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Feb 24, 2019 5:22 am
Natalie frowns. "But you already said you would, if I found all these things soon enough! I was up all night digging about for them..."

A mischievous glint appears in her eye. "I suppose I could find something else to do with my time. Like ask folk around town if they've ever seen horned leathery children with bat wings around the archdruid's house..." She smiles sweetly.
Feb 24, 2019 5:24 am
Halla stomps her foot on the floor. "Do not do that!" She breathes an exasperated sigh. "Blackmailing your archdruid is no way to begin an apprenticeship."
Feb 24, 2019 5:25 am
Natalie smirks. "Well. It's one way."
Feb 24, 2019 5:29 am
Halla's growl has more than a hint of mountain lion in it, but Natalie appears unfazed. The druid throws up her hands. "Fine! But not now. We will speak more of this when Alalla and the others have gone, I promise. Now go."

Natalie's smile reaches from ear to ear as she turns away. Halla glares daggers at the girl's back as she closes the door behind her. "What am I to do with her?"
Feb 24, 2019 5:36 am
Alalla snorts behind a hand. "Teach her, probably. She's already learned your sass." She takes in Halla's harassed look and laughs some more. "Why don't you want to teach her? Don't druids need apprentices? Circle of life, and all that."
Feb 24, 2019 5:43 am
"I do not want to teach her!" Halla groans. "I have enough to do as it is without having a child such as her constantly underfoot and asking me questions."

As best Alalla can tell, Halla is likely only Natalie's senior by a handful of years at most.

"Between my many duties to this town, and now the children, I simply lack the time and energy to spend on teaching her."
Feb 24, 2019 5:49 am
"What a silly excuse," Al retorts with a smile. "That's the short-term answer. In just a little while, Natalie will be able to help you with your duties. I bet she'll be quite the asset. Besides, Kuldahar deserves more than one druid running herself ragged."
Feb 24, 2019 5:58 am
Halla scoffs. "But what could she even learn about being a druid? Sure, she know she her plants well enough, but she needs more than that. She has never run with a wolf pack or eaten raw... anything, I am certain. She is simply not suited for the wild."
Feb 24, 2019 6:06 am
Alalla raises her eyebrows. "Is that how Arundel learned? I'm fairly certain that sweet, timid Rastix has never eaten raw anything either, and he is as powerful a druid as you, if not more. Even if running with wolves and eating raw meat are actually druidic prerequisites, they don't seem that hard to accomplish. Seems to me more a matter of competent teacher over competent student." Her slight smirk tells Halla she is teasing. Somewhat.
Last edited February 24, 2019 6:07 am
Feb 24, 2019 6:21 am
Halla's snarl shows she does not appreciate Alalla's humor. "Then take her with you, and have the gnome teach her! I can teach only what I know, and what I know is that the girl would not last a week alone in these mountains. The path I walked to become a druid was not a tame one." She shrugs, frustrated. "Arundel would have understood. The wild, the savage, must be a part of you. There must be room in your being for..." She grasps at the air. "...something that is not that fluffy ray of sunshine that the girl is!"
Feb 24, 2019 6:44 am
"I understand the wild and the savage," Alalla says with a snarl in return. Her heart skips a beat at the sound of it, slightly wrong and flat. "I also understand hiding it beneath a mask." She returns to her default flat, cool expression, and numbs her emotions. "Perhaps there is more to Natalie, if you look closer. Where would you be if Arundel saw only the wild thing with no room in your being for this?" She gestures around them and at the twins. She shrugs. "But your decision is not my business."
Last edited February 24, 2019 6:45 am
Feb 24, 2019 7:39 am
For a moment Alalla thinks the woman's temper will get the better of her - as it often has in the past. But then Halla exhales sharply through her nose and leans back against the wall. "Perhaps you are right. As I, myself, said earlier: Arundel believed in the Balance. 'Tis possible that I learn something from her as well. At the very least, she can mind the twins when I am away. She practically raises Jermsy, so I know she has got some experience."

Halla folds her arms over her chest. "Well. Is there aught else you feel we should discuss?"
Feb 24, 2019 7:59 am
Alalla stands there for a moment, face unreadable. "Why do we always fight?" she says at last. "I didn't mean for that to be a fight." She ruffles her dreadlocks in irritation. "You'd think with the orcish heat ripped away I'd be nicer to talk to. But there's only one more thing." She pulls a letter addressed in dwarvish runes out of her bag and presents it to Halla. "If you could get this to Keggruk I would be very grateful."
Last edited February 24, 2019 8:00 am
Feb 24, 2019 7:53 pm
Halla blinks. "To my knowledge, you and I have only fought on one occasion. We are friends who reason together. 'Tis a different matter."

She accepts the letter. "I will do so. And I will remember your counsel."
Feb 24, 2019 8:50 pm
R"Most friends don't snarl at each other as they reason," Al chuckles, relief evident on her face. "Must be the wild in us, hm?"

She hitches her pack up over her shoulder. "Thank you Halla. And I t really is only counsel. You'll make the right decision for Kuldahar." She holds out her hand. "Stay safe, Halla. We should be back sooner than a month, this time."
Feb 24, 2019 10:36 pm
Halla shrugs. "Have you ever seen one animal talk to another? It is just communication."

She takes Alalla's hand. "Be well, Alalla. And... keep a prayer for Zenithral, please."
Feb 25, 2019 3:17 am
Al blinks. "Right, I will. Cuz that's a thing I do now. Pray." She shakes her head. "Crazier things have happened to us. I'm sure he'll be fine." She doesn't feel it, but maybe she will. Sometime. She grips Halla's hand, waves goodbye to the twins, and walks back into the warm Kuldaharan air.
Last edited April 5, 2019 1:20 pm
Apr 5, 2019 12:29 pm
Hopping back from after the party's trip to Dorn's Deep.
As the companions approach Kuldahar they immediately discern that something is wrong. The weather has been warming as spring establishes itself, but here in the mountains snow can fall even late into the year's new cycle. But even in the coldest depths of winter, snow does not touch the town or the surrounding land. Except for now a layer of frost dusts nearly a quarter of the town, just around a large swathe of the Great Oak's trunk that bears a large burnt patch - a disfiguring scar in the otherwise majestic tree.

Instead of the happy welcome the heroes usually receive upon arriving in Kuldahar, they find troubled villagers shrouded against the cold with thick cloaks. A handful of them spin and draw weapons as the party lands - an impressive assortment of fine swords and other arms.
Apr 5, 2019 12:34 pm
One of them steps forward with a dark determination in his eyes, and the companions recognize Mirek - Kuldahar's cobbler and one of the townsfolk who participated in Ug's blood ritual. His eyes widen as he recognizes the heroes, and he lowers his sword - a weapon surely not seen before in Kuldahar by the party. "It's you! Sorry, we've had some unwelcome visitors lately. We're all a bit on edge." The other men behind him nod, expressions similarly shadowed and hard.

"The town was attacked again. Foul magic, in search of tainted blood. But what can you expect, when you harbor fiends in your own home?" A snarl that is almost bestial crosses Mirek's face. "Halla betrayed us all by keeping those devil-kin secret."
Apr 5, 2019 1:04 pm
"It was for their own safety. They are being hunted, as you can tell." Alalla's eyes narrow as she examines the man. "You've invited a beast inside, I see. Learn to control it, before you turn it on innocent children." Her hard stare meets the eyes of every man as she says this.
Last edited April 5, 2019 1:18 pm


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