The Severed Hand

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Sep 30, 2018 12:58 am
"I...I don't know, Zenithral admits in elvish. "But I couldn't let him kill them! They're just children! Maybe someone in Kuldahar could care for them?" He sounds flustered, and his face looks worried, though with his back turned to the rest of the group, he holds the rest of himself calmly. "Belhifet. That's the name Erestor said he 'sold' himself to for this. Poquelin's real name, perhaps?"
Sep 30, 2018 1:06 am
"One subject at a time," Al says, holding up her hands. "Zenithral, Jermsy is barely cared for and he's human. Besides, you can't just turn them over to anyone. Even if they don't mean any harm, they are dangerous."
Last edited September 30, 2018 1:07 am
Sep 30, 2018 1:21 am
The children cling close to Zenithral at first, watching the rest of the party warily. In particular they seem distrustful of Fergy's beard - until he turns into Nessa and they realize that beard smells better than demon. By the time he returns to his dwarf self, they appear immensely relieved. The one person they don't seem to care for at all is Erevain - perhaps because his full elf heritage makes him smell the most like Erestor.

Though neither of them speak, they clearly have different personalities. The girl is curious, freely poking into bags and with little sense of personal space. The boy is much more serious, showing little expression and observing more than acting.

Tonight Halla is very reserved around the party members, still ashamed of the part she has played in the recent events. She spends much more time with the children, oddly, and quickly puts together some animal skins for them to wear. She stays close to them, speaking softly and stroking their hair.

It seems oddly maternal for the druid woman, but those who know her better remember that her parents had been murdered when she was very young. After growing up in the wilderness, Arundel had taken her in to teach her some civility - and then he, too, had been murdered. Though human, she has up until recently always lived on the fringes of town and people. Perhaps in these young cambions she sees some innocence to preserve. Or perhaps seeing to their needs is merely more comfortable than interacting with the friends she has let down. Every so often she glances over at Zenithral, but then goes back to watching the children.
Sep 30, 2018 9:42 pm
As Ug watches the children interact with the group, he sees once again that the differences in the world may not be all that dividing. Similar to Al, similar to Nessa, similar to whitcomb . . . Whitcomb! Ug has an idea, might not work but worth a shot.

Ug reaches out to the boy in his thoughts, My name is Ug, what’s yours?
Last edited September 30, 2018 9:43 pm
Sep 30, 2018 9:48 pm
Ug feels no mental connection with the boy. Whatever ability allowed Whitcomb to communicate with Ug telepathically, these children to lot seem to share it.

The boy does notice Ug's intent gaze, however, and shies away from the large barbarian.
Sep 30, 2018 10:06 pm
Long rest! Oh, and 1,500 XP for all that stuff with Erestor. 97,660 total. Zen was probably in a hurry to get out of there, but if you can find Erestor's body he had some pretty good loot on him.
In the morning, the sun bleeds over the crest of the surrounding mountains as the party makes ready to enter the Hand together. After some discussion about what to do with the cambion twins, Halla volunteers to stay with them on the airship with Oswald, and the rest of the companions agree.

When they are ready, the heroes approach the drawbridge. It is with some understandable trepidation that they move forward, Zenithral at their head. As they walk along the old planks, however, there is no sign of the figure who questioned Zenithral yesterday. Seeing no better alternative, they slowly move to the other side of the drawbridge and into the Hand.

Within, it is dark. Even those in the party whose eyes are accustomed to darkness have trouble seeing more than a stone's throw away, and that dimly. Their footsteps echo on floor tiles that once were finely crafted, but now are thoroughly cracked and worn.

This place is wrong. The air they breathe seems different - heavy and unsatisfying. Small things seem to change between glances, as though a pile of rubble has moved over several feet from where it was, or footsteps that appear and disappear in the dust that coats the floor. At times even gravity seems to be shifted slightly, which makes walking down a straight corridor a dizzying affair.
Sep 30, 2018 10:07 pm
As they move further into the Hand, Alalla feels anxiety well up within her. A warm breeze stirs the hairs on the back of her neck, and she thinks she hears scrabbling whispers in the dark. While the rest of party seems wary of this forbidding place, none of them seem to hear or feel what she does.

They pass by one wall, where they notice words scratched into the stones. Erevain dusts the engraving off with the fingers of one hand, peering closely. "I cannot quite make it out, Alalla. What do you think of it?"
Sep 30, 2018 10:13 pm
"I'm starting to think," Al says with trepidation, "that it was a bad idea to bring the half-orc into the ruined Elvish city..." Nevertheless, she goes to help Erevain with his engraving.


DC 15 charisma saving throw vs madness - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Manifestation of Madness - (1d100, 1d10)

1d100 : (84) = 84

1d10 : (4) = 4

Sep 30, 2018 10:48 pm
Alalla studies the script for a moment, unable to comprehend what the words mean. Defacing an enemy's territory is a common orc practice. Could orcs have been the ones that assaulted the Hand, provoking such desperate measure for defense?

Alalla is pondering this for a moment when the creature appears. Seemingly from nowhere, it launches itself into the midst of the party and tears into Ras with deadly claws (Ras takes 80 damage, a mix of slashing and psychic). Hunched over and gnarled with muscle, its unearthly, bestial shriek shatters the silence of the hall into a hundred jagged pieces. Half a dozen times it shreds at the small gnome, and in the blur of movement Alalla knows she sees the slightly porcine face of an orc, tusks and all, but its face... Warped. Twisted. Where are its eyes?

