Train Busters game thread

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Oct 7, 2015 3:35 pm
The notable, deafening, crack of gunfire suppresses all memory of the strange vision as my body fills with adrenaline. A strong survival instinct spurs me forward. I push myself to my feet and scramble through the tangle of people, bodies and limbs. My simple goal is the passageway into the next car.


Not sure what it counts as - Scrambling forward - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Oct 7, 2015 3:55 pm
Frank crouches down even smaller as the sound of another gunshot cracks through the train. He looks momentarily worried, but only for a moment before the serenity comes back over him, he turns back to Thomas as he pulls out a bag and collects some dust in a small bag - for 'questioning'- and says, "Well Tommy boy, we'll get this all sorted out, it's simply not right for them to do this to such an upstanding citizen."

As the sound of screaming in the car continues he stands, pulls a megaphone out of his pocket and speaks to everyone through the megaphone, "Everybody, please quiet down! Can't you see that we're trying to speak in peace? Hmph," he crosses his arms over his chest and stands there tapping his foot, as if expecting everybody to heed his words.

OOC: Thinking that this will be kickass, trying to get everyone to listen when there are shots fired
Last edited October 7, 2015 8:03 pm


Mundane/Kickass? trying to get everyone's attention and make them listen - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Oct 7, 2015 4:07 pm
More vials of snake oil clink to the floor as Saul sheds his ruined waistcoat. Somehow he manages to keep his hat on. Shots ring out inside the train car but he is focused on his quarry. Out of the corner of his eye he sees outside the window and registers the Injuns. Perhaps it's not Bonny's outlaws that are commandeering the train? No matter! Cane in one hand and valise in the other, Saul tries to leap over the tangled bodies in a bid to intercept Bonny.


Leaping over the crowd to confront Bonny - Kickass vs. 8 gum - (1d10)

(8) = 8

Oct 7, 2015 5:27 pm
*This is on its way to becoming more hot than Chicago...* Persimmon thinks to herself, and attempts to recall the chausson that she learned in Mareilles to leap to her feet.

She remembers it well, but she slips on one of Saul's snake oil bottles, and her feet fly out from under her. She does a spectacular backwards cartwheel, her skirts flying, and she lands with a thump, sitting on top of Ezekiel. The pearls from her broken necklace rain down and roll around the train car. The bottle, shattered, leaks snake oil in a huge puddle, which runs into the corpses and Persimmon's left hand. She recoils from the sticky green ooze with a gasp, and then realizes where she is and rolls off of Ezekiel.

"Oh, pardonnez moi!" she says, blushing demurely, as she attempts to gather her torn skirts about her.

*Now how do I ditch the lawman?* she thinks, unaware that her left hand is leaving sticky green hand-prints on her clothes.

Persimmon: 6 gum


Kick-ass martial arts leaping to her feet (vs 7 gum) - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Oct 7, 2015 6:52 pm
Seeing that the lawman is momentarily distracted, Chhun stands upright and quickly performs staccato mystic hand gestures, calling on his mastery of the forbidden secrets of the orient to aid him in his extremity. Instead of changing into an animal that could easily escape, however, his torso elongates. Thick muscles ripple beneath his flesh as his silk robes tear, unable to contain the feline fury of a giant tiger, crouched atop the backs of two seats. With a roar that curdles blood and causes a stampede, the tiger leaps from chair back to chair back toward the end of this car, where it joins to the dining car.

Chhun: 7 gum


Kick-ass roll to use magic (vs 8 gum) - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Oct 7, 2015 9:27 pm
"Well good Heavens! I didn't expect gunplay quite this early on the trip!" Clarence mumbles to himself as the car lurches forward, scattering his drawing across the table and nearly dislodging his cigar. Thankfully, Clarence was expecting some sort of trouble and has just the thing -- the Bullet Reversing Vest -- just over there in his luggage. "Time to get myself encased in a sheath of magnetic protection!" Eager to have an opportunity to try one of his inventions, he stands up to fetch the vest and put it on.


