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Sep 14, 2018 4:57 pm
Whitcomb smiles at the applause and pours another mug for Ug. The barkeep slides it over to the goliath. "Well, I haven't received too many complaints. My ales can cure any 'ale-ment'! What troubles you, Ug? Maybe a room full of friends can help you out."
Sep 14, 2018 7:26 pm
Halla contemplates for a moment before answering. "I used to think 'twas easier not to care what people thought of me. 'Witch', they called me. Perhaps I even enjoyed their superstition. People, and their gods, and their cities could all live in their world, and I would live in mine." She sits up, speaking more determinedly. "Mankind blunders through the world, crushing what it does not understand; elves, dragons, magic...the list is endless. We must stem the tide, or be left with nothing more than the mundane." She sighs. "But... taking Arundel's place, and getting to know these people has taught me that there is more to them than I suspected. 'Not caring' is no longer so easy."

The druid leans forward. "I have been reading the old lore, and I think Arundel was right when he spoke of the Balance. There must be some way to keep everything in check." She looks out a window at the roots of the Great Oak. "But whether that means to preserve everything as it is, or evolve into something new... I know not."

She chuckles and looks at Alalla. "At the very least, this has made me more philosophical. What of youself? You and the others have changed since you left Kuldahar to seek the Heartstone Gem."
Sep 14, 2018 8:56 pm
"If you want to preserve everything as it is, it is already too late. Kuldahar's children are be bigger and it's old older than yesterday, and the town has been shaped by their changing lives. Even this house is different." Alalla reaches over to pat the tortoise herself. "But it's not just humans. Seasons change, and the animals do too. I don't know much about magic or dragons," she taps her chest over her heart absently, "but I'm sure they don't stay completely the same over time either.

If you want to restore what was, how far will you go? Yesterday? The beginning of time?"
Alalla shrugs. "It seems easier to accept change, and try and make sure it's change for the better."

"As for me..." Al runs a hand through her hair, sending her beads clacking. "We all went through things underneath the Spine. It's begun it's work, but I think I'm still waiting to see how what I learned will change me. However it does, I hope to change the world with it too." She fidgets uncomfortably at the declaration. "Hopefully that doesn't put us at odds, she laughs awkwardly.
Last edited September 14, 2018 9:05 pm
Sep 14, 2018 9:44 pm
Jermsy hops up and down. "Oh, I HATE boredom. Ever since I hid for days in a cellar from those orcs, I hate being bored. I don't know any magic. Magic is for old men and goblins. Natalie says I'm ten, maybe. What's a prank? Are you going to give me back that knife? You were SO sneaky! But I noticed. Can I have it?"
Sep 14, 2018 10:04 pm
Wow, 10? That's plenty old to help me out. Remember how bad Orcs are? We are going to go out of town and find some orcs! We are looking for one in particular, but we can kill the rest. Here."

Nessa casts Mage Armor on both of them and holds out the dagger, but keeps it out of reach.

"You can use it for now, but if you fail to do everything I say, I take it back. However, if you are able to hurt an Orc you can keep it. Deal?"
Sep 14, 2018 10:09 pm
Hall puts a finger to her lips in thought. "You would not restore the past? 'Tis an odd thing for you to say. Did you not go to great lengths in restoring Erevain to life? Could we not seek such a thing for Arundel?" She shakes her head sadly. "I doubt his spirit would agree to return."

Arvid has apparently had enough of the wall. He moves his ponderous bulk backwards, revealing a wrinkled, bald face that turns slowly to consider Alalla. He stays that way for several long minutes as the conversation continues.

"Us at odds? I hardly think so!" Halla scratches the tortoise's scaley head. "If change is what the world needs, then perhaps we can work together to keep it from whirling out of control."
Sep 14, 2018 10:12 pm
Jermsy's grin shows a couple of missing teeth. "Ferg and Gus always said hurting people was bad. But I think orcs don't count!" He just about quivers with excitement. "Deal! Deal!"
Sep 14, 2018 10:23 pm
"You got me there," Alalla admits. "It's all just philosophy I suppose. Speaking of Arundel... Zenithral didn't happen to mention his father when he spoke to you, did he?"
Sep 14, 2018 10:25 pm
"You can't do it without me, you say?" Zenithral echoes Erestor, studying him. "My, my, what would this assistance entail, and what do I get out of it? You know I love my mother, regardless of her downfalls, but I still must justify my travels with sufficient resources."


