect magic.
If Orrick shows to have magic about him, Zenithral focuses the spell on him.
"We've come across a number of concerning bits of information. I figured a more educated man as yourself might be able to enlighten me. But yes, I will inform you if I hear of such a city. If I may ask, in a war journal, we discovered that Arundel's assassin was sent after being...greased? No, goosed? Geesed...yes, geased. Do you know the meaning of the word, or where might I find a book with the meanings of words?"
Last edited September 17, 2018 7:40 pm
Sep 17, 2018 8:17 pm
Erevain does not show any sign of weakness before Keggruk. He stands easily, gaze upright. When the orog finishes speaking, Erevain nods his head curtly. The Orcish language flows off his tongue easily, but he will likely never manage its true guttural intonation. "When Alalla said you might be capable of change, I hoped she was right. Now that I have met you, Keggruk, I can see that you are capable." The elf turns to look at the other orcs gathered. "I look at you and see something familiar to me. I wandered the world for centuries, unhappy. It was not until I met her," he holds a hand out to Alalla, "that I began to change. Join this new path with me, and put your hope and trust in Alalla and her allies."

Erevain turns to look at her, and Alalla feels the eyes of every orc in the camp on her once more.
Sep 17, 2018 8:29 pm
Orrick raises an eyebrow at Zenithral's spell. "You will find much magic here, archer." Indeed, most things in the study hum with some sort of magical aura. Scrolls, trinkets, and many of the books. The mage himself has a rather powerful aura, and Zenithral believes it comes from his robe.

Orrick steeples his fingers as he thinks. "You must mean 'geased'." He pronounces the word like 'guessed', but with a 'sh' sound. "A geas is a powerful enchantment on the mind that cripples free will. The recipient of spell is tasked with a specific behavior to fulfill or avoid, and if they do not obey they are subject to excruciating pain, or even death." He folds his hands into the sleeves of his robe. "If the killer was geased into assassinating the druid, completing the task would have been nearly impossible to resist."
Sep 17, 2018 11:51 pm
"We go shopping!"

After shopping around they pick up some leather armor and a burgler's pack. After that they head back to the temple and do more priesting.

In fact they priest a lot.

For several days.

Ugh, priesting is sooooo boring.

With Jermsy practicing with his new skills constantly, Fergy is left alone, with books.

With literally nothing else to do, Fergy's left with only one thing left to do. Books. Fergy sits down and reads.


Arcana check with advantage - (1d20+5, 1d20+5)

1d20+5 : (2) + 5 = 7

1d20+5 : (20) + 5 = 25

Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
Mercy, sharuhk.

She hadn't expected a speech. Especially one that put things even more squarely on her shoulders. Still... For all it makes her anxious, orc culture has left these people expecting a leader; perhaps even requiring one. Since she certainly doesn't want to tie herself to orcs who consider her words only a suggestion when she tells them things like, 'no pillaging,' she had better make herself clear.

"Only you are responsible for your change and growth," she says to the group, "but there are a lot of things stacked against you. Im here to help take those things down and show you the way, but I risk much in doing so. I won't do it without assurance from you. I'll try not to ask things that are too hard, but when I do ask, I expect to be obeyed absolutely.

You passed your first test, but there will be others harder than this. Keggruk has pledged himself to me already. Will the rest of you follow?"

Al summons her glaive to her hand and looks about the group. Orc chiefs win their place by blood. She hopes she will not have to do that this time, but there will be challengers in the future. She can't expect change overnight.

Alalla stares them all down, letting them see her strength and determination, daring them to challenge her.


I mean business (intimidate) - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Sep 18, 2018 2:38 am
Fergy flips through the basic Ilmatari literature without much of anything sticking out to him. He finds one old, worn book, however, that is very interesting. It is a treatise on the Great Wheel and the cosmology of the multiverse - in terms so basic and inarticulate that Fergy finds himself wondering
if the author really knew anything about anything. Still, as he reads he finds himself piecing together some of the grander scope of things, his experience beyond the veil of mortality seeping through to fill in some of the blanks.
Check out some neat stuff about the Blood War in the Lore thread. 500 XP to the party, so 86,150 XP total!
After that read, Fergy discovers a stack of letters...

The first letter:

To our brothers and sisters in Kuldahar, we send word that a most esteemed priest of our order will be passing through. Give him whatever aid he requires, for Revered Brother Poquelin is one most blessed by Ilmater.

- Brother Perdiem

The second letter:

In answer to your concerns, I say that sometimes the greatest sacrifice is to go forward in ignorance, trusting those who know better to lead us by the hand towards greater enlightenment. Stay strong to what Revered Brother Poquelin has taught us.

