CHAPTER 1: The Tainted Village of Hommlet

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Aug 9, 2019 7:00 am
The children all wave back in thanks for the silver coins, a most welcome gift in ones so young.

As you walk down the road towards the Inn, you see a large barn to the left and a smaller barn with a split rail fence yard tot he right. Continuing on, you come to a nice looking farmhouse to the right (5) and a house on the right with leather hide tacked to the door.

Further on, there is no mistake in spotting the Inn (7). The large building has a square wooden sign showing a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer. This must be the Inn of the Welcome Wench, a place renowned for its good food and excellent drink! Passing merchants make a point of stopping, as do wayfarers, and it is said the place is always filled with patrons.
Aug 9, 2019 8:24 am
I can't see the image with "HOMMLET 2"...
Aug 9, 2019 8:58 am
Cootufy looks around noticing the Leather works across the road, before getting distracted by the smells coming from the Inn making his stomach rumble, This definitely seems the place, let’s get our mounts checked to Brock and we’ll see you two inside, giving Sparkles a rub between the ears and leading her to the stables.
He’ll get his horse seen to and then head inside.
Aug 9, 2019 9:42 am
Can everybody see the map, HOMMLET 2??
Aug 9, 2019 9:44 am
Mathfuric says:
Cootufy looks around noticing the Leather works across the road, before getting distracted by the smells coming from the Inn making his stomach rumble, This definitely seems the place, let’s get our mounts checked to Brock and we’ll see you two inside, giving Sparkles a rub between the ears and leading her to the stables.
He’ll get his horse seen to and then head inside.
Does Brock agree to this?
Aug 9, 2019 12:24 pm
Still not working for me.
Aug 9, 2019 12:43 pm
i can see the map when using my phone
Aug 9, 2019 1:06 pm
I'm using a computer. might be the problem.
Aug 9, 2019 4:25 pm
GeneCortess says:
I'm using a computer. might be the problem.
I'm on PC, I can see the map. Does the rest of Imgur work for you?
Aug 9, 2019 4:53 pm
The elf glanced up and down the quiet road, bathed in the last rays of the setting sun. The noise inside the inn was raucous; surprisingly so given the rumors of troubles that plagued the area. Such was the way of men.

"I shall proceed in and speak to the innkeeper as to what lodging there is for four weary travelers. I will await you in the dining area."

He stepped lightly towards the door. A moment's hesitation, as he steeled himself for the onslaught of humanity that awaited, then he entered.
Aug 9, 2019 5:59 pm
JourneyMan says:
GeneCortess says:
I'm using a computer. might be the problem.
I'm on PC, I can see the map. Does the rest of Imgur work for you?
Yes I think so. I signed up to it and it seems to be working ok.
Aug 10, 2019 1:28 am
You walk up two steps and open the door to find yourself assaulted by the smell of good, wholesome food, the whiff of excellent ale and for the finer connoisseurs, an even finer wine.

There are two levels to this place however, you are sure that a large establishment as this would have a cellar. There are a total of 14-16 motley people in the Common Room (1). They seem to be a mix of travelers (merchants, tinkers, peddlers, etc) and local folk. There is a man sitting alone in the furthermost corner of the room. He wears robes and a cloak pulled about him. The bar (4) is ahead of you and an open arch leads away to the left where the sumptuous smells are coming from. To the right, there are two doors that lead to other rooms, possibly private rooms. Separating the two doors is an open staircase that extends up into what you assume to be the accommodation. Two serving girls are attending to the customer's needs and a large man with an apron strapped about him is just finishing wiping down a table. He then walks over to the bar to serve one of the local folk.

Overall the place is bright and cheerful. It contains several rough-hewn tables and chairs, boards, and benches. Natural tree trunk pillars support the ceiling overhead, all dark with smoke and age.
Aug 10, 2019 3:01 am
Cordon walks in with that look of adventure all over him. He looks to find a table large enough for all of us and strides to it. This place looks good.
Aug 10, 2019 8:41 am
Brock follows Cootufy and leads Charcoal to the stables. After tying up her up and making sure she has plenty of hay, Brock returns to the inn to join his companions, sitting down with Cordon at the table.

"I hope that serving girl will come this way shortly, I am as ravenous as a half-starved wolf"
Aug 10, 2019 8:57 am
After seeing to Sparkles needs and giving his pony a scratch behind the ears, he follows behind Brock into the Inn eyes searching for a card game or easy target, smiling broadly at the guy in the corner before grabbing a chair with his companions. So many interesting people don’t you think. without waiting for an answer Cootufy stands on his chair and calls out, Excuse me Moonlight Angel, indicating to one of the serving girls to come over.
Aug 10, 2019 9:01 am
The serving girl comes across and takes your orders before heading back through the arch behind the bar. The meals aren't cheap but man are they delicious.

Breakfast, plain 5cp
Breakfast, elaborate 2sp
Dinner, plain 5sp
Dinner, elaborate 2 ep
Dinner, 7 courses 2gp
Supper, plain 3sp
Supper, elaborate 7sp

Common Drink (per pint)
Ale 2sp
Ale, special 1cp
Beer, small 5 cp
Beer, heavy 1sp
Mead 1ep
Mead, special brew 15sp

Wines (per pint)
Table, local 1ep
Keoish golden 15sp
Sundish lilac 5 ep
Urnst white 1gp
Celene ruby 2gp
Furyondian emerald pale 4gp
Velunan fireamber 1pp

Brandies (per gill)
Local 1ep
Keoish 1gp
Urnst (special aged) 3gp

Ulek, Elixer, 1/2 gill 5gp

The food is delicious and obviously, the quality denotes the prosperity of the region. Choice venison, mutton, poached salmon, trout stuffed with specially prepared mixtures, goose roasted to a golden brown, pork, steaming sausages, steak and kidney pie with mushrooms or truffles, squab stuffed pheasant and boiled crayfish drawn in butter are just a few of the delights that are served here. The locally brewed ale and beer is supplemented by brews from other sites, and wine, mead, and brandy from all over the Flanaess make their way from the bar.

Meals are served on pottery, pewter, or copper services, according to the order. Various leather jacks, pottery mugs, wooden tankards, pewter steins, glass flagons, crystal goblets or silver chalices are used for potables. It would appear that whoever owns this establishment is doing very well thank you. They are also very business savvy and run the place like a well-oiled machine as wait times are not long at all.
Ensure you adjust your Character Sheets according to what you purchase!
Aug 10, 2019 9:03 am
Tani sent a note to discourage
Aug 10, 2019 9:05 am
Tani sent a note to Mathfuric
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