Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan

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Apr 29, 2019 1:11 pm
lavtodd says:
After a long, glazed over stare, Ember snaps to. She realizes she's been muttering spells under her breath, and multicolored flame illusions dance on her skin. She smacks the left side of her head and they stop. She sighs wearily.

I'm guessing we're going to the Citadel after all, then?

She glances at Viani, afraid to see her reaction.
Verrian is carrying her armload up the hill now. "I think that's what Yelnar wants to do. We'll have to discuss it as a group and make such decisions together."

From her tone, it's clear that Verrian is not sold on the idea.
Last edited April 29, 2019 1:14 pm
Apr 29, 2019 1:28 pm
Ember grabs what she can and follows.

I mean, we have to save his mom, right? But how do we get her to safety once she's out? Can we like, polymorph her and send her through Epwrath's box? Surely Athisa would be able to tell us if samples made it alive.
Last edited April 29, 2019 1:29 pm
Apr 29, 2019 1:59 pm
Verrian places her load on the ground at the top of the hill and starts back down into the ravine for the next load. "We can't make plans about rescuing someone from a building we've never seen, with so little information about the organization holding her. That's one of the things we all have to discuss."

As Verrian nears the top of the hill by the cart, she changes the subject. "I'm surprised not to have come upon bloodshed out here. Froak told me the two of you were coming to blows." In fact, the frog hadn't said anything about the form of violence, but since Viani isn't burnt to a crisp, Verrian can safely assume the conflict was mostly verbal and mundane.
Apr 29, 2019 2:04 pm
Ember blushes.

I......punched Viani. For arguing that magic users are the dangerous ones. After what I saw down there. I won't do it again. It wasn't her fault.
[ +- ] voices
We talked. I think we're okay now. She still doesn't like magic, but, if she can see that not all of us are evil, then I should be able to see that not all people who dislike magic want me dead.
[ +- ] moooore voices
She feels her lips trying to move again, and digs her nails into her left arm. She grins. I like her! It's just a lot in a couple short days. I'm sorry.
Last edited April 29, 2019 2:04 pm
Apr 29, 2019 2:07 pm
we can safely assume Froak has been following Verrian this whole way, correct?
"So... Who do ya think killed all these people?" he asks, trying to make conversation as they stare into the dining hall.

When he notices several chalices and wine jugs on the table, he says to Verrian, "Hey! They love the jugs too. Maybe theyre also bad people... Maybe those bad Crow men know who they were."
Retconning this to have occured when Verrian was at the dining hall.
Last edited April 29, 2019 2:36 pm
Apr 29, 2019 2:36 pm
After Krav is filled in on the situation, he approaches Yelnar. "Yelnar, I just want you to know I will do everything I can to return your mother. My father was a real good-for-nothing cur, but if he were taken I'd be chomping at the bit to go after him. I can't imagine how you must feel."

He then walks away and begins emptying the sled with the others.
Apr 29, 2019 2:50 pm
Viani looks up when Verrian explains that the Crows work for or with Disos. "So you're saying they're not just some thugs looking for valuables? They might be connected to this Disos?" Her face shows that she's thinking about this for a while until she gets woken from her thoughts by the conversation about Viani and Ember's fight out here. "You called me a coward for staying to protect the cart and punched me when I called you out on it!", she corrects Ember's statement. When she realizes that she might be about to start another fight, she adds: "But that's not important anymore. We talked about it and decided we'll get along from now on."
Apr 29, 2019 4:35 pm
Um.. 'scuse me... but i dont know what a Disos is..." Froak pipes up from behind Verrian. The look on his face reads as confusion.

"If its a secret thats okay though, cuz sometimes stuff is secret and you cant tell new friends. Cuz what if theyre Jug-lovers and mean boys like those crows." As he mentions the Jug lovers, he glances to Viani, and then to Ember.

After he finishes speaking, he looks to Verrian.

