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Sep 12, 2018 3:11 pm
"Install the dragonheart?" Zenithral asks incredulously. "Alalla, I'm no surgeon; certainly one of the priests would know more about medical procedures than I. I'll offer moral support if that's what you'd like though. Also, I highly recommend you have someone who can sense desecrated or cursed items. I'm not certain something like this can be trusted."
Last edited September 12, 2018 3:19 pm
Sep 12, 2018 3:16 pm
"Oh, it's cursed," Al says nonchalantly, "but it's not like I can just swap it out whenever I want to, anyway. It's worth the risk." She closes the lid of the case. "Please, Zenithral. You have healing magic. You can help Ras. This is all magical bizarreness anyway. It should be easier than surgery." Zenithral isn't sure who she is trying to convince with her words. "I want you two to do it. If you won't agree, will priests?"
Last edited September 12, 2018 3:58 pm
Sep 12, 2018 3:28 pm
Erevain holds up a hand. "Please, this is something we have discussed for weeks already. You are the two we have decided to trust."
Sep 12, 2018 4:08 pm
Ras is wary about the whole situation, but looking at Al's face, he nods. Maybe she needs this. Maybe she knows exactly what she's doing. Maybe not. But she came to him, and that means so much.
Sep 12, 2018 4:16 pm
"Thank you, Ras," Alalla says with relief. "This will help me to protect everyone. I haven't forgotten what Poquelin did to Nessa and Ug." She turns to Zenithral. "Please."
Last edited September 12, 2018 4:17 pm
Sep 12, 2018 4:17 pm
Ras sits at a table with Ug, the goliath towering over him. The drink in front of him is tall enough that it's a bit of a struggle to drink while Ras is sitting. He kneels on the seat to get a little bit of height.

Ug is apparently a drink or two in already and is acting his usual boistrous self, although Ras can tell it's partly an act. The barbarian's eyes don't twinkle like they used to.

He's not sure if the goliath wants to party or talk or some combination, but for once it actually feels nice for Ras to be around people. His drink has little effect on him, and it doesn't taste particularly good, but it's comforting nonetheless.
Sep 12, 2018 4:22 pm
Fergy's pride took a bigger hit with his death than his body. Ok, well maybe not THAT bad, but still. Fergy's physically fine now, but still upset over the whole thing. Seeing as how he can now do cleric magic, and is already the best infiltrator he knows, Fergy puts his unique talents to the test.

Walking up to the temple dressed, as himself, Fergy approaches Brother Ferg.

"Hello! I don't believe I have had the pleasure. My name is Fergy. I may not look it in these clothes, but I'm also a priest of Ilmater. I'm traveling with some friends you see, and was hoping I could be of use around here. I'm particularly adept at the sacred healing magics that com from Ilmater."


Deception - I'm totally a priest guy! - (1d20+8)

(1) + 8 = 9

Sep 12, 2018 6:45 pm
"So you want me to kill you, rip out your heart and replace it with a cursed one that was torn from an evil dragon and ritually prepared by an unbelievably powerful devil, the mastermind manipulator behind all the deaths we've encountered since Easthaven." Zenithral laughs.

"Alalla, my dear, I don't think you've thought this through at all. Nes—...Fergy said devils are infamous for making deals and corrupting those they forge agreements with. Does it not occur to you that this could be a bad idea, part of his plan? Do you want to end up like Jhonen?" His demeanor turns harsh and determined, as if speaking from experience. "It may extend your lifespan and may prevent your life from belonging to the one-eyed god, but I'd bet my life that it won't being to you." He turns to leave. "So no, I won't do it. Please don't do it."
Sep 12, 2018 6:51 pm
As Fergy approaches the temple doors he is reminded of the night that Kuldahar was attacked by orogs. Much of the town had found shelter here in the Temple of Ilmater, after the heroes had cleared away the orcs trying to break down the front door. The wood still bears scars from that night.

Finding the door unlocked, Fergy let's himself in. The place is quiet - quite possibly too quiet - but the dwarf is too involved in going over his cover story to pay much attention.

Then he finds a body: Brother Ferg, lying in a pool of his own blood, his head caved in. What IS it about temples and murdered priests always just laying around for anyone to step on.

When a scream sounds behind him, Fergy wonders why it always happens to him.
Sep 12, 2018 6:52 pm
Fergy turns to see Natalie by the door, staring in horror, eyes flicking between him and the body, one hand covering her mouth. "Murder!" She turns to run.
Sep 12, 2018 7:22 pm
"My life has never belonged to me!" Al snaps, darting around Zenithral to make him face her. She takes a deep breath before continuing more softly. "And this isn't about Gruumsh. It's about Poquelin. I don't know why he keeps offering me deals but I've never accepted, even when I trusted him. Maybe he thinks these acts of 'good faith' will win me over but it's not going to work. I've been fighting the persuasions of a god my whole life; I can handle Poquelin's.

What I can't handle is Poquelin directly. Any moment he can decide that he's done with our meddling and just show up and splatter us the length of the Spine.

Forget Jhonen,"
she spits. "Do you want to end up like Nessa? Maybe you won't get to come back."

Al pushes down the anger and continues more reasonably. "Our victory here is going to be short-lived if we can't keep fighting. This heart will make me stronger. Maybe it will help me fight Gruumsh too, but right now, it's the only thing I can think of that will help me to defend the North. If I even pretend to care about these people, I have to do it."