Mundane roll to get the vest out and put it on. 8 bubblegum. - (1d10)

(2) = 2

Oct 7, 2015 11:18 pm
Saul leaps from his feet, doing a pirouette as he rises into the air and casually discards his superfluous waistcoat (which lands atop as astonished man's top hat). His toe makes the lightest connection with the top of the chair and launches him forward, flying through the air. While he's in mid-air in the passenger car, Frank stands up in the dining car, and memories of his recitations as a child return to him for a moment as he sings forth in a surprisingly beautiful baritone voice that everyone in his family had once thought had destined him for the opera: "Everyooooone, pleeeeease quiet dooooown! Can't you see that we're trying to speeeak in peeeeeeeeace?" The people panicking in the dining car would have found the voice enchanting on its own, but as it is, with the aid of the Magnificent Vocalizer he carries in his pocket, everyone on the entire train and for miles around hears his astounding voice, and all hubbub ceases, if just for a moment, from the engine being overrun with Cheyenne warriors through the cars full of hysterical passengers all the way back to the caboose where dealings better left unsaid are taking place under cover of drawn shutters...all pause and revel in the power and majesty of the Voice. It is as if an angel had descended to earth and lifted their earthly concerns away. The Voice reverberates as Saul drifts through the air, does a forward somersault like a swimmer reversing direction at the end of a lane, and hits the door between cars with both feet. The door smashes apart, effectively braking Saul's forward momentum, and he steps lightly down to the ground in front of Bonny, who had just succeeded in her mundane task of crawling out of the mass of tangled bodies. They face each other, and the tiger that was Chhun Hsien leaps through the broken doors behind them toward the dining car.

Frank: 8 gum
Bonny: 7 gum

The PCs are the first to recover from the shock of Frank's enchanting voice. Clarence whips out his vest and dons it. With a faint snap and crackle of electricity, it comes to life, and all the flatware on the tables is repelled from him, forks and knives flying across the cabin to lodge into the walls. Unable to open the dining car door, Giant Maneating Chhun Hsien Tiger yowls and scratches at the door to the dining car like an alleycat trying to wheedle a saucer of milk.

Clarence: 8 gum
Chhun: 6 gum


Chhun smashes through door (kickass vs 7) - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Oct 8, 2015 7:16 am
"I don't have time for you." I say as I make to step around Saul, find him firmly blocking my path and do the next most rational thing: I fire a shot through the window, shattering the glass, climb out the window and make for the roof of the train.


Kick Ass - Making my own Exit - (1d10)

(2) = 2

Oct 8, 2015 7:18 am
Finding himself in front of his goal, Saul realizes it's time for a sales pitch. "Madam, I can see in your eyes that you recognize me and you know why I've come after you. I have a score to settle. But I have a proposition: Behold the Cheyenne outside. I've no wish to be scalped and neither do you. What do you say we put aside our little quarrel for the time being and join forces, repel them redskins?"


Sales pitch - mundane vs. 8 gum - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Oct 8, 2015 2:39 pm
Clarence, quite enthralled by Frank puts a finger to his lips ("sssh") and says not a word, looking a little embarrassed at the noise the flatware is making due to his fancy vest. He's disappointed that the cat really is ruining this wonderful moment of silence. Perhaps someone should just go let it in and make the racket go away. Musing about how the experience could find its way into some of his architectural diagrams -- perhaps some form of amphitheater at the foyer of the castle, or speakers cleverly disguised as angels trumpets attached to statuary around the house -- Clarence mundanely walks towards the door to let in the loudmouthed cat.


Mundane roll to walk the length of the car and open the door. 8 gum - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Oct 8, 2015 7:48 pm
Ezekiel turns to the young man who Billy shot and sighs.
"I'm sorry, kid, that you got all mixed up in this. I'm gonna make those bastards pay, I swear it."
About that time, Persimmon lands on him and he sees Chop Sing turn into a tiger.
Well I'll be. Pardon me, sweet miss, but I do believe I got me a tiger to hunt. I'm gonna wear that pelt when I take him down, or my name ain't Ezekiel 'Tombstone' Johnson!"
He rises to his feet and begins making his way towards the front of the car, stepping over debris and people.


