Chapter 3: Crow's Nest

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Jul 3, 2019 7:34 pm
Ephwrath suddenly snaps out of his infatuated trance, drops to his knees, and starts rummaging through his satchel. "...where is that blasted thing..." as he tosses various items over his shoulder on to the ground. "Ah ha! There you are!" He stands up and abruptly holds out what looks like an abnormally large ear of corn. "There’s a whole field of them up the road! They’ve clearly mutated like so many other things... will this help?" He smiles expectantly.
Jul 3, 2019 7:38 pm
Yelnar hasn’t really been paying much attention, not being as intrigued by puzzles as things of a more practical nature. He has instead been contemplating the thin line between life and death that the edge of a blade represents.

As his attention snaps back to the room, he gives Ephwrath a strange look, then says "Are you saying this was built before the war? Just about everything was magic back then right? Aren’t there spells that make plants grow and stuff?"

He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to his meditation.
Jul 3, 2019 7:45 pm
Renaya pointedly ignores Willitan for the time being, though her evident irritation grows even more so at his answer.

"You're all making this much too complicated. Have any of you actually grown a plant before? Without magic?"

She tries to smile, but it ends up coming out as more of a grimace than anything. "What gives a plant life?"
Jul 3, 2019 7:51 pm
Verrian has actually grown a plant before. "Sun. Soil. Water."
Jul 3, 2019 8:09 pm
And dead things!

Ember shrinks back. Saying "compost" might have been more tactful.
Jul 3, 2019 11:39 pm
Renaya inclines her head. "Water and light," she says. Turning back to the door frame, she points out several symbols. "I believe these modify the original ‘life’ symbol through indications to point on the other walls, or more specifically the pattern they present."

She lays a hand on the vault door. "I believe that if we put water at the base of the door here," she says, indicating a shallow depression in the stone in front of the door, "and shine light on the door at the same time..."

Stepping back, she spreads her arms open wide.
Jul 3, 2019 11:44 pm
Ember hops forward with her water skin to the location Renaya noted. She hope someone else has light.
Jul 4, 2019 1:31 am
Are we sure we should do this without a plan. Anything could come through there.
Jul 4, 2019 1:47 am
Verrian doesn't think the door is a portal, but she does want more information before proceeding. "Renaya, what do you think this door leads to? Speculate if you have to. I'd just like some idea of what to expect if we open it."
Jul 4, 2019 2:23 am
It was a bunch of farmers, right? And, like, this stuff takes time, unless they did it all with magic. Which means, it had to have been made in peacetime. Maybe it's a safe region, like the horses.

She shrugs.

And if not, we collapse the tunnel and run screaming.
Jul 4, 2019 3:25 am
"The potential is...unfathomable. Let me know when we need light, I can provide."
We'll just say Elora will cast light when everyone's ready assuming we are about to do so, otherwise ignore this.
Jul 4, 2019 3:57 am
Renaya looks back at Elora and stares at her intently for a long, increasingly uncomfortable moment. Her fingers move absently, as though of their own accord. Finally, she looks away and responds to Verrian.

"Speculation is all I have. I am guessing, due to the evidence of Valerman craftsmanship, that it will be some sort of natural wonder," she says, and then turns to Ember. "They were not, however, 'a bunch of farmers'. Do you know that hunger was, for a hundred years, nonexistent in Valerma? No one -- from the least fortunate to the royal family -- ever went hungry. Have you heard the stories of the Riders of the Great Plain? Men and women in perfect harmony with their horses. I could go on," she says with a thin smile. "But I think I've made my point."

She stands back and gestures for Elora and Ember to move forward to bring light and water to the door.
Jul 4, 2019 5:01 am
Yelnar grabs his Bardiche, and stands at the doorway in a spot where he's not in the way, but able to leap into action to defend if required. After all, it seems a lot of things magical have changed, whatever is behind this gate could easily be one of them.

Then a thought occurs to him.

"Is it irresponsible to unlock a potential natural treasure into a world where these warping storms exist? Perhaps we would be better leaving it be until we know more?"
Jul 4, 2019 5:27 am
That, and less than 24 hours ago this whole area was under the control of a group whose expressed goal was the eradication of magic.

Are we going to be able to reseal anything in there, if we have to?
Jul 4, 2019 5:41 am
Elora starts to feel awkward from the staredown. Relentlessly awkward; it suddenly starts to feel rather hot in this underground vault, her mouth and hands start to tighten up nervously. Luckily it ends just as quickly as it starts, relieving her of this tension. Oh that was a mistake... Throughout Renaya's brief history lesson Elora imagines a dozen ways she could have been a little more sensitive around her.

Yelnar's musings pull her back to the situation, making her think about the consequences of their actions.

"Ah, well I suppose that depends on what's inside. One could argue the world won't ever be ready in it's current state." Elora looks at the others hesitantly, not wanting to be combative, her fingers a mere snap away from casting light.
Jul 4, 2019 3:02 pm
See? People can use magic for good.

And you're about to screw it up.

Ember pours her waterskin into the shallow indentation.
Jul 5, 2019 1:22 am
As the water touches the shallow depression, a low hum begins to build in the room, like a distant bell being struck. The water is soaked away almost as soon as it touches the stone, as though drinking it away like someone says without water.

You watch, and listen. The hum grows more musical, varying in tone and pitch.

You listen, and watch. The water continues to be drawn away from the depression, but Ember realizes that somehow, her water skin is not getting any lighter.

You watch, and listen. A song is playing, and it echoes faintly through the chamber as though the chamber itself now is the bell being struck. Not one bell, but many, chiming and resonating. The melody is just at the edge of your recognition. Maybe a song from your childhood, maybe a song that your mother sang to you, maybe a song that makes you think of first love.

It brings you an abiding sense of deep comfort.
Jul 5, 2019 3:52 am
Elora starts to like these sensations, feeling her body start to physically relax because of the sensations. She almost wants to lie down, to forget the undead and the Crows and everything inbetween as she simply rests here, where everything seems so far away. She resists these temptations fortunately, instead simply calling forth light at the edge of her fingertips, watching as the illumination starts to consume the space.
Jul 7, 2019 3:52 am
As the first rays of light touch the door, the song playing throughout the room explodes into a cascade of chimes, an infinite number of tiny bells sounding, tones descending and fading into silence. The door begins to glow, softly at first but slowly growing in intensity. The light spreads from the door, first causing the symbols around the door frame to illuminate in burnished gold.

Light continues to spread, flowing out from the door like a flood. Symbols on the walls begin to glow and bring color to the patterns there: greens and browns for the earth, trees in a thousand shades of green and yellow and colors you can't even put names to, water mixing blues and greys and white, each moving and changing color to give the "river" the sense of rushing water.

The entire room is now bathed in a spectrum of colors of light, dazzling the eyes.

As you watch the door, the metal simply... fades away, and flowers spring into life around the frame. A dirt path leads the way forward, its destination obscured in a green glow.
Jul 7, 2019 8:44 am
Awed and mesmerised, Yelnar shuffles through the door.
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