Out skirts of the Village

Jan 23, 2016 1:09 am
The group of you return to the village. Kveit has been using her remote viewer to keep tabs on the approach of the Timmermen's craft. About 10 minutes ago they came into full view. As predicted, you see one larger vehicle, it erupts from the black clouds like a whale breaching from the ocean, spitting lightning backwards behind it from the circular modules attached to to the rear.

Seconds later, eight smaller personal craft burst forth behind it. The streak through the air and swarm around the larger craft like sharks chasing a scent. Whenever two craft come into close proximity more lightning arcs between them. The connections seem to propel the smaller craft forward in huge bursts of speed, but once separated they slow down and regroup.

At the rate they are traveling you have about 20 minutes before they arrive overhead. You all have managed to reach the treeline. Ahead you can see the people of Uncegilla Cove rushing about. The Mayor and the Guild Councilors are huddled together, excitedly discussing something. Occasionally someone will approach them, and they will point or gesture and give an order and the petitioner will run off to do whatever it was they were told to do.

Aileen Verigar, Mama Zifnaby and Repin Mohsen are herding the younger children (ages 2 - 9) into one corner of the green. They seem to be trying to keep them entertained or at least occupied. Irving Winters and Triun can be seen organizing the town malitia. They are armed mostly with farm implements and tools, but you see one or two swords and shields. Whenever someone starts to draw a blade they are immediately reprimanded and shouted down. The order is repeated several times that no one is to look as thought they want to fight, they are just there for show.

Amburn runs past with baskets of bread and baked goods in her arms. Klia and several other older girls follow closely behind equally laden with food. Coming up from the mill you see six men rolling three casks of winter cider. This was all meant for the feast later. Now it seems as though they are preparing an offering. The Seer confirms that is what is happening.

Your group has gathered at the edge of the forest as discussed. The Seer is ready to enter the aldiea and help with the preparations.
As discussed, you don't have to stay here, before to long though, the Timmermen crafts will show up.
Jan 23, 2016 4:33 pm
Yaru settles down to watch. "It's clear that the elders have this in control and they do not want an armed conflict. And we can't confront these men with the children nearby -- they could get hurt. We should watch and observe."
Jan 23, 2016 5:59 pm
Galen settles down to watch as well, "If this is going to turn into a battle we're going to have to wait until the children are safe before we begin."
Did we have enough time resting to make our second recovery roll?


Recovery Roll - (1d6+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Recover roll 1 hour - (1d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Jan 23, 2016 11:58 pm
Naatkinson says:
Did we have enough time resting to make our second recovery roll?
Whoops...yes. You had enough time to use the Action, 10 Minute, and Hour rolls if needed.
Jan 25, 2016 2:07 pm
Looking around the area Pha wonders if there's a good place to lay low until the Timermen are passed over and looks at the trees that seem to give good cover from someone flying above. "I think the elders are wise... the Timermen are coming to capture and/or kill. Needless deaths aren't something anyone in the village wants of it's villagers. I think it's safe to say children will be very close to the fray though if you think about it. For the Timermen if you think about it, a threat to kill half the children in the village is a pretty good bargaining chip in their favor if they want people to go with them... considering the time between 'offerings' they'll probably going to ask for a lot of people." Pha states shaking his head as he putters about looking for a good hiding spot until they needed to watch the village and what might transpire.
Jan 25, 2016 4:58 pm
"There is always the threat of wiping out the whole village from the Timmermen. They won't do it for want of slaves most likely, but they certainly have the power should they choose to use it."
Jan 25, 2016 11:33 pm
Carrick anxiously scanned the crowds, looking for Kylia. When he saw her with Amburn, he breathed a sigh of relief. He still didn't like the idea of her being exposed to the Timmermen like that, but he also feared that somehow his presence, as one who had just completed the Rite, would somehow put her at greater risk if he went to her. There just wasn't a good solution! He looked to the others, "If we wait here, how will we disable those flying machines or find out the way to their Fortress?"
Jan 28, 2016 8:11 pm
"I don't honestly know for sure, I thought if things go peacefully we'd probably want to stage an attack away from the village or try and get something on one of their smaller machines to slow it or make it break down with the crossbows. The worst case for the village but better for us is if a scuffle breaks out long enough for us to do something to hinder them moving back to their base as quickly as possible. But I'm pretty sure that might end in someone we don't want dying getting killed. After seeing that transporter pad and looking through the cyphers I think I'll be able to tell more about them and their machines if I can get closer to them... I'm pretty sure the village doesn't want to start a fight they'll end up losing, they're a bit older than us so that kinda sounds like a good idea. Everyone offering themselves up I thought wasn't the best of idea since they'd just take everyone's stuff, starting a fix midair though is dangerous enough as is. Attacking the smaller ones doesn't put the prisoners at risk as much as a battle on the larger flying machine." Pha rattled off checking the tree close by to see if it was easy to climb.
Jan 28, 2016 8:25 pm
Kveit listens to all this, shakes her head.

