Chapter 3: Crow's Nest

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Jul 7, 2019 1:28 pm
"Oh. Ohhhhhh." Elora was never much of a florist, or botanist, or cared for gardening. But this was truly a beautiful sight in her eyes. She softly touches the grass, checking if it's real and not just some illusion.
Jul 7, 2019 5:36 pm
I will accept Knowledge rolls in the following categories: History, Arcana or Nature (or any combo of those). I will make a Nature roll for Krav.


Krav - Knowledge (Nature) - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Jul 7, 2019 5:45 pm
This is simply mesmerizing. Ember doesn’t know if this is related to what she heard coming out of the wards, but she steps closer slowly.


Knowledge Arcana - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Jul 7, 2019 6:18 pm
chunky04 says:
Awed and mesmerised, Yelnar shuffles through the door.
Before Yelnar can enter the glowing portal, his mother reaches a hand out to take his arm. "Wait a moment, son... we don’t know a thing about what might lie on the other side. I appreciate your initiative, but this is not your area of expertise."

She looks to the others. "Any thoughts? Has anyone heard of something like this before? I admit, this is new to me."
Jul 7, 2019 6:22 pm


Arcana - (1D20+8)

(9) + 8 = 17

Will save - (1D20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Jul 7, 2019 6:30 pm
Ephwrath slowly steps forward with a rapt expression on his face.


Knowledge: History - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Knowledge: Arcana - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Jul 7, 2019 8:36 pm
After a few moments standing in awe, Ephwrath snaps out of it and looks up at Renaya. "This must be one of the lost Valerman nature preserves...", he whispers. "I assumed the magic protecting them was disrupted and that they were all destroyed during the war." He steps forward and gently touches one of the flowers growing from the doorframe. "There could be plants and animals in here that haven't been seen alive in centuries."
Jul 7, 2019 8:56 pm
Yelnar starts when touched, and shakes his head like he’s come out of a trance. He doesn’t have any knowledge relevant to the conversation, so he just sits down cross legged as close to the threshold as he can, basking in the feeling of peace emanating from within.
Jul 8, 2019 4:28 am
For those that come forward to interact with the doorway, you realize that this is no illusion -- or if it is, it's so far beyond your ability to sense that it may as well be real. Grass tickles and bends the way it always does, the flowers are velvety-soft and pliant beneath your touch. And the smell...

Until you opened the vault door, your noses had gotten used to the stale, vaguely damp smell of the tunnels. But now, the scent of freshly-turned earth, of pine, of moss, of a hundred different flowers, all emanate from the green glow that obscures the path forward.

Renaya nods to Ephwrath. "I think you may be right... I had no idea they'd built any outside Valerma, but... I suppose it makes sense. They wanted to preserve more than just their own natural resources."

"Well? You've come this far," says Renaya, looking to each party member in turn. "Who's taking the next steps forward?" There's a lightness to her features, as though the weight of years has been lifted from her, the spark of discovery and wonder in her eyes.
Jul 8, 2019 4:50 am
Wil can't help himself. The thought of unknown animals is more than he can bear. He enters the door.

It's beautiful. I can't believe magic like this still exists.
Jul 8, 2019 5:04 am
Seeing Wil move through the door jolts Verrian out of her stupor.

"Wait!" She hesitates, not sure what she intended to say next. The magic is so heady... She breathes an impatient sigh, rubbing her forehead. "If we go through this door... and I'm not saying that we shouldn't... we should probably be sure we've cleared the rest of the tunnels, shouldn't we?"
Jul 8, 2019 5:16 am
Wil pauses and nods his head.

You're right of course. We have an obligation to ensure the safety of the people taking refuge down here.
Jul 8, 2019 5:41 am
Yelnar stands back up and says "Is it possible to close it back up for now?"
Jul 8, 2019 5:52 am
Considering his question, Verrian says, "Well, we know how to open it. Maybe the same process closes it?"
Jul 8, 2019 1:42 pm
Ember nods. I'd hate to see wights and ghouls get into this place. But what about "bars the way forever"?
Jul 8, 2019 2:41 pm
"That seemed to refer to being able to open the door. Now that it's open, maybe anyone - or anything - could go inside."
Jul 8, 2019 4:34 pm
"That would be horrible." Elora sounds worried, not wanting any harm to befall this sanctuary. "We should hunt down anymore undead which roam these halls."
Jul 8, 2019 5:34 pm
Renaya, is it possible to close and reopen the door? As you have heard, we have a responsibility to ensure that there are no more threats down here to the villagers.
Also, do you know if we go in, can we come back out here at any time?
Last edited July 8, 2019 5:34 pm
Jul 8, 2019 5:46 pm
"I’m afraid I have no idea," says Renaya, spreading her hands out. "I will say that I hesitate to close it... who knows if we’ll be able to open it again."

Krav comes back to the group, having studied the door and the plant life there. "If it is all right with everyone else, I would like to remain here. I can guard the entrance while you explore the other door."
Jul 8, 2019 6:37 pm
Nodding, Verrian says, "Good. Then the portal can be protected while we clear out the rest of the tunnels. I say we go check out what's behind that other door now, and then we can let the villagers know not to wait for us once that's done. Then we can use the portal and check out that very enticing landscape."
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