Mundane roll vs 7 to navigate aisle - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Oct 8, 2015 11:25 pm
Relieved that Ezekiel is not after her for larceny, Persimmon takes her hand away from her hideaway tucked in her boot, stands up and gives a small, polite curtsy to the ex-lawman, idly wiping at her hand, which has begun to itch.

Persimmon: 6 gum


Mundane roll for genteel curtsy (vs 6 gum) - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Oct 8, 2015 11:27 pm
Clarence opens the door for Chhun, who bounds through and attempts to change back into a man in mid-leap. Instead, his muscles ripple, a wave moving through his body, replacing the thick fur with smooth grey hide.

Having leapt over Clarence, a dolphin lands in the aisle at Frank's feet.

This is particularly surprising, as it is most certain that no one of you has ever seen a dolphin before. Chhun makes some high-pitched squeaking noises in rage and frustration, revealing a long snout's worth of sharp tearing teeth. He flops his body, his flippers thudding on the carpet in the aisle as he scoots his cetacean body forward. In his wake, water seeps into the carpet in a puddle.

Chhun: 6 gum
Clarence: 8 gum


Kick-ass shapechanging (vs 6 gum) - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Oct 9, 2015 12:15 am
Bonny hauls out her gun from under her duster, fires it at the glass and leaps after the shot, intending to catch the edge of the window frame and flip up onto the roof like a gymnast.

Unfortunately, the bullet goes cleanly through the glass, leaving a small, neat bullet hole, and Bonny's hurtling body rebounds off of the glass and back into the cabin with a loud "BONGGG!" noise. She is caught by a dapper-looking middle-aged gentleman, who smiles and says "Pardon me, miss, you seem to have A most fascinating action." Then he sets her back on her feet in the aisle (not far from where she started). The gentleman then resumes gathering up his photographic equipment.

Bonny: 6 gum

The train has come to a complete stop.

Saul is in the midst of his plea/pitch, but Bonny has heard none of it. The stopping of the train has cued the remaining passengers that it's time to get off, and the rush of bodies carries Saul along with it, and he finds himself hanging on a vertical handlebar on the outside of the car as passengers stream past to hop down onto the tracks and then run out into the Nebraska wilderness. Or are you in Wyoming already? None of you know. Suddenly there is screaming from the passengers who have disembarked, and Saul notices the sky going black. He is distracted from this by a young girl of perhaps fifteen years, whose freckles and dirty homespun dress show that she has spent a fair amount of time out-of-doors.

Apparently, she's heard all of Saul's sales pitch and thought it was meant for her. "Golly, mister, I shore don't want to be scalped, jes' like you said. Shore, I'll team up with ya! Mah name's Shawneen pleastameetcha. Mama allus said, Shawneen, she said, ya can jes' tell good people from bad jes' by lookin' at 'em, that's what my mama allus said. And golly sir if ya ain't a good 'un! So...what you want me to do first?"

Saul: 7 gum

Ezekiel hikes up his gun belt, tips his hat at the purdy lady, and takes a long stride toward Bonny, Muybridge, Shawneen, Saul, and everybody else in the dining car, but his foot is stopped, caught on something. He looks down to free his boot, and discovers that the young man who was shot ain't dead 'tall. Furthermore, the young man's outstretched hand, which has a tight grip on Ezekiel's boot heel, is bright green, as is his wrist all the way down to the cuff of the purple robe he wears under his jacket. There's a shifting noise as, on the other side of Ezekiel, Billy's body slides slightly, leaving a streak in the green ooze.

Ezekiel: 6 gum

The train has stopped, the sky is turning dark, and there is a high-pitched squeaking noise (Chhun) coming from the dining car.
Oct 9, 2015 10:04 am
I nod curtly to the man and brush my shoulder as if clearing away dust or sand in the vain hope that some of my embarrassment will go along with the gesture. As the people fill the aisle and carry Saul along in their wake I let out a sigh of relief. As the train stops I take a moment to collect my thoughts and turn back to the window. It's a simple task really. I unclip the latch, slide the window up, and climb out and onto the roof of the train car. Once atop, my attention focusses on the front and begin to make my way there - loaded pistol at the ready, oblivious to the streams of people and the darkening sky.

