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Sep 10, 2018 7:51 pm
It wasn’t enough Ug thinks as he stars into the large empty glass mug. The bar had been somewhat rebuilt after the Orog assault, enough that Ug was able to sit secluded as much of the village was still celebrating. His chills and fevers were still there, hidden under his muscular form. Ras healing hadn’t made them go away. They stayed there as a constant reminder of what he had faced.

Ug, son of Nancy, had faced evil in the eyes, used every ounce of barbaric strength he had, and had failed. He had been beaten, left for dead, and his friend butchered before him.

It wasn’t enough For all Ug could do, his strength and his determination, For all his talk of cherishing being a barbarian, Ug was not enough. He wasn’t enough to save so many of his friends.

That power he witnessed in the dragons lair. He had trouble remembering it, but yet . . . It had left an impression as solid as the clearest memory. Ug had had no chance. Nessa has had no chance. Nothing they could have done could have been enough.

We can’t win The confession was so logical and obvious. They lose so much every time they gain so little. They will not ever succeed as they are now. They have no chance.

As we are now . . . Ug again feels the chill crawl through him. He curses and slams the glass mug down and it breaks into ice-like shards on the countertop.

He needed to find Zenithral.
Last edited September 10, 2018 7:53 pm
Sep 10, 2018 8:05 pm
"Believe me," Zenithral tells Halla darkly. "If I knew the answer to that, he'd already have half a dozen arrows though him. I don't know, but we might be able to deduce where he may be...He was last underground to the dragon Bikewing's lair—whom we slayed by the way—Erestor killed Erevain to save his own skin from giant spiders. I just need some time...and perhaps a powerful spell or two." He sighs. "But until then, I'm not sure there's much to be done."
Sep 10, 2018 10:02 pm
Halla's gaze drifts towards the open door, to the lawn where Arundel's throat had been slit. "That man owes Kuldahar, the Great Oak, and all of the North a debt. If you find him, I ask that you bring him to me." Her voice is hard, like an axe splitting a sapling.

She sighs, then looks down to finger the oak leaves again. "I have been praying." Some of the edge leaves her voice, but Zenithral can also hear the emotion beneath the surface. "I... I would not have made the effort, but people I trust have encouraged me to give religion a chance."

The woman looks about to say more, but then Ug appears in the doorway. Halla makes to snatch up her nearby staff, but when she sees it is Ug she relaxes and offers the goliath a smile. In the past she always seemed to refer to Ug as an idiot, but now her smile seems genuine. "Welcome, Ug. Is there something I can help you with?"
Sep 10, 2018 10:53 pm
Though determined as he walked in, Ug pauses as he sees his two friends were in a discussion. He holds his hands out, palms up in a pleading gesture.

"Ug needs help from friends," he says shakily, "Ug needs flumphy, Ug needs memories of battle" he looks down sorrowfully, "Ug does not understand"
Last edited September 10, 2018 11:12 pm
Sep 10, 2018 11:50 pm
Halla stands. "You are welcome to use my home, Ug. You should find it comfortable enough. I suppose I should go see what can be done for the wedding." She shrugs. "'Tis an antequated tradition, marriage, but if it brings Alalla happiness I shan't dismiss hers out of hand." She gives Zenithral a small wave, then pats Ug on then shoulder and leaves.
Sep 11, 2018 1:22 am
Uncle Oswald is happy to have Ras around the airship again. While Ras is there, the older gnome keeps up his usual steady babble.

"...so many adventures, Young Rastix! Snakes and lizards and trolls and demons and dragons! You know, when I was a young gnome I caught a snake once. Thought it would make a fun trick to pull on your Uncle Pwiskies. He's actually from the Copperbottom side of the family, you see, and they're all terrified of snakes - every gnome of them! So I stuffed it in his pillowcase, right next to his stash of turnips....

...and that's how I accidentally kissed your Cousin Nanfoodle. I couldn't smell straight for a month! Always remember to wash your...

