Episode 1.1 - Bpfassh

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Jan 13, 2016 2:56 am
The hall behind the door slopes at an odd angle, but when you enter the hallway gravity feels normal. The effect is nearly comical to look at from the outside. But, the further in you go the more obvious a conclusion it becomes: this is part of an ancient, wrecked ship of some kind. Not only that, but the antigravity still works (or was replaced, it's hard to tell without at least a hydrospanner).

The hall leads to an open door on the left which opens on a well appointed conference room. The table is shaped like an elongated octagon, and at the far side is Adoom. A security droid of common make stands stiffly in the corner behind him.

"Well Mado, I had to see with my own eyes if it was you. What can I do for you." Adoom gestures expansively. "I assume you didn't seek me out for a dancing partner."

Adoom is a middle aged rodian with deep green skin but otherwise average looking. His clothes look like technician garb, and he doesn't appear to be armed. There are no ostentatious signs of power, opulence, or anything beyond "average businessman". The security droid is well maintained, but even that is a standard model. The only hint of something more is the sophisticated computer equipment in the room that feeds into 3 datapads on the conference table, all within easy reach.

Without any further greeting or appraising glance, his eyes idly wander back to the datapad feeds and he occasionally interacts with something on the tablets.
Jan 13, 2016 1:37 pm
"Could dance, if you like. I'm a bit clumsy on the dance floor, though." The serious tone of my voice makes it hard to tell if I'm carrying on the joke, or taking the remark as a serious proposition, "We're looking for something that went missing around these parts recently. When I heard you were in the area, I figured you'd be the one to ask about it." I proceed to explain to Adoom what object it is that we are looking for.
Jan 14, 2016 2:30 pm
Wuc'vulog sits in a chair, and leans back, relaxing as much as he can. He'll assist Mado with any details about the object that Mado misses, which are probably few.
Jan 17, 2016 9:27 pm
Adoom sets his chair back on the floor and listens attentively. Once Mado is done explaining what they're after, it's very clear that he's weighing his words carefully. "I suggest that if you wish to live, you will forget you were ever pulled into this. Throw away the datapad with the schematic, after erasing then detonating it, and not show your faces for awhile. There are interests it's best not to name. Interests that make hutts look civilized."

"I will give you a discount on the information if you want it. But whatever they promised you isn't half enough! Do you still intend to find it?"
Jan 21, 2016 5:25 pm
I shrug, "Now you've gotten me interested. Didn't thin hutts could look civilized. I can't convince my crew to back down, so might as well get the intel, and keep in mind your warnings. Might be we can negotiate a raise, or find a higher bidder." I give a knowing wink, "How much'll it be."
Jan 26, 2016 1:54 am
Almost a minute of silence passes before Adoom speaks. "Tell you what—I won't charge you anything for the information because I'm certain you've already been spotted. So here's what we'll do: I give you the information you're after, then we'll stage a fight. It's the safest way, so I fully expect you to destroy my security bot here." He throws a thumb over his shoulder. "But you can't tell anyone else that the fight is staged till after you're off planet. And you'll owe me, big."

"Disruptors were invented at least twice before, ages ago. They didn't last long the first time, as the inventing species was wiped out for their hubris. But a few of their weapons were later discovered, enough for an enterprising engineer to develop a working prototype from. The technology was nearly erased from history again, when a religious order learned of the threat. Many of its devotees died to ensure the technology never found its way into the wrong hands."

"But one of their own couldn't resist the temptation to experiment with the technology. He wanted to understand its workings. I don't know how, but this same devotee left and hid himself here, on Bpfassh. He gathered to himself a secret order of former devotees likewise interested in forbidden teachings. They created the proton pump with the intent to use disruptors as starship weapons. The resources required to fire such a weapon would be prohibitive—which is why rumor has it that the order managed to stabilize the beam, making such possible."

"The records are incomplete. That cabal was purged so thoroughly I don't even know their names, not even the name they gave their order."

"The proton pump prototype was found half-slagged in the ruins of an ancient archive. No one knew what it was, or even believed it was valuable. A local collector, Gredarr Kesyk, acquired it and put it on display in his collection. He has one of the largest antiquities collections on planet, and rumor has it the Black Sun has bankrolled it. Perhaps they look for something specific, or use him as a convenient conduit for smuggling expensive artifacts. You were probably contacted by one of their agents."

"Shortly after the Black Sun put out their bounties, they found Gredarr ripped to pieces in his home. The word 'Da'rasith' was burned into his naked chest, and his limbs were scattered around the room. With no sign of entrance or exit, no evidence, and no suspects the Black Sun is furious!"

Adoom starts to turn pale and looks ill. "Now you see why we have to make it look real—that I had nothing to do with you."
Jan 26, 2016 2:59 pm
"Hrm. I appreciate you telling us. It's too bad we had to coerce you." I smile, pull out my light blast pistol and fire a shot at the security bot.


Ranged (Light)

4 Advantage

Total: 4 Advantage

Difficulty 1

1 Threat

Total: 1 Threat

Jan 27, 2016 1:32 am
Wuc'vulog almost falls out of his chair, pawing at his blaster pistol, and squeezes off a shot at the droid, too.

Edit: added a purple die
Last edited February 2, 2016 2:15 pm


Light Ranged

3 Success, 3 Advantage

Total: 3 Success, 3 Advantage


2 Success

Total: 2 Success

Additional purple die

1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Jan 27, 2016 2:49 am
Hearing blaster fire inside, Khan rushes in with his rifle and unloads onto the droid.


