003 - Delve 1 - Beyond the Door

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Nov 13, 2019 2:06 am
The boat continued to carry the heroes forward into the deadly ambush. Nym used his eldritch blast to strike another of the red-eyed creatures. The eyes went dark, and the head disappeared behind the rocks. The remaining set of red eyes stretched up and shot another of the small, barbed arrows. This one found its way to Vinny with perilous accuracy.
Nov 13, 2019 12:18 pm
Ishmee knew that going forward was dumb. They were rowing into an ambush at a huge tactical advantage without knowing where they were going or how many foes they were facing. To this point, the number of foes as been practically limitless. They were probably all going to die. Right on cue, Ishmee saw over her shoulder Vinny get struck by an arrow and go down.

Then a voice from deep down in Ishmee's soul, a voice she didn't immediately recognize, growled, "All foes must die."

Yes, yes they must! And wouldn't it be better to die in battle than to return to her bed anyway. In that moment it all sounded so reasonable.

"Forward! Row!" Ishmee bellowed! She grabbed up her bow again, took aim, and loosed an arrow. The shadowy head was struck right between the eyes and disappeared down behind the rocks. She threw her bow down into the boat and took up her sword and shield. Ishmee planted her foot on the bow of the ship and put her shield forward, making herself as large as she could. She would take all the arrows while her battle companions pushed her forward into battle.

"Behind me! And row!"
Nov 13, 2019 8:47 pm
Lieria does as Ishmee commands, feeling a little intimidated by this new tone she has taken. She stops briefly as Vinny goes down, but resumes as he is given care.
Nov 14, 2019 2:08 am
Calvas eyes go wide as Ishmee bellowed her command. He wanted to object but ultimatly decided that this is not the time for discussions. He grabs an oar and begins rowing
Nov 14, 2019 2:22 am
Likewise, Nym takes up an oar and starts rowing, ducking his head to avoid being struck by any arrows that may come his way.
Nov 15, 2019 12:15 am

With Vinny still unconscious in the back of the boat, the heroes rowed into the cavern where the ambush took place. From their vantage down on the river, they could see a little bit of what they were getting themselves into.

The cavern was lit by more of those glowing mushrooms. The river flowed straight ahead and disappeared into a tunnel in the wall under a small bridge that connected the two halves of the cavern together.

The right side of the cavern was empty save for a small pile of rocks and the remains of an old wooden wall. The left side of the cavern had a set of wooden stairs leading up about fifteen feet from the river to the cavern floor. In the middle of the cavern floor on the right side was a stinking pile of refuse and bones. Straight ahead, above where the river disappeared into the wall, a wooden walkway led to a small round tunnel that disappeared into the underground blackness.
Nov 15, 2019 5:42 am
Lieria sighs in relief now that the danger has passed for now, giving her time to take stock of their situation. In her hand lies the last of her berries which she stares at in contemplation. "I'm going to...'wake up' Vinny. My resources are almost nonexistent."

Set on a course Lieria gently positions Vinny upright, carefully opening his mouth by squeezing his cheeks with one hand. "No one is allowed to bring this up." With her other hand she pushes a goodberry into his mouth. Next she grabs his face with both hands and moves his jaw up and down to simulate chewing. Lieria feels very silly doing this, silently wishing she took more medicine classes.
Nov 15, 2019 9:31 pm
Ishmee jumped out onto the stairs as soon as the boat was near enough. She ran up to the top of the stairs, sword and shield at the ready, and scanned the area for enemies.
Nov 15, 2019 11:03 pm
Calvas too, thought that there are probably some remaining enemies nearby.
He jumped after Ishmee and loaded his crossbow.
I think one of them is sleeping over there
Calvas pointed to the position where he saw the red eyes before he hit them with his sleep spell
Last edited November 15, 2019 11:03 pm
Nov 16, 2019 12:31 am
From where she stood on the stairs, Ishmee had a pretty good view of the ledge upon which their attackers had perched themselves. She could see no sleeping creatures and no bodies of the ones they killed.
Nov 16, 2019 1:29 am
Eager to be out of Lieria’s way so that she can better help Vinny, Nym gets out of the boat and follows Ishmee and Calvas a little ways up the stairs, drawing one of his scimitars just to be on the safe side though there’s no sign of any more of those creatures. There are a lot of bones up here, he notes with a small shudder. The skeletons' staring empty eye sockets make him feel uneasy.
Last edited November 16, 2019 1:30 am
Nov 17, 2019 12:44 am
When she saw that the coast was clear, the fire went out of Ishmee's belly. She stooped down and picked up one of the skulls lying about in the gory pile.

