Chapter 3.a: Citadel Infiltration

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May 30, 2019 9:37 pm
You would have to pass the creature first. You're guessing the corridor is probably 80 feet long, the cells are at the opposite end from where you are, and the creature's about 30 feet away. There are two doors on the left side of the corridor, three on the right (you believe the third is the entry to the cells), all evenly spaced from one another. The corridor itself is 15 feet wide. The creature is near the first of the two doors on the left side.
May 30, 2019 9:48 pm
Mach, Willitan hasn't seen the creature or the corridor yet.
"I think we should wait to see what the creature does. It may go up the stairs, or it might simply be pacing back and forth as it stands guard. If it's the latter, we could wait until it turns back toward the stairs and try to surprise it."
May 31, 2019 1:26 am
The longer you watch it, the more you're not sure that the creature really has any intended direction. If it does, it's having a hard time getting its twisted body to go in that direction. As a result, it slowly shamble-slides around the corridor and doesn't appear to be leaving.

As far as you can tell from this distance in the lantern light, its back is currently to you. It's stopped for a moment, tired from its efforts perhaps.
May 31, 2019 5:34 am
Elora studies these fumbled actions of the creature, trying to identify any inherent danger it might pose despite it's clumsy movement.
Depending on the creature this might be a nature check, in which case I can't do anything, but I figure I'll roll anyway.


Knowledge Arcana - Monster ID - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

May 31, 2019 4:01 pm
You're not able to get much information from where you are. The light's not quite good enough, and you can't get a good look at the creature to see if you recognize anything about it.
May 31, 2019 5:34 pm
"All right, Viani and I will quietly approach the creature to try and talk to it. If it tries to attack or raise an alarm, we'll subdue it. You three stand ready to provide reinforcement."

She nods to Viani and quietly steps into the corridor.


Stealthing - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

May 31, 2019 5:39 pm
Viani follows Verrian, sneaking up to the creature as quietly as she can. She has her Ranseur in both hands and stops close enough that she can reach the creature but it can't reach her. If it makes a wrong move, she will hit its head with the blunt end of her weapon, hopefully knocking it out.
I prepare an attack to go off when it either attacks or starts screaming.


Stealth - (1D20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Prepared Attack (nonlethal) - (1D20-1)

(16) - 1 = 15

Damage (nonlethal) - (2D4+4)

(12) + 4 = 7

May 31, 2019 6:33 pm
As Verrian and Viani creep out the door and into the corridor, coming closer to the creature, they can hear it making a low mewling whimper. It once again tries to scuttle toward the stairs but all it can do is drag itself in that vague sort of direction. Finally, when you're about 10 feet away from it, it collapses in a heap of flesh. Its head turns your way, and in the soft glow of the lantern, you finally get a decent look at it.

This scrawny once-human has been horribly altered. Its skull is misshapen, bulging at the back with some sort of pulsing mass. One eye is in its proper place, but the other is centered in the pale forehead. It lacks a lower jaw, its tongue lolling down openly from a pink mass of flesh that was once its mouth. It has only one arm, sprouting gruesomely from its chest, and its twisted hips and flaccid legs make it only able to drag itself along the ground rather than stand.

It makes a muffled grunt, but rather than try and escape or attack, it lifts its one remaining hand -- empty -- and reaches pitifully toward you.

You take stock of its clothing and the long knife at its belt, and you are just starting to reach a realization of who this must be when it speaks in a whine. Even without the lower jaw and the benefit of a full set of teeth and lips, you recognize the voice. It's Ildemu's toady, Squeaky.

"Kill... eeeee. Leeess."
May 31, 2019 6:48 pm
Viani lowers her weapon when he sees the terrible state the mutated man is in. She looks horrified and her eyes tear up as she takes the full horror in front of her in.
She turns her weapon around, aiming the three blades at Squeaky's head. "I'm so sorry. You did not deserve this. May you find peace in Occasa's arms", she says quietly.
May 31, 2019 6:56 pm
Elora watches the scene unfold by peeking through the doorway, thankful the situation hasn't taken a turn for the worse. Witnessing Viani pull her blade makes her gasp, but she remains in position, confident Verrain will intervene if need be.
May 31, 2019 6:57 pm
"Wait! Not here. Let's do this in the storage room. Less... mess." Verrian puts her hand out to stop Viani's strike.
May 31, 2019 7:07 pm
Squatting down to speak to the man, Verrian says, "Squeaky, I'm very sorry this happened to you. No one should have to experience something like this. We're going to carry you to that unused storeroom, and that is where we will end your pain. Will you allow us to pick you up?"
May 31, 2019 7:13 pm
Squeaky's head droops as though exhausted from trying to keep it up, the rest of his body slumping in turn. "Yessss," you can hear him say.
May 31, 2019 7:16 pm
Verrian looks to Viani to see if she's willing to help carry the poor creature. She also takes a moment to surreptitiously set the spring on her wrist sheath that conceals a dagger - just in case it's needed.


Sleight of hand - (1d20+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

May 31, 2019 7:23 pm
If Squeaky noticed the movement, it doesn't seem he cares much. He makes no attempt to fight or argue.
May 31, 2019 7:26 pm
Viani attaches her weapon to her back and leans down to lift Squeaky. She looks to find some part of him where she can carry him without hurting him or touching anything too gross.
With Verrian's help, she carries him back to where they came from. Once there, she will take her ranseur back in her hand and stand in front of him. She puts one hand on the holy symbol around her neck and starts whispering a short prayer in Elven.
May 31, 2019 7:30 pm
Willitan will have an arrow ready and keep an eye on the corridor.
May 31, 2019 7:33 pm
Squatting beside him again, Verrian asks, "Squeaky, did the storm do this to you?" If he answers in the affirmative, she asks, "Why were you out in it?"
May 31, 2019 7:33 pm
What was once Squeaky is remarkably light. Between Verrian and Viani, it is easy to carry him back to the room, even if he's unable to carry any of his own weight to make it simpler on them.

When Verrian speaks, he rolls his head back to cast one eye at her. "Yes, stor," he says. It is distinctly unsettling to watch his tongue flap about in an attempt to form the right sounds without his lower jaw. "Locked out. Stuck in the courtyard... I could... eel it enter eee. Change eee. Hurt."
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