OOC Thread

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Jan 22, 2016 9:52 pm
Guys -- if that happens, then my character needs to bow out.

Not to be pushy -- but y'all are already on the hairy edge of tolerance for what he'll put up with as a jedi -- if someone surrenders and he's killed, Loekri is going to go after Mordecai and kill him as a Sith.

So rather than create that dynamic -- I'll bow out of the game or toss the character and make a new one. If this was something like Paranoia or a one-shot where part of the dynamic is for us to be in direct conflict that's one thing. :) But I don't see the drama associated with this being very interesting to play or witness.
Last edited January 22, 2016 9:53 pm
Jan 22, 2016 9:54 pm
if your char is still in the pilot compartment, he may not know that it happened.
Jan 22, 2016 9:56 pm
He's not -- he swapped places with Candi's character and is attempting to disarm and eject the goons.
Jan 22, 2016 9:57 pm
BTW -- not trying to be whiny or move the group or anyone's characters another route. But during a war with the Sith any Force user killing innocents "because they're witnesses" is basically going to trigger his spidey sense and he's going to take that person down. His job as a sentinel is to hunt Sith down and deal with them.

If that's the wrong match for this group -- then that's fine. I can roll up something else or find a way to segue out without any ill feelings. But I don't think there's a way I can keep him a jedi and tolerate that kind of stuff.
Last edited January 22, 2016 9:58 pm
Jan 22, 2016 10:30 pm
A couple things here:

-This is a mix of personalities and character types; there's bound to be conflict when we didn't build together with a central theme.

-If your character is inclined to attack mine at any time, go for it. We started with 150 XP. I'm perfectly comfortable building out new characters at that level all day if needed (though it may be tough on the GM). Know that I won't hold back in response though ;)

-I don't think you need to be quite so black and white in your in reaction. I hear your concerns, but I think they should play out in game, not with you re-rolling before we've even begun the mission.

-I think you've got the right idea with your in-character reaction, but would he really just leave? Just walk away? Would he really just attack and kill another Jedi who killed some enemy combatants in the heat of combat? The comment about "witnesses" was not said aloud, it was table talk. Your character doesn't know those motives.

Anyway, a few thoughts before you jump ship and reroll.
Last edited January 22, 2016 10:30 pm
Jan 22, 2016 10:35 pm
The character would likely jump ship and head back to the temple and get in his own ship and proceed. He's a Jedi in the Old Republic -- and he has all the swagger and confidence in his abilities and the outcome that accompany that.

Note that this would be the second thing that triggered for me (the first was opening fire first on someone who hadn't done anything wrong beyond break the law). His archetype is fine skirting the law -- he's got some of the skulduggery built into how he has to operate to hunt the enemy. But there's a difference between that and the obvious casual disregard to life that seems to be the norm for the crew.

I'm not really interested in role-playing out the conflict if it's going to be that overt. You're right -- we haven't even begun the mission and we've opened fire - first - on someone engaging in a transaction with us. And if someone kills someone who surrenders that's not going to be acceptable to the character. There's no reason for me to believe that this will change as the mission progresses.

Some conflict of characters and personalities is perfectly fine -- but in this case, I think it's pretty bloody black and white. And I raise it here so we can come to a reasonable conclusion together. If you guys are happy to play a little more EOTE and morally dark, that's good. I've made the wrong character for that campaign. :)

To reiterate -- I'm not bitter or fussy -- I just don't want to enter the magnitude of intra-party angst that I've positioned myself to be in. I'm not likely to find it that fun to play -- so I'd rather get aligned to ensure it will be fun to play.
Last edited January 22, 2016 10:39 pm
Jan 22, 2016 10:47 pm
falryx says:
If you guys are happy to play a little more EOTE and morally dark, that's good. I've made the wrong character for that campaign. :)
As to that, this is absolutely an EotE situation; an illegal drug deal with shady characters on both sides (for sure talking about Vakim here). Vakim is a thief and a gunslinger; he opened fire because its what he's good at, and he had a suspicion that we were getting double-crossed. He figured if it was a double-cross, he's got the jump on them. If not, the group gets the drugs and the credits. He doesn't have a particular disdain for life or a blood thirst, but he has also learned through experience that its better to shoot than to be shot. That's the PC motivation.

The player motivation for the move was to spark interesting reactions. If I'm out of line on this front, I can alter my play style to match the group dynamic more. I like having diverse and even conflicting PC personalities around the table. It makes for interesting RP.

To me, this conflict is no different than a D&D game in which one has a Rogue and a Paladin. There's gonna be trouble between them, sooner or later.

Your call, of course, on rerolling your PC (yours and the GMs). I encourage you to stay in the game with the character you have. Try to stop the killings, get in our way, be the voice of reason. But I also don't want to force you into that position. I'll happily alter my play style in lieu of you having to reroll.

Your call.

