Chapter 5: Pleased to Meet You

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Sep 12, 2019 4:52 pm
To the man, Verrian says, "So you're going to get a farm up and running? What kinds of things are you going to grow? I hope you'll be able to find some viable seeds. Who knows what effect the storms will have had on things like that."


Grasping at straws (knowledge: local) - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Sep 12, 2019 4:57 pm
Moon and I posted at the same time, just so my thing doesn't get lost on the previous page. My bad!
Sep 12, 2019 5:03 pm
Elora leaves the conversing to those better suited to parsing these strangers words, and instead tries to examine them without looking to obvious or obtrusive. Wouldn't want to be rude.


Arcana - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

Dungeoneering - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Nature - (1d20+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Sep 12, 2019 6:31 pm
Wil listens for the answer about farming. It is something he knows well.


He has farming profession - (1D20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Sep 13, 2019 12:01 am
Coreene does her best not to react to the warning, but does watch the eating woman more closely.


Perception - (1d20+11)

(12) + 11 = 23

Sep 13, 2019 4:15 pm
Once Verrian gives the warning, it doesn't take a keen eye to notice something is out of the ordinary.

Within moments, the food the woman had taken is gone. Devoured. And she's looking around for other things to eat.

She sidles up to one of the men, as though trying to be sneaky, and her hand shoots out to try and steal something from him. He turns with alarming quickness and... you can watch it happen. His mouth and lower jaw quickly grow large and distended. He snaps his teeth at her -- teeth that haven't changed at all from their human form -- and she jumps back. Suddenly, she bellows out, "HUNGRY! SO VERY HUNGRY!" and jumps on the man. They begin wrestling on the ground, weirdly giant jaws snapping at one another ineffectively. The man's food share tumbles to the ground, and the other man and woman -- not the one who's been speaking to you, though -- scurry over to start gathering it up, snarling warnings at each other, muttering, "hungry... so very hungry" while their companions try and gnaw on each other.

The man who's been speaking turns crestfallen, his face falling into an almost comically large frown as his features broaden and elongate too. His speech is halting and slurred from his growing jaw. "Wery sorry... you see, we're so wery hungry." He gestures at the scene as if those words explain everything.

"Stop! Stop, you aglax iasutur wak!" he yells at them, waving his arms in the air to try and get their attention.

At least, you think that's what he calls them. It's not a language any of you understand, that's for certain. The situation is growing increasingly chaotic despite the ... man's? ... best efforts to calm it down, but they don't seem to be threatening you at all yet.
Sep 13, 2019 5:19 pm
When the commotion breaks out, Verrian's training kicks in - she doesn't outwardly react at all, except to step in such a way as to remain clear of the physical altercations and to make sure her friends are also well clear of it.

@All: Don't do anything aggressive until they threaten us. I'd like to find out exactly what we're dealing with.

Raising her voice just enough to be heard over the yelling, Verrian says to the man, "I think it's time to drop your ruse, my friend. We mean you no harm. Why don't you tell us what you really are?"
Sep 13, 2019 7:54 pm
Elora instinctively takes a step back, stopping herself from also jumping in shock. Verrain's words help steady herself, and so she simply watches with a healthy amount of caution. "I really hope they don't eat...people." Elora says very quietly, not even sure if anyone can even hear her.
Sep 16, 2019 9:33 pm
Everything goes crazy seemingly all at once. The two wrestling on the ground seem to have lost all conscious thought, and any intelligible language for that matter. They continue gnawing at one another, though they both whine at their apparent inability to do much damage with the meager teeth their forms have been cursed with. In trying to gather up the scattered food, the other two come to blows. "MINE!" yells the man, as the woman rips a sack from his hands, and he leaps atop her, his grotesquely sized mouth covering the entire top of her head for a moment. He spits her out, and you think you hear him complaining about hair in his mouth. She growls in response and starts swiping at him with her hands as though expecting to gut him with her fingernails... which aren't nearly long enough for that.

The fellow that had been speaking to you is darting back and forth between conflicts, flapping his arms ineffectually, continuing to babble in some unknown language, distraught. After a few moments, he speaks to Verrian -- yells, really, over the sounds of battle -- "Go! Please just go, and everything will settle down! Please, before they actually do hurt each other?"