...really is a lot of work keeping up this old ship. Not that it's old, mind you. Why, she's only been in the family for three-and-a-quarter generations. Still, if I can't get her up and running again, she'll just be a... hmm. I don't know what you'd call her. But she really should be in the sky. I just can't get her fixed all by myself! Maybe with help from you and your friends we can get her sailing the skies again... Yes, that would be nice...

... I say, I must have dozed off there. Hmm, I promised that old dwarf I would bring extra juice to the party tonight. Seems to be a local favorite! No trick to it at all, just add some extra turnip oil to pretty much anything...

...What's the matter, boy? I haven't seen you so glum since your pet frog took a nosedive over the rail that one time."
Sep 11, 2018 1:29 pm
Flumphy dissapears like a soap bubble popping and a startled Fergy takes its place.

"Oh, hey Ug. I didn't know you were going to be here. You need flumphy? I was just borrowing him....for whatever reason you were too."

Fergy pulls Flumphy out from under his cloak. "Umm here you go, maybe it can help us jog each others memories?"
Last edited September 11, 2018 1:30 pm
Sep 11, 2018 1:45 pm
Zenithral steps up to Ug and claps one of his big, Goliath hands, looking proudly up at him. "I hope you know, Ug, just how—"

And then Fergy appears.

Zenithral drops his arms, tilts his head back slightly and silently moans.

"Well, it would certainly give us some much-needed answers, but I don't want to make Fluphy do anything he doesn't want to do. You'll likely need to feed him something pleasant first—a happy memory—then he might be willing to delve into the less pleasant ones. Zenithral looks at Fluphy. Well? What do you think?
Sep 11, 2018 4:39 pm
Ug reaches inside himself for a memory. The layers of tiredness and pain were still there, but underneath . . .

Mamas birthday! Ug didn’t know how old she was because mama gnomes live forever, but he wanted to surprise her. Ug was a proud member of the Junior Gnomes Of Bakery Mastery and had prepared a very special birthday cake for mama. It was slightly tilted, some of the frosting over flowing on one side, but he made it special. With two hand prints in it for hugs, and his lip marks on it where he pressed his face in and left a kiss for her, Ug woke her in the morning with the best present he could make. She laughed and gave him the biggest hug. Hers were the best and warmest hugs . . .
Last edited September 11, 2018 4:45 pm
Sep 11, 2018 5:06 pm
Ras is content to listen (or not listen, as is often the case with Oswald), but he doesn't feel like talking. What is he supposed to say? That he let his best friend die? That he could barely save the rest of them? That things are getting worse no matter what they do? He's just supposed to be happy and party the night away? How can the rest of them just push all this heaviness aside? They must be stronger than him. Stronger than a little gnome.

He shrugs at Oswald and helps him gather the jugs of juice for the party. "Turnip oil?" he asks, knowing that will be all it takes to set Oswald off again.
Sep 11, 2018 5:18 pm
Happy memories...happy memories....


Fergy plops the flying squid on his head and intertwines some tentacles with his beard. Then he thinks back to when he was a she and flying on the airship with Ras before they met the party.

(Nessa):"So, Ras, you listen to your Uncle way more than I do. Do you happen to know what that big pretty red button does in the engine room?"
(Ras):Has a thoughtful face for a bit then replies, "It's supposed to eject the engine in case of an emergency, but it hasn't worked in years, so right now all it does is overload the engine and cause a core shutdown, or something like that".

