Chapter 3: Crow's Nest

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Jul 2, 2019 5:54 pm

Ember does a double take.

Oh! Shoot. This is just Verrian and a little magic.

She grins awkwardly and waves her hands at the Naucan.

We're making really good progress. But, we were wondering if Renaya was willing and able to help us decipher some texts we found.
Jul 2, 2019 6:00 pm
Verrian suddenly realizes that she's forgotten to drop the glamour - a rookie mistake she hasn't made in years. A tiny bit of concentration, during which she visualizes herself emerging from the illusion as from a cocoon, and the image of "Ocassa" is gone, leaving only a red-haired Naucan with facial markings tinged faintly rust-colored from embarrassment.

"Apologies for alarming anyone," she says. "If someone could quickly fetch Renaya, we'd appreciate it."
Last edited July 2, 2019 6:01 pm
Jul 2, 2019 6:05 pm
The person holding an arrow ready lowers his bow with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He looks away in embarrassment and tries to surreptitiously put his arrow away without anyone noticing.

Greybeard stares for a moment longer, then shakes his head slowly. "My apologies... I haven't seen a Naucan in years. I... never did get used to... er." He stops, not wanting to embarrass himself by saying something irretrievably rude. He turns to a girl standing nearby watching Verrian and Ember with wide eyes. "Marit, run and find Renaya, please. Ask her to come quickly, if she's able."

The girl doesn't move, too fascinated by Verrian and Ember to get her feet to work.

"Now, Marit," Greybeard says more sternly, and the girl shakes herself out of her reverie and nods to Greybeard, running off back up the corridor.

"My granddaughter. She does have her flights of fancy," he says by way of apology.
Jul 2, 2019 6:16 pm
Verrian smiles. "As she should, at her age."
Jul 2, 2019 7:35 pm
It is not more than a few short minutes later when the girl Marit returns, holding Renaya's hand (to be honest, pulling her along a little bit too). The fallen mage wears an expression somewhere between irritation, fond amusement and curiosity.

Renaya says, "I am told that you would like assistance interpreting a book? I'm afraid Marit here wasn't terribly clear on just what it was I'm being dragged along for." She maintains the same quiet, slightly detached tone, but there's a spark in her eyes that wasn't there before.
Jul 2, 2019 7:41 pm
Verrian leads Renaya and Ember off to the side a bit and lowers her voice. "It's not a book, but a sort of... inscription. Actually, a partial translation of the inscription that seems to hold the key to opening a magically-protecting vault of some kind. We were hoping you might be able to translate it for us."
Jul 2, 2019 7:49 pm
Renaya gently separates her hand from the girl's and joins Verrian and Ember for the quiet conversation. "A vault, you say. Interesting," she muses quietly. "Well, I don't know how much help I will actually be, but I can certainly try."

As Verrian and Ember lead Renaya through the tunnels, some of the darkness seems to lift from her mood. She stops in the room with the stone tables and runs her fingers lightly over the pitted whitestone. "Fascinating," she says. "These are the symbols you're hoping to translate?" When answered in the affirmative, she nods. "I'd like to come back and look at these again once we've taken a look at the door."

Moving along, her expression grows angry as you move through the room with the cells, her lip curling in a derisive sneer, but she says nothing.

When entering the final room, though, she pauses atop the first platform to take it all in. "This is..." she says in a hushed voice. "What are these statues doing here? I had no idea..."

She lifts the hem of her robes as she walks down the stairs, and moves immediately to put a hand on the base of one of the statues. "These are of Valerman origin. Or at least Valerman style..." She references the nation across the Spine Mountains to the south, known for its agricultural and natural wonders. "Why in a tunnel complex beneath an Alcaven village?" She walks around the base of the statue, looking up at its twining form reaching toward the ceiling.

There is a childlike sense of wonder on her face as she moves through the room, turning in a full circle as she walks toward the stairs to the upper platform. "Incredible! How could I have missed this all these years? How did we never know this was here?"
Jul 2, 2019 8:40 pm
"Do you have any idea what purpose this room is meant to serve?" Verrian asks.
Jul 3, 2019 4:25 am
Renaya shakes her head, responding absently, "No idea."

She approaches the wild scratching on the walls and bends closer to read it carefully. "Fascinating...". She traces some of the symbols with a finger and moves to trace the same symbols around the door frame.