Insight (This feels like a trap... What are your *real* intentions?) - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Sep 14, 2018 10:32 pm
Halla stiffens. "Yes. He said his father is the one who murdered Arundel." Her voice is frigid as a glacier. "Alalla. If you find him, I want him brought to me." The woman's eyes flash dangerously, and Arvid lets out a low wug-wug. "We are agreed that change is for the good? The world will be better without that assassin walking about."
Sep 14, 2018 10:40 pm
Fergy hands over the dagger to the boy and they walk towards the edge of town.

"They we're right about Orcs kid, they don't count. Also, pranks my dear boy are tricks. Like when you soaped the floor. Funny and good, until someone got hurt. Then it became bad. When you do tricks or pranks, make sure you do one where nobody can get hurt. Like this."

With a wave of his hand a spider the size of a dog jumps out of a shadow and lands in front of Jermsy.
Last edited September 14, 2018 10:42 pm
Sep 14, 2018 10:44 pm
"Ah, good. I was worried I would have to be the one to break the news when I found out Zenithral hadn't told you before we left Kuldahar."

Alalla hesitates, then reaches out to take Halla's hand. "Halla... I can't promise that. For one, I can't say what circumstances will be when we encounter him. Taking him prisoner so we can bring him to you would be too risky. He will see justice," Al promises, "but we've talked about revenge already. Don't let Erestor take more from you than he has. Don't let him take any more from Kuldahar."
Last edited September 14, 2018 11:06 pm
Sep 14, 2018 10:54 pm
The lines on Erestor's face harden. "If your mother's soul is not reason enough to put aside your frivolities, then you are more worthless than I thought."

The elf bites back another spiteful comment, then takes a breath and continues. "She will not listen to me, but perhaps she will heed your words. She always was... attached." It is obvious he does not wish to share any more information with Zenithral than necessary. "Also, the place I must go to reach her is... difficult to enter. I cannot reach it on my own. But with your help, I can."

He holds his hand palm up in front of him, and a shape appears there: a small replica of a city, with five towers stretching upwards like fingers.

"This is where she is being held. The place is warded against those of most bloodlines. Yours is one that will bypass many of the defenses. You can get me through."

For all of the doubts he harbors about his father, Zenithral feels that Erestor is being truthful. About most of it, at least. But he does seem earnest about helping Zenithral's mother.
Sep 14, 2018 11:41 pm
Inside, Zenithral smiles at his father's prodded, spiteful response.

"Hm," Zenithral says, trying to memorize the general appearance of the city. "Alright. Where shall I meet you then?"
Sep 15, 2018 12:16 am
Halla blinks. "He knew before you left? You all knew?" The door slams open suddenly as a chilling breeze enters the house. The woman stands, fists clenched. "My so-called friends knew who murdered my father, and none of you said anything." Alalla feels the temperature drop as frost forms on her clothes.

"And you sit here and lecture me on vengeance, Alalla, but I remember well how you buried an axe in an orc priest when the fight was already won. And Zenithral, claiming the goodness of the gods, yet lying to me about something I had every right to know the full truth of." She stares down at Alalla with fury. "You might be heroes, but you are not friends."
Sep 15, 2018 1:04 am
Alalla's mouth drops open. "He- He didn't-? Halla, he said he would tell you. I would have but we were already gone!" The frost on her clothes seeps into her heart.

"That priest-! That fight was not won as long as he lived. You've never had them worm about in your head. If I hadn't killed him he could have turned me against you, and my axe could have found your chest instead."

Alalla stands herself, her own cold anger towering inches above Halla. She moves to open her mouth to say more but the look in the smaller woman's eyes stops her. Does her own face look like that? She really is losing her hold on herself.