- Brother Perdiem

The third letter:

Brother Gus,

As one of great wisdom yourself, Revered Brother Poquelin has decided to gift you with this statue. Keep it close by, and you will receive greater instruction when the time comes.

- Brother Perdiem

Something about the mention of that statue itches at Fergy's attention. Something heavy had been used to kill Brother Ferg. Could that have been the statue? If it had been used as a weapon, perhaps pieces of it might have come loose in the struggle.

Searching the temple again, using his magical senses to guide him, Fergy locates a small chip of stone under a pew, blood staining its edge. Though it is but a sliver, Fergy immediately feels something assault his willpower. With something as volatile as this, perhaps it would be better not to touch it.
Sep 18, 2018 5:46 am
Out of sight from Aldwin, Ug collects the valuables and ring from Fergy and company. With the loot in hand, Ug returns to the inn, trying to draw attention once he arrives. With othe patrons watching, Ug confronts the portly halfling. "Ug believes these are inn keeper’s, He says, promptly returning Aldwin possessions. "But Ug believes this is not." Ug holds up the ring for all to see and reads the inscription.
Sep 18, 2018 5:56 am
After waking up on the floor of the tavern with a Goliath sized headache, Ug heads towards the wizard tower hoping to either find Dok, or perhaps enlisting the goblin’s old master for help. Either way, he was determined to drink the Hunters Bane. Dangerous though it was, Ug would not fail his friends again. He had to become something more. And, realizes, if Mirek and others wished to make the same choice as him, Ug wouldn’t stop them.
Sep 18, 2018 10:55 am
Knowing mage hand can't be used to activate magical items, Fergy uses it to pick up the shard. Fergy hunts around and finds an old vial from a health potion. Rinsing it out he slips the shard into the vial and restoppers it. Tucking it safely away in his backpack, Fergy goes and interrupts Jermsy's dagger throwing practice.

"Hey Jermsy, do you remember a statue that Brother Gus received just before he left?"
Sep 18, 2018 2:03 pm
"Tortured? Impossible to resist?" Zenithral repeats to himself. "...so while that doesn't mean the assassin was a good man, by any means, it would indicate he didn't commit the murder of his accord...If I were to meet the assassin, would it be prudent to speak of it him, or do you think that would be ill-advised?" After Orrick's response, he continues with one last query.

"I've been asked to meet someone at a city." Using prestidigitation, Zenithral produces the small illusory diorama Erestor showed him in his dream, a city with five towers stretching upwards like fingers. "He says it was once known as the Hand of the Seldarine, and that it has bloodline-based defenses. Do you know anything of this city that might be useful for my companions and I to know?"
Sep 18, 2018 3:48 pm
"They will not." Alalla knows that voice. Eyes turn to the ridge above, where an armored figure stands, a serrated axe in each hand. An orc of enormous proportions, larger even than Keggruk, his eyes burn with a fierce red glow from beneath his helmet.

He leaps down to land in the snow before Alalla, where he rises above her height by nearly two feet. "You think you can lead them to a better way, Daughter? How can you, when you are even more lost than they?"

Alalla's mind reels as she considers this orc. He does not look exactly like the deific creature she saw briefly when she'd died, but those eyes... and that voice...

"I have let you run free for too long. It is time you learned your place. And these will all bear witness that none will escape me!"

Alalla has just a moment to see that the rest of the camp, including Keggruk and Erevain, seem to be frozen in place. And then the orc is upon her, swinging furiously with his two axes.
Roll initiative!


Avatar initiative (adv) - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (5) = 5

1d20 : (4) = 4

Sep 18, 2018 3:52 pm
Bumping Ug and aldwin to black
Aldwin greedily snatches back his valuables, but when he sees the ring his face pales. While Ug is reading the inscription he sidles over to the money box and starts stuffing his pockets with gold. When Ug is done, the halfling tries to scurry for the door!
Sep 18, 2018 3:53 pm
Alalla grips her glaive and breathes hard, forcing her mind to ground itself, forcing her stomach to still itself. Calm, cool, controlled.

She ought to make some sort of quip or retort, but her throat is too dry. Besides, her opponents usually find it more unnerving when she says nothing.

Alalla charges, striking hard. It's a solid hit, and she laughs. She could be sent back to Nishrek today, devastating all those who are watching, but if she wins...

She puts all she has into her strikes, her golden glaive flashing against the giant orc more times than should be possible.

Avatar of Gruumsh takes 84 damage. He must make 1 wisdom save or be afraid of Al and 2 strength saves or be knocked prone.