(Nessa):"They really should label something like that..."
A concussive wave washes over them knocking everyone unconscious for a few seconds. After that the only thing Nessa can hear is a ringing. Shaking her head, sounds and colors start coming back. The ship was falling out of the sky! Nessa looks over the railing only to see the ground still so far away. Grinning she let's go of the railing and jumps up just a little holding her arms outstretched. She's now falling at the same rate as the ship, but it feels like she's flying. The thrill overcomes her. The freedom of not being stuck at home under her parents' gaze. This is life! This is freedom! I love this!
With that final feeling a vine shoots out of the ship and grabs Nessa and pulls her back down to the ship. Wow she was further away from the ship than she thought! Then they're both wrapped in soft leafy vines just in time before they crash.
Good ol' Ras, always saving her.
Last edited September 11, 2018 5:23 pm
Sep 11, 2018 9:02 pm
Fluphy toots over to Ug first and nestled in on the goliath's shoulder, tentacles gently stroking the marbled colorations on Ug's skin. As it drinks in Ug's memory of mama, the flumphs seems to breathe deeply and sigh, the air coming out in a series of contented flatulence. For Ug's part, he can feel the memory of mama come back clear and crisp: the feeling of frosting on his hands and face, her warm hug. Her voice... "Oh my handsome boy... you always give the best 'ugs'!" Laughter and tickles ensue...

Full up on that happy memory, Fluphy waddles lazily through the air over to Fergy. It lets out a nervous 'squooo!' at the dwarf's treatment of its tentacles, but eventually snuggles in for another treat. As it is barraged by the sensation of hurtling through the sky, the flumph emits a much more frightened warble and politely declines that memory by ripping out some of Fergy's beard.

Fluphy is hesitant to continue helping the two, but at Zenithral's gentle urging it hovers in the air between Ug and Fergy, a tendril on each of their cheeks. For a few short moments, they each have a vague impression of Fluphy sorting through their memories, looking for memories they have in common. There aren't many.

But there is that one. Despair. An utter lack of hope. Burning eyes, and terrible power...

Poquelin's lightning bolt throws Nessa into one wall of the tunnel, where she lands with a splash in the water. She drags herself to her feet and casts a powerful spell just as Ug's hammer smashes once, twice into Poquelin - but though the priest staggers there is no crunch of bone.

The priest turns, eyes burning and flesh warping. He speaks a thunderous word of power that strikes fear into the heroes' hearts, and then the very air around him electrifies. Though they try to resist, that despair makes them question the point of their existence, and they react too slowly.

Nessa is blasted again against a wall, and her eyes roll up into her head. Ug tries to reach her, but Poquelin suddenly swells in size, his robes falling to the soggy ground. The priest - not a priest - has dark red skin engorged with taut muscles that make Ug look like a child by comparison. Sharp teeth dig into Ug's shoulder, and he feels a terrible fire run through every vein in his body.

Nessa dimly sees Ug fall to his knees, overcome by otherworldly poison. As Poquelin turns to her, she notices dark folds of skin on his back - could those be wings? Then Poquelin hoists the tiefling up with one meaty hand around her throat. "Dragon? No. His voice is thick and growling. "Dragons care for nothing beyond their hoard, and I do so much more for the multiverse - like exterminate your loathsome kind, spawnling." With a bellowing shriek and a violent surge of muscle, Nessa becomes a wet smear.

The last thing Ug's mind comprehends is Poquelin calmly picking up his robe and vanishing in a ripple of light.

Fluphy trembles and toots away from the two, squirming so quickly through the air that it tumbles upside down - and drops uncononscious to the floor. It doesn't seem to be injured however.
Sep 11, 2018 9:42 pm
"Fluphy!!" Zenithral hurries to its aid, flipping it right-side up and holding it. "I'm sorry...are you alright?" Zenithral's eyes look pained. He looks to Ug and Fergy. "Well, what was it?"
Sep 11, 2018 10:14 pm
Nessa tries to remember all she can about beings like pookie.


