Chapter Two: The Hippocampus on the Cracked Lintel

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Feb 2, 2016 2:41 am
How many people are active?

Vad will be honest in his answer about the number of people.

"We can take shifts walking and riding on board if your wagon can't handle that many. As I said, extra coin, and some added protection for your trip!"
If Vad fails miserably at his attempts he will excuse himself and run off to find the nearest member of the party for some support.
Last edited February 2, 2016 2:42 am


Adding the Charm (Persuasion) - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Feb 2, 2016 6:17 am
Zangua looks to try that cold bread pudding, and pays the bartender for a small plate.
Feb 2, 2016 7:53 am
"Six of you?" the driver snorts. "We'll take a pass on that, friend."
Feb 2, 2016 12:54 pm
Who would be able to ID this mystery potion that I've been carrying around? Would it have to be a wizard/scholar type? Or would Johnny Merchant in a general store be able to recognise it (because they might sell that type of stuff)?
Feb 2, 2016 1:15 pm
BullOctorok says:
"As for medicine, what ails you? Sour stomach? Damp lungs? Headaches? Enervated masculinity? Whatever it is, I'm sure I have something for it..."
"As I say, we head for the Badgerways, so we might be in some pain if we have to tangle with some brigands or goblins." Mordred laughs a bit to emphasize that he doesn't really believe in goblins. "Do you have anything for healing wounds and restoring vitality? Also, any information you may have about the area would be appreciated." He jingles his coin purse meaningfully.
Feb 2, 2016 3:53 pm
While the others inspect the peddler's wares or investigate the inn, Felor wanders over to the octagonal holy building.

What gods do they worship around here and what do I know about them?


Religion skill check - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Feb 2, 2016 6:03 pm
The peddler raises an eyebrow at Mordred. "The Badgerways? What in the Werld draws you there? I know little about them, but there's worse things than goblins in those tunnels, I promise you that." Shaking his head, he points out some pain relieving tinctures, salves for wound rot, and teas that provide wakefulness and vitality.

Johnny Merchant would probably not be able to identify any strange substances he wasn't immediately familiar with, but a big city alchemist might be able to run diagnostics on whatever you have in your mystery vial. Hard to say until you open it and see what's in there.

Felor tries to remember what gods might be worshipped in the villages along the Hazard Road. Semla, probably? The river god, Achlus? Calu the Hunter?

The door to the octagonal holy house is ajar, and a pleasant odor of incense wafts outside.
Feb 2, 2016 6:38 pm
"Well, duty calls and we must follow. How much for three days of waybread and some of that wakeful tea?"
Feb 2, 2016 6:44 pm
"Each slice of waybread is seven silver, but I'll let you have three slices for two gold. The tea is seven copper per pouch."
Feb 2, 2016 7:05 pm
"I'll take six slices and six bags of the tea. Thank you kindly, and wish us luck against the goblins." Mordred hands the peddler 4gp and 1 sp and heads out to the road to check on Vad. On the way by the general store he picks up 12 candles, 8 pieces of chalk, 10 torches and 10 flasks of oil.

"Any luck finding a ride, Vad?"
Feb 2, 2016 10:06 pm
Semla, Achlus, Calu... not many adherents to Fjorgyn around these parts I suspect, muses Felor as he approaches the hut. Still, a goddess of the wilderness and a god of the hunt have some common ground, I'd say, and what is our quest but a hunt for a missing girl?

Felor enters the hut, intending to offer a small prayer to Calu and Fjorgyn.

Perception check, just looking around.


Perception skill check - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Feb 2, 2016 10:19 pm
Adding the Charm (Persuasion) - (1d20+3)
( 3 ) + 3 = 6
Religion skill check - (1d20+3)
( 4 ) + 3 = 7
Perception skill check - (1d20+2)
( 4 ) + 2 = 6

Dang. We need some new dice.
Feb 2, 2016 10:33 pm
Vad simply shakes his head in response to Mordred's query and motions towards the wagon. "Apparently six people is too many for them. Even offered to escort them along the way..."
Feb 2, 2016 11:35 pm
If the wagon is still around, Mord will try a Persuasion check.


Persuasion - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Feb 2, 2016 11:46 pm
Clarification: the holy house is a legit building and fairly large, maybe fifty feet wide.

Inside the holy house, Felor finds stools and benches arranged around a speaker's dais in the middle. Shrines and altars are set against the walls all around, some of them quite elaborate: a painted wooden Semla in her gown of leaves smiling down on an offering table laden with wildflowers and beeswax candles, a plaster "cave" sheltering a grim idol of Aitas with a stone bowl to collect the iron coins offered to him, a post carved with the many faces of Calu with pelts and feather charms and broken arrows piled at its base. There are smaller, rustic shrines as well, for ancestors or minor deities, some with only a few offerings, some bare and forgotten. A man in a brown robe and a cylindrical cap, certainly the village priest, sits on one of the benches, counting coins into a sorting-box.

Meanwhile, Mordred attempts to chase down the ox-wagon, but the drivers do not slow or acknowledge him.
Feb 2, 2016 11:52 pm
Felor approaches the priest, and coughs to get his attention.
"Brother, may I take a moment in your humble church to pray?"
Feb 3, 2016 12:08 am
The priest glances up and hunches somewhat protectively over the coins. "You may do as you wish, traveler."
Feb 3, 2016 12:54 am
"They have a point, six people may be too much... as loathe as I am to suggest it, perhaps we should split up? Go in two carts, in groups of three. We'd be less conspicuous that way, anyhow..." Leth muses to Vad.
Feb 3, 2016 12:58 am
NB: Wagon travel is not appreciably faster than walking.
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