The Severed Hand

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Nov 21, 2018 4:07 am
Aeri continues eating during Alalla's tirade, but Erevain moves close when she's done. His words to her are quiet, calm. "We have accomplished something important." He looks at Ras. "Larrel taught him how to use the Heartstone Gem. All of the questions we have - he can use it to find us more answers."
Nov 21, 2018 4:07 am
Halla sits still, evidently shocked by the dragon's announcement. "I have kept in touch with Kuldahar, and everything seems to be fine there. But... I had no idea that things were so bad out in the Dale." Her arms shimmer, first growing fur, then feathers, then going back to normal again. "I shouldn't be here. I should be in Kuldahar! The Great Oak is unprotected, and the people... 'Tis my responsibility."

She glances down at the children. "I just... For a moment I just wanted..." Her face flushes for a moment, but then she shakes it off and sits taller in her seat. "I have not seen Orric. Wherever he is, the wizard will not likely be of any help to anyone. He never has been."
Nov 21, 2018 5:07 am
Aeri shrugs darkly. "Wizards are that way. I have seen no sign of one about here. Maybe he was inside exploring when it all - " She gestures with her hands, opening up her fingers and spreading them wide.

"As for Targos, I don't know. Like I said, I was in a hurry." The dragon-gnome puts her face in her hands. "How fast can an army move? Winter's fading, so the tundra is brown and slushy. Not good for walking in. I don't even know for sure if they are headed for Targos. If they don't follow along the shore of Maer Dualdon, they might strike south for Bryn Shamder instead. Though they probably wouldn't want to leave Targos at their backs; Bryn Shander has got the biggest walls, but Targos has the larger militia."

She sits up, hair disheveled. "So no. I don't know. And it's not really my business either. I still haven't... found... that... xsioul... DROW!" The table splinters under the grip of her tiny gnome hands.
Nov 21, 2018 5:15 am
Zenithral raises an eyebrow. "I wouldn't say all wizards are that way. At any rate, I was hoping we could use one of his items to get these children to my grandmother. She's excellent with children and could take care of them while we attend to our duties. Do you have any suggestions, Halla?" he asks. "I don't want you to have to care for them, er, if you don't want to---I mean, longer than you already have, that is. I'd like to respect the wishes of all three of you, I mean."
Nov 21, 2018 5:34 am
Halla glances at Alalla. "I know the orcs you speak of. As far as I know, they have stayed put. 'Tis odd behavior for orcs. When they have nothing to do, they usually turn to killing themselves."

The druid woman hesitantly makes eye contact with Zenithral. "The children..." Harmony pokes at plate of sweetrolls, but Valiance stiffens and looks over with round eyes. "I would greatly enjoy looking after them more, but my duty is in Kuldahar." She bites her lip. "Drawing on the Great Oak for strength, I am sure I could keep them safe. Your grandmother, too, if she would come to Kuldahar." She clears her throat. "Where is she?"
Nov 21, 2018 5:54 am
Alalla shakes her head. "Bryn Shander's walls are meant for orcs and yeti, not armies, but they'll be a death trap if the army is caught against them with the Targos milita on the other side. Targos is the real threat. They must be going there.

Who shall we save, Ug? Your mother the slave, or my father the cripple? Neither probably, if we want any chance at taking down the devil."

Her voice and face are hard, but Halla's news of the orcs catches her off guard. "They're mine," she explains hesitantly. "I sacrificed to make my status as chieftess clear," she fusses with her eyepatch self-consciously, "but I didnt expect them to obey so well in my absence. I never meant to be gone this long."

"I've abandoned everyone," she reels.
Last edited November 21, 2018 6:04 am
Nov 21, 2018 6:43 am
"Well, er, my grandmother's not actually in the Dale." He tells Halla. "Their home is south. Far south. But Orrick had some kind of hat of Teleportation or something of the sort, so that's why it came to mind."