His words are mushy and slurred through the bizarre anatomy of his mouth and jaw, but they're clear enough.
Sep 16, 2019 9:56 pm
Admittedly, nothing in Verrian's training has prepared her for this or any remotely analogous situation. She looks to her companions and gives a slight shrugging motion with one shoulder. @All: Any objections to us just leaving, as he asks?
Sep 16, 2019 10:58 pm
@All: I think that is the best course of action. I do not think they mean us harm, so we best leave on the off chance they have no choice. Coreene replies. She looks upon the spectacle with pity. She has seen how some have been affected by the world's changes. Assuming these were mutants, they at least had the cognizance to not want to hurt anyone, but are still slave to more base instincts...
Last edited September 16, 2019 11:16 pm
Sep 16, 2019 11:15 pm
Uelten backs away, but will make sure his bow is strung. You know, all subtle like.
Sep 16, 2019 11:35 pm
Ember follows, but she stares as she walks away. She holds her hand out and purses her lips, whistling slightly before she does.
Casting "Detect Magic" on the scuffle.
Sep 17, 2019 12:04 am
Wil shrugs.
I would like to say that it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen...but it's not.

Let's move along I guess.
Sep 17, 2019 2:03 pm
Yelnar backs away slowly, and before turning to walk away, hurls a couple pieces of manticore meat meat as far as possible towards the creatures.

The mix of pity and disgust warring within the pit of his stomach casts a bleak look over his features. Were these another group of unfortunates who got stuck out in a storm? Or the result of some depraved mages experimentation? He wonders if it wouldn’t be a mercy to just kill them all and end their suffering, but one of them seemed able to resist the effects to an extent. They seemed ill equipped for survival in the wilderness, so perhaps it wiser to allow nature to take its course.

He trudges on, trying to cast his mind forward to what is to come.
Sep 17, 2019 5:52 pm
Ember's spell reveals no particular magical aura around the... whatever they are. Whether they're natural creatures or mutants of the war, their curious characteristics are a permanent and physical part of them now.

You ride away, though it's hard not to look back over your shoulder and see just how the bizarre melee is progressing. Try as he might, your liaison to the weird little group hasn't managed to completely separate everyone yet. There's little else to do but ride on.

The rest of that day and the evening pass uneventfully. Given your experience, you take a little extra time to find a secluded spot to make camp, but no one bothers you. On the final day of your journey, you reach the outlying farms and fields surrounding Hara. Like much of the city itself, this area has been laid to waste and barely rebuilt in the time following the War. There are a few scruffy farms here and there, though this early in the spring, there is little evidence of crops being grown. The farmers you pass are generally tired, worn-down individuals working with poor quality tools and rawboned animals. Those close to the road watch you warily as you pass: you get the sense that well-dressed and healthy passersby are a rare sight, and worthy of suspicion. A few head of cattle meander and graze listlessly on scrubby grass, certainly not well-fed.

Your companions who have spent time in Hara know that there is little money available to purchase new tools or hire any of the few extra hands to improve these places, and there has been little help forthcoming either from the newest rulers of Hara or from neighboring towns or nations. Everyone is caught up in their own survival.


Top Secret Roll

Sep 17, 2019 5:56 pm
"Never before has so much food been appreciated by so few people so vehemently. " Uelten is glad to put that strange bunch behind them, and not left starving.
Sep 17, 2019 6:56 pm
Leaving behind the melee of the strange mutants, Verrian finds that it's hours before the mixture of compassion and revulsion she feels fully dissipates. Whether those pitiable creatures are the result of one of the magical storms or not, the encounter makes her uncomfortably aware that she and her friends are terribly exposed. If a storm should crop up, would they be able to find suitable shelter in time?

The question makes her shudder, very slightly.

Once they reach the farmland outskirts of Hara, she addresses the party.

"We've been over Coreene's and Uelten's account of the security protocols at Hara. Before we go further, we need to formulate a plan for getting through the gates. Let's do some brainstorming."

Gesturing toward her fellow Naucan, she continues. "Coreene and I can easily disguise ourselves to hide the fact that we're Naucans. We can look like pretty much anyone. We should try to leverage that."
Sep 17, 2019 7:46 pm
Didn't you mention that they have a way to detect magic users? Also, if the guards are checking everyone who goes in and out, then I think any magic users could be in danger going through the gates.

We could send in the non magic users one or two at a time and meet in there with the mages coming in at night over the wall.

Or, and I don't like this plan, but one of the magic users could go through and see if they get captured. Then we would have someone on the inside to ready the prisoners and we break everyone out at once.
Last edited September 17, 2019 7:47 pm
Sep 17, 2019 9:40 pm
" for the first plan Wil. If anyone gets caught they will need to get bailed out before the situation escalates."
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