"No no no..." she mutters as she continues to go back and forth between the wall scratchings and the door frame. "He had some interesting insights, but I think he was too anxious... he didn’t finish the translation. I could be wrong... though I don’t think so... I believe that the first part is correct, but I think it goes on to say ‘Life taken will bar the way forever.’"

She falls quiet then as she continues studying the symbols.


Knowledge (Arcana) - (1d20+16)

(19) + 16 = 35

Linguistics - (1d20+12)

(13) + 12 = 25

Jul 3, 2019 4:51 am
So he did the one thing that guaranteed he couldn't get the one thing he wanted?

Wil shakes his head

I would feel sorry for him, you know, except for the whole being a murderer and using the undead thing.

Wil gives a small shudder and pulls the cloak tighter.
Last edited July 3, 2019 5:30 am
Jul 3, 2019 2:50 pm
Can...we get in? Or at least, anyone who didn't land a hit on him? I can't imagine re-killing undead would count as taking a life, could it?
Jul 3, 2019 4:25 pm
"Can you tell what might be behind this door? I found another one like it inside a building above ground."
Jul 3, 2019 4:42 pm
Renaya clicks her tongue against her teeth. "Give me a moment," she says. Though in your short acquaintance, she has generally been a little withdrawn, and certainly not confrontational, you know from conversations with Yelnar and the townsfolk that Renaya has a reputation for being formidable and stern. Her sharp, no-nonsense tone is the first tangible evidence you've had of that. She will answer when she's good and ready, and not before.

She steps back to take in the door frame as a whole, one hand over her mouth as she stares at it through narrowed eyes. Those nearby can see her lips moving, though silently; whatever internal monologue she is keeping up is trying to make its way out, perhaps.

"No!" she cries suddenly, and rolls her eyes ceilingward. "Not life. Or at least, not life as we think of it."

She turns to the others, a faintly smug smirk on her face. Her tone turns to one many of you would recognize from the more pedantic instructors back at the School, when they think they've got a particularly clever problem for you to solve.

"As I said, these statues are of Valerman make. Not the mountains, and the dwarves there," she says, looking briefly at Ephwrath. "But the fields and forests of the southern part of the country. What was Valerma's strength before the War? What made their nation stand out? Their talents at growing things, particularly agriculture."

She stops there, and lifts her eyebrows with an unspoken question, looking expectantly at each of you in turn. Looking for the answer to the riddle.
Jul 3, 2019 4:46 pm
Verrian feels like a particularly untalented student in a class she didn't remember even signing up for.

"So... we have to grow something? Or present it with... a plant? Or... seeds?"
Jul 3, 2019 4:56 pm
Verrian feels something brush up against her and looks down to see Ephwrath standing beside her. With a look of awe, he simply whispers "She’s magnificent.... isn’t she?" And continues to stand there with a dumb smile on his face.
Last edited July 3, 2019 4:58 pm
Jul 3, 2019 5:00 pm
It takes a second for Verrian to switch mental gears and realize that Ephwrath's statement of admiration and goofily rapt gaze is directed at Renaya. She allows herself a small smile and a squeeze of his shoulder with her hand. They've seen such ugliness in their short time on this mission. A little love - even if it's only infatuation - is a welcome balm.
Jul 3, 2019 5:17 pm
While Elora always finds it a treat to watch a brilliant mind at work, being quizzed in the midst of their adventures was not something she particularly wanted. Of course, she wouldn't want to disappoint Renaya with this objection even if she could only speculate without a full translation. "Plant-life could mean any number of things depending on the culture and the specific plant. It's not unreasonable to believe Verrian is correct in assuming we would need a seed, perhaps some healthy crops as a symbolic showing of life?"
Jul 3, 2019 5:47 pm
Do we need to show it a sign that the world outside survived the war, at least sort of?

Ember didn't go to school for this.
Jul 3, 2019 5:53 pm
Renaya clasps her hands at her waist. She doesn't say anything, but as each answer comes, her lips are pressed more and more tightly together, a look of bland disappointment growing around her eyes.
Jul 3, 2019 6:09 pm
Wil has had about enough of this.

With all due respect Renaya, we asked for help, not to be quizzed like school kids. I think we have shown that we are competent at what we do, this just happens to be a little outside our expertise.
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