Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan

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Apr 20, 2019 9:06 am
"I had to work pretty hard to get to this level of self-control. Anyone can do it if they're willing to commit to it. Are you?"
Apr 20, 2019 10:27 am
"I'll do my best. This adventure has been my dream since I was a little girl. I really want to be useful. And if you remind me and help me, I'm sure I can get better with this."
Apr 20, 2019 2:45 pm
Ephwrath sets up camp, and settles down to catalog the various soil and plant samples he’s collected since reaching this side of the lake. He proceeds to unpack the strange box he used back on the island, and places several sample vials along with a few hastily written notes inside. After performing the same ritual as before, there is a hiss and pop sound, and he opens the box revealing an empty interior. Seeming satisfied with the outcome, he stows the device back in his satchel and curiously approaches Froak.

"May I examine... I mean join you?" He says to the creature with an intrigued look on his face.
Trying to be friendly, and not creepy...
Haha! Oh man, sorry guys!
Last edited April 20, 2019 2:45 pm


Diplomacy - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Apr 20, 2019 6:44 pm
bowlofspinach says:
"I'll do my best. This adventure has been my dream since I was a little girl. I really want to be useful. And if you remind me and help me, I'm sure I can get better with this."
"Excellent. Start trying it when we get back to camp. Before you say or react to anything, take a breath and practice it in your head first."

Verrian gathers up half of the considerable firewood bundle and heads back to the camp, where she starts building the fire.
Apr 20, 2019 7:05 pm
Viani takes the rest of the firewood. She puts some in her backpack and carries the rest in her arms. She returns together with Verrian and puts the firewood down carefully next to Verrian. Once the fireplace has been prepared, she quickly glances at Ember and then tries to ignite the fire with her flint and steel before Ember can jump in to do it with her magic.
Last edited April 20, 2019 7:06 pm


Survival (Light the Fire) - (1D20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Apr 20, 2019 8:17 pm
Before Froak has a chance to respond to Ephwrath’s awkward request, the dwarf jumps up exclaiming "Ooooh! Ooooh! Look at that!". He runs over to his satchel and pulls out a large net with a deceptively long handle, considering the bag it comes out of.

He then begins running around the campsite with surprising speed and dexterity, waving the net in the air. Circling above the camp are several luminescent insects, glowing and fading in a dazzling array of intense colors.

"I believe they’re being drawn to the fire!" He yells in excitement, as he pulls the net down and gently cups one of the insects in his hands to inspect it. The fluorescent orange and yellow light illuminates his face, making his large beard and bushy eyebrows appear to be on fire.

He quickly pulls a small glass jar from one of his belt pouches and puts several of the insects inside, sealing the top with a scrap of linen and some string. "There we go! Now you little fellas can breathe." He looks up at Krav smiling and nods. "I’ll give them instructions to treat them well.", acting like that should make sense to him.

Rushing back to his satchel, he once again removes the strange box, unwraps it, opens it, sets the jar inside, shuts it tightly and appears to cast a spell. hiss... pop! He opens it up, and it’s gone. He looks up beaming at the group, as if waiting for applause. "That’s the first live sample I’ve been able to send!"
Last edited April 20, 2019 8:18 pm
Apr 20, 2019 9:22 pm
Verrian stands up and approaches the dwarf. "Ephwrath, I had assumed you were storing your samples. Are you saying that this box can send them back to Meriava??
Apr 20, 2019 10:00 pm
Viani is still tending to the fire, which at this point is already burning hot and bright when Verrian asks her question. She immediately raises her head and looks at Ephwrath, waiting eagerly for his reply.
Apr 20, 2019 10:11 pm
Moonbeam says:
Verrian stands up and approaches the dwarf. "Ephwrath, I had assumed you were storing your samples. Are you saying that this box can send them back to Meriava??
Ephwrath, already deep in thought and writing in his journal, looks up at Varrian. "Oh! Yes! It's based on the same magic that makes the whitestone disk that Athisa gave us work. I designed it myself!" He smiles and gives his beard a proud tug.

"In fact... speaking of that disk. Have we tried using it yet? I'd very much like to confirm that they are receiving my samples."
Apr 20, 2019 10:15 pm
"Yes, we should try to contact them now that we're settled in." Verrian looks at Elora. "I believe you're carrying the whitestone disk, aren't you?"
Apr 21, 2019 12:13 am
What a weird day.

She gives a half smile when Viani lights the fire. She doesn’t speak to anyone in particular.

