Character creation questions

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Sep 8, 2019 9:39 pm


Dexterity - (4d6)

(5344) = 16

Charisma - (4d6)

(2623) = 13

Sep 8, 2019 9:43 pm
Ok... Since it only processed two rolls... Here's again.

Edit: adding strength and wisdom rolls.

Strength = 12

Wisdom= 13

Intelligence = 13

Dexterity = 15

Constitution = 17

Charisma = 10
Last edited September 8, 2019 9:47 pm


Intelligence - (4d6)

(5532) = 15

Dexterity - (4d6)

(6254) = 17

Constitution - (4d6)

(6562) = 19

Charisma - (4d6)

(5223) = 12

Strength - (4d6)

(2552) = 14

Wisdom - (4d6)

(2165) = 14

Sep 8, 2019 10:46 pm
Happy with that?
Sep 8, 2019 11:49 pm
Not terribly. But I can make it work if I have to. 17 con is nothing to sneeze at.
Sep 9, 2019 2:31 am
Going with human fighter. I'll be sticking to bows as much as possible.


Health Roll - (1d10+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Starting Gold - (5d4)

(13431) = 12

Sep 9, 2019 3:03 pm
Here's what I have so far:
PLAYER: JabBurrwalky

1st level Human Fighter

Hit Probability: Normal
Damage Adjustment: Normal
Weight Adjustment: +100
Open Doors On A: 1-2
Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4%

Additional Languages: 3

Magical Attack Adjustment: None

Reaction/Atacking Adjustment: 0
Defensive Adjustment: -1

Hit Point Adjustment: +3
System Shock Survival: 97%
Resurrection Survival 98%

Max. Number of Henchman: 4
Loyalty Base: Normal
Reaction Adjustment: Normal

4 (Scale Mail 5, Dexterity -1)

BASE-TO-HIT AC: (including attack adjustments), AC/"To Hit" d20)
Melee Weapons: Longsword, Speed Factor 5, AC/Adj.: 2/20, 3/19, 4/17, 5/16, 6/15, 7/14, 8/13, 9/11, 10/9, Damage: S-M 1-8, L 1-12

Ranged Weapons: Short Bow, Fire Rate: 2, Range: S5 M10 L15, AC/Adj.: 2/24, 3/22, 4/18, 5/16, 6/15, 7/13, 8/11, 9/10, 10/9

Proficiencies: Short Bow, Heavy Crossbow, Long Sword, Bec de Corbin,
Non-Proficiency Penalty: -2

Paralysis, Poison or Death Ray: 16
Petrification or Polymorph: 17
Rod, Stave or Wand: 18
Breath Weapon: 20
Spell: 19

Common, Chaotic Good, Elf, Goblin, Orc


Scale Mail
Small Helm
Short Bow
Quiver, Arrow (20 cap) Arrows x 20
Long Sword
Low soft Boots
Leather Backpack
Hooded Lantern
Oil flask
Belt Pouch Large
Belt pouch Small: 5 GP 5 sp
Iron Rations: 3 weeks
Water Skin
Here's what I can't figure out or find in the PHB:
Base To-Hit score.
Saving Throw values.
The weights of items.
What a Helmet is for.
How to calculate my base movement.

Could someone please help me with these parts?
Last edited September 9, 2019 9:08 pm
Sep 9, 2019 7:55 pm
These are in the DMG, hence why you can't find them

Base To-Hit Score: p74 (or here)
Saving Throws: p79 (or here)

EDIT: I'm hoping it's not a breach of copyright to point to a google search result...?

Weapon weights are in the table on p37 of the PHB. Armor weights are on p27 of the DMG, other item weights are on p225 of the DMG.
Last edited September 9, 2019 8:09 pm
Sep 9, 2019 8:45 pm
So if my longsword had a To Hit adjustment of -2 vs AC 2, does that change my To Hit number vs AC 2 from 18 to 20 or from 18 to 16?
Sep 9, 2019 8:54 pm
I think that's a -2 to your roll (the table is called "To Hit Adjustment"), so you'd need to roll a 20.

But I'm absolutely not an expert. Just enjoying wading through these old rules.
Nov 8, 2019 9:12 am
Hey there, thanks for having me, Tani. I'll start character creation here. So far we have a human cleric and a human fighter, a halfling thief, an elf F/M-U, correct?

Rolls coming up:


Roll1 - (4d6)

(3255) = 15

Roll2 - (4d6)

(5464) = 19

Roll3 - (4d6)

(4612) = 13

Roll4 - (4d6)

(2153) = 11

Roll5 - (4d6)

(3314) = 11

Roll6 - (4d6)

(3426) = 15

Nov 8, 2019 10:20 am
Stats rolled 13, 15, 12, 10, 10, 13.

Given the current balance of the party, I was leaning towards a first line combatant type. I would have loved to qualify for a ranger, but I'd need one attribute to be higher. I hesitate between a half-elven fighter/cleric, or a straightforward human fighter, but I think I'll pick the former, because the additional healing and spell-casting my prove useful over time, even if limited at higher levels.