HP: 115/115
AC: 19
Last edited September 19, 2018 1:06 am


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Inspiration reroll - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Attack 1 - (1d20+9)

(15) + 9 = 24

Damage 1 - (2d10+5)

(52) + 5 = 12

Damage reroll - (1d10+10)

(1) + 10 = 11

Attack 2 - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Attack 3 - (1d20+9)

(10) + 9 = 19

Damage 2 - (2d10+5)

(85) + 5 = 18

Damage 3 - (2d10+5)

(87) + 5 = 20

Attack 4 - (1d20+9)

(15) + 9 = 24

Attack 5 - (1d20+9)

(13) + 9 = 22

Attack 6 - (1d20+9)

(8) + 9 = 17

Damage 4,5,6 - (3d10+15)

(857) + 15 = 35

Sep 18, 2018 3:56 pm
Jermsy shrugs. "He kept a statue by his bed. He told me not to ever touch it! I thought it might be a teddy bear, but it didn't look very cuddly, since it was made of rock." He looks around the temple. "I don't see it now though."
Sep 18, 2018 4:26 pm
Orrick waves a hand dismissively. "For the killer to have managed slaying Arundel, he must have been competent. Whether he was magically compelled to or not, he sounds like a dangerous individual. I would steer clear of him entirely."

When Zenithral shows the image of the city, Orrick immediately leans forward with eager interest. "Where did you see that? You must tell me! I have been searching for it for decades! I know nothing of any bloodline defenses, but if indeed there is a mythal in place, it could have very intricate and powerful wards protecting it. Elven High Magic is all but a lost art, one from which I hope to learn much."
Sep 18, 2018 4:40 pm
The orc staggers under the rain of Alalla's blows, but when her momentum plays out he is still standing. With a roar of rage he takes a humongous swipe at her, but she easily steps away from the wide blow and watches as one of his axes cuts his own flesh. Instead of pulling back, however, the orc continues its assault.

Alalla parries one axe and spins away from the other, but is unprepared for the butt of the orc's helmeted head. Reeling from the hit, she tries to get her bearings when suddenly her vision turns white.

What happened?

She stumbles away as her sight clears, and she blearily sees the orc raise his axes to the sky, one of them dripping blood. Her blood.

Then the pain hits. A searing line of agony rips across her face. She feels blood drip down her face and she sways, watching tears of red melt the snow at her feet. "Yes. You are mine, Daughter." Something is wrong with her vision. The orc steps closer to her, but she feels dizzy. "I claim you. I will never let you be free." She tries to blink the blood away, but... pain. "I mark you as mine!"

She notices then that the glow from beneath his helmet is not from his eyes, but from one single eye.

As his laughter pierces her heart and mind, she realizes the truth. Gruumsh has, indeed, left his mark on her. One of her own eyes is gone.
Al takes 99 damage and loses an eye. She must also make a DC 14 Constitution save or be stunned.
[ +- ] Lose an Eye


Avatar str save (2 saves) - (1d20+9, 1d20+9)

1d20+9 : (17) + 9 = 26

1d20+9 : (12) + 9 = 21

Avatar vs Al (3 attacks) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (1) + 11 = 12

1d20+11 : (7) + 11 = 18

1d20+11 : (20) + 11 = 31

Dmg to Al - (6d10+60)

(9610581) + 60 = 99

Avatar fumble - (1d100)

(86) = 86

Dmg to self - (1d10+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Sep 18, 2018 5:23 pm
Zenithral considers whether to tell Orrick more. He seemed to be a trusted member of Kuldihar. Dok certainly seemed to. With this much interest, perhaps he could even offer direct assistance. "That's the tricky part. The assassin and I have a bit of a history. He spoke to me in a dream using a spell, requesting my help. He showed me this image just as I show you now, so it could be just a falsehood."

He changes the tiny illusion to the map. "Here is the location he gave me. It may very well just be a trap. For instance, it could be a ruse to get me to talk to you for more information and lure one or both of us there only to be captured or killed. The enemy is quite cunning. I don't really have any other options, however, so my companions Alalla, and Erevain will be traveling with me there regardless. I was hoping to recruit Dok's aid as well."
Last edited September 18, 2018 5:25 pm
Sep 18, 2018 10:01 pm
Avatar of Gruumsh takes lethal damage. Al uses second wind to gain 15 hp.

HP: 31/115
Last edited September 18, 2018 10:16 pm


Riposte - (1d20+9)

(9) + 9 = 18

Con save - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Attack 1 - (1d20+9)

(6) + 9 = 15

Attack 2 - (1d20+9)

(5) + 9 = 14

Attack 3 - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Attack 2 inspiration reroll - (1d20+9)

(3) + 9 = 12

Strain - (1d100)

(61) = 61

Sprained ankle rounds - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Damage - (4d10+10)

(9834) + 10 = 34

Second wind - (1d10+11)

(4) + 11 = 15

Sep 18, 2018 10:44 pm
Orrick stands and shoves the books off of his table, moving so he can see. "There! I knew it had to be around someplace. Yes... Well. Trap or not, this place must be investigated. So many answers!"

