Mission 1(The Raid):

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Mar 27, 2020 2:01 am
Yup, it is getting quite "interesting"...
The cart goes to a sudden stop as Reeve places his hand on it. As it does so, the chest tumbles out due to momentum. The sounds of contents inside thinking about can be heard.
It's Reeve's turn again then Ash and Gabrien, unless you decide to settle things diplomatically.
Mar 27, 2020 3:21 am
Reeve will try to push Ash away from the cart and put himself between him and the cart if he succeed.


Might roll - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Apr 14, 2020 3:57 pm
Alright. Now with all your replies, I'll go with fast forwarding the scene. But, I'll be asking questions along the way at some parts, to see what your character will opt to do at certain points.
While you three are wrestling with each other with the goods, the chest eventually opens up in the scuffle. Inside are 3 odd items roughly the size of a palm.

One of them is a piece of blue stone carved into the shape of a dragon. It glows brightly upon being exposed to the sunlight, and it shoots out a projection of a dragon's head. You all stopped your fighting as you watch in surprise as it speaks.

"Cease this bickering, Human mortals! I am the dragon Panarsi! The guardian of the Rune city of Leudon! I recognise you, Dragon Slayer! You have defeated my brother, Yolodon. I bear to you no ill will, for he deserved his fate for feeding on the scattered humans.

I know you all would be distrusting to follow a dragon's word. But recognise that I am one of the few of my kind that still has faith in the Humans. So I too hope that you will too, atleast, listen to what I have to say.

Within the city that was once ruled by Mankind, there is a great dungeon where I am kept. I do not need you to free me, instead, there is something far more important. There is gateway also hidden within the complex. One that I need you to seek. The true nature of the gateway is dangerous for me to explain here, but know that you will be greatly compensated with some of the treasures that is kept here as well. I shall await you."

With that, the image of the female voiced dragon disolves, and the stone statue stops glowing.
Apr 14, 2020 4:01 pm
some questions:

Will you return to the camp with your crates of food?
What personal motivation would you have about exploring this task?
How will you split the Cypher items that remains in the wheel barrow and the chest? (I'll explain soon.)


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Apr 14, 2020 4:14 pm
"I can see why you wanted the chest now... Ashe Lightbane, former assassin, currently recon and resource procurement." Ash states before looking at the dragon's former image to his pseudo twin and back before giving him a knowing look that tings connect, "It's probably related to them. But we need to resolve some things... mostly for benefits Dragon Slayer." he states in an even tone.
Ash would likely want to know how they'll resolve things I'm up for it in ICly or OoCly.
Apr 14, 2020 4:14 pm
[ +- ] Chest contents:
[ +- ] Wheelbarrow remaining items
[ +- ] What Gabrien has on him
Ash has the material-transporting bag.
Also, you may settle IC or OOC. Whichever is convenient/better for you guys.
Apr 14, 2020 4:36 pm
We still have the other two dragon things from the advisor and I still have the pocket recursion cypher.
Apr 14, 2020 4:37 pm
The two of the people eventually catch up with you. They admitted themselves that they are responsible for the raid on the monsters in the town. They also reveal that they were, on orders by the leaders of the Desert camp, to sell the chest's contents to the settlement called Wet Stone. They have been there once before, and had a rough idea of how to reach it. They accidentally mentioned that the interested buyers are monsters, exposing the hypocrisy of the leaders about interacting with monsters.
What do you plan to do with these guys?
Apr 14, 2020 9:29 pm
"Reeve Aitken, hero"

Reeve express is intention to find this dungeon, he feel like destiny is calling. Either he'll find something important for Humanity or he'll get to kill a dragon, both are fine with him.

Considering his duty for the Desert camp done, he doesnt care much about the two guys.
Apr 15, 2020 12:54 pm
Ash checks them over and makes sure the person he knocked out doesn't have a possible concussion and sends them away to their own devices but warns doing what they did again.