Edit:Just saw your edit. I implore you to let the game keep going as is. I'll tone back my instigator instincts and play nicer with the group dynamic. Vakim was never meant to be a cold blooded serial killer; just a thief who's quick with a gun when needed.
Last edited January 22, 2016 10:50 pm
Jan 22, 2016 11:51 pm
I was 100% expecting this to cause a conflict between Mordecai and Leokri. I had planed for Mordecai to execute, then deal with whatever objections Leokri put out via a heated argument seeing as how Leokri is a representation of the Jedi Order that Mordecai turned his back on to win the war. Mordecai has very specific motivations for wanting to do this that we can either have out in a fight before or after he kills the thugs. Either way I was hoping for an intra party conflict that would hopefully do some character building and would eventually result in M and L comming to an understanding.
Last edited January 22, 2016 11:52 pm
Jan 23, 2016 12:52 am
From perspective the doc is in some waysssss a sniveling coward, he has no love for criminals due to his past going from hopeful future to mind numbing grey unmoving druggery, although he's found complaining to high ranking Jedi is a no no now he considers them 'spooks' in a way. He'll grumble and whine still but probably not to their face. I have no idea if this was suppose to be a double cross but I figure that criminals getting ahead on their name and good business practices would have been just business mean, my paranoia although sound plus Bam stating it's a trap and shooting got everyone on a 360 swivel when blasters around out and firing. We might find out after the fact it was bad service in the hanger, maybe the one who went away started a jammer for comms.

If your trying to start a relationship a disagreement on how ideology differ can be talked out, killing innocent people once they've surrendered and/or unarmed regardless of the reason will start conflict but you could probably talk things out as well. I'd probably be of the same mindset in a way as L, killing people who can't defend themselves when they don't want to fight puts you in the same boat as criminals who don't value life. Also if you wanted to go that route to develop a conflit with L and M I dont think you'll come to an understanding, I think it' more likely that agreeing to disagree on killing basically prisoners being okay.
Jan 23, 2016 12:56 am
Did I miss something in the game thread... I don't see the thugs surrendering yet?
Jan 23, 2016 12:58 am
I think it's preemptive of actions that were stated to be carried out in OoC.
Jan 23, 2016 1:00 am
They have not yet. This started with me asking about what I'd have to do if they did. (Also just realized I've been randomly posting as Mordecai in the OOC chat lol)
Last edited January 23, 2016 1:00 am
Jan 23, 2016 3:57 pm
I expected conflict between Mordecai and Leokri -- absolutely. One is someone who's abandoned the Jedi and one isn't. That's bound to create some illwill between them. But /if/ they surrender, and /if/ they are then killed in cold blood -- that doesn't really leave room for conversation to someone who's job it is to sniff out Sith agents and either capture or kill them. If Leokri were more of a moralizing healer or mystic that might be another story -- but he's not Qui Gon Ginn.

So -- I'm /cool/ with some conflict -- but I think if we push it too far, then the character is going to be a big ball and chain around the party's collective neck. I get a lot of stress and conflict in my real life (complete with conflict resolution, finding the middle ground and whatnot) so I 'm hesitant to explore it over much in my roleplayed life (because alas, I can just deal with work in order to have the experience of sorting that out). It won't be fun for me to have the conflict-o-meter at 10 with Mordecai. It'll be a lot more fun for me if it hovers between 1 and 5 with the occasional spike to 6 or 7. Killing unarmed people (if we get there) will definitely take the conflict high because of the fundamental beliefs of the jedi order about the sanctity of life.

Y'all are already operating around 5 because you opened fire first. :) This I can manage.

So -- anyway, I'm keen to continue if there's a reasonable balance we'll maintain -- but ultimately there's got to be a line for the character where he'll tell you guys to get eaten by a gundark.
Jan 24, 2016 2:19 am
Then let's have the showdown beforehand to avoid the irreconcilable conflict.
Jan 24, 2016 7:24 am
only if "Steve" can be referee
Jan 24, 2016 1:58 pm
And Torhaa can take bets before the bout begins ;)
Jan 25, 2016 1:57 pm
I wonder if Darth is out shoveling snow... Hope everyone's warm and safe.
Jan 25, 2016 8:31 pm
Sorry, nor snowed in (its actually around 60-70 degrees here) I've just been sick and haven't been able to keep up over the weekend. I'll go ahead an weigh in on this whole issue.
Number one thing I want is for everyone to be having fun so falryx, if you being in conflict with Kennyq (or any of he rest of the party) makes he game unenjoyable for you, then by all means, we can work a different character into the story that you'll enjoy more.
In the game, the thugs haven't yet surrendered, there's one still armed and another with half a gun. You guys would need to make a Coercion check to convince them to surrender. At the moment, Leokri is between the party and the remaining thugs so he could potentially protect them and lay down his demands for his continued involvement in the group, or something. I would prefer to avoid outright attacking each other already, but threats and standoffs wouldn't be too bad. I'd just prefer the pvp to stay out unless agree on by both sides.
Jan 27, 2016 10:06 pm
Note that I'm not excited by PvP generally unless there's a game built around it.. (cough, paranoia, cough). What's important for me is that this doesn't turn into the Leorki Whining About Our Tactics show. I do keep trying to find ways to bend the rules I have built for him to accommodate, but there are places he won't be able to go, realistically.

I remind you all that Conflict in Force and Destiny is:

10+: Murder: The PCs murder a character. In this case, murder is killing someone who is helpless or is no threat to the PCs.

Given where Leokri is on a morality scale (50), that would be ~1/2 the way to falling to the Dark Side. So mechanically it's not in the character's benefit either. :)
Last edited January 27, 2016 10:07 pm
Jan 27, 2016 10:54 pm
ah yes, slightly crazed robot shenanagans
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