He straightens his robes. "I will not say what the goblin may or may not do. It would ruin that particular study. But if he has followed you this far, he is likely to continue to do so."

Orrick moves away, stuffing scrolls and pouches into his pockets. "Now. Time to go. Best of luck to you." He snaps his fingers and Zenithral is suddenly standing outside, just in front of the tower entrance.
Sep 18, 2018 11:01 pm
Ug dives at the fat little thief, easily wrapping him up once again in a Goliath grip. The little guy squirms, gold pieces falling out of his pockets and scattering across the floor. Ug calls for the villagers around to grab halla and Natalie
Last edited September 18, 2018 11:04 pm


Arhletics - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Athletics - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Sep 18, 2018 11:40 pm
Alalla can't withhold a gasp at the burning pain, but she clenches her teeth and refuses to acknowledge it further. Seething anger rises up from her gut, offering to erase the pain with rage.

Calm, calm.

She has lost her hold on herself too often lately. She won't do it now.

Al throws her body into her attacks, but her mind is calm and cool. It has to be. She has to show these orcs that they can be better than their anger. Besides, as she faces Gruumsh, she can feel a seed of Bilewing's cowardice inside her dragon heart threatening to bloom should she release her emotions. It is better to feel nothing at all.

One hit skids off his armour but the other lands between the plates at his shoulder and Al heaves, bringing the monster to his knees.

"You won't let me?" Her anger manages to find some voice after all, though it feels as though her mouth is moving on its own. "I don't remember asking your permission."

Another strike forces the blade of her glaive beneath the massive helmet where it meets Gruumsh's throat, ending the life of his avatar.

As the giant orc bleeds into the snow, Alalla's mind scrambles to process the event. She wishes now she had kept quiet, thinking on how her words had only served to make her sound like the rebellious daughter Gruumsh claimed her to be. And her eye...

She begins to raise a gauntleted hand to her face but hesitates as a thick beginnings of a sob rise up in her throat. Al swallows and lets her hand fall.

Not here, not now.

Alalla pulls her scarf from her hair and ties it around her wounded eye. Face bandaged, she turns to look at Erevain, making sure he is alright. Satisfied, she then moves her gaze around the camp.

Calm, calm.

"Well?" Her voice is as strong as she can manage. Hopefully the others will not find weakness in it. "I remember asking a question."
Last edited September 21, 2018 6:47 pm
Sep 19, 2018 12:54 am
Aldwin squeals like a pig, but Ug holds him fast until Halla and Natalie (and most of the town) show up.

"What is going on here, Ug?" Halla still seems a bit cold towards the adventurers. "They said something about a thief in the inn?"
Sep 19, 2018 12:59 am
The avatar falls and turns to black smoke that drifts away on the mountain wind. Immediately the orcs and Erevain are released from whatever power held them, and Erevain nearly runs to her side. He pauses, however, and Alalla notices his knuckles are white from the effort. He smiles weakly at her, but then turns to Chaide and Keggruk, waiting for one of them to speak.
Sep 19, 2018 1:07 am
The orcs stand with stunned disbelief. Chaide steps forward and touches Alalla's armor with two fingers. "You stood against him! You live to tell the tale..." She turns to the other orcs. "If there is anyone who can lead us toward something better, is it not Alalla?"

Many of the orcs cheer. There are some, however, who look at her wounded face with narrowed eyes. The mark of The One-Eyed God. Alalla can guess what they are thinking... If Gruumsh sent an avatar to test her might and bless her with his mark, is she actually standing against him? Or is she doing his work even still?

In the end, all of the orcs swear to do she says, but Alalla has to wonder how long it will last.
Sep 19, 2018 1:34 am
Alalla leaves them with instructions to focus on their survival. They will need to support themselves without taking from others and without sacrificing each other. She will return later to check on them and hopefully bring news of a better place for them to make their home.

With that Al and Erevain begin their trek back to Kuldahar. They walk in silence for a time, as Alalla refuses to speak or let Erevain look at her many wounds. It isn't until they are far from the orc camp, and she is sure they are alone, that Al lets her walls come down.

She falls to her knees in the snow and sobs.
Sep 19, 2018 1:44 am
Erevain kneels down beside Alalla and begins tending to her wounds. He is no cleric or druid, but he does what he can. Despite his best ministrations, he can do nothing to heal her lost eye.

