Chapter 7: Wherever You May Roam

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Jan 17, 2020 8:01 pm
As she waits for Aisurn Iene to come to the disc, Verrian shares urgently with the others.

@Everyone::Don't say anything about going to Viamard. I think we should avoid telling anyone at the other end of this conversation about our real plans. If the wards are down, they hold a lot more cards now.
Jan 17, 2020 8:04 pm
Ember’s lips twitch as she messages the Naucan. She’s trying not to imagine the mob from their exit being mutilated by a storm.

Why would they let them down at all! What’s the point of us going out?
Jan 17, 2020 8:06 pm
Verrian looks at Ember but shares her answer with them all.

@Everyone::There has been a power struggle in the School. It looks like Disos sympathizers might have won and taken control of the School and the city.
Jan 17, 2020 8:15 pm
The cultured, confident voice of the Master of Jade College rolls out from the disc, relaxed and conversational. "Verrian," he says, "how lovely to hear your voice."

In contrast to the woman who had been speaking, the words are there, but there's not a lot of sincere feeling behind them. "And all your friends? The warrior? The little aspiring sorceress? The girl with the hat... what was her name? Give them my best wishes. Whatever are you doing in Hara, of all places? It's a cesspool. You shouldn't lower yourself to associate with such as that."
Jan 17, 2020 8:23 pm
Verrian's expression is one of mild distaste, and everyone gets the feeling she's working hard to achieve the mildness, but her voice matches Iene's in tone. "We're all doing very well, thank you for asking, Aisurn. They send their best to you, of course. As for Hara, I was always sorry that my travels before the War kept me from exploring much besides the Vaelt and Rhamia, you know, so it was nice to get a chance to visit a new city. I only wish I could have seen it sooner."


Sense motive - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Jan 20, 2020 10:53 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to Moonbeam
"Yes, well... even before the war, it was quite a snake pit. Be thankful it’s fallen so far. Even as well as I trained you, I’m not sure you could have navigated the palace and the Council chambers," replies Aisurn. "You wished to speak to me, however. Did you have something on your mind?" he asks brightly. Even those that don’t know the Master of Jade College can tell that he’s enjoying himself.
Jan 21, 2020 3:08 am
"Well, in point of fact, you weren't my first choice, Aisurn," Verrian says equally brightly. "I asked for you because your friend told me Athisa was indisposed, and since your friend clearly hails from the Vaelt, I thought perhaps you would be handy.

"However, "
she adds, seemingly as an afterthought, "I wouldn't mind hearing the latest news of the city. I gather the wards have come down? It seems odd timing, since we were led to believe that the results of our exploration would be necessary to determine if it was safe to reopen the city."
Jan 21, 2020 4:22 am
"Come down? Heavens no. You've seen what's waiting out there. Can you imagine a storm overtaking the city?" replies Iene. "No, some of us have ways of getting things we need through the wards. As I'm sure you figured out. Your dear mentors turned out to be just as dishonest and manipulative as you always accused me of being, didn't they, Verrian dear?"

In the background, you can hear the woman's peal of silvery laughter.

"Athisa refused to give me something I wanted, so I took it from her. But don't fret. She'll be fine. As soon as we leave, she'll be released, and you can complain to her all you like. Should be a few hours, no more."
Jan 21, 2020 4:29 am
Verrian takes a deep, silent breath, but when she speaks, she sounds unruffled. "Yes, it seems that no one I've trusted in the last six years has actually been worthy of that trust." Since the wards around Meriava have only been up for three years, it's clear that Verrian is including other mentors in her assessment. It's also fairly clear Aisurn is one of them.

"So you're leaving the School, then? Where are you going? I'd love a chance to catch up sometime."
Jan 21, 2020 5:01 pm
Iene tsks. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that. To be quite honest, I simply don't trust you or your friends. I suspect the feeling is mutual, so I am not particularly heartbroken over this admission," he says.

"Now, if there's nothing else, I really must be on my way."
Jan 21, 2020 6:08 pm
"Of course, I wouldn't want to keep you from whatever it is you're doing. Presumably leaving the city that you helped lock up behind wards for years without the consent of the vast majority of those trapped within." Verrian's tone is cheerful, clearly at odds with her words.
Jan 21, 2020 6:36 pm
"You know better than to jump to conclusions, Verrian," says Iene, and for the first time, some of his legendary -- at least to those who spent time in or around Jade College -- temper begins to creep in to his voice. "The decision to raise the wards was a complicated one, made after a great deal of negotiation and deliberation. You do yourself discredit by suggesting that it was decided glibly over a few glasses of wine one night. It costs me nothing to tell you that I never wanted the wards erected in the first place, and I was not alone among the Masters of the School. But my reasons are my own, and I choose to keep them that way."

The sound of a person stirring can be heard, and Iene says, "I will see that Athisa is made available for you to speak with in two hours' time. I am not your enemy, any of you. I doubt I am your ally, but I am not your enemy. Farewell, all of you. Perhaps we will have an opportunity to speak again."

The disc grows quiet, not even the hollow echo of listening in on another room can be heard. The connection has dropped.
Jan 21, 2020 6:43 pm
Ember blinks a few times.

What a bastard.
Jan 21, 2020 6:47 pm
It may surprise some of those watching that Verrian wears a very small smile when Iene begins to sound angry. She listens closely through his tirade and the unceremonious closing of the disc connection. She actually looks... satisfied.
Jan 21, 2020 8:09 pm
"Cesspool? Snakepit?" growls Eanala. "I'd shove my dagger up this Aisurn Iene's ass, but it sounds like he's already got a giant stick permanently lodged there."
Jan 21, 2020 8:11 pm
Verrian smiles at her. "I'm afraid you'd have to get in line for that."
Jan 22, 2020 5:59 am
"...I'm actually glad we aren't back home now."
Jan 22, 2020 9:56 am
"It was never home, just a stop on the journey. If my family gets out OK, I’m not sure I’ll ever go back." Yelnar mutters in response to what Elora says, not really addressing anyone, but probably not able to remain quiet after doing so during the Whitestone discussion.
Jan 22, 2020 1:06 pm
So now what? Can we still go to Viamard? Ember looks at Eanala and Elora with some urgency. If it's easier for them to do things out here, we really need to raid Hara before anyone else.
Jan 22, 2020 6:12 pm
Verrian sighs, sitting back down. "I don't think this changes our immediate priorities. If anything, it might be more important to send a scouting team to Viamard. We know that anyone leaving Meriava might make that their first stop."

Looking at Ember and Eanala, she adds, "But Ember's right - scouring Hara for anything useful or powerful is an even higher priority now, as is checking in with the scattered camps of other refugees. I think we should gather our people here to announce the plan to move the encampment to Viamard right away. By now, news of it should have spread pretty well, so it won't come as a surprise."
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