Initiative (Vig)

3 Success, 1 Advantage

Total: 3 Success, 1 Advantage

Pew Pew (Heavy)

2 Success, 2 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 2 Success

Feb 6, 2016 11:15 pm
Mado: 3 advantage
Wuc'vulog: 2 success, 2 advantage (hit, 7 damage)
Valoris: 2 success (hit, 13 damage)

You have 5 collective advantage between you, gentlemen. Do you wish to establish anything, or use them mechanically? You're pretty lucky that there are no disadvantages to those rolls.
As Mado draws his blaster the security droid detects aggressive behavior and powers its weapon. Shots from Wuc'vulog hit the droid first, but do little more than crater the droid's armor. As Khan hears the blaster fire and shoots the droid as well, the droid staggers from the heavier blaster the clone carries. Through the haze of melted plastic and plasma fumes it's obvious that the droid is severely damaged. Its circuitry is burning, it has difficulty moving, but its "eye" is still illuminated.
Spending 1 dark side point to upgrade the droid's initiative check. Mado please roll your own Vigilance (Will) check so I can assemble an initiative order.


Droid (Initiative; Vigilance)

2 Success, 3 Advantage

Total: 2 Success, 3 Advantage

Feb 7, 2016 12:10 am
I smile, tip my hat, and start for the exit, taking aim with my blaster as I do so.
I'd like to establish that the clients and staff in this place are used to random outbursts of blaster fire, and internal security tends to only respond if it appears like the shootout might threaten or involve other customers. If there's any Advantage left after that, make em' Boosts


Initative (Will 1)

1 Success, 1 Advantage

Total: 1 Success, 1 Advantage

Feb 16, 2016 2:11 am
Mado: granted, the clients and staff are accustomed to such outbursts. The cantina's security is also relaxed. Adoom may have other personal security measures installed, just like other clients.

Initiative order:


You can discuss initiative choices in the OOC thread, by PM, etc.
Feb 21, 2016 4:37 pm
Seeing his first shot was insufficient to trash the droid, Khan pops off several more shots into the metal demon.


Crush the Clanker!

2 Success, 4 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 3 Advantage

Feb 22, 2016 11:47 pm
The security droid lurches, nearly collapsing to the floor as it's leg is revealed as critically damaged. It's halting movement is enough to throw Khan's aim off. The door controls behind the droid explode in a shower of sparks, sealing the door temporarily.

"Detaining hostiles. Signaling backup. Initiating lockdown," the droid says, a slight feedback buzz in its vocoder.

A portion of armor plating lower on the droid's torso snaps open, and with a heavy "crump" a surprisingly large net flies out of the droid at Mado. The net engulfs Mado and swirls around him, thoroughly immobilizing him. While that happens, the security droid moves to place Wuc'vulog between it and Khan's heavy rifle.

Heavy metallic footfalls can be heard from behind the locked door. A few clanks sound through the door, but it doesn't budge.
Mado is now immobilized for 5 rounds and cannot perform maneuvers. He can attempt to get out of the net with a Hard (3p) Athletics check.

Currently, Wuc'vulog and the droid are at engaged range. Firing into that will risk hitting Wuc'vulog, especially since the droid has maneuvered behind him from Khan's PoV.

Next PC up!


snare launcher

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 2 Advantage

Feb 24, 2016 12:53 pm
I try to dodge the net, but only get myself more caught up in it. Restrained and trapped, I struggle against it and try to get it off. That failing, I fall to the floor as I flail about with the thing to try and make it at least a little harder to spot and shoot me.
Athletics D3 to escape. Brawn 2, Athletics 1 and spending a strain on Intense Focus to upgrade my Athletics skill to 2.


Athletics to Escape Net

1 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Failure, 3 Threat

Total: 1 Threat

Feb 26, 2016 11:09 pm
I'll spend that threat to cause Mado and extra point of strain.

Feb 27, 2016 3:48 pm
Wuc'vulog backs away from the droid until he is against a wall, firing his blaster at the dangerous machine. The Twi'lwk's lekku wrapping defensively around his own neck. "Stop messing around, Mado, this isn't the right time for play!"


Blaster attack

2 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 1 Advantage

Mar 1, 2016 1:08 am
Wuc'vulog's attack hits the droid and burns out the rest of its circuitry. It drops to the floor with a clank, nothing more than a dead hulk.

Round 2, next PC! (Remember that the remaining bots go after the next PC... and you can change the order up any way you wish.)
Mar 5, 2016 2:57 pm
Still covered in net, I struggle against it hopping that it isn't actually as well made as it seems.


Athletics 1, Br 2

2 Success, 2 Failure, 4 Threat

Total: 4 Threat

Mar 6, 2016 1:05 am
OOC: I'll spend 1 threat to give the next PC a setback (black) die. The rest I'm spending to say the door opens partway.
As the net continues to restrain Mado, there is a substial fusillade of muted blaster fire from behind the door. It begins to glow cherry red and curl out into the boardroom our heroes are in. A security droid is just barely visible from the other side, pitting its strength against the door and its frame. The lead droid swings its blaster pistol into view and tries to shoot around the bending door at Khan, just visible in the doorway.
Khan: take 7 damage (apply your soak against it). Spending the advantage to say the droid hit a water conduit and now steam/fog is quickly jetting into the scene. Apply a setback die to your attacks to represent poor visibility, plus another setback for the droid's cover.

Next PC!


Ranged (Light)

1 Success, 3 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 1 Advantage

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