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Sep 14, 2018 3:42 am
"'The elf' is named Erevain," Al says with a chuckle. "Thank you. It's all rather strange. I was looking for a number of things when I left Kuldahar last, but a husband was not one of them. But I'm glad I did."

Al leans her glaive against one wall and sits. "I just came to catch up. How has Kuldahar been since we left? How have you been? What has you running around the town at night?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 4:30 am
Sep 14, 2018 4:27 am

Before Zenithral can answer Myllandra, another figure appears in the half-elf's dream. Zenithral recognizes Erestor, but times have surely been difficult for the man. His features are sunken as though he has found little rest in weeks, but judging by the simmering wrath behind his eyes, he must have some unpleasant burden driving him on.

He steps forward through the vague dreamscape toward Zenithral.
Sep 14, 2018 4:30 am
Myllandra holds out an armored hand to stop Erestor, but it passes through the dour elf. Whatever magic is allowing either of them to step into Zenithral's dream, they do no seem to be able to affect each other.

Her hooded head turns to the half-elf. "Remember, Zenithral. Your choices are your own. You need not listen to a word he says."
Sep 14, 2018 4:34 am
Ignoring the deva - or perhaps unaware of her - Erestor stops close enough for Zenithral to clearly see the hostility etched onto his father's face. "Listen carefully, boy. This spell did not come cheaply or without favors owed." His lips move as if to say more, but little sound escapes him. Zenithral can hear the elf's teeth grind. "It is about your mother."
Sep 14, 2018 11:56 am
"Yes, well just so long as you are careful. 'Twould be a bad time to start raising a family." Halla stares at the tortoise, but seems to be thinking of other things.

She comes back to herself with a shrug. "You heard of Brother Ferg's murder? We believe it was his brother who killed him, but we cannot find the priest anywhere. I have been searching for tracks around the village to see where he might have gone, but he seems to have simply vanished." She meets Alalla's eyes. "Do you think this Poquelin fellow could have disguised himself as Brother Gus? I simply cannot reconcile his actions with the gentle priest I knew."
Sep 14, 2018 12:30 pm
Fergy, quietly approving of the kid's antics, is trying to be a priest. After careful consideration Fergy has come to the conclusion that all priests of Ilmater, well the real ones, are Devils. Obviously, Pooky is, Gus is, and Ferg died because he wasn't. He's not sure about the kid, but has a pretty fool proof plan ready.
Sitting down with the kid who's name he still doesn't know, Fergy begins.

"Kid, it's time you received your first quest. Farmers are mad that their crops are being ruined by rabbits. Go out into the forest with this dagger, and kill 10 rabbits. Bring me their corpses as proof, and you'll get one gold for your efforts. In order to kill them you need to sneak up on them quietly. Take a LONG time getting into position to ensure the kill. If you are able to kill more than 10, even better. I'll give you one gold per 10 rabbits slain. When you are done we will make rabbit stew for the village."


Persuasion to get kid out of Fergy's beard - (1d20+8)

(6) + 8 = 14

Sep 14, 2018 1:07 pm
Al considers this, moving her finger so that her ring taps against the wood of the table. "It's possible, though I doubt it. He seems to orchestrate larger things, and insert minions to complete most tasks. It seems very likely that he's involved or responsible somehow, but I doubt he came in disguise to do the deed himself." She shrugs with a frown. "That said, we really know very little about him."
Last edited September 14, 2018 1:07 pm
Sep 14, 2018 1:24 pm
Jermsy takes the dagger with wide eyes, then a grin slowly splits his face from ear to ear. He dashes for the door outside, waving the dagger about wildly.
Sep 14, 2018 1:27 pm
Just as Jermsy reaches the door, it opens to reveal Natalie, a cloth bag in one hand. With a shriek she snatches the weapon away from him. Her bag falls to the floor and several apples tumble onto the floor. She shoots Fergy an incredulous glare. "What is going on here?!" She has to keep one hand on Jermsy's face to keep him from jumping for the knife.
Sep 14, 2018 1:31 pm
"Won't hurt to hear him though, Zenithral tells Mylandra.