"Bryn Shander?" Zenithral tenses, then relaxes as Alalla explains her tactical view of the situation. "Well it's not like you knew you'd be gone for a month, Alalla. To abandon means to willfully neglect, and you've done nothing of the sort."
Nov 21, 2018 7:36 am
"I have some tricks of my own, you know. If you would like me to fetch her, I am sure I can find something way to bring her here shortly." Halla offers a small smile. "If you do not mind introducing me to some of your family..."
Nov 21, 2018 2:56 pm
"I suppose you're right, Zenithral. I'm sorry for my outburst. I'm better than this. It's just... Targos!" Al puts a hand over her healthy eye. "Some militia woman I am."

Alalla thumps her glaive. Enough. You can only do what you can do. Losing your mind won't help. Mourn. Later.

"Aeri... Orric is missing, which means his tower is empty. I'd bet Nym knows, and is plotting a shopping trip if he hasn't cleaned the place out already."
Last edited November 21, 2018 3:20 pm
Nov 21, 2018 3:10 pm
Posted Heartstone Gem stuff in the Identify thread.
Nov 21, 2018 3:17 pm
Aeri's eyes flash. "Then I guess I'm headed back to Kuldahar. Nym has made worse mistakes in the past than trying to rob a wizard. If he's slowed down by Orric's defenses..."

She knocks a fist lightly on the table. "This boat looks like it will probably still fly, so I don't feel bad leaving you here. I don't know where you lot are headed, but if anyone wants a dragon ride to Kuldahar, this is your chance. Your choice."
Nov 21, 2018 3:30 pm
"If we help you catch Nym, will you help us at Dorns Deep?"
Last edited November 21, 2018 3:41 pm
Nov 21, 2018 3:42 pm
"Bring my grandmother here?" Zenithral remarks, raising an eyebrow at Halla. "I'd rather not get her killed. However, if she does wish to help care for Lance and Mona, then I shan't stop either of you, but I'm not sure if I could live with myself if something happened to her in this hellscape."
Nov 21, 2018 4:03 pm
Aeri chokes on her last bite of pork. "Help me?" She grimaces. "What makes you think that you can catch that eel? I've hunted him for centuries, and know him better than anyone alive." Her fingers make more splinters in the table. Then she glances over at Ras and sighs. "I think Ras could help me. That artifact he has might let me know exactly when Nym will be where. But the poor little guy doesn't seem to be up for much of anything right now..."
Nov 21, 2018 4:12 pm
Halla eyes harden. "'Twould not have been mentioned if I did not think I could keep her and the children safe. I am not the half-dead woman you rescued outside of Easthaven. I am the Archdruid of Kuldahar. And this hellscape," she gestures at the surrounding mountain range, "is home."
Nov 21, 2018 5:18 pm
Alalla rolls her eyes. "Well your centuries don't seem to be doing you much good. Nym knows us, kind of, and doesn't know we know you. Maybe we will have an advantage."

Al turns to Halla and Zenithral. "Easy, Halla. Zenithral has spent the last couple of days-" she grunts with irritation and corrects herself. "He's spent the last month learning about all the different ways the history of this area and the Hand has destroyed his family."

A deep breath.

"Zenithral, do you still have that sending stone?"
Nov 21, 2018 5:29 pm
Zen, make an investigation check.
Nov 21, 2018 6:01 pm
Aeri snorts, sending a shock of frost through her pale hair. "Right. The irony is just killing me here." She leans across the table toward Zenithral and sniffs the air. "The area destroyed your family? I knew your grandfather. If he hadn't fled, you wouldn't have been born." She wipes her mouth. "You all don't have any idea of what happened here."

She stands, then sniffs again. Her head turns to look at Vincent. "You. Who are you?"
Nov 21, 2018 6:06 pm
"My name is Vincent. I see you're fairly friendly with these people I've just barely met. Do they have many dragons as friends?"
Nov 21, 2018 6:11 pm
"As far as I know, the only other dragon they've met is currently rotting away in an underground swamp. But that one was a coward." Aeri narrows her eyes. "You shouldn't be alive."
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