So. We know a few things. People can live out here, there’s a TON of magic - which is good and bad - , there’s enough of a social structure that there’s a "Citadel," and there’s enough trouble that we get Crows. Good day one, if you ask me. Should tell them that on the disk.
I lived out here GENERALLY for a few pre-school years. It’s a long shot, but do I remember anything about a Citadel or crows,

Edit: Should have been +1, not that it helps haha
Last edited April 21, 2019 12:14 am



(5) = 5

Apr 21, 2019 12:28 am
None of you are familiar with the name One-Eyed Crows. Yelnar and Ember and really anyone who has a background reason to have been in this area before the wards would know that the citadel is a very old fortified structure, surrounded by wooden walls strengthened by magic back in the pre-War days. It was mostly used as the center of regional ‘government’, using the term loosely, but rarely used for any kind of military purpose.
Apr 21, 2019 3:23 am
As night begins to fall, Krav throws his bedroll directly on the ground somewhat away from the fire. Once everyone is fed and comfortable you see him head out near where the firelight ends. He begins moving his arms rhythmically and speaking to himself softly as though he's casting a spell. Then he is silent, as though he is waiting for something.
I am casting call animal. I'll roll knowledge nature to see if I know of any nocturnal animals around that might be friendly. Preferably of the flying sort, like an owl.

My intent will be to use wild empathy and cast speak with animals when it arrives to ask it to forewarn me of danger in our vicinity during the night. I'll put all the rolls in here in case we dont RP it out.


Knowledge nature - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

Wild Empathy to improve attitude - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Apr 21, 2019 3:57 am
Moonbeam says:
"Yes, we should try to contact them now that we're settled in." Verrian looks at Elora. "I believe you're carrying the whitestone disk, aren't you?"
"Oh, right! I have it here somewhere." Elora begins to rummage through her pack for the disk, pulling it out with a quiet "yes..." She stares at it quizzically, giving it a once-over. "I'm not actually sure how to operate this device. Um, hello?" She says into the disk, full of skepticism.
Apr 21, 2019 4:02 am
A barn owl swoops silently through the growing darkness to alight on a branch above Krav’s head. It peers down at him with wide, seemingly unfeeling eyes. Waiting. Growing bored.

The prey awaits. Why does a two-legs call me?
Apr 21, 2019 4:47 am
Yelnar moves away from the group carrying his Bardiche. Far enough to be out of sight, but not far enough to be out of earshot for a shout in either direction.

He starts out by re-enacting an idealised version of the fight with the zombies from today a number of times, taking the knowledge learned about how the creatures fight and their weakpoints to make more efficient, precise strikes.

He then goes into a more complicated, almost dance, as the Bardiche whirls around him, striking seemingly everywhere as he fights an imaginary combat against multiple opponents, constantly moving, his grip on the weapon changing, sometimes lengthening, sometimes shortening, sometimes stabbing the weapon forward, others taking long sweeping swings.

He continues to do this for an hour, after which, dripping with sweat, he returns the camp, and takes off his armour in order to be able to sleep, though he does not do so immediately, but sits for a while, looking into the fire.
Apr 21, 2019 6:17 am
Viani goes up to Ephwrath and sits down next to him. She looks at Verrian and makes sure that she is out of earshot. She doesn't know why she doesn't want her to hear but she doesn't. Viani takes a deep breath and thinks about her question. It seems reasonable to her. She turns to look at Ephwrath and asks the dwarf: "If you can send things to the city with your box, if I wrote a letter to my parents, could you send it back so that someone would deliver it to them?"
Apr 21, 2019 6:42 am
Ephwrath, being once again deeply engrossed in his journal, is startled when Viani sits next to him and speaks.

"Oh! Hello young lady." He immediately recognizes her as the temperamental one that Varrian has taken under her wing. "Well, I suppose I could. I have sent several written notes though to my research team along with the various samples I’ve collected. I’d simply need to attach instructions for proper delivery." He pauses, choosing his words carefully, so as not to upset the young girl. "However, you should know that the device only works one direction my dear... They won’t be able to respond to you." He gives her a slight frown and braces himself for her reaction.
Apr 21, 2019 6:45 am
Froak watches Ephwrath as his magic box makes thibgs disappear.

" Examin? You wont put me in that box will you?" he asks, staring wide eyed at him.

He looks towards verrian, a concerned expression growing on his little amphibian face.
Apr 21, 2019 6:55 am
"That's okay. I think they would just be happy if they knew I was still alive." She abruptly stops speaking. She said it so easily but she never thought about the fact that she might actually die out here. They already had to fight some undead monsters and that encounter with the Crows could have gone very differently... Viani forces herself to ignore those thoughts for now. "I will write them a letter. It would be amazing if you could send it to the city!"
She then gets up and walks over to Ember. She is still anxious due to the sudden realization that she might die on this mission and feels awkward because of their fight on the boat. Viani sits down next to the girl but doesn't say anything, hoping that Ember will speak first
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