I'd like to just spend a gum to succeed; what better way to prepare for some ass kicking than getting rid of some of that gum!
Oct 9, 2015 12:03 pm
Saul doesn't quite know what to do with Shawneen. He gives her a vial of snake oil. "Take a swig of this, girl. It'll protect you from them Injuns. Now hide in there." He points her back inside the train.

All thoughts of Bonny pushed aside for the moment, Saul concentrates on the Cheyenne raid. Saul is a fraud and a charlatan but he really DID spend time in the Amazon Jungle and he DID learn a thing or two, yessir! Now he rolls up his sleeves, quickly takes some unlabeled vials out of his valise, and stuffs them into his pockets. He unscrews the top of his cane and reveals it to be a blowgun. He takes three darts, dips them in a vial of lethal frog poison and shoots them in quick succession at the screeching Injun braves. He shoots three redskins deader than dead, yessiree!
OOC: I want this to succeed, so sacrificing 1 gum here.
Last edited October 12, 2015 3:04 am
Oct 9, 2015 1:19 pm
Frank, seeing the action escalating even more, groans, I think it's about time that I end this so I can get back to my search, he thinks to himself. He turns to Tommy, "Come with me, good chap! You still carry your 'Revolving, Exploding, Blasty Cannon(tm)' with you?" He reaches deep into his coat pocket and pulls out a shotgun with the chamber of a revolver, 10 rounds already loaded into it, and yells, "This is for interrupting my search! Now the dust bunny overlords know I'm here!"

With that he begins firing upon the Injuns with extreme prejudice!

OOC: Using a bubblegum
Oct 9, 2015 3:18 pm
Clarence is literally gobsmacked -- that is the fin of a dolphin slaps him gently upside the face as it leaps over him -- and is also figuratively gobsmacked at this sleek, grey, torpedo of teeth! Torn between his curiosity about the beast and what's going on outside, he decides that clearly, the squeaking thing needs some help. In fact! The squeaking reminds him of the harness with wheels he's got packed away in his trunk, "Never did quite get the wheels to stop squeaking." It might be a little small for the grey, toothy torpedo, but a little bit of finagling can surely make it work.

Clarence will turn off his vest, as he knows he can't manipulate the items in his trunk with his magnetic field repulsing all of his gear, and extract from his trunk a collection of poles and wheels sized, it seems, to provide mobility to a large dog (his neighbor had the most wonderful, overweight, over-sized Basset Hound that just couldn't be bothered to move -- and this provided some ability for him to do so.. until he careened down the stairs at the flop house). He will attempt to assemble it around the torpedo in order to provide the beast with mobility! Then they can both go and see what the commotion is outside.


Unpack the harness and put it on a "doll fin" (Mundane?) - (1d10)

(8) = 8

Oct 12, 2015 3:33 pm
Shawneen obediently begins the gulp down the green fluid as Saul turns away from her, rolling up his sleeves, daubing his face with war paint, kicking off his shoes to better grip the rungs of the ladder on the end of the dining car as he ascends while loading his first dart. Running noiselessly along the roof of the dining car, he leaps at the end over the gap to the coal car. The shifting coal is an unsteady surface, but no less steady than the rotting vegetation of the jungle floor: Saul rolls through the coal and springs up, firing a dart at the first Cheyenne he sees, who freezes up and falls lifelessly over the side. Saul is so fast and silent that the other two natives do not see him, distracted as they are by something to the side of the train. Saul drops from the end of the coal car, black as the sky (at least on this day, which has turned astonishingly dark) from his coating of coal dust into the midst of a band of twenty-odd Cheyenne - men, women and children - who seem to be torn between a desire to shovel coal into the furnace and looking back along the train to see what is making all the screaming noise. Two more drop to Saul's darts before they notice him.