Alalla sits with forceful sigh, willing the anger to seep away. "I'm not trying to lecture," she says through gritted teeth. She puts her elbows on the table and her head in her hands.

Calm, calm.

"The lessons I've learned, I've learned through pain. I'm sure you've learned yours the same way. I'm just trying to help spare you any more.

I can't speak for Zenithral, but I'm only doing my best, Halla. For everyone. If you have suggestions,"
Al waves to Halla's empty chair, "please." Her voice contains no more anger. Only weariness. It would be nice if she can live up to someone's expectations. She and Erevain should have stayed in Waterdeep, or Silverymoon. She hasn't failed anyone there.
Last edited September 15, 2018 1:09 am
Sep 15, 2018 1:28 am
Halla does not back down. "You know how much this means to me. You could have turned back and come to tell me. You have powerful spellcasters - someone could have sent me a message." She holds up a hand and her staff whirls from across the room to her grasp. You could have decided to tell me yourself, before you left. Why did you leave it to Zenithral? You really thought it best to let the son of my father's killer tell me what actually happened that night? You knew, and you said nothing."

The staff in Halla's hands does not change appearance, but the hairs on the back of Alalla's neck rise as an aura of power emanates from it. A swirling wind howls within the room, ripping through the leaves on the walls and clattering the dishes in the cabinets.

It is only when Arvid's head droops that Halla realizes the damage being done. She pulls the staff close to her, shutting off the wind. In the sudden silence the temperature begins to rise again, but the ice Halla's eyes and voice does not warm.

"I am going out. I do not want you in this house when I return."
Sep 15, 2018 1:47 am
Jermsy jumps nearly a foot into the air at the sight of the spider. "Yah!!" He ducks behind Fergy, keeping the dwarf between the spider and himself. "Kill it!"
Sep 15, 2018 1:55 am
Alalla's weariness turns to irritation.

"You know what else was important? Conlan's little boy. You think I should have turned around, leaving Sheemish in the clutches of a dragon, so that I could give you a message? And I trust my spellcasters with things like this as far as their attention spans are long."

Al folds her arms stubbornly. "What about Zenithral? He's a victim in this too. I chose what I thought was the best thing for all my friends. You are only thinking about yourself."

I'm sorry you found out like this, maybe I should have tried to send you a message, but honestly, it wasn't on my mind. I was trying to stay alive, to keep my party alive, to keep the Kuldaharans alive. Mail was not my first priority. But you know what? Finding out sooner would have changed nothing, except maybe left Kuldahar without a druid while you went haring off in a rage, or perhaps prevented this magical tantrum."

Al waves her hand dismissively and snaps at the druid. "Go then. But I can't promise I won't be here. I'm tired of taking your claws whenever I try to help you, but if Kuldahar needs me to, I will." She scratches at her chest casually, pulling her shirt down to where the tops of sabertooth claws scarred her chest. There had been too many in need that night for much magical healing.

Al hopes that Halla will remember what else had happened that night. That she had held her in the rain while Halla cried into her shoulder and her claw wounds dripped blood onto the ground. They had been friends then. Halla had appreciated her advice then.
Last edited September 15, 2018 6:23 am


Intimidation (Snap out of it, girl!) - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Sep 15, 2018 1:59 am
Erestor nods, and Zenithral thinks he sees relief in the older elf's posture. "Then you will come. Good. This city was once called The Hand of the Seldarine. You will find it here..." The city disappears and is replaced by a map of the Spine of the World. Zenithral can make out the locations for both Kuldahar and this city of towers. It looks to be a journey of two to three weeks by foot, with how difficult the land is between the two points.

"I will meet you at the drawbridge that leads into the city. Come as quickly as you can. Bring your friends if you must, but I will not guarantee their safety. This place has danger enough for only the two of us. Including more will only make the task more difficult." Erestor closes his eyes. "Hurry, boy. Every day your mother's state grows worse."

Then he is gone, and Zenithral is left with Myllandra.
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