In order of preference due to the current Queue -- who would like to join a more combat oriented game -- there will still be other things but the remaining character (player : HeroAmongMen) from a team wants to do more combat oriented missions -- raid the enemies and such and I can do that but that requires a slight shift in the game paradigm which I am okay with doing but I would want players that would enjoy a more combat concentric game. Basically the group will be a squad whose initial job is to provide protection against the marauding beasts and undead that come out of the Misty Marsh -- I can take up to four players for this as combat oriented games need that extra body more often than not.
1) Mike -- no
2) dankel -- no
3) QuantumRiot -- no
4) Sassafras
5) Coachthor -- yes
6) LightOfMidnight
7) DeathBeforeDecaff
8) cavarillion
9) Mr.Armitage -- yes
10) claypigeons
11) Rattila -- no
12) Gigz -- yes
13) Kilikina -- yes
So think about it if you think you might like something like this please respond -- today is 2020-07-14 -- by the beginning of 2020-07-18 I will be taking at least 4 players (I might take 1 or 2 more not sure) who have said they were interested in this -- if not enough of you respond then I will farm it out to others to see who might be interested in this style of game
Note while it is more combat concentric it by no means will be hack-n-slash all the way through -- it might start that way but I am sure once everyone has gotten there fill of waiting for the enemy they will begin trying to figure out how to take the fight to them and put an end to them.
Lastly I hope those on the list above are watching this thread
Last edited Jul 17, 2020 4:47 am