"We've some entities to see and need to report back in. We were technically just suppose to scout and make first contact if possible with fire people before your client went and killed and pillaged out of convenience." Ash states looking to his doppelganger twin to see his thoughts.
Apr 15, 2020 1:10 pm
Gabrien nods at Ash. "We should return this food and inform them of peace with the -- burners? Burning men? Burninians? But this dragon looks great, we should go find him right after."

To Reeve, he says, "You're welcome to come with us. Or villages isn't too far from here, and then if you're interested in the dragon, that's where we'll go next." To Ash, he adds, "Right?"
Apr 15, 2020 1:23 pm
Ash nods in agreement moving the supplies to their own cart and giving back the dessert duo's cart.
Apr 16, 2020 8:59 pm
"That sounds like a plan."
Apr 17, 2020 9:45 am
The duo nervously take back their stuff and campsite and left.
Do you return the chest and the contents to them?
Apr 17, 2020 9:51 am
You return back to your village camp without further problems. As you report back to the leader, he felt relieved that you all made it back safely and with some food supplies. "I'm sure you all have done a fine extermination job. There is no point in questioning some of my finest fighters." He says proudly to you guys. "You came from the desert region? Can't say I envy you. If you want to join us, we are welcome for someone as tough looking as you." The leader says to Reeve.
The local elderly priest that spoke with you before came up again. "There is something in the air today. Something feeling wrong... As if the Past was somehow forgotten and the present changed..." He looks at you three nervously and backs away.
You all gain 4xp from "completing" this mission.
Apr 17, 2020 10:20 am
Do you return the chest and the contents to them?
Do we know which city the dragon was referring too and do we need to bring the statuette there?
Apart from that, Reeve has no interest over the chest and stuff.
@Leader "I'll keep that in mind Sir. Alas for now, a quest is calling me and I do not know when and where it is gonna end.

I might be interested in some trading while i'm here, do you have by chance a decent heavy armor to sell or exchange?"

Reeve just shrugs at the Priest strange behaviors. He never much cared for the antics of his kind.
Last edited April 17, 2020 10:31 am
Apr 17, 2020 10:49 am
It can be considered that you all recognise the city in question. It sits in the south west of your location, on the other side of the mountain range.

The Dragon didn't mention about bringing the statuette. But it was how it manages to communicate with you.
The leader, who goes by the name of Frim, thinks on Reeve's question. "Well, we scrape by with whatever materials on hand, and I think I would rather keep any equipment we have. However, if you have really good things to trade, then I may reconsider."
You likely don't have anything good enough to trade, unless you are willing to sacrifice a good number of your stuff, or perhaps go on a quest to seek something valuable.
Apr 17, 2020 12:21 pm
I figure we give them 'their stuff' Reeve seems to take ownership of the chest from the dragon msg. We take back pillaged loot and notify fire people on the way back.
"We got food stores through diplomacy Sir, we're down a man from a new type of monster or machine that assassinates through sneak attacking via decapitation wire. That said the Fire People are actually open to reasonable trade if you're not hostile or make demands that are too overbearing. That said we'd like to go for a long recon along with Reeve to map out resources and supplie cache along the way."
Apr 17, 2020 12:44 pm
Gabrien is fine with Reeve choosing what to do with the chest.
Gabrien fills in any details about the mission that Ash skips over. He too feels that the dragon gambit is urgent.
Apr 17, 2020 1:22 pm
The camp leader opens his eyes wide. "Diplomacy? That's... a little disappointing. But forget it, you lost one ma- oh right, I almost forgot that I had also sent Kelfeli. It just looks like 3 of you came back.

Hmm, so a monster that assassinates with such a manner is in this forest... I hope you boys have that taken care of, as I doubt such a nasty creature would let its victims survive.

It appears that you have taken the perspective of my advisor. I don't entirely approve of it, but if you can somehow negotiate with these fire monstrosities, I could be open to hearing what relationship we can make of it. For now, I'll put this aside.

As for a recon mission, that sounds great! You may go ahead. Though, it looks like you guys may want to have a night's rest here first before heading out again."

Possible people to meet:

The Quartermaster.
Elena, the advisor.
The Monster Researcher.
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