As the heroes grab their weapons and turn on the creature, Alalla can only stand in complete shock, her mind unable to accept the horror of what she is seeing.

Twitching madly and lightning fast, enough creature slips out from the midst of the party and charges across the hall, sometimes loping on all fours, sometimes half-rolling as its limbs propel it forward. It is uncanny how little sound it makes as it moves so fast.


Mangler vs Ras (6 attacks, adv) - (2d20+7, 2d20+7, 2d20+7, 2d20+7, 2d20+7, 2d20+7)

2d20+7 : (1715) + 7 = 39

2d20+7 : (84) + 7 = 19

2d20+7 : (1211) + 7 = 30

2d20+7 : (819) + 7 = 34

2d20+7 : (1711) + 7 = 35

2d20+7 : (510) + 7 = 22

Dmg to Ras (slashing, psychic) - (5d8+20, 10d6)

5d8+20 : (31836) + 20 = 41

10d6 : (3224625645) = 39

Sep 30, 2018 10:56 pm
Round 1 Player Phase!
It's movement away does not provoke opportunity attacks. It ends about 40 ft away, so within range of pretty much everything.

Al is stunned for 4 minutes.
Sep 30, 2018 11:22 pm
Alalla grits her teeth at the sight of twisted monster. "Idiot.." she mutters, gripping her glaive tightly. Who else would have destroyed the Elvish city.

"R-Ras!" She knows she should do something, but what? Zenithral said they had been working on a powerful spell to stop the invaders. Now it was stopping her, too.
Sep 30, 2018 11:29 pm
As fast as the strange creature cane in, so did Ugs anger and seeing his friend go down. His maul turning to an icy sledge hammer on his hands, the echoes of it pounding against the creature echo strangely in and out of the magically warped room.
Last edited October 1, 2018 12:58 am


Attack 1 - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Attack 1 adv - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Attack 2 - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Attack 2 adv - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Expert Damage 2x - (4d6+32)

(6664) + 32 = 54

Cold damage 2x - (2d4)

(44) = 8

Oct 1, 2018 12:54 am
"Ah! It ugly like Al. All orcy and disfigured and disgusting...HUUUURK"

Fergy doubles over dry heaving. Finally getting his stomach under control, Fergy tosses out a firebolt.

"Kill the abomination with fire!"
Last edited October 1, 2018 1:02 am


Firebolt attack - (1d20+8)

(12) + 8 = 20

Firebolt damage - (3d10)

(899) = 26

Oct 1, 2018 1:19 am
Ug stomps after the creature, his long strides catching up to it. To the goliath's surprise, it turns on him and attacks with a rage that rivals his own. Ug easily shrugs off the claws, but the screaming that penetrates his brain is agonizing (After resistance, Ug takes 41 damage). Between Fergy's burning flames and the crushing maul the creature dies, but everyone is left shocked by the horrid thing's ferocity.
Everyone gains 360 XP. 98,020 XP total. Level up at 100,000!
Erevain stands concerned in front of Alalla, hands on either side of her face. Guessing that this trouble will soon pass, he helps to settle her on the ground, then turns to see Ras gravely injured. To the group, he says, "I fear we have no idea what we have gotten ourselves into."


Mangler recharge - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Mangler vs Ug (2 attacks adv) - (2d20+7, 2d20+7)

2d20+7 : (2014) + 7 = 41

2d20+7 : (1516) + 7 = 38

Dmg to Ug (slashing, psychic) - (2d8+16, 4d6+12)

2d8+16 : (25) + 16 = 23

4d6+12 : (5653) + 12 = 31

Oct 1, 2018 1:50 am
While everyone else stares at the disfigured creature, poor Ras is left to rescue himself. He summons what power he can from his little broken body.


Cure Wounds - (5d8+4)

(23165) + 4 = 21

With help (reroll 3, 2, &1) - (3d8)

(233) = 8

Oct 1, 2018 1:54 am
Alalla hears Fergy's words, but doesn't quite process who is saying them. "I'm next... Should have known... Trusting fool..." She should run. She should fight! She barely processes Erevain setting her down, too frozen to do anything.
Oct 1, 2018 1:56 am
Fergy touches Ras on the shoulder boosting his healing and adding some of his own.

Walking over to Zen Fergy hands over the magic dagger. "I used it up for today healing Ras. It's yours next."
Last edited October 1, 2018 1:58 am


Healing Ras - (2d8+4)

(66) + 4 = 16

Oops missed a d8 - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Oct 1, 2018 2:00 am
Ug clutched his head as silent screams sound in his ears. He doesn’t even hear the fire bolt collide with the creature, but is thankful as the pressure on his mind is released. He draws in an icy breath and some of his wounds seal over with ice.

85/126 hp
Last edited October 1, 2018 2:04 am


Stones endurance - (1d12+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Oct 1, 2018 2:01 am
Ras' wounds start to mend when another shriek pierces the air, unexpectedly close and much more shrill, but still awful and hoarse. A tall, gaunt figure in tattered robes stands not far from the party. This one does have eyes that glitter with a pale, hungry light. Its mouth is opened impossibly wide to reveal a fat tongue and chiseled teeth, and somehow Ras can feel it *taste* his healing magic.

It moves forward through the darkness, reaching for the gnome, and seemingly oblivious to the other companions.
Oct 1, 2018 2:04 am
Round 1 Player Phase!
Al is out one more turn, next turn she'll be back in the action.
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