Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan

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Apr 24, 2019 7:33 am
"I thought the Crows would just be expecting us at some cathedral. Do you think they would come here and attack us if we don't go there? I thought they wanted us to join them."
Viani greedily eats her ration. She hadn't even realized how hungry she was until now but she had gone almost the whole day without food. "I can take the watch. Part of one class I've taken was proper conduct during a watch. It was all theoretical of course, but still."
Apr 24, 2019 3:56 pm
I'm going to move us ahead. Apologies if anyone had anything else burning to say. Save it and repurpose it for next time. :)
Apr 24, 2019 4:02 pm
All right. Let's all roll for the sneak attacks 78's NPC's are going to inflict on us during the night XD
Apr 24, 2019 4:20 pm
Day 2

The night passes peacefully. There is a moment during the second watch, when Viani hears a distant screech of a barn owl that almost makes her wake the others, but then when it doesn't repeat or get any louder, cooler heads prevail and everyone gets a full rest. Though undoubtedly the events of the day just past encourage some interesting dreams...

Waking early the next morning, as the sun starts to rise over the hills to the northwest toward the family estates, your group prepares for the journey quickly, with Yelnar growing increasingly nervous the longer it takes. But other than a few irritable exchanges between the non-morning people, you are well on the road by the time the sun is fully up.

The road is well-packed dirt, wide enough where it's closer to town that two carts could pass side by side. As it starts to rise slowly into the low hills, it narrows some but is still easy to travel. It is remarkably peaceful out here. Tall grasses wave in the morning breeze, the light frost starting to melt into dew. Above, large birds -- hawks, perhaps -- wheel and soar and dive in the clear blue sky. There is plenty of evidence of animal life around, rustling grasses, a squirrel in the trees, the occasional squeak of a rodent. The hills are lightly forested with deciduous trees just starting to leaf out, but you're aware that there are very few places to hide, should the need arise. On the other hand, you'd likely see anyone coming from a mile away, so it's not likely you'd be surprised either.

It is now the time of the morning that you believe Athisa was referring to during your conversation through the disk last night. It would be easy enough to walk and talk at the same time, should you wish to do so.
Apr 24, 2019 4:36 pm
Gazing at the sky and judging the time of day, Verrian asks Elora to get out the whitestone disk. "It's about the time that Krav believes Athisa was hinting at us to try reaching her," she announces to the rest of the group. "Let's keep moving - it shouldn't be necessary for us to stop our travel."

They do what is necessary to initiate the disk's magical communication.
Apr 24, 2019 4:46 pm
"Ah, Krav, my boy... I knew I could count on you," comes Athisa's voice. Again, now that Krav's called your attention to the difference between her normal tone and how she spoke last night, you can tell that she's at least a little more relaxed now.

Still, she gets right down to business. "We have little time, so I will keep this brief. First, that symbol you mentioned last night likely relates to the followers of a man named Garand Disos. The triangle seems to be a crude letter D, and from the little I have been able to glean, those rings are given to his lieutenants and other leaders in his band. These are dangerous people, with a dangerous goal, regarding the destruction of magic in the world. And I fear he has sympathizers within the School. Questions about Disos are not answered openly, and shut many doors that were once open wide. My movements are being watched -- not carefully, not yet -- but there are tensions within the halls that were not there before."
Apr 24, 2019 5:06 pm
Verrian isn't surprised by this news, but it's still hard to hear. Being on such an ill-defined and dangerous expedition with so many inexperienced party members was already an iffy situation when she'd thought the School was a more or less unified entity. Now, it seems, they can't even count on transparency and honest support from the people who sent them out here.

"What do you recommend we do?" Verrian says. Time is short, so no point in beating around the bush. "What do you need most from us?"
Apr 24, 2019 5:11 pm
Froak hops along behind verrian, staring at her while she fidgets with the disc. When the stone starts to talk however, Froak leaps nearly 6 feet backwards.


He hops slightly closer, an inquisitive look growing on his face.