When he is finished, he starts a fire and settles them both next to it, arm around her. One hand strokes her hair and fingers the beads woven into the braids. "You did it, sharuhk. You beat him. And you will again, for good! I am here, beside you. He cannot have you." He continues his soft murmurs long into the night.


Cure Wounds level 2 - (2d8+2)

(54) + 2 = 11

Cure Wounds level 2 again - (2d8+2)

(23) + 2 = 7

Sep 19, 2018 3:06 am
"There is a thief in this inn!" Ug exclaims, holding up the struggling halfling. "Master aldwin knew inn belonged to friend Natalie but hid it! Ug has ring to prove this thing, Ug shows ring to fat little thief, and scum sucking pig tries to run." Ug gives a little squeeze on the halfling, "Aldwin is not good friend!"

Ug drops the former innkeeper down, sits on him to keep him still, and pulls out the ring for Halla to see.
Last edited September 19, 2018 3:13 am
Sep 19, 2018 2:29 pm
All Alalla can think about on their return trip, when she allows herself to think at all, is of the bed waiting for her in the Inn, and how nice it will be to sleep a few days away in warmth and comfort.

When they arrive in Kuldahar, Erevain and Al make their way through town as discretely as they can. Alalla isn't ready to have to talk to anyone else yet, so thankfully the town is sparse and they manage to make it through without meeting anyone. Until they arrive at the inn, that is, and discover where the townspeople have gone.

As Ug makes his declaration to Halla, Al only listens with one ear and does her best to fade into the crowd. A difficult task for a woman in a white cloak and plate armour, standing as tall as most men with a golden glaive almost as tall as Ug, but she thinks it would be worse to leave now.

Thankfully, most are occupied with the spectacle, Alalla thinks as she double checks that her hood is pulled low over her face.
Last edited September 19, 2018 4:37 pm
Sep 19, 2018 4:48 pm
Aldwin let's out a squawk of protest, but Halla takes the ring and reads the inscription aloud.

As the crowd gasps, Halla turns to Natalie and hands her the ring. Then she walks over to Aldwin, fixing him with an icy stare. "What do you have to say for yourself, Aldwin?"
Sep 19, 2018 4:49 pm
The halfling'a face is going purple from the strain of Ug's weight on him, but he clasps his hands in front of his face, pleading. "Please, Halla! You know I would never do something like this! I was just robbed only a few minutes ago - you can even check my back door, I'm sure the place has been broken into!" He screws up his eyes and lets tears fall down his face. "I didn't known about the ring, I swear! I've just been trying to do good by the people here. Remember when the orogs attacked? I opened my rooms to the townsfolk to provide shelter and rest. I am an upstanding citizen of the town!"


Aldwin deception - (1d20+7)

(17) + 7 = 24

Sep 19, 2018 6:35 pm
Ug rises off the halfling, lifts him high up but an inch from his face and snarls.

Ug uses intimidating presence to try and break Aldwins deception and have him confess. It is a DC 13 save or be frightened of Ug.
Sep 19, 2018 6:46 pm
Aldwin cries out in fear as his vision blurs, and then he is staring into Ug's barbarian face. "Eek! Fine! Alright, I lied! The Evening Shade Inn was always supposed to be Natalie's. But please, don't let him eat me!"


Aldwin wisdom save - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Sep 19, 2018 6:50 pm
Halla rolls her eyes, obviously tired of the display. "Well, Ug? What should be done with him?"
Sep 19, 2018 7:57 pm
Ug can’t help but make the runt squeal once more as he mimics bite motions with his mouth. He then laughs at the halfling "Aldwin needs mother very very badly", Ug drops the halfling and turns to Halla, "Ug is no lawman, village can decide. But Ug thinks all money and inn go to Natalie. Halfling May be motherless, but has not hurt anyone. He is coward, but not danger, make him clean toilets, Village decide." As an afterthought, "but as he has stolen ring, we should make sure Moop has stolen nothing else"
Last edited September 19, 2018 9:40 pm
Sep 19, 2018 10:52 pm
Natalie claps her hands with delight. "I knew Eidan would never have trusted Aldwin. And with the inn's earnings, maybe Jermsy won't have to stay with that awful new priest. I don't think he's a very good influence." She looks at Aldwin, the miserable halfling. "The inn will be a lot to manage. If he could help to work off some of the damage he's done... Well. At least then he'll still have a place to eat and sleep."