"What sort of creature is this?"

She took the tip of her sword and rummaged around in the pile in her immediate vicinity to see what that might reveal.

"One of you, check out the ledges over there, the ambush spots. See if you can see anything."
Nov 17, 2019 6:24 am
"O-okay!" says Nym, glad that Ishmee is taking charge of the situation. "I’ll go check out the ledge over there." He points at the ledge on the right side of the cavern where one of the creatures had previously been hiding. Careful not to step on any bones, he makes his way over to the very rickety-looking bridge. It doesn’t seem very well-constructed to Nym and he's not sure he trusts it to bear his weight. He prods one of the wooden slats with his scimitar and, if it doesn’t immediately fall apart, will begin to tentatively make his way across.
Last edited November 17, 2019 11:10 am
Nov 17, 2019 12:32 pm
Wratched says:
"What sort of creature is this?"
The skull was small, the skull of a child, but it also looked a bit deformed. Perhaps that was because the bones had been slowly warn and crushed over the ages or perhaps it was the skull of some other creature, a halfling or something else entirely. The other skulls and bones around the ledge looked equally small.
oopsylon says:
He....will begin to tentatively make his way across.
The boards sagged and creaked, but the bridge held Nym. The other side of the cavern chamber was much less interesting than the one he left, largely empty. As he made his way to the front of the cavern to see the spots where their ambusher had taken up their positions, Nym saw the scorch marks from the magical flames and the remains of several broken arrows, one of which must have been Ishmee's. He also saw drag marks in the dust and what might have been footprints.
Nov 17, 2019 2:33 pm
Vinny wakes up to see Lieria kneeling over him, moving his jaw up and down like a ventriloquist with a dummy. He whispers "Thanks Lieria.... what happened?" as he tries to get his bearings sitting up and looking around.
Nov 17, 2019 3:47 pm
Where have they gone? Calvas looks around and doesn't see anyone here. Have they fled? I'll have a look over there
Carefully Calvas nears the tunnel that leads deeper into the cavern and presses his shoulder against the wall.
He then raises his loaded crossbow and with a swift motion he turns around the corner and examined it for enemies, ready to shoot at anything that moves in there.
Nov 17, 2019 6:03 pm
Lieria quickly removes her hands, looking away for a second as she composes herself. "You were struck by an arrow." She looks back at him, noticing the arrow is still lodged in his body. "You...will require more medical attention. But for now-" Lieria reignites her staff, not that she necessarily needs it to see, but felt it helped anyways. "-the others are investigating, hopefully with haste. We are not welcome here, and have overstayed our welcome."
Nov 19, 2019 12:53 pm
Wratched says:
She took the tip of her sword and rummaged around in the pile in her immediate vicinity to see what that might reveal.
Ishmee's search turned up little that she didn't already know. The area was littered with small bones, the bones of children or some small creatures. There were also rotting clothes here, the droppings of creature, some large and some small. Ishmee couldn't tell how fresh the bones might be, but the whole place certainly smelled "fresh" once she started digging around.
Scrol says:
He then raises his loaded crossbow and with a swift motion he turns around the corner and examined it for enemies, ready to shoot at anything that moves in there.
The tunnel was small and empty, as far as Calvas could tell. The tunnel was large enough for a tall man to crawl comfortably on his hands and knees. Smaller creatures might have been able to walk in that tunnel it they stooped their heads. The tunnel appeared to be naturally occurring, carved by the flowing of water over the centuries. But now the tunnel was dry. It stretched straight into the rock wall, and then turned to the right out of sight right at the limits of Calvas' vision.

Nym, likewise, looked around at the footprints and the drag marks. They all led from the front of the cavern room toward the back. Other footprints he found that went both ways. The area appeared to be well-trodden.
Nov 19, 2019 6:09 pm
Alissia hadn't moved, distracted by Liera's...medical brilliance??? Once Vinny was awake, Alissia joined them both "For a brief second after she put the berry in your mouth, I thought she was going to kiss you, not going to lie." Alissia smirks, decided to try and out-Vinny Vinny
Nov 19, 2019 6:29 pm
No one in here. At least as far as I can tell. Calvas lowers his crossbow. He ponders wether he should crawl into the tunnel but as soon as he even thinks about it his wounded shoulder begins to hurt.
He looks back at Ishmee. Have you found anything? There's nothing here. Just a small tunnel
Calvas steps back and explores the cavern a bit. He follows Nym over the bridge and begins to poke in the refuse pile
Maybe there's something in here that sheds light on the mysterious attackers...
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