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Sep 16, 2018 10:47 pm
Alalla looks around at the stacks of parchment in surprise. Orcs typically do not feel the need to make records. The thought that they are filled with things she has said and done makes her nervous.

"I have a name, Keggruk," she says dryly. "Did you write that down in here?" She gestures to his parchment. "I said I would help you. Here I am." Al crosses her arms, regarding the man. "I'm still not sure what you're hoping I'll give you, though."
Last edited September 16, 2018 10:53 pm
Sep 16, 2018 11:14 pm
Keggruk looks down at the pages, then shrugs his massive shoulders. "I did what I could. The dragon left me without food or water, but it was not knowing what to do with my life that was difficult. I sat there for days, trying to make sense of things. These orcs found me and, seeing I was an orog, nursed me back to health, hoping that the gods would bless them for it." He says that last part with obvious bitterness. "But you have shown me that Gruumsh will not bring us happiness."

Keggruk spreads his thick hands. "I have spoken with these, and they might be willing to listen. Teach us what to do, and we will do it."
Sep 16, 2018 11:49 pm
"I'm sorry Keggruk," Al says with a wince. "I should have checked to see what you had in your pack. I was in a hurry to get you out of the tunnels, and didn't think."

Alalla looks the orog up and down. He certainly seems genuine. "First you must forsake Gruumsh and his pantheon. They only serve themselves, and care nothing for the orcs save for how the orcs can serve them.

Next you must let go of hatred. It's hard,"
she says, thinking of the burning in her gut that comes when she thinks of Gruumsh, "but you can't be happy while you hold it close. Are you willing to do that, Keggruk? Are you and yours?" She asks Chaide.
Sep 17, 2018 1:12 am
Keggruk's reddish face wrinkles in a grimace. "I have tried all other paths available to me. Yours is the only one that remains. I will do follow it, or die trying."
Sep 17, 2018 1:12 am
Chaide's smile shows the full extent of her teeth and tusks. "I served Luthic for decades, and in her name corrupted the sons and daughters of the tribe. Too may generations were raised in hate, and too many lost to pointless bloodshed." Her eyes glitter, perhaps with tears, but her voice is strong. "I renounce Luthic and Gruumsh and all of their kin. I once taught the orcs strength in arms, but now I would teach them strength in spirit. Find us a place to gather, and more will come to us. Then we will take whatever fate we make for ourselves."
Sep 17, 2018 1:40 am
"Well," Alalla says, trying not to let her surprise colour her voice. "Then I will do what I can to help you." She hesitates for a moment, but decides they are sincere. "Come. I have your first test."

Alalla steps out of the tent and into the cold. She walks through the crunching snow back the way they came, and stops at the entrance of the camp where she had sent Brigghor sprawling into the snow.

Knowing what she is looking for, she is able to spot Erevain on the ridge, and waves him down to join her.

"I can't expect attitudes to change overnight, but I do expect you to try. Harm this man, and you lose all help from me." Al makes eye contact with all those nearby, impressing upon them her complete seriousness.
Last edited September 17, 2018 1:42 am
Sep 17, 2018 1:46 am
"A thief?!?!" Ug shouts in surprise, "Snappling gobblers will have to wait!" Ug drops the halfling into the snow and rushes after the illusionary bandit culprit.
Sep 17, 2018 1:52 am
As Al carries on this important conversation her eyes are drawn to the side where a pair of shorter than average orcs are walking by. They are almost stereotypically orc-ugly, and oddly enough not speaking orcish. You catch faint whispers in common. One of them catches you looking and startles a little bit. Recovering quickly, but then kind of giving in, you recognize a sly look that you would recognize on any face. A group of orcs pass by between Al and the two orcs and you lose sight of the pair.

Was Fergy that really Fergy or was it an illusion? Also, who was with him?

Frustrated, Al turns back to the conversation at hand.
Sep 17, 2018 2:23 am
"Don't worry friend, I'm sure that if that thief could be caught, that strapping big fellow can do it. Besides, I know the perfect thing to lift your spirits up. I'll allow you the use of my apprentice here to help you clean up the mess the thief is sure to have made. He did seem to be off in a hurry. Why don't you go see what might be missing with my apprentice and I'll keep the ale flowing in the common room. Sound good?"

Sending a message spell to Jermsy, Fergy let's him know that he should have to clean up the mess he made. And he's more than welcome to use magic if he's figured out how to yet.
Last edited September 17, 2018 2:33 am
Sep 17, 2018 4:14 am
Aldwin fumes, little legs kicking at tufts of grass. "A thief! In Kuldahar! No decency..."