"Murderer," Zenithral spits at Erestor in the same tone the elf called him 'boy'. "Where have you been? Killing priests? What about my mother?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 1:31 pm
Sep 14, 2018 1:31 pm
Halla sighs. "I fear Brother Gus may be dead as well, then."

The woman leans over to rub her nails along the tortoise's shell, making a clacking noise. The large reptile doesn't seem to notice, but some of the tension in Hallamd posture relaxes. "Well. Anything else on your mind, Alalla?"
Sep 14, 2018 1:48 pm
"Well, you see there are two problems. One, I'm not cut out for raising a child. Just now I gave him a dagger to teach him some responsibility. I still think it's a good idea. Secondly, my posting here is temporary, and I will be leaving soon. With Ferg dead and Gus a Devil who killed Ferg there won't be anyone to care for this poor child. You, on the other hand seem full of motherly instincts. Would you be able to watch after the lad? The temple would be willing to part with a few coins to help with his accommodations." With his offer complete Fergy walks over and takes the dagger back and gives it back to the boy.
Last edited September 14, 2018 1:50 pm


Persuasion - take this terrible child from me! - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Sep 14, 2018 2:46 pm
"Well it will be hard to get that out of it..." Al says, leaning back in her chair. "But I was wondering if you've seen anything else while you were searching. You haven't had any more trouble with orogs and the like, have you?" Alalla was sure it probably wasn't best to ask about Keggruk directly.
Sep 14, 2018 3:36 pm
Myllandra stands a short distance away, intent on the conversation but saying nothing more.
Sep 14, 2018 3:39 pm
Erestor takes a step closer, a sneer on his face. "You know nothing of what I have had to deal with. Murder is just another sharp tool at my belt."

He folds his arms over his dark suit. "Your mother... has gotten herself involved in dangerous business that she should not be a part of. I am getting her out of it." Erestor almost seems to choke spitting out his next words. "I... cannot do so without your aid."
Sep 14, 2018 3:47 pm
Natalie shakes her head. "You're new, but you're in charge. Jermsy needs a home, and the Temple has custody of him! I come by often to help, but you cannot simply dump him on anyone. You are supposed to educate him!"

The young woman throws up her hands, then snatches the dagger back and tucks it into her belt. "Halla is going to hear about this. Brothers Gus and Ferg had been acting strange, and I'm beginning to think something might be wrong with all the priests of Ilmater."
Sep 14, 2018 3:54 pm
Halla shakes her head wearily. "I've still seen signs of their passing in the mountains, and sometimes I hear of them through the animals that pass by," she pats one of Arvid's legs fondly, "but they have not come near to Kuldahar, thank Silvanus." She starts at that last comment, as though surprised to find herself uttering gratitude to a god. "Being here for the town... leading them... it is changing me."
Sep 14, 2018 4:09 pm
Alalla nods at Halla's words. She would have to go out looking for him then.

Al smiles at Halla's surprise. "What do you think of your new self?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 4:09 pm
Sep 14, 2018 4:10 pm
Like a candle was lit above Fergy's head, his demeanor changes.

"You are absolutely right mam! I will educate this young lad. He will be a true agent of Chao.... Ilmater. Lad follow me, we are going to teach you some priest things."

Pushing past the lady and quietly taking the dagger back, Fergy leads the kid out into the town. "Ok child first lesson. Boredom! You can't be a good priest if you are bored, or if the people you priest at are bored. Boredom is the enemy. Vile, evil Boredom has no place here. But at the same time we must be good. So, pranks are encouraged, but only if nobody gets hurt. Got it? Secondly, you need to learn some magic. Either arcane or divine. I have both because I'm amazing. Can you do magic yet? Also, how old are you?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 4:16 pm


Take the dagger back on the sly - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Sep 14, 2018 4:55 pm
Mirek slaps Ug across the back. "A potions master? You and the little one are going to need something for that headache tomorrow!" When he sees Ug is serious, the cobbler scratches his head. "Huh. Well. There's Maegan the midwife. She might know some things. And Halla isn't nearly the crone she seemed at first. She cured a hangover for me once, a few weeks past. And... there's our very own Whitcomb! He brews the best mixtures around!" The man grins again and lets out cheer that is echoed by the other patrons.
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