Int check for knowledge - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Sep 12, 2018 12:08 am
Ug mutters almost incoherently as flumphy opens images, but Zenni is able to make out the words "Lightning . . . Dark . . . Red . . . Wings . . . Fear. . . Blood . . . MY FRIEND! . . . NESSA! Flumphy pulls away as Ug jerks awake.
Last edited September 12, 2018 12:11 am
Sep 12, 2018 1:31 am
Straining her memory of that time spent in the void, Nessa understands that Revered Brother Poquelin is, in reality, a Baatezu.
More on this in the Lore thread. 300 points to Gryffindor! I mean, 300 XP! Brings us up to 85,650 XP total.
Sep 12, 2018 2:21 am
The party is relieved to have some time to rest from their many adventures, but they cannot shake the feeling that evil yet lurks in the North. The Heartstone Gem may be of use, but so far Ras has had no real luck in learning to use it.

Normally the snows blocking the passes would not melt for months yet, but with the strange changes the weather has undergone makes it difficult to say. It certainly seems to be getting warmer, and perhaps the snows will melt early. And so the party decides to enjoy their reprieve and wait to see what the weather decides.
Since everything is officially tied up in the Wedding thread, we can really open up the timey-wimey-ness here in the main thread. You've got got at least a couple of weeks of time to kill. Some things people have mentioned they want to do:

Research - Learn more about a thing! The Heartstone Gem, the Blood War, the nature of flumphs, whatever. The Temple of Ilmater may have some religious texts, Arundel/Halla's House might have some druid lore, and Orrick's tower has decently extensive library for history and arcane matters.

Buy stuff - better armor/equipment?

Chat with folk around town - get caught up on their lives, maybe help train villagers or boost morale?

Training - want to learn a skill/tool/language? It'll cost some $, but it's doable.

Multiclass/cool stuffs - if there's something neat your character is developing mechanically, you can write about the circumstances that it happens and how you're adjusting to it.

Look for Keggy - some brief scouting forays into the mountains.

Make/buy a magic item - tricky! No guarantees, but if you want something specific you'll have to clear whatever it is with me (open to stuff outside of the DMG) and we'll decide on $. Also, you may need to convince Orrick and/or Conlan to help.

Help fix the airship - wouldn't it be cool to have a flying base! If you want it up and working, it'll cost some $$$.

Other stuff? Go for it!
Sep 12, 2018 6:34 am
With each passing day, the village of kuldahar continues to brighten and its people grow with hope. And each night Ug fights off nightmares and chills. He fights them in his sleep only to wake feeling almost as exhausted as he did in the caverns beneath the spine. And the worst part was that none of his friends seemed to share the same burden. Except one- little ras, Ugs fellow gnome. Ugs poor friend often looked as tired and angry as Ug felt. Maybe, just maybe, they could help each other out. And Ug knew the best way to try.

Ug invites ras to what might or might not be a drinking contest at the tavern.
Last edited September 12, 2018 11:47 am
Sep 12, 2018 1:56 pm
Ras goes through the motions with his daily tasks. He helps Oswald, he communes with nature, he checks on his friends as best he can. He tries to avoid "Fergy", the weird dwarf who is and is not Nessa. Watching Fergy run around with the children, healing people whenever he suits his fancy, leaves Ras feeling empty. Obviously Fergy is a better healer. Maybe the group doesn't need Ras anymore?

After some time, he finds himself thinking more and more about the Heartstone Gem. Sometimes he just stares at it for hours. He decides to learn as much as he can about it, since he has the time.

One night, Ug asks him to have a drink. Ras is not usually one to frequent drinking establishments, but he finds himself drawn to Ug, thinking that Ug might understand how Ras is feeling. Ras does not consume nearly as much drink as Ug, but finds himself lowering his barriers a little.
Last edited September 12, 2018 2:01 pm


History check on gem - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Sep 12, 2018 3:02 pm
Alalla and Erevain return to Kuldahar late one night some time after the wedding. The first to see them are Ras and Zenithral, who are discretely intercepted on their way to bed.

"I need your help," Alalla says as she pulls a black case from her pack. She has led them a fair way out of town. "I need you to help me... install this." She opens it briefly to show them the strange black sapphire that is Valraxxaxath's heart, glinting in the moonlight.
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