OOC Thread

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Nov 3, 2015 11:23 pm
Hey all, I've been corresponding with falryx regarding my character for the continuation of this campaign. He thought my concept was...I guess the correct word would be "controversial" enough that we should run it by everyone and make sure y'all are ok with it. I think his main concern is how this character may bend the group dynamic.

Before I go in to it, I'd just like to say that I am 100% ok with changing up this concept. I like this character, and I want to play him, but I also don't want to rock the boat as the newcomer to an established group. So please, feel free to express any concerns you may have openly.

I'm going to call him PCX, as I don't have a name for him yet. I'm not going to go too deep into his background, as I think a roleplayed reveal (if y'all approve the concept) would be cooler.

The concept is a force sensitive adolescent who was trained to use the force by a dark jedi. PCX is not evil, and hated his master deeply. In fact he was forced into the apprenticeship, and the dark jedi used his hate to attempt to pull PCX to the dark side. The resulting character is a good person, but a troubled and traumatized adolescent. He will be intrigued and enamored of any light side teachings, but will consider them somewhat weak when applied in confrontations. Mechanically, PCX is a Warrior-Aggressor, but his goal is always to protect himself and those he cares about. His training and events in his past have led him to believe that the best defense is a good offense, and that showing weakness is dangerous.

The themes I'm looking to explore with this concept are: Can the ends justify the means? Can a good person tap the forces of aggression and fear to accomplish their goals and still maintain their morality? On a more human level: this character is, deep down, a lost and scarred teenager. He is desperate to find a home and to belong, even as he is scared to let anyone in close to him.

I think that's about all I can say without risking spoilers. Falryx, feel free to embellish with any additional details or insights you deem relevant.

And again, I am very open to any comments/questions/concerns. Please let me know what y'all think!
Nov 4, 2015 12:33 am
I like it. Dagger is mired in skullduggery and seems to have the wreckless abandon of one who could fall prey to the power of the dark side. It would be cool to see a dark side trained sensitive strive for the light and one who's underworld, slave labor, and revenge driven past may drive him to the dark.
Nov 4, 2015 1:09 am
I agree; it actually seems not that far off - in terms of character conflict - from many of us. Kaveri has been especially brutal with her blaster rifle so far, which is causing me as the player (and thus as the character, too) some angst in how to justify killing with the Light Side. It sounds more like it's a big difference in degree - more darkness, the training in the Dark Side - and less like a character concept that is incompatible enough to derail the group dynamic.
Nov 4, 2015 1:24 pm
Short Version: I don't have a problem with it.

Your morality/ethics/sanity in what you're doing will be brought into question by you. Personally I don't mind. It's very meta but personally I view someone who's really high on the light side of the force to be curbing their emotions good or bad and for lake of a better term considering all the alien races we're playing being less human. Personally I see my character being in the grey area or even the dark myself since taking the influence power you mess with people's emotions, everyone feels something it's what drives us to do acts of great heroics to acts of murderous or cowardly intent due to a spiral down or out of desperation.

On a side note if Dagger meets you and states in front of the group he'll show you a few things the rest of us will probably say no, since he'll show you all his bad habits that stress us out (spoiler kind of)
Nov 4, 2015 3:02 pm
Remnant says:
It's very meta but personally I view someone who's really high on the light side of the force to be curbing their emotions good or bad and for lake of a better term considering all the alien races we're playing being less human.
This is an interesting idea and relates to something I've been toying with/thinking about lately. Light side Jedi remind me of Yogis or monks; they seek transcendence from the material world and strive for inner peace and calm. They eschew "positive" distractions such as family, love, etc as much as they do negative emotions such as anger, fear etc.

There is a discipline of Yoga called Kundalini, which is separate from the Hatha Yoga most practice in the US. Kundalini has a lot of the same base line philosophy of other Yoga (do no harm to others, mindfulness, etc.) but emphasizes engagement with the material world and one's internal emotions. It talks a lot about internal control over one's thoughts and feelings and channeling internal power for output to bend the material world to your will. All under the umbrella of Yogic mindfulness.

