Chapter 3.a: Citadel Infiltration

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Jun 2, 2019 7:11 am
Verrian studies Ildemu coldly. "I can't imagine a circumstance where I'd be begging to join you in anything. What have you done to Renaya?"
Jun 3, 2019 2:31 am
"Then you're a fool," grunts Ildemu, and with that, his easy, friendly manner seems gone. He pushes Renaya's chair, and the woman tumbles forward to the ground, able to put her bound hands out enough to keep from landing painfully on her face. She doesn't struggle, doesn't try to stand, simply lays there.

"You're welcome to her. She's of no use to me, or to you at this point. But I'm not taking her with us, so go. I won't bar your departure, but don't think it'll go this easy for any of you the next time we meet up."
Jun 3, 2019 2:39 am
Verrian remains standing in the doorway. "You're leaving? Where are you going? You know, you keep telling me that we should join you, but you never want to explain what you're doing. The way it looks is that you're bullying and brutalizing people. If there's more to it, I'd like to know about it." She looks him square in the eyes. "You were waiting in here to talk to us, apparently, but you say nothing of substance and dodge every question. Why even bother talking to us?"
Adding a diplomacy roll.
Last edited June 3, 2019 2:41 am


Talk to me, dude - (1d20+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Jun 3, 2019 4:01 am
Ildemu points a finger at Verrian and Viani in turn. "You haven't earned it yet. You made your choice, and you'll have to figure it out the hard way. The way the rest of us have had to."

The moment of anger seems passed now; the lazy smile returns to his face. "We've got other places to go. Other people to visit, other things to get cleaned up." He juts his chin toward Renaya. "Take your prize and go on your merry way. We have no more business with you."
Jun 3, 2019 4:23 am
Verrian remains in the doorway still. She speaks in a reasonable, sincere tone. "Ildemu, we didn't 'make a choice.' We had only just arrived here, and other than some frog people, you and your group were the first people we'd encountered. You were chasing a helpless frog man with what seemed to be blood in mind. Obviously, that didn't make a very positive impression on us, and your offer of recruitment was very short on information. In fact, it didn't even seem sincere - for all we could tell, it was a trap.

"And what's this about 'earning' an understanding of what's going on here? If your offer to join you was ever genuine, then why not tell us enough for us to make an informed decision, rather than forcing us to decide against it because your manner is so relentlessly combative and contemptuous?"


Trying diplomacy again - (1d20+6)

(20) + 6 = 26

Jun 3, 2019 4:06 pm
Ildemu laughs, holding a hand to his chest in mock injury. "Combative? Contemptuous? Oh, on the contrary, my dear. I have been the very soul of solicitousness." He gestures at Viani and her drawn weapon with a jerk of his chin. "I'm not the one with a weapon out."

"Do you tell everyone you've just met all of your secrets, Red? I'll wager that I know more about you now than most of the people you're traveling with. In fact, I'll wager I know more about all of you than you do about each other. You're not the only one chatting with folks back inside the Wards, you know."

He spreads his hands in a sort of welcoming gesture. "But go ahead. Ask me a question. One question. I promise I'll answer it honestly. Just to show you what a wonderful human being I am."
Jun 3, 2019 5:54 pm
Hey guys, since we are just standing around, do you want to check out those other doors. I will keep an eye on the entrance.
I am probably too short to see in the peep hole anyway.
Jun 3, 2019 6:01 pm
Jeez, guys. Can't you wait until Viani and Verrian aren't standing in a cell with the most dangerous character we've met so far?
Jun 3, 2019 6:09 pm
You want help yell. Otherwise we multi task. Maybe there is a friendly 40th level PALADIN locked up and wanting to help us.
Jun 3, 2019 6:10 pm
Actually, I think the most dangerous character we've met so far was Bronk the frog
Jun 3, 2019 6:13 pm
Okay, looks like we're on our own.
Jun 3, 2019 6:17 pm
Kids, stop bickering and wait to loot the bodies until they're actually bodies.
Jun 3, 2019 6:24 pm
Elora is doing her absolute best to remain calm and collected what with the number of problems which have developed, covering Verrain and Viani with Willitan. "Should we? What if they need us, or it's a trap?"
Jun 3, 2019 6:24 pm
Verrian is shocked to hear Willitan suggesting that the group backing up her and Viani go do other things while they're still having a standoff with Ildemu, but she pushes that concern aside. "Yes, it was obvious that someone in Meriava has been communicating with people outside of the wards." She considers for a moment before saying, "What exactly are you doing with mages like Reyana? If you're just trying to eradicate magic users, you could just kill them instead of taking them prisoner."
Jun 3, 2019 8:46 pm
Ildemu tilts his head, staring at Verrian for a long moment as though she'd suddenly grown a horn out of her forehead. "Do you think I'm a murderer?" he asks in disbelief. He shakes his head. "I suppose you'd have no way of understanding," he murmurs under his breath. "I'm saving these people, not eradicating them." He waves a hand back behind him. "Out there... maybe not here, so close to the city, but out there... nothing is like it was. The storm? What it did to Squeaky? That's happening everywhere. And who gets blamed for that?"

He gestures at Renaya. "It's for their own good. It's for everyone's good. When no one can use these powers, then we'll all be a lot safer, and we can rebuild. Until then..."

Ildemu just shakes his head.
Jun 3, 2019 8:51 pm
Verrian doesn't take her eyes from Ildemu's. "I accept that you feel justified in what you're doing. But you didn't answer the question. What, exactly, are you doing to these mages?"
Jun 3, 2019 9:00 pm
"Focused on the details, I see," Ildemu replies, a sardonic smile scratched across his face. He nods to the white restraints around Renaya's wrists. "Those are a form of whitestone, melted down and recrystallized with a small amount of a metal ore that has anti-magic properties. Mixed in the right proportions, the material is malleable enough to be shaped into restraints. Over a period of time, usually no more than a day or two, a mage restrained in such a fashion will lose their ability to use magic. I always thought it curious that it works on all manner of mages, no matter if talent is inborn or learned. But I didn't create it, so what do I know?"

He holds up a hand. "And I'll give you this for free: there is no way to reverse it that I know of, even when the restraints are removed."
Jun 3, 2019 9:15 pm
"You're removing their ability to perform magic against their will?" Verrian is horrified and shows it. "That's a kind of mutilation. It's... it's rape."
Jun 3, 2019 9:38 pm
Viani looks unsure between Verrian and Ildemu. So it looks as if the Crows actually do know how to cure people of magic and aren't just killing them. Her grip on the weapon becomes unsure and she lowers it slightly but still keeps it ready to attack if she feels the need to.
"Does it... does it hurt them?", she asks in a quiet, shaky voice.
Jun 3, 2019 9:53 pm
"Why don't you ask Renaya how it feels?" Verrian says harshly. "She's the recent victim of the violation, not him."
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