She skips up to Ug and gives him a great hug. "Thank you, Ug! You and your friends are always welcome to stay for free."
Sep 19, 2018 10:56 pm
Seeing that everything is being taken care of, Halla sighs. "All's well as ends with no work from me." She moves away from the group of people, then notices Zenithral. She doesn't shy away from eye contact, but she looks distinctly uncomfortable. She pauses, giving him the opportunity to speak if he wishes.
Sep 19, 2018 11:50 pm
Ug (and any in company of they wanted to come) approaches the wizard tower with a determined mindset. He had to do this. He had to become something stronger. Protecting those around him was worth whatever the cost may be. Ug grabs the door knocker and knocks three times.
Sep 20, 2018 12:14 am
Orrick himself answers the door immediately. With some sturdy boots, a small pack on his back, and Islimach on one shoulder, the wizard looks dressed for the road. The look he gives Ug suggests that perhaps he had not been planning on opening the door for the goliath. "Well? How can I help you?"
Sep 20, 2018 12:39 am
Ugs shoulders sag under a hidden weight but his eyes show a fierce resolve. "Ug needs hunters bane." it’s not a question. Ug briefly describes how even his most honed barbariaan strength was no match for a devil of the blood war.
Sep 20, 2018 1:28 am
Orrick furrows his wizardly brow. "And so you wish to dabble in blood magic? Well. On your head be it." He holds out his hand and Islimach scurries down his arm to sit in his palm. Orrick's other hand holds a bottle beneath the spider, and then he mutters a spell. Islimach instantly implodes, and then steaming red juice drops down into the bottle. The wizard tosses in a few more ingredients from various pockets, and then murmurs another spell.

He stoppers the bottle and tosses it to Ug. "You may want to wash that down with something tastier. I'm sure you can find something you like. Farewell."

One more incantation gives the wizard the gift of flight, and he zips into the sky and disappears.
Sep 20, 2018 1:46 am
Ug holds the bottle in his hands, the sight of Islimach etched in his mind. What was he getting into? (and what would Dok think?) but that was the problem. He was facing things he didn’t understand. He needed to. Ug heads back to the village wondering if he should drink the bottle among friends or by himself. Picturing Zenni’s disapproving look, Ug heads back to the tavern. Ug doesn’t know how this will turn out, so having friends around would help. Seated near whitcomb and Mirek, Ug holds the bottle to his lips and takes a drink.
Sep 20, 2018 2:04 am
Zenithral approaches Halla. "There you are! If you have a moment, I've found something you may be interested in." He leans in conspiratorially and lowers his voice. "I now know where Erestor is." Zenithral watches her reaction, expecting her to show anger and determination followed by a comment about departing immediately.
Last edited September 20, 2018 2:05 am
Sep 20, 2018 2:11 am
The tavern erupts in cheers when Ug enters. "Have you got it, man?" Mirek asks, eyes wide. When Ug shows the bottle all the men whisper in awe. For all their enthusiasm, Ug can see a dark determination in their eyes. These men have seen some things themselves, and are desperate for something to give them strength to fight back.

As Ug takes the first sip, he knows he is surrounded by true brothers.

The juice sizzles on the way down, and Ug feels a burning itch in every vein as the internal scars from Poquelin's poison flare up in response to the demon spider's blood. The influences of Tanar'ri and Baatezu war within the goliath, and mighty Ug gasps as his body becomes a battleground. But deep down in his gut he feels a power bloom. His senses become sharper, and his blood courses with eldritch magic. All at once the burning stops and is replaced by chilling ice. As the other tavern patrons watch, Ug's eyes begin to glow with a frosty pale light.

His blood settles and his eyes dim, but Ug knows that he will never be the same.
Sep 20, 2018 2:16 am
Whitcomb continues to pass out drinks as the patrons watch Ug. As Ug finishes his sip, the barbarian realizes that there is something strange about the bartender. Had he really never noticed the man's stink? Something noxious, like sulfur or brimstone, or something foul. Whitcomb meets Ug's eyes... and winces.

Whitcomb is not what he seems, and he knows that Ug knows.
Sep 20, 2018 2:30 am
Ug tries to maintain eye contacted with the bartender, trying to see if his new senses detect any threat from the man. Is he merely hiding something, or is he an immediate danger?
Last edited September 20, 2018 2:33 am


Survival (is whitcomb a threat) - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Sep 20, 2018 2:46 am
Whitcomb - whatever he is... some sort of fiend? - doesn't seem particularly threatening at the moment. Under Ug's scrutiny, the barkeep just rolls his shoulders in a helpless shrug, as if to say, Well, you caught me. What are you going to do about it? Whitcomb starts to pour another drink.

