003 - Delve 1 - Beyond the Door

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Oct 27, 2019 1:35 pm
Ishmee quickly followed Calvas down the ladder. She went to the front of the boat to steady that end to make it easier for the others to get on board. While she waited for the others to descend, she looked down at the skull that was still carefully situated on her bag in the bow of the little ship. The sight of those tusks made her smile.
Oct 28, 2019 1:02 am
Nym climbs down into the boat, resuming his previous position in the back-right.
Oct 28, 2019 11:06 pm
Vinny climbs down and takes his spot at the back of the boat, once everyone is in he closes one eye and commands "Shove off me hearties! Yo Ho!" pushing the boat away from the ledge with the pole.
Oct 29, 2019 9:31 pm
Alissia is sitting next to Nym, leaning her head on his shoulder a little. She's tired but doesn't want to admit it, as well as worried that Calvas and Nym or someone else might disagree more
Oct 29, 2019 11:18 pm
With some encouragement from the heroes, the little boat began to slowly move through the water toward the exit from the cavern on the eastern side and into a long tunnel.

The water very quickly grew much deeper in the tunnel beyond the cavern where they fought the bats. The ceiling was close overhead—they could reach up and touch it with their hands—but the pole would no longer touch the bottom. The deeper water slowed the current down considerably, and the heroes had to paddle to keep up their usual speed. The tunnel remained its current width of about fifteen feet throughout.

After about five minutes of rowing through a dark and winding tunnel, the ceiling above dropped significantly to the point where the heroes would have to duck down into the bottom of the boat to keep their heads from hitting the rock. If they wanted to keep going, the heroes would have to sit in the bottom of the boat, lower their heads, and drift along virtually blind until the tunnel opened up again....if it opened up again.
Oct 29, 2019 11:28 pm
Before the ceiling got too low, Ishmee stood up, put her shoulder and head against the rock above, and stomped her ill-fitting boot on the seat in front of her to bring the boat to a stop. She was facing the others as she stood in the front of the boat.

"Well, it is about to get tight in here. Do we keep going or do we turn back?"
Oct 30, 2019 7:33 am
"I… I think we should turn back," says Nym. He sounds nervous but, then again, he always does. "We have no way of knowing what’s down there and no way of knowing we can get back out. Maybe if we had some way of seeing what's ahead of us…"
Oct 30, 2019 12:48 pm
Alissia nods slowly "I'd say go back. Sleep and get ready for the day...come back either when we have a way to see or when we decide to."
Oct 30, 2019 6:27 pm
"I am...not against leaving for now." Lieria comments while peering at the low hanging ceiling.
Oct 30, 2019 6:44 pm
Yes I agree. This way bears unpredictable risks. We could go through a short dive and then come up again or we could be caught in an underwater stream and drown.
He turns to Alice. But I think we should keep exloring a bit more. It's not that late. What would you say if we just explored the other tunnel that we saw in the underground lake earlier? And if we see any kind of danger like bats or frogmen we turn back and call it a day. Calvas furrows his eyebrows Or more precisely we'd call it a night. We are the first ones in this system of caves for at least a hundred years. There is so much to be seen, to be discovered. I'm convinced there is reason why the citadel stands at exactly this place and why this cave system is not mentioned anywhere. Something waits down here. Maybe it's destiny, maybe a lucky coincidence but we now have the chance to discover a part of a history that most people aren't even aware of...
Oct 31, 2019 12:26 am
Crouching in the back of the boat Vinny adds his input "I'm good with turning around, limbo wasn't really my game growing up. Tail tends to get in the way."
Oct 31, 2019 10:21 pm
"We won't get stuck."

Ishmee used her shoulder to push the boat back against the current a few feet to demonstrate how easy it was.

"This water isn't going nearly fast enough for us to get stuck or to suck this boat under water. But if the ceiling gets any lower, the boat won't go any further." She pressed with her shoulder again to stop the boat from moving. "I'm fine with going back. If we run into any bats or frog creatures, we won't just be able to turn around and leave. We'll need to fight them." Ishmee grinned when she said "fight."
Nov 1, 2019 10:51 am
"We’ll go back and explore the other passage then?" says Nym, hopeful. This horrible, little tunnel is making him claustrophobic but he’s not yet tired and he doesn’t want to leave outright. "The one that went left when we turned right?"
Nov 1, 2019 10:26 pm
Rowing and pushing the boat against the current made going back a good bit slower. They passed back through the cavern where they fought the bats and into the tunnel beyond. They rowed their way to the split in the tunnel. Going into the mountain, they had taken the right fork in the tunnel. The left tunnel had meandered gently off to the left. Now they were at a kind of "T" in the tunnel. They could go left to head back to the stinking lake, or they could go right down that left-hand passage they passed on their way in.
Nov 2, 2019 4:08 pm
With Vinny's help, Ishmee rowed the boat against the wall at the fork in the tunnel. She wedged them in so the boat came to a stop long enough for Ishmee to grab the wall and hold the boat in place.

"Do we take the left split here, or do we go back further and take the other passage out of the sinking lake."
Nov 2, 2019 4:43 pm
"Further back in case of trouble?" Lieria doesn't speak with much conviction, scratching her head. "Which split are you referring to Nym?"
Nov 2, 2019 11:42 pm
"Th-this one. I was referring to this split but I don’t mind going back to the lake, if you would prefer…"
Nov 3, 2019 1:34 pm
Alissia is definitely much more uncomfortable now that they didn't have much room, knowing that, if she fell out, she would have no way to save herself
Nov 4, 2019 9:48 pm
Ishmee didn't hear anyone preferring to go back to the stinking lake.

"Away we go."

Ishmee pushed off from the wall and rowed them around the corner to the right. The current quickly picked up under the boat and began pushing them along again down the left side of the split. The rowing immediately got much easier.
Nov 5, 2019 12:51 pm
The water flowed more quickly though this passage, because the tunnel was a good bit shallower. Vinny could easily touch the bottom with his pole. The walls of the tunnel kept their even spacing, about thirty feet apart. The ceiling was also about that high above the water.


After almost fifteen minutes of rowing and floating, the young heroes began to see a faint light up ahead. About sixty feet in front of them the tunnel opened up into cavern that was faintly lit with more of the glowing mushrooms.


Out of nowhere an small black arrow flew out of the darkness form up ahead and stuck itself into the bow of the boat.


Another arrow whizzed by Ishmee's ear. Up ahead in the cavern, on either side of the entrance, high up on the rocks, the young heroes could see four sets of glowing red eyes and the shadowy shapes of four small heads. They were under attack!

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