" You know, if we gotta get inside places, im really good at sneakin'"
Apr 29, 2019 4:45 pm
Verrian smiles slightly. "I'm sure you are. And I think your knowledge of the area in and around the town is going to be very valuable to us, Froak. Whatever we decide to do. As for Disos, he seems to be the boss of the Crows. Very dangerous man."
Apr 29, 2019 5:54 pm
chunky04 says:
I'm not super sure what to roll here. I figure on of myself and Elora supporting the other on the main roll? Mine is probably Knowledge (local), which Yelnar doesn't have so normally couldn't roll, but maybe a special one time deal for the location? Possibly Knowledge Arcana for Elora? I'll put a roll in for Knowledge Local anyways, can always change to a different skill if needed.
I'm going to say that you would almost certainly be able to rely on your memories of this place to identify the locations of the caches on and around the grounds. As the letter stated, the locations are well described, but what is actually there isn't entirely clear from the letter.
Yelnar and Elora move from location to location as described in the letter from Yelnar's father to his mother. It's a remarkably comprehensive set of contingency plans for a disaster. In one case, the location is a secret cellar door in one of the barns, which contains an array of weapons: swords, polearms of various sorts, longbows, and so on. In another, there's a large piece of obsidian along one of the corral fences, and underneath is buried a locked metal box. All told, the two searchers are able to locate three locked chests, the locked metal box, and the cellar full of weapons.

One room is curious. It's one of the small outbuildings outside the keep wall, and Yelnar distinctly remembers that it was once used for cold storage: his brothers once trapped him inside when they were all younger as a cruel joke. The spell that once kept it chilled, however, has failed in strange ways. The room itself is no longer cold, merely vaguely cooler than the outside hallway, while lines of frost emanate out from the room along the floor, walls and ceiling. While Yelnar and Elora watch, the frost lines move and undulate. Where they meet, they quickly deviate their direction, almost as if they're running from one another. As Yelnar and Elora stand there, the lines of frost slow their movement, and all start turning in the direction of the two humans. One line on the floor suddenly sprouts vertically, forming a pillar of ice nearly head-height on Yelnar that starts growing toward him.
Apr 29, 2019 6:33 pm
"A trap!" Elora gets ready to leap out of the way, or push Yelnar if need be.


Spellcraft (I'm guessing) - (1d20+8)

(9) + 8 = 17

Apr 29, 2019 6:36 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to somebox
Apr 29, 2019 6:42 pm
With the contents of the cart now completely moved to the keep side of the ravine, Verrian and the others proceed to pull the empty cart across the bridge.
Adding a perception check, just in case there is anything for us to see or hear during the crossing or immediately following it.


Did you hear something? - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Apr 29, 2019 7:38 pm
Once on the other side, Viani starts throwing the weapons and equipment back on the cart. She notices that Verrian is looking around, keeping an eye open for trouble so she does the same.


Perception - (1D20+6)

(15) + 6 = 21

Apr 29, 2019 7:47 pm
Ember looks around, too, rubbing her left arm. Partly from the dents she left, partly to cast "protection" on herself.
[ +- ] Lookin' around


Perception again +0 - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Apr 29, 2019 7:55 pm
Both Verrian and Viani spot who they believe to be Elora and Yelnar entering a small outbuilding not far up the road toward the keep. It has the look of a storage shed or something similar. Nothing else is out of the ordinary or noteworthy.
Apr 29, 2019 8:22 pm
Verrian and the others drag the empty cart over to where the weapons and supplies have been stacked and begin to load them back onto the cart. If nothing occurs to distract or stop them, they finish loading it and pull the loaded cart into the outer wall of the keep's courtyard. They probably yawn a lot, as this is unusually boring, even for them.
Apr 29, 2019 8:31 pm
Bored by this work, Viani decides to start up a conversation. She walks closer to Verrian while she continues working and asks: "You can talk into people's minds. It's because you're Naucan, right? How does it work? Did you have to train for it? Is it different with other Naucans than with us?"
Apr 29, 2019 8:35 pm
Ember eavesdrops. She's curious, too.
Apr 29, 2019 8:54 pm
"Yes, Naucans have a natural telepathic ability," Verrian tells Viani. "As you've already mentioned, we can share words with non-Naucans - we call you the unjoined - which is basically like 'talking into people's minds.' When we're with other Naucans, we communicate primarily through telepathy. We share words, images, feelings, impressions - it's very intimate and comprehensive, and very hard to describe to non-Naucans."
Last edited April 30, 2019 1:41 pm
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