I've been toying with the idea of writing up a lost Jedi discipline that walks this line; eschewing the traditional divide of light vs. dark and instead emphasizing mindful engagement with one's emotions and internal power, then channeling that power into bettering the world. In an RPG context, this discipline would likely be banned by Jedi and Sith alike, and be a very fringe philosophy.
Nov 4, 2015 3:20 pm
To me -- this reads a little like Qui-Gon's focus on the Living Force and his frequent rebelliousness and resistance to the Council. My guess is the Jedi order could have had quite a lot of adherents to philosophical offshoots -- it was simply too big and too mystical for otherwise. My guess is it wouldn't be banned by the Jedi so much as ... discredited and disliked by the Jedi council (much the same that Qui-Gon was deemed a difficult Jedi).
Nov 4, 2015 3:39 pm
Do you guys see the image rotated or not?

When I look at the raw image in my browser, it's rotated on its side. When I post it, it's proper. But when I look at an image that's raw and okay in my browser, the posted image is rotated on its side. I'm confused. :)
Nov 4, 2015 4:24 pm
I added a boost dice for a stealth attack but I couldn't find the specific rule in the book, so drop it if you want, it didn't help me either way. I'm hoping the guy is considered medium distance. Also I am hoping to gain cover from the pillar.
Nov 4, 2015 4:56 pm
Fair enough -- I think range is probably short.

And boy howdy, I'm going to have fun with Conflict when we start adding that in. =)
Nov 4, 2015 5:00 pm
What time period is this taking place in? Can y'all give me some context to big events like Order 66 and/or the destruction of Alderaan?
Nov 4, 2015 5:08 pm
This takes place after the destruction of the first Death Star. So the Empire is very much in control and is tightening its grip, but the Rebellion has had a major success.
Nov 4, 2015 5:09 pm
PhantomNimbus - given the short range I'll roll a d2 below and ignore one of the difficulty dice when tallying the result. Note that the pistols from the mercs are just 'blaster pistols' versus 'heavy blaster pistols'.


ignore difficulty die #1 or #2? - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Nov 4, 2015 5:12 pm
Remnant - Dagger's shot with 3 advantage (now 4) will trigger a crit and kill the guard. Do you want to retcon and modify Heyop's actions? He won't be a threat.
Nov 4, 2015 5:37 pm
I figure you were aiming for the blue booster die PN. If it's actually short could you pull one off my shot as well... Guess I jumped the gun. XD
Nov 4, 2015 5:40 pm
I'm definitely critingg to take this guard down quick. You could run in to free Hethan who I think is tied up. If I had the extra advantage I would have totally given you the blue.
Nov 4, 2015 5:45 pm
Hornies usually took a good two to three shots to take down last time. If we both crit though I don't think we've really rolled that a lot so I'm interested on the mechanics (is it just 1d100+10?). Maybe all the extra pew pews bounce off and hit her restrains. Also hope he's not beating the Gatekeeper in there... that would explain why he hasn't contacted us again.
Nov 4, 2015 5:46 pm
Edit Oh Just realized what happened. Um yeah I'd like to recon not shooting the dead guy then... can I free Romund? I'll shoot the crap out of non moving restrains. XD
Nov 4, 2015 6:53 pm
Sure -- for narrative's sake you can assume she's got her hands secured and chained above her with a chain flung 'round the pillar.
Nov 4, 2015 7:01 pm
Remnant says:
Hornies usually took a good two to three shots to take down last time. If we both crit though I don't think we've really rolled that a lot so I'm interested on the mechanics (is it just 1d100+10?). Maybe all the extra pew pews bounce off and hit her restrains. Also hope he's not beating the Gatekeeper in there... that would explain why he hasn't contacted us again.
With non-strain NPCs a crit usually means an auto-kill or KO. I assume unless you guys state otherwise you aren't using 'stun' settings.
Nov 4, 2015 7:02 pm
Dagger may have broken that switch on every one of his blasters.
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