Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan

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Apr 18, 2019 1:38 am
RobbOgden93 says:
"Well," Froak croaks,"Ive been out here scouting for the tribe. Been here many moons. And i was supposed to be watchibg the herons, on account of im so sneaky, but i heard some rough sounding friends over by the big tree with the blue flowers, and so i followed them, and i was following them for two more moons.."
He pauses to catch his breath, his croaker expanding with an accidental "Ribbit" as he does, "and they turned out to be pretty fun looking guys. They sure likes to drink whatevers in those jugs, but after a while of drinking it theyd laugh and dance and shoot sharpsticks at a door, with theyre other stringsticks. So I thought maybe i could meet these new friends. I was super sneaky, and i came up to theyre camp, and then one of them saw me and musta got scared because my sharpstick is bigger than the little ones they shoot, and then they grabbed some flatter sharp things that were sort of shiny and sort of brown, and started chasing me. I stole one of theyre shiny-sharp-and-browns to study, and they seemed really mad about that too!" he holds up a small knife that he had hidden under his lilypad hat, pointing to the edge and then the rust on the blade, demonstrating why it is called a "sharp-and-brown".

"you look a lot like those angry jug-lovers. Are you friends of them? If so id like very much not to be hurt by your sharps or your smackers."
"We won't hurt you," Verrian tells him, drawing her rapier. "Get behind me. Everyone, look sharp! I think we're about to meet the people responsible for all this destruction."
Last edited April 18, 2019 1:41 am
Apr 18, 2019 1:48 am
"You tall folks can even look sharp?!" Froak mutters in amazement at the woman.
"You must be real dangerous. But im brave! I will help too!"

Froak hoists his harpoon up to his chest, putting on a brave face and preparing to defend his new friends from the old friends who turned out to not be friends.
Apr 18, 2019 2:08 am
Ember saddles up in the group.

Good stars the thing is almost fluent....

You know, Verrian, I can light them up. Or at least scare them. I betcha drunks burn better than lake-dead.

The insanity of the last few minutes finally distracts her the rest of the way from her waning malaise.
Apr 18, 2019 2:17 am
Verrian looks sharply at Ember. She's not sure if that was a joke or if the girl is seriously proposing to burn the drunken men to death.

"Scaring them will be sufficient," she says lightly, "but let's give them a chance to leave without a fuss, all right?"


Intiative roll - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Apr 18, 2019 2:26 am
Just to save time in case we need it, go ahead and roll initiative with your next post. We may not need it, but better to be prepared!
Apr 18, 2019 2:28 am
"I dont think they will leave. They are very fond of breaking things and hurting these huts." Froak whimpers, still clutching his harpoon, but now more behing verrian than he was before.


initiative - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Apr 18, 2019 3:00 am
"I've never killed a person before..." Elora draws her blade with hesitation, already assuming the worst as she stands close to Yelnar.


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Apr 18, 2019 3:07 am
Yelnar moves to the front of the group with his Bardiche at the ready, looking to position himself to bottleneck them if possible. He does his best to strike an intimidating pose.
Last edited April 18, 2019 3:08 am


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Intimidate - (1d20-1)

(15) - 1 = 14

Apr 18, 2019 6:11 am
When Viani receives the message from Ember, she suddenly startles and looks around. When her eyes meet Ember's, she seems to realize what exactly happened. She gives Ember a weak smile and walks over to her. With a quiet voice, she explains: "I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean to insult you. I just care about these frogs." She walks with Ember, looking around for anything that might give them an idea of what happened here.

When Froak arrives, Viani observes him very closely. He is wearing a hat! Maybe he will want some real clothes? She doesn't go up to speak with him, though. If she did, she'd probably scare him off like she almost did with the other two.

When the sounds of the drunk people are approaching, Viani takes the ranseur from her back. Again, it takes her a few seconds to get it but once she has it, she moves into position close to Froak, trying to protect him and show him that she is a friend. Her shaking hands clearly indicate, however, that she is not ready to fight a group of sentient people.
Last edited April 18, 2019 6:12 am


Perception if I can still roll for it - (1D20+6)

(11) + 6 = 17

Initiative - (1D20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

Apr 18, 2019 6:46 am
Ephwrath equips his warhammer and buckler.


Initiative - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Apr 18, 2019 7:32 am
Noting Viani's obvious nervousness, Verrian says quietly, "It's all right. Most likely, we'll just have to scare them away. If that's not enough, just focus on our duty to each other. We protect our friends, yes?"
Apr 18, 2019 7:45 am
As the group repositions themselves to protect Froak, he looks up at them, eyes glimmering. Hes never seen a group of tall folk work together so well, and the sense of teamwork and the fact that theyd protect him is inspiring.
Apr 18, 2019 11:52 am
Ember is relieved to have Viani walking with her.

I shouldn’t have been so intense.

Seeing Froak is odd, but strangely encouraging. Maybe he can help them navigate the area. She proposes her idea and immediately regrets her phrasing.


She readies her crossbow, holding it in one hand so she can "send a message" if need be. What a stupid miscommunication. She grimaces at Verrian’s glare.

Wait what? Ak. No. It’s flashy, not stabby. Like, if I did hit someone, they could put it out fairly quick. And. Shoot. No, like, scare the drunks with a rain of fire and-

She sighs. That sounded way cooler in her head.
Last edited April 18, 2019 11:53 am


Initiative +2 - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Apr 18, 2019 4:51 pm
You can hear them before you can see them. They're making no effort to be quiet, that's for certain.