"An open battle is pointless. There must be more of these being than those here. We need to strike at the heart of this mystery. I say we give ourselves up to them as volunteers.
Jan 28, 2016 9:15 pm
"Can't we just walk?" he points off to the distance.

"It's far, sure -- but surely we can make our way there."
Jan 28, 2016 9:18 pm
"I don't think we should give ourselves up. We may be able to get inside, but we don't have any idea how they restrain their captives; we may never get out and have to live in slavery. I think observing is our best choice at this point, and we can always work our way there if we must."
Jan 28, 2016 9:35 pm
"Galen has a point. If the best way to get in is to give ourselves up -- we can do that with more information later." He gestures, "If we do it now and it's the wrong decision we may not be able to work our way out of it."
Jan 28, 2016 11:46 pm
A humming and crackling sound can be heard in the distance. It is growing louder and louder until the Timmermen ships come into view overhead. The canopy of the forest keeps them from spotting you as they move toward the village. The larger transport vehicle lands in the square. It takes up a lot of space but the people are well out of the way. Once it lands a large man covered in armor from head to toe emerges. His helm puts you in mind of a demonic bull.

He steps onto the stage and you hear the reat thuds of his steps. Under his feet the boards creak and groan, protesting his weight. Moments later, another figure emerges. This one is smaller and it is so covered in armor you cannot tell if it is a man or a woman. Upon its head is the visage of a skull. THe black eyes stare out at the gathered villagers with malevolence.

The smaller craft whiz by and circle the aldiea. They seem to be looking for stragglers, but their eyes are turned inward and they do not notice your group. Each rider has a different helmet depicting a different creature. Most you recognize, or at least think you've seen a drawing or depiction of them before. Some however seem alien and strange. Do they depict creatures native to the lands beyond the mountains?

The Seer makes his way to the two figures. Your group is left alone in the woods when you notice even the bugs seems to quieted down in reverence.
Jan 29, 2016 1:06 am
Looking around Pha states he's going to find out more and tries to figure out a position away from the rest to try and gleam more about the riders.
Looking for a spot to use Scan, I don't mind expending extra Int to change or extend the shape of the cube or extend the range to something besides short, unless that's good enough to scan from.
Last edited January 29, 2016 1:06 am
Jan 29, 2016 3:02 am
Because you are still a decent distance away, I need a Speed test for Pha to stealth into the village, Difficulty 5(15) because of all the people. Not that the other villagers would give you away exactly, but they might tip off the Timmermen by accident. After that Spend 3 extra Intellectw and I can let scan extend over the Green where everyone is gathered. If anyone still wants to surrender that can provide 2 assets to the stealth check. It won't matter how many people walk into town right now, one or more will be an equally effective level of distraction. Of course there may be other ways to get assistance, That's just what I thought of at this moment.
Jan 29, 2016 3:35 am
Carrick quietly fumed. As much as he hated to admit it, it did seem the best course of action would be to wait for the time being. He fought the urge to run down there and leaned on a tree, watching intently at what was taking place in the village. He saw the Seer approach the monsters and had a seed of mistrust take root in his mind. He began to wonder if this was all some sort of big set up. Was the decision of how to deal with these mysterious Timmermen somehow just the next stage of the Rite? Were they making the wrong choice?
Jan 29, 2016 1:05 pm
Shuffling back to the group Pha brow was wrinkled as he looked around from the sky to the village. "If I get closer to find out about the Timmerman it's not going to be easy... I might be able to use the Seer's speech if it's long but since I didn't tell him anything so I don't know if it'll draw their attention fully. You guys got any ideas for me?" Pha admitted scratching his head.

Pha looked around and stood more upright... this was the most talking he had done in several weeks... he was somewhat surprised he was this talkative... it was probably due to the subject and situation he figured.

I got to ask Yaru later if this is what it's like to have a lot of friends... Pha thought to himself before looking to the others for advise.
Jan 29, 2016 5:12 pm
"I could infuse one of these crossbow bolts with light and fire it into the air. The flare might distract them enough to allow you to sneak close, but it would also draw their attention to the woods." Carrick shrugged, "Sorry, but I can't think of any other way I could help...."
Jan 29, 2016 5:15 pm
"Sorry Pha, but without giving myself up or bringing unwanted attention here I can't see any way to distract them."
Jan 30, 2016 4:08 am
Kveit looks at the group, looks at the Timmermen, looks at Carrick. She can see the concern on his face, and the tension in the others.

They won't listen to me...but we've got to do something... "I'll create a distraction Pha"

Before anyone can stop her, Kveit crouches down to all fours, her nano-metal arms extending slightly, her tail swooping behind her, she swoops around the side of the Timmermen. She moves in a wide arc around the grouping of people and Timmermen, so she can approach from a different direction than everyone else.

When he is in position, she stand tall, running on just her legs now, and heads straight for the front of the front of the group, where the Seer faces the Timmermen.

Let me know if you need a roll of some kind here.
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