Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan

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Apr 27, 2019 7:34 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Elora, I also understood it as Ember saying you should go into the estate and she will stay outside with Viani
"So, do you miss working at the Marmoset? I always saw you there so you must have been there a lot."
That was the suggestion, yes. Though I realize Elora's literally a witch, which just shows Ember's (and my) ignorance haha
Ember helps clean up as well. She wants to ask if the Inquisitor knows anything about Ocassa, but she doesn't want to do too much emotional heavy lifting after the fight. She's glad that Viani starts a neutral conversation. she shrugs.

I mean, it's only been a couple days, right? I don't think the situation's really hit me yet...though it's probably good that I didn't go back down there. But it was a nice enough place to work. You....keep chickens? How was that?
Apr 27, 2019 8:26 pm
"Oh, I love them. I'm probably going to miss them but I guess it's like you said, it hasn't really hit me yet. My dad always wanted to buy a goat as well, for milk, but we haven't gotten around to it yet. We don't have much space and it's more difficult to care for a goat than chickens." Once all the weapons are back on the cart, Viani sighs, relieved that the work is done for now. She puts her own backpack down and removes the ranseur from her back, placing both on the ground before lying down on the grass. "Strange how it has only been a day. We have seen so much and done so many things. It feels like we have been travelling for at least a week, doesn't it?"
Apr 27, 2019 8:34 pm
Alright, just double checking.
With haste Elora heads towards the others, trying to make up for last time. Mentally she is prepared for whatever might be waiting inside the walls of the estate, but the sight of (presumably) Yelnar's family causes her to gasp in shock. "Oh no." Pulling out her rapier she moves cautiously in case of wild beasts or waiting attackers. So many killed. This cannot continue. Passing Krav and Ephwrath so as not to disturb them Elora makes for the open door hoping Yelnar will be there.

Spotting Verrain and Froak inside the dilapidated manor fills her with an ounce of worry, partly because this building feels downright labyrinthine to her. "Did either of you see where Yelnar went?" She feels her foot brush against a ruined chair, causing her to back away from it sheepishly. "This place could still be dangerous..."
Apr 27, 2019 8:47 pm
Verrian turns, still standing in the doorway to the dining hall. "These people have been dead for at least two weeks," she says. "It's possible that someone is still here waiting to attack, but if they are, they've left all the bodies to rot where they fell. That makes it seem unlikely to me that anyone is lying in wait. Not that caution isn't still a good idea.

"I assume Yelnar is heading toward the cellar he saw in his vision. I don't know where that is, so I'm searching each room as I go. You could try that door there and see if you locate it faster."
She gestures toward the door on the wall opposite where she's standing.
Apr 27, 2019 11:03 pm
Yelnar looks to open the cellar door, using his Bardiche if necessary to do so.
Apr 27, 2019 11:48 pm
The cellar door opens easily, revealing stairs down into darkness. No noise comes up from below.
Apr 28, 2019 12:09 am
Right. Just... yell if you need help. With a spark of determination Elora carefully opens the door Verrain instructed.
Apr 28, 2019 12:15 am
Yelnar takes a moment to compose himself, then heads in, bracing for the worst.
Apr 28, 2019 12:50 am
somebox says:
Right. Just... yell if you need help. With a spark of determination Elora carefully opens the door Verrain instructed.
Verrian nods her agreement before Elora leaves the room. Turning back to the dining hall, she winds the spring mechanism on her wrist sheath before proceeding inside.
Apr 28, 2019 2:49 am
You’ll need a light source, Yelnar.
Apr 28, 2019 3:34 am
Up the Hill
bowlofspinach says:
" It feels like we have been travelling for at least a week, doesn't it?"
Well, one way or another, we're in for an adventure.

She finishes cleaning up the cart and starts looking around. They aren't too far from where the One Eyed Crows met them first, all things considered, and even if it's been a couple weeks, she doesn't want to be surprised by any of Disos's people.
Edit: OH MY GOSH!!!!
Last edited April 28, 2019 3:34 am


Perception +0 - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Apr 28, 2019 3:36 am
I am so jealous!
Apr 28, 2019 10:47 am
Yelnar heads back to his old room to see if his old hidden lantern is still there, since he was usually the only one in the place that couldn't cast a Light spell. If its not (and if he doesn't bump into someone on the way), he will look for someone with a light spell.

Either way, meeting will result in an awkward conversation - there will be no preamble, it will just be "Can you cast Light?" followed by a grunt and a gesture with his head to follow.
Apr 28, 2019 3:02 pm
Viani smiles. "I've always wanted to be on an adventure. And we've already made new friends, like Froak."
She lies back on the grass and closes her eyes. The fact that Ember mentioned dead bodies is already forgotten. Since she hasn't seen them, they don't really feel real to her. Suddenly, she sits up on the grass and looks at Ember. "Let's look through the rations. Everyone else is busy. Let's have a snack while they're not here!"
Apr 28, 2019 3:35 pm
Um! Maybe we shouldn't go through the food. We don't know what we'll be able to find later on. Though......Maybe we could find something around here. I'm sure Krav and Froak would like that.

She looks around. For all the blood down the hill, it's a gorgeous day up here. And quiet. The fresh air is wonderful, and despite everything, she doesn't feel the need to stay on edge. Too much. She smiles.

Besides. If we can find food while we move around, it'll help us save the rations for emergencies.
Waiting on Yelnar's insights about what's in the cart. Other than that, looking around for shrubs and stuff. Like dandelions, or Queen Anne's Lace (not sure if the latter is in season).


Nature +1 - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19

Apr 28, 2019 3:50 pm
When Ember suggests searching for food in the wild instead, Viani gets up from the ground. She looks around and says: "I took a class on finding food in the wild last semester. I didn't think I would ever need it but it sounded interesting. Too bad I didn't bring my notes but I should still remember some things from it. Let's look around!"
Edit: That's not how rolling in Pathfinder works. What am I even doing?
Last edited April 28, 2019 3:51 pm


Survival - (1D6)

(3) = 3

Survival, for real this time - (1D20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Apr 28, 2019 8:44 pm
Ephwrath approaches Verrian and nods with a grim look on his face. "I've inspected the bodies, and these people have been dead closer to three weeks. I agree, it's unlikely whoever did this would remain here this long." He sniffs in reaction to the stench and swats at a few flies buzzing around them.

He looks around to make sure Yelnar is out of earshot, and lowers his voice. "Several of these people were killed with magic, and they appear to be dressed similar to the men we met in the town last night. The rest were killed with mundane weaponry. I suspect they were the ones who lived..."

Ephwrath stops mid-sentence, as Yelnar suddenly appears asking for assistance. He nods to the man and reaches out touching the blade of his bardiche, causing it to glow brightly. He speaks to Yelnar but gives Verrian a knowing look. "Let's see to this cellar of yours."
Last edited April 28, 2019 8:58 pm
Apr 28, 2019 8:46 pm
Yelnar heads down into the cellar, now expecting to find nothing alive, or they would have spoken when he went down in the dark.
Apr 28, 2019 9:11 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
Apr 28, 2019 9:16 pm
Heading down into the cellar with an old lantern of Yelnar’s, you reach the bottom of the stairs and find a dry, well-kept cellar. It is mostly a single room, with shelves and cabinets for holding dry goods and non-perishable supplies. Two doors are on the opposite wall from where you come down the stairs. Yelnar would know one as a room kept magically cool, the other a room kept magically freezing.

As the first person - Yelnar I assume - reaches the bottom of the stairs, an illusory face appears on the wall between the two doors. It speaks in the voice of Yelnar’s mother, stern and demanding. "Name yourself!" the voice booms.
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