"Come back here, so I can squish your thieving neck in my fist, you hoppy little freak!"

That's followed by the sound of rough laughter.

"Yeah, boss! Squeeze it til his buggy little eyes pop out of his froggy little head! That's a great idea!" says another in a high-pitched, whiny voice.

Crashing through the burned-out husk of the Cracked Mug inn come four rough-looking individuals.

The only female member of the squad is tall and thin, her head shaved at the sides and back, with the rest of her black hair falling down her back in a long braid. She wears mismatched bits of armor: leather for the most part, with bracers covering her forearms. She's holding a heavy mace in her right hand. She wears a look of towering irritation, her lips twitching like she's muttering something under her breath.

One of the men is huge, both in height and girth. Shaggy brown hair juts out from beneath a dented helm, and his chin is lost in a cloud of bushy beard. He wears a breastplate, but it too is dented and even rusty in spots, and his clothes beneath are stained and in poor condition. He carries a longsword that manages to look somehow small in his meaty fist.

The other two men walk close to one another. The smaller of the two has a hooked, beaklike nose on an acne-scarred face, lank dishwater-blonde hair hanging to his shoulders. He wears no armor, but you wonder if his spindly frame could even carry the weight. Like the big guy, his clothes were probably once perfectly serviceable, but they're not at all clean -- you can see food stains (at least, you hope they're food stains) darkening the front of his tunic. He's carrying a long knife casually in his right hand.

The larger of these two men is a noticeable contrast to the others. He stands straight, he carries himself with confidence, and he studies his surroundings with a quick, critical eye. He wears a chain shirt that isn't actually rusty, a longbow at his back, and a well-made longsword in his left hand. His skin is darker than the others, almost dark enough to be a native of Rhamia in the southeast of the continent. His dark hair is cut close to the scalp, and a well-trimmed beard shows a few signs of white.

It's this last individual that speaks when he sees the scene before them, and you realize he's the one that was threatening to squeeze Froak by the neck. "Well, now isn't this interesting. Who do we have here?" He stops in the doorway of the Cracked Mug, and the others fan out to either side, Big Guy to his left, Angry Woman to his right, and Skinny Guy staying close by. "Haven't seen your type around here before."

He sheathes his longsword, and leans against the blackened doorframe, arms crossed. "I see you've met our amphibious friend," he continues, nodding toward Froak with a cold smile. "He's been sneaking about and stealing from us, so you might want to keep an eye on your coin purses."

"But to the more interesting question," he says. "What brings you to this burned-out boil on the ass of the lake?" He looks around at each of the party members, but settles his gaze on Verrian, sheltering the frog-man as she is.
Apr 18, 2019 5:03 pm
Krav moves up near the front of the group drawing his wooden shield and scimitar.

"I have a bad feeling about this. Stay behind us Froak."
Edit: assume this happened before the stranger walked up and addressed us
Last edited April 18, 2019 7:15 pm


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Apr 18, 2019 5:13 pm
Sizing up this motley crew, and especially their leader, Verrian decides on a quick-change of persona. She picturing only her companions (including the new frog man), she shares on a tight "bandwidth" the message, Follow my lead.

Verrian gives a leering grin and adopts a slightly cockier stance. "We're just passing through," she says, "looking for whatever loot we can find. From the looks of this place, you've beaten us to anything worth having. Then along comes this funny little guy, crashing through the debris and begging for protection." She casts a glance around at his band and says, "Presumably from your group.

"Anyway, we're about to move out. We'll take this frog with us - we think he has talents we can exploit - so you'll have this place all to yourselves again. We're not looking for trouble - not with you folks, anyway."
She grins again.


Bluff check - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Apr 18, 2019 5:24 pm
Froak reaches down to his reed belt, grabbing the tube there and sliding a small dart inside it. Trying to hide further from the angry Not-Friends.


Stealth- Hiding behind Verrian and loading my blowgun - (1d20+12)

(14) + 12 = 26

Apr 18, 2019 9:12 pm
The leader, lounging against the door frame, listens with one eyebrow raised faintly in a skeptical expression.

"Interesting story. An awful lot of you for a wandering band of looters, especially with a Naucan at the lead. Hasn't been anything worth looting here for years," he says in response. "Not sure how you managed to work your way into town without us coming across you, unless you came across the lake."

He smirks, standing straight again and resting his hand lightly on the hilt of his longsword. "And ain't nobody done that for a long time. So you'll excuse me, I'm sure, when I say that I don't quite believe you."

The others in his small band tense at his words. The skinny one standing nearby darts a look up at him, a vicious twinkle coming into his eyes, which he flashes at the party along with a gap-toothed grin. But the leader holds up his non-sword hand. "Easy, folks, easy," he says with a light tone and a charming smile at Verrian. "Tell you what, Red. You give us the knife he stole from Squeaky here," he says, nodding toward the skinny fellow at his side. "We'll let you move along. But the next time we see you again, probably won't go so easy for you all."


Sense motive vs. Verrian's bluff - (1d20+8)

Apr 18, 2019 9:31 pm
Verrian cocks her head and pouts a bit. "Now, I am truly injured by your lack of trust, and after I was so straightforward about things. But as for the stolen knife, that's up to our little friend here." As she says this, she shares with Froak, Hand me the sharp-and-brown. We'll give you a much better knife than that one.
Apr 18, 2019 9:56 pm
Yelnar is almost bursting with the need to ask about what has happened in the surrounding area, and is probably fidgeting with anxiety.
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