" Hello, Rock! Are you named? I am Froak, of the Pondhopper tribe. I have been here many moons, but you are a rock so you must be far older!" he shouts at the Disc, still trying to keep his distance
Last edited April 24, 2019 5:11 pm
Apr 24, 2019 5:38 pm
"Ah, Froak, the rock isn't alive." Elora responds in a whisper so as not to interrupt the conversation, slowly moving the disk away from the shouting frog. "This is quite urgent, ok?"
Apr 24, 2019 5:46 pm
Krav chuckles and leans down close to Froak, so as not to interrupt Athisa, "It is a communication device Froak. We are talking through it to our friend from behind the Wall That is Not a Wall."

Krav returns his attention to the disk, secretly pleased with himself for working out Athisa's code.
Apr 24, 2019 6:00 pm
There's a long, silent pause, before Athisa can be heard laughing. "This must be one of the frog people you spoke of last night." She answers politely, "Well met, friend Froak of the Pondhopper tribe. I do hope that I get to meet you in person one day."

She moves back to business again. "I need you to gather whatever information you can about this organization. And if you can, who they might be working with inside the School. I will learn what I can and pass this information along to you when it's possible. If you contact me and I use the phrase 'hectic day' or 'Second Bell' in my first sentence, then you will know someone's listening in. I am sorry, my friends. I... was never good at the politics of this job, and I fear I am ill-suited for the espionage game. I wish you had a more accomplished contact, but we -- you and I -- will do our best, yes?"
Apr 24, 2019 6:23 pm
" Oh! Wow!" Froak says, lowering his voice with the rest of the group. He hops off to the side of the road and picks up a smooth riverstone, Holding it close to his chest as he hops quickly back to Elora and Krav.

" Do you think that I could make one too? "
Apr 24, 2019 6:27 pm
Verrian swallows. The stakes of this endeavor have escalated so much, so quickly. "Athisa, this is a dangerous position you're in, as you're clearly aware. I know that your instinct might be to try to get as much information for us as you can, but..." She sighs. There's no time to be politic. "As you say, you're no spy. So don't try to be one. Just keep your eyes and ears open. Don't take chances. Carefully evaluate who you think you can trust." Her last conversation with Adaye suddenly comes to mind. "In fact, trust as few people as possible. If you need an ally, go to Adaye. But don't try to do any digging yourself, especially if you think you're being watched."

She can feel her facial markings flickering with color, and realizes that her emotions are coming to the fore. She pushes them back into place, and her voice is dryer when she continues. "Apart from the threat to your own safety, keep in mind that without you, the fate of this party could quite possibly rest on having access to you as our contact."
Apr 24, 2019 6:35 pm
Viani walks close to Froak. Her expression is more serious than usually when she's talking to him. "No Froak, it'sprobably a very difficult enchantment. And you shouldnt play around with magic anyway. It's dangerous." She lowers her voice to a whisper. "Just look at Ember."
Apr 24, 2019 6:38 pm
Ember's still on edge from last night's awkwardness


Sense Motive on Viani +2 - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Apr 24, 2019 7:26 pm
"Oh. Did the Jug-Lovers do that to her with magic?" Froak asks, not hiding his volume by any means.

" I know a gunk i can put on it! We use it for when we touch the hotwoods under our cooking pits. Makes em feel way better, yup." he says, his expression looking pained and sympathetic to ember for her injuries.
Im adding a survival check to see if the ingredients to a salve are around, and then gathering them without losing too much pace to the group.
Last edited April 24, 2019 7:29 pm


Gam-Gam Pondhoppers Famous Hot-Spot Gunk Treatment - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Apr 24, 2019 7:51 pm
Viani loudly shushes Froak and then looks over to Ember with an awkward smile on her face. She turns back to Froak and whispers "No, those burns are old. You're salve won't help anymore... I think."
Apr 24, 2019 7:55 pm
That would be a no for your check, Froak.
Apr 24, 2019 8:38 pm
He's speaking pretty loudly so I assume she hears what he said which is pretty obviously about Ember
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