Hello? You in there, Ug? I asked, 'what are you going to do about it?' It's me. Whitcomb. Kind of. I'd appreciate you not telling these guys... Ug realizes that he actually is hearing Whitcomb's voice in his head.
Sep 20, 2018 2:48 am
Mirek, oblivious to the telepathic exchange, licks his lips, then holds out his hand expectantly. "Me next!"
Sep 20, 2018 2:56 am
Halla does not look happy to see Zenithral, but it's hard to say if that is due to anger or shame. When Zenithral mentions Erestor, however...

"Where is he?" Her eyes are definitely showing anger now, at least. She looks ready to chew someone to pieces.
Sep 20, 2018 4:57 pm
"A hidden elven city, once known as the Hand of the Seldarine." he tells Halla. "He contacted me in a dream using a spell recently, requesting my help. I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to put a stop to him. Alalla and Erevain have already agreed to come. It could be a trap of the enemy, but it's still the best lead we have. Will you join us?"
Last edited September 20, 2018 4:57 pm
Sep 20, 2018 5:35 pm
Ug holds up a hand to Mirek acting as if he is still waiting for the effects to settle. Ug will do nothing, whitcomb has been good friend and brother. Nessa is also good friend and different from others. Ug cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders, icy mist dispelling around him. Mirek. But what will other friends do? Ug gives a small head nod towards Merik.
Last edited September 20, 2018 5:37 pm
Sep 20, 2018 9:09 pm
"Join you? Not this time. 'Tis something I will handle on my own." Her eyes flash, and a moment later she is a giant raven, winging her way out of town.
Sep 20, 2018 9:14 pm
A hard smile passes Whitcomb's lips, but he continues to focus on filling drinks. Hardly a 'good' friend. You never knew the real Whitcomb. If these men gain your same heightened senses, I'll probably have to kill them. Unless you convince them to leave me alone...
Sep 20, 2018 9:41 pm
Zenithral is mildly shocked by Halla's response. He casts message. "Alone? Halla, Erestor is quite skilled. Why do yourself when you have allies? Do you even know where the city is?"


Persuasion - (1d20+6)

(7) + 6 = 13

Sep 20, 2018 9:52 pm
If you kill friends, Ug will kill you. Ug thinks without hesitation, locking his icy eyes on the fiend. So Ug will try hard not to have friends kill each other. You have not hurt any since Ug has been here. Also, we currently fight devil from the nine hells, Ug thinks whitcomb would like to help us.
Sep 20, 2018 10:02 pm
Whitcomb laughs, slapping a patron on the back. And how do you know that devil didn't plan to me here? He makes eye contact with Ug, and the goliath thinks he can see something burn deeply within the barkeep's eyes. Well. I mean no harm to you and yours. Just keep them from giving away my secret or trying to kill me, and we can all go on with our happy lives.
Sep 20, 2018 10:04 pm
Halla does not respond. Zenithral gets the feeling that she does not want any help.
Sep 20, 2018 10:05 pm
If you are with that devil he is known to keep his promises. Ug has also fought him once and survived. Ug agrees to deal.

Ug gives a respectful nod and looks to Mirek. "Ug will only give to friends who promise to obey Ug. Potion is dangerous and Ug will not give if friends do not make promise.
Last edited September 20, 2018 10:11 pm
Sep 20, 2018 10:53 pm
Not all the men in the tavern agree. Some of them pull back from the bottle, afraid of the risk. There are a handful who come forward, however, Mirek and Kaleel among them. One by one they promise to listen to Ug, and take a sip of the potion. Each one trembles as the magic takes hold, but none of them seem to have been affected as strongly as Ug - and when the tremors pass they do not look askance at Whitcomb.

The bartender watches the ordeal with a raised eyebrow, but seems content to keep taking coin and serving drinks.

When the glow fades from the eyes of the last to drink, there are a full dozen men who have taken the draught. They smile and nod as their companions cheer them on, but Ug can tell these men have changed. Hopefully it will be for the good of them and their loved ones.

As Ug leaves for the night, Whitcomb gives him a nod and a small wave, then goes back to polishing his mugs.
Sep 20, 2018 11:01 pm
As the crowd disperses Al looks for her chane to slip into the inn, but notices Halla wheeling away. With a curse she approaches Zenithral.

"That wasn't about Erestor, was it?" Al asks, checking the placement of her hood once more. She doesn't face him directly and instead looks towards Halla's disappearing shape, hoping that it will prevent Zenithral from seeing the left side of her face.
Last edited September 20, 2018 11:03 pm
Sep 20, 2018 11:10 pm
Zenithral sighs. "Well, yes, it was. She doesn't want to go with us; she wants to do it herself. The woman's going to get herself killed and my father will know I've told others. If she knows where this secret city is by happenstance all on her own, it's even more likely the enemy is directly involved. Or she's been stalking me...which seems less likely...Er, speaking of which, why the hood? Trying to hide from someone? Or did something ruin your makeup? Surely you know you don't look that bad without it on, don't you?"
Last edited September 20, 2018 11:13 pm
Sep 20, 2018 11:48 pm
Al curses heavily. "We need to leave as soon as we can. Maybe we can keep her from being another corpse at Erestor's feet." She sighs at Zenithral's comments about her hood.