Cynara (Zutami)
female half-elf
Fighter / Cleric of Istus
Lawful Neutral

STR 13 [weight allowance +100, Open door 1-2/6, 4% bend bars]
INT 12
WIS 15 [+1 on mind-affecting spell/effect saves, bonus spells 2 (lvl1) / 1 (lvl2)]
DEX 10
CON 10 [70% shock survival, 75% resurrection survival]
CHA 13 [5 mx henchmen, +5% reaction]

Current XP (needed): 0 (1500) / 0 (2000)

Combat Stats

Armor class 4 (chain and shield)
Maximum movement 90' (chainmail)
Saving throws

HP 5 [F/C: 9/1, ]

Languages: Common, LN, elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orc, gnoll

Racial and class features
- not limited by cleric weapon limitations
- 30% resistance to sleep and charm spells
- infravision 60'
- 1 in 6 chance of autodetecting secret doors
- 2 in 6 chance of detecting secret doors (3 in 6 for concealed doors)
- turn undead

Weapon proficiencies
(Fighter 4 / Cleric 2)
Ftr: Longsword, Spear, Morning star, Short bow
Clr: Staff, sling

Starting gold: 130 (spent 129gp, 8sp, 5cp)
Current currency: 1sp, 5cp
(Weight Allowance: 450 / 800/ 1150/

Chain mail (75gp, 300cn)
Small shield (10gp, 100cn)
Longsword & scabbard (15gp, 60cn) [SF 5, 1-8/1-12]
Spear (1gp, 50cn) [10', SF 7; 1-6/1-8, can be set against charge]
Short bow (15gp, 50cn) [RoF 2; Range 5/10/15]
24 arrows (2gp, 48cn) [Dmg 1d6/1d6]
Quiver (12sp, 30cn)

Belt (3sp, 3cn)
High, soft boots (1gp, 30cn)
Clerical robes (6sp, )
Cloak (5sp, )
Leather backpack (2gp, 20cn) [contains 3 cu. ft.; 300cn]
Large beltpouch (1gp,10cn) [contains 1/2 cu. ft.; 50cn ]
Large sack (16sp,20cn) [contains 4 cu. ft.; 400cn]
Waterskin (15sp, 5-50cn)
Tinderbox (1gp, 2cn)
Rope, 50' (4sp, 75cn)
5 torches (5cp, 100cn)

Spindle shaped wooden holy symbol (7sp, )

Can cast 3 1st-level spells per day
Bless, CLW, CLW


Illegitimate daughter of a bakluni mother, and of a (now-deceased) elven sell-sword, Cynara has been on the road for a number of years. Her mother was the scion of a wealthy family of traders from the caliphate of Ekbir, who during her early years accompanied and later led trade expeditions from the Dramidj Ocean to Ket and beyond. Soraya fell in love with an elven sell-sword who had been charged with her protection during one such very long trade expedition, and the fruit of their unlawful tryst was the child Cynara. The father fled soon after the pregnancy was discovered, as much out of fear of retribution as out of indifference towards his offspring. Shunned by her maternal family, and deprived of any rights by the caliphate's laws, Cynara was nonetheless protected for many years by her mother. She bears no family name, and was not admitted into the household as a relative, but was tolerated by the disappointed and spiteful grandparents whose considerable wealth bought her as fine an education as could be hoped. Soraya's later marriage to an Ekbirian notable, around Cynara's teen years created a wedge between them; hoping both to protect her daughter, but also to distance her from the new family, Soraya dispatched her illegitamate daughter to a nunnery of the Ladies of Fate, where Cynara began the lengthy training in the priestly devotions of Istus. Wanderlust, curiosity about her origins and about the wider world eventually led the newly minted acolyte to seek adventure abroad. She served as a caravan guard and trained as a fighter on the two-year long pilgrimage to the Central flaeness. At the borders of the Gnarley forest, she discovered that her father had never returned to his village in the woods, and was reputed dead as a wealth-seeking mercenary in skirmishes along the Wild Coast, a meaningless end to a valueless life (or so it seemed to Cynara). Finding herself alone, and in need of a purpose, Cynara spent weeks in feverish prayer. At one point she heard of troubles brewing in the Village of Homlett, and considered this a call to action from her goddess.

Does this work, Tani?
Last edited November 8, 2019 1:03 pm


Hit points (ftr, clr) - (1d10, 1d8)

1d10 : (9) = 9

1d8 : (1) = 1

Starting gold - (5d4)

(44131) = 13

Nov 10, 2019 12:30 am
I'm looking at a Fighter type character. The abilities are ST: 17 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 12 Wil 11 Cha 10

After I've dug up my 40 year old AD&D First Edition books I'll try to put something more complete together but I've got eye surgery on Monday so there may be some delay.
Nov 14, 2019 9:38 am


Sttength - (4d6)

(1125) = 9

Dexterity - (4d6)

(6115) = 13

Constitution - (4d6)

(2244) = 12

Intelligence - (4d6)

(1326) = 12

Wisdom - (4d6)

(4561) = 16

Charisma - (4d6)

(2522) = 11

Nov 14, 2019 9:46 am
STR 8, DEX 12, CON10, INT 11, WIS 15, CHA 10. Sigh.

Can I kill this guy and start over?
Last edited November 14, 2019 9:49 am
Nov 17, 2019 11:27 pm
Still having a little trouble seeing even after the surgery. I finally found my 1st edition books. I've finally decided on a dwarven fighter. Just need to figure out saving throws, secondary skills and gear.
Nov 18, 2019 12:44 am
Rolls for money and hit points


Starting gold, Hit points - (5d4, 1d10)

5d4 : (12343) = 13

1d10 : (5) = 5

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