Alalla looks Zenithral in the eye. "So, Zenithral, my dear. I never said it was a good idea, but do you have a better one?"
Last edited September 12, 2018 7:43 pm
Sep 12, 2018 7:46 pm
Zenithral's face pains with her retorts. "N-n-no. I...don't... Other than to keep doing what we've been doing, I mean.
..Which has worked. It's just..."
Zenithral sighs. "That's what my mother wanted: a way to make her stronger, a way to make me stronger. She made a deal with...something...and was never the same,"

Zenithral pauses, thinking. A leader has to make the tough calls. You did vote for her. That means you need to let her.

"But if you're going to do this, please don't make me do it. Dok's surprisingly well-versed in medicine and magic. He might be able to help you better than I."
Last edited September 12, 2018 7:48 pm
Sep 12, 2018 7:58 pm
Al's face softens. "I'm sorry, Zenithral. I can't imagine. I'm not making any deals, but there's just too much at stake here to give up this opportunity. More than me. More than you."

She sighs. "I couldn't make you if I wanted to, but are you sure you won't help? Ras will be doing most of it. He just needs backup. Besides, I can't get Dok now. I need this done now before Nessa catches wind. There's a reason we arrived when we did."
Last edited September 12, 2018 10:38 pm
Sep 12, 2018 8:06 pm
At the mention of Nessa, Ras feels his face turn red. Whether it's embarrassment or anger, he is unsure. He would do anything to prevent something like that happening again.
Sep 12, 2018 8:28 pm
Fergy looks around confused at the mention of murder. "Murder?!?!?". Finally looking down from his practiced speach Fergy's eyes widen and he screams and points at the woman who came in. "Did you murder him? I didn't murder him. Quick go get the guard so we can find the killer." Fergy bends over to touch the body and see if he's been dead for less than a minute.
Last edited September 12, 2018 8:30 pm


Persuasion - I didn't kill him promise! - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Investigation check to see if dead within minute and can revivify him - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Sep 12, 2018 10:24 pm
With his companions busy with their own tasks, Ras finds plenty of time to research the Heartstone Gem. He digs deeper into the dusty times in Arundel's house, and even manages to get his hands on some of Orrick's history books.

He is reading through one such book in his cabin on the airship when he comes across a reference to an elven city located somewhere in the Spine of the World. While it doesn't give a location, it does mention the resident archmage - a powerful elf named Larrel.

This brings to mind a passage from one of Arundel's books, and he quickly flips through an old journal that once belonged to Tolben, a past archdruid - and there on a yellowed page are the intriguing words:

I firmly believe that it is through community that we find our truest potential realized. What would the bees accomplish with no hive to unify them? The bees would fail, and the flowers would follow, and the world would be less. How can we believe that we are not to be involved with the world? Imagine, if you will, what we could accomplish with such a noble and wise collaborator as Larrel of the elves? That is one true soul who is both honorable and capable. Look at all that his people have accomplished with the dwarves of Dorn's Deep! Larrel himself used our greatest artifact, the Heartstone Gem, and worked with it wonders that impressed us all. Let all come and grow in the shade of Kuldahar, and together we will learn of the greatness within each.

As Ras considers the time period in which the journal is set, he realizes it is more than possible that this Larrel still lives. The lifetime of a gnome can span many centuries, and an elf much more so. If Larrel can be found, he may be able to teach Ras how to use it properly, or use it himself to learn more of the evil that plagues the land.


The Gem on the mantle glows with a healthy red light... beckoning Ras? He touches the Gem, and the gnome's vision swims as he communes with it more deeply than before. He feels it search his mind for that name... Larrel. Then it moves on and makes another connection: a city that rises from the ground, towers reaching upward like fingers from an outstretched hand. Ras has seen this before, from high up on the airship.

The surrounding mountain range blurs in Ras' mind as the Heartstone Gem whips his consciousness back to Kuldahar, in the blink of an eye supplying him with directions to the elven city - and the teacher who might be waiting there.
Sep 12, 2018 10:47 pm
Natalie pauses for just a moment. "We don't have a town guard! But we've got something better. I'll get Halla!" She dashes out the door.

In the meantime, Fergy is fairly certain the priest has been dead for a while.
Sep 12, 2018 10:50 pm
A feel minutes later Natalie returns with Kuldahar's druid guardian. Halla moves into the temple with a predator's gait, nostrils flaring as she takes in the scent of blood.

She looks at Brother Ferg, then at Fergy, her glare hard as ironbark. "I know you, Nessa. None of your tricks. What happened here?"
Sep 13, 2018 12:00 am
Looking around at the deja-vous around him Fergy sighs and seems to deflate a bit.
"Honestly? A devil posing as a priest of Ilmater killed me recently. I'm sure you heard. And, well I showed up to infiltrate them too, it seemed like a good way to gain their trust and information. Well when I got here to offer my services, well this is what I found. I checked the body. He seems to have died a while ago otherwise I would try to bring him back. Thankfully, this nice lady happened in on us and went to go get you. I decided to stay with the body, because the last time I stumbled across a dead priest there was this whole thing where I had to run around and save my party from the guards. There were shapeshifters all over and bodies kept disappearing. Well you know how it goes out there." Fergy guestures vaguely in a random direction.

Realizing he's rambling a bit Fergy blows a long breath of air out of his mouth.

"So, I guess this means vacation is over. Did you want to guard the body, or look around the temple for more dead bodies? Last time it was snake people...or was it lizard people? I can't remember. This time? I'm pretty sure it's not them since we killed them really well. But we never did find the owner of the lost hand. I think it's a one-armed assassin looking for his hand. Dok has it by the way."
Last edited September 13, 2018 12:10 am
Sep 13, 2018 12:15 am
Natalie trembles. Even when the orogs came, she had not shown such unease. "Jermsy! I came to check on him, as I do. Do you think he is..."
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