Visions of the organized network of dust bunnies whirling in his head, dreading to imagine what nefarious schemes they are concocting at this very moment, Frank is filled with outrage, rising up with Revolving, Exploding, Blasty Cannon in hand. The Winchester people would have had him call it a "REB-C," but Frank always felt that that minimized the majesty of the instrument of death. There is a momentary, confusing resistance in the air (until Clarence switches off his vest), but then Frank is able to stride through the dining car, pushing the chef out of his way. Certainly the bunnies are organized, though their ways are mysterious: every step seems to splash, as if he were walking into a brook or the shallows of a river. When he throws open the door leading toward the coal car, Frank notices a continuous stream of water pouring out over his shoes onto the rail bed below. But it's hard to see, it's suddenly so dark outside. The screaming is coming from the sides of the train, but the gunfire and the Injuns were coming from the engine. With two leaps, Frank is up the ladder and standing on the shifting pile of coal in the coal car, still mostly full this early in the transcontinental journey. There are a pair of Cheyenne here, looking appalled at something over the side of the train, but with a noise like thunder, Frank sends them careening off of the coal car with concussive reports from his Revolving, Exploding, Blasty Cannon. He continues to make his way forward to see what he can do to get the engine under steam again.

Before he can make any further conversation, Bonny leaves Muybridge to climb out the window and scramble up the side of the car onto the roof of the train. The sky is black with a ponderous ceiling of cloud that looks nearly close enough to touch; the sense of weight above her is pretty overwhelming. A shadowy figure is just dropping from the coal car as she stands and makes her way forward. As she leaps from the roof of the passenger car she started in to the roof of the dining car, she glances to the side and notices the purple robed figures surrounding the passengers as they emerge from the train. Bolts of energy steam from the face of each robed figure, lancing into the passengers, who are screaming in agony. Steeling her resolve, she runs forward as a gunman leaps up onto the coal ahead of her. She sees the man fire two blasts of a shotgun, which throw his two targets off of the train. She's reassured that he will have to reload now. She's at the edge of the dining car now.

Clarence switches off his vest, and Frank is able to walk past with his Revolving, Exploding, Blasty Cannon, each step splashing in the water streaming out of Chhun's pores. Clarence is able to quickly assemble the harness around Chhun's sleek, bullet-shaped body, assisted by the buoyancy of the water as it fills the bottom few inches of the dining car. The water is draining nearly as fast as it is pouring out of Chhun, as now the doors at both ends of the car are open. Clarence hears the screaming of people on either side of the train, the booming reports of Frank's hand cannon, and then the pounding of Bonny's running footsteps overhead. A gleam of light from under one of the dining tables catches his eye momentarily, and then is gone.

Ezekiel looks on with horror as the man looks up at him. His veins bulging in his face are turning a shade of green that Ezekiel associates with gangrene and amputation. The man's eyes are cloudy and yellow, and he still has a tight grip on Ezekiel's heel as he brings his other hand forward.

Persimmon looks at her hand and begins to shriek, as her once-smooth skin of her left hand has developed a supple layer of green scales. She is frozen into inactivity with horror.

Chhun begins to thrash his flukes, which sends him scooting happily forward into the water, assisted by the wheels of Clarence's harness. His chittering and squeaking ceases as his body begins to transform once more, this time with arcs of electric energy. Thunder booms in the sky overhead as his body elongates even further. But between the darkness and the obscuring water, only Luke, sitting at the faro table, is able to see what is happening to the sea creature.

spaceseeker19 sent a note to fred.langen
Bonny: 5 gum
Chhun: 6 gum
Clarence: 8 gum
Ezekiel: 6 gum
Frank: 7 gum
Luke: 8 gum
Persimmon: 6 gum
Saul: 6 gum


Chhun's next transformation (vs 6 gum) - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Oct 14, 2015 11:41 am
Saul snatches up a tomahawk from the first Cheyenne he felled. Now brandishing the axe in one hand and his blowgun/cane in the other, he charges onward. He is surprised by the sight of Cheyenne women and children. He hesitates. "What in tarnation is goin' on?" he roars in Cheyenne.


Speaking in Cheyenne is ass-kicking, I guess. - (1d10)

(5) = 5

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