He whirls on Fergy. "Leave my wares to you? I don't think so. Out! Everybody out! Into your rooms or out in town, but stay out of the common room!" He marches inside, ushering customers away.

Jermsy tries to tail the halfling, but Aldwin just slams the door in his face.
Sep 17, 2018 4:16 am
Jermsy turns back to Fergy with a grin. "But we found this ring! It's got Natalie's name on it! She's real nice. We should go give it to her!"
Sep 17, 2018 10:31 am
"Nope, we give it to Ug. He wanted to set this right, and that grumpy innkeeper is going to be asking uncomfortable questions at the person who has that ring. Not our problem. Best to be rid of it. Ug can say he caught up to the thief and managed to get it off him."

They wait till Ug comes back then go for a walk away from the inn. On the walk they give Ug the ring and head back to the temple.
Last edited September 17, 2018 10:33 am
Sep 17, 2018 1:13 pm
After passing the ring to Ug and returning to the temple, Jermsy shoves a hand into his pocket. "Okay! But what should we do with this?" Jermsy holds out a small pouch that clinks with coin. Fergy isn't sure when it was that Jermsy found and pocketed that.
Pouch has 30 gold.
Sep 17, 2018 1:16 pm
Erevain comes down from the ridge with the bow slung over his shoulder, hands held high. When he gets closer, he pulls his hood back from his head, revealing his elven features. The nearby orcs hiss and growl, and even Keggruk straightens in surprise.
Sep 17, 2018 1:20 pm
"Do nothing!" Chaide's voice rings out over the camp. "This is a test, and we will not fail it." As the orcs quiet down, she turns to Alalla. "They won't hurt him, but I don't think he should stay here long."
Sep 17, 2018 2:49 pm
Alalla nods at Chaide. "It's a start. That man," she gestures to Erevain, "wants to help me help you. He wants to help me mend relationships between the races, so that orcs can live peacefully, without having to warmonger to survive. I would not have found you without his help." Al gives Erevain a reassuring smile, then turns to Keggruk and Chaide. "His name is Erevain Blacksheaf, and he's my husband."
Sep 17, 2018 2:50 pm
"Fluphy, would you fly around and search for Halla? I'm going to Orrick with a few questions."

After speaking with Fluphy, Zenithral heads to find Orrick.


History (What does Zenithral know about this Orrick fellow?) - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Sep 17, 2018 3:34 pm
Keggruk blinks, which for him is as much a sign of shock as clapping a hand over his mouth. He looks back and forth between Alalla and Erevain, then at the sword on Erevain's belt. Then he laughs, a deep guffaw that has him wiping his eyes. "I hope you do not wish us each to take an ugly elf as a mate!"

He steps forward, towering over Erevain and outweighing him by at least two hundred pounds. "I once balked at taking orders from one of your kind. I am still not ready for that." He points a finger at Alalla. "But I can obey her. If you keep her alive and safe, I have reason to thank you, rather than kill you."
Sep 17, 2018 5:32 pm
Fluffy toots away to look for Halla, and Zenithral starts on his way to Orrick's tower.

Apart from having seen the wizard once the night of the orog attack, Zenithral can't recall much about him. He almost never leaves his tower or mingles with the townsfolk. But from what Dok and Ras have mentioned, he's amenable to chatting with people about his research and perhaps even letting them use his library.

Zenithral finds the front door open, and he proceeds up through the tower to the mage's study. Orrick has three tomes open in front of him, and the contents that Zenithral can make out seem to be advanced arcane notes, diagrams, and formulas.

The wizard gestures for Zenithral to sit, then marks his places in all three books and closes them. He leans back in his chair and looks Zenithral over. "My tower has never seen more use than in the past several weeks. You and your friends must be looking for some information. You are all welcome to use the library, of course." He breathes for a moment, intelligent eyes seeming to gaze through Zenithral's forehead. "But if, in your travels, you hear of a lost elven city hidden somewhere in the Spine of the World, you must inform me."
Sep 17, 2018 7:39 pm
"Indeed we are," he says, looking around, curiously. Never having been in a wizard's tower, before, Zenithral casts detect magic.
If Orrick shows to have magic about him, Zenithral focuses the spell on him.
"We've come across a number of concerning bits of information. I figured a more educated man as yourself might be able to enlighten me. But yes, I will inform you if I hear of such a city. If I may ask, in a war journal, we discovered that Arundel's assassin was sent after being...greased? No, goosed? Geesed...yes, geased. Do you know the meaning of the word, or where might I find a book with the meanings of words?"
Last edited September 17, 2018 7:40 pm
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