You thought you could do anything subtly?

"Why is it that when things happen, they happen all at once?" Alalla turns and looks Zenithral in the eye. A long scar crosses her eyebrow and cheek, forking and splitting like lightning or a web. The socket is an empty, angry red. "I ran into Gruumsh on my outing. He gave me a present." She stuffs her free hand in the pocket of her cloak and grinds her glaive into the ground.
Sep 20, 2018 11:58 pm
Zenithral's eyes widen with a jolt. "Oh my...you ran into Gruumsh?! And you're...mostly okay...?" He asks hesitantly. "But yes, we should leave immediately. I should stop taking about Erestor with people...every time I do they start flying away!"

Zenithral hits his palm to his head. "Speaking of which I didn't even get to tell her what Orrick told me: Erestor was geased, a curse that threatens torture or death if the caster's orders aren't followed. I don't doubt he's a scoundrel, but he didn't come and kill Arundel of his own accord. Ras might be able to remove the spell and then we could get some real information." Zenithral pauses and lets out a slow, disappointed breath. "You know, I really should have thought this through more..."
Last edited September 21, 2018 12:05 am
Sep 21, 2018 12:54 am
"Yeah. Mostly." Al fidgets, and moves on from the subject.

"Scoundrel, indeed," she scoffs. "I doubt this geas made him feed Erevain to the spiders. Still, this news changes what we think we know."

Al joins his sigh. "Everything is a mess. But it's not your fault. I'll go tell Erevain not to get comfortable. I have some errands to run while you fetch everyone. Come find me when it's time to go."

Hand still in her pocket, Alalla turns to go. She hesitates for a moment, then turns back. She pulls something from her pocket and nearly shoves it into Zenithral's hands.

"I shouldn't keep this," she says tersely. Zenithral recognizes the smoothness of the strange sending stone Poquelin had given her.
Last edited September 21, 2018 1:51 am
Sep 21, 2018 5:26 am
Bookkeeping! For all the awesome stuff you guys have been up to in downtime, 1,500 XP, putting us at 87,650 XP. Also, from working the Ilmatari temple in town Fergy earns 300 gold.

The town has got some better defenses now than it did. Father Tulfgyr is still there, with some newby Blood Hunters and a fledgling Arcane Trickster, and there are also some orcs in the area who are reasonably friendly. All good signs that Kuldahar is stronger and safer than it was.

The piece of statue that Fergy found in the temple is magical, and if anyone can figure out how to use it, it would be Fergy.

As an extra bonus for everyone posting in the Wedding, the party gets 1,000 gold in gifts!

Onward ho!
The time of rest and peace in Kuldahar was welcome and sorely needed, but now the road calls again to the companions.

Ras, seeking to know more about the Heartstone Gem, has discovered that in the city called The Hand of the Seldarine there may be a teacher waiting for him, an elf wizard by the name of Larrel. Perhaps with his shared knowledge the party will be able to make use of the Gem to learn more about the enemies that plague the North.

Fergy, also called Nessa, follows Ras closely. Still adapting to the recent change of mind and body, Fergy struggles to find a place in this world of morals. Still, in moments of quiet the sorcerer understands that Poquelin is a threat that must be brought down. Anything that leads to that event must be good for the world. Or, at least, for Fergy.

Zenithral also has reason to go to The Hand of the Seldarine. Contacted by his father in a dream, Zenithral believes that if he travels to the elven city he might find a way to help his mother - and perhaps finally be rid of his murdering father.

Alalla and Erevain stick close by their friends. Alalla has come this far, facing threat after threat, and she is determined to see it through to the end. Erevain stays close, constantly pondering how to save his wife from the certain doom that awaits her after death.

Ug walks with new strength since his drink of Hunter's Bane. Next time he meets Poquelin, or any other who works evil, the mighty barbarian is ready to give everything he has. Little does he know that the party's next destination will start him on a journey to his past - a path that is longer than he can possibly realize.

Dok continues test after test in Orrick's tower while the party continues on. But they know how he first appeared to them in the Vale of Shadows, and can only expect him to surprise them again at the most unlikely of times.

And so, without the addition of their goblin companion and his feisty spider, the heroes gather at the recently repaired airship of Oswald Fiddlebender...
The adventure continues in the Severed Hand thread!

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