Character creation discussion

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Feb 28, 2016 8:21 pm
Oh, and the Gambler specialization is from the Fly Casual supplement. I have a PDF if you'd like to look at it.

I have a background idea that would link is into having a starter ship. Likely why he's in the group; y'all need a ship and pilot to get anything done.
Feb 28, 2016 11:28 pm
Rolled Morality and Obligation and Motivation, to see what I got. I'm driven to overthrow the empire, have a deep responsibility towards something and am impulsive (enthusiastic but reckless). As a Jedi trained Shadow, perhaps the obvious story is the easy one. My mentor was murdered by the Empire (perhaps betrayed in some way, as is the nature of our work as Shadows - betrayal is almost inevitable), and I'm half-motivated by revenge to see the Empire struck down. As, to my mind, the empire and the sith are one, I am committed to resisting the dark side (a constant internal struggle as I try to understand my drive for revenge through the lens of responsibility to the fallen, and to those unable to defend themselves).

It has been a series of (un)fortunate encounters and events that has led me to become a bounty hunter. The need for credits, the need to hide from the empire, a constant drive to challenge myself, and the need to discover something that will aid me in my drive to protect those from the empire who cannot or will not protect themselves. Trust is hard for me, but so is isolation. Bounty Hunters, such as us, rely on each other to survive ordeals - once I found camaraderie that felt dependable, it became hard for me to leave. I still always, however, attentive to opportunities to thwart the empire.
Feb 29, 2016 4:26 am
A bit of background:

I'm thinking this character comes from a very large working class family. He was dissatisfied with the blue collar life expected of him, and ran away from home to seek adventure. What he found was the tough and harsh world of the Corellian smugglers trade. He got in with a gang, but never really liked his boss, who seemed to delight in giving him all the grunt work and never allowing him to do anything "fun" or "interesting". So, he got fed up, and stole a ship from the syndicate and ran off again. He has since sold that ship, and used the money to buy whatever starter ship we begin with (he favors fast and flashy over bulky and practical, but he also wouldn't have had much to spend). His goals in life are to outfly and outgun anyone and everyone. He wants to be the best pilot and best shot in the galaxy (he'll likely tell you he already is, but his actions speak to a burning desire to test and prove this).
Feb 29, 2016 8:39 pm
I havent got much but i will be a duros mechanic, kinda of a go with the flow character. Thinks things happen for a reason.

Was The mechanic for a gang. One day he was working inside smuggler ship to improve the speed modular, when he was knocked out when the ship took off. When he woke up he heard the sounds of the pilot sarcastically doing a conversation between him and his boss. From behind hesaid "so... Where are we going?" After a drawn pistol at his face and calming conversation the 2 began a partnership.
Feb 29, 2016 10:26 pm
So -- drawing some connections:

Remnant is a bounty hunter -- perhaps he's aided Oingo Boingo in some way to get her onboard her crew. Candi has gone bounty hunter. Friar_Tuk has a ship and Kjmangle is suggesting he got shanghai'd by Tuk's stolen ship.

Couple more connections we need to pull together -- I'd like to assume you've all been working together sufficiently long that you've decided you like one another and are sticking with it, versus "A new crew" that's been pulled together. Assume maybe a year or so (how does one measure a year in Star Wars, anyway?). Assume that the Death Star blew up ~0.5 years ago -- so it's something you've heard about -- along with rumors that the Empire's lapdog might be dead.
Feb 29, 2016 10:33 pm
it would work out that remnant is the one who could have saved me from slavery, or he was double crossed by a crime lord and I freed him from the brig in exchange for him taking me with him. candi and remnant could have been partners for years. we could have had a situation where we lost our old ship and that's how we hooked up with Kj and tuk.

I still need to add more notes to my char sheet but my character's motivation is to one day regain the status that she lost. that may not be possible under the empire, so she agrees with candi's hatred of the empire. in the mean time she is content to travel with everyone not just because they can keep her safe in the scary and dangerous outer rim, but she genuinely cares about the collection of mixed up misfits she's found herself with.
Feb 29, 2016 10:39 pm
I've heard a "Galactic Standard Year" referenced in many places. Here's way more than you'll ever want to know about time measurement in Star Wars:

Turns out, calendar analysis is just as boring in a thoroughly done fantasy setting.

Who are you referring to by "Empire's lapdog"? Tarkin?

I'd prefer that we all know eachother to start, that "why are we even together" phase of a campaign is the worst. There was talk by @Remnant of his character "assembling" a crew to take in bounties. This crew build out makes sense; A bounty hunter, a sneaky infiltrator bounty hunter, a medic, a pilot and mechanic with a ship. Do we all want more detail than that? Do we want to hash out how and where we all met? Or just assume we've done a few jobs together and are comfortable working together as a crew?
Feb 29, 2016 11:04 pm
Friar_Tuk says:
Do we all want more detail than that? Do we want to hash out how and where we all met? Or just assume we've done a few jobs together and are comfortable working together as a crew?
Personally, I like to do that retroactively as we play. Characters making ribs, and references, to past jobs with each other slowly establishes the 'facts' (as interpreted by others ; ) ) of connections and relationships.
Feb 29, 2016 11:07 pm
Candi says:
Friar_Tuk says:
Do we all want more detail than that? Do we want to hash out how and where we all met? Or just assume we've done a few jobs together and are comfortable working together as a crew?
Personally, I like to do that retroactively as we play. Characters making ribs, and references, to past jobs with each other slowly establishes the 'facts' (as interpreted by others ; ) ) of connections and relationships.
I love that idea! and they do it in the movies too!

"this is what? 10 times I've saved your life"
"nine times. that one on Neidodemoidia doesn't count"
Mar 1, 2016 1:26 am
Yeah the improv yes and stories always work good.

Ok i still haven't made a character yet. Been busy at home and distracted. Promise to get started on some tonight.

I can make a a name and picutres and sumbit it and change it later correct?
Last edited March 1, 2016 1:26 am
Mar 1, 2016 1:26 am
A detailed biography of how you met and a backstory worthy of novelization isn't required -- but it's good to get some of the fundamentals in place and understood by everyone to provide the framework on how the "death worms don't count."
Mar 1, 2016 1:27 am
Yes -- you can change after you submit.

I'll probably review character sheets in more detail on Wed. tomorrow is Day of Travel so I won't be GPing.
Mar 1, 2016 2:29 am
Ok i got a name race and class. Fill out the rest tomorrow.
Mar 1, 2016 7:54 pm
Ok i have a question.

Do we need a Obligation?

I am never into have something that makes my player act different then the way I picture him or make me have to do something i dont like it in 5e either.

I bring this up because I dont know what to pick for an easy going, go with the flow type character. Only thing i think of is maybe Obession for the "thiings happen for a reason".
Mar 1, 2016 8:41 pm
obsession: thrill seeking?
Mar 1, 2016 8:46 pm
Are you playing a class from EotE? If so yes, you can roll randomly on the table if it rubs you the wrong way to pick. It's literally an Obligation in the fact that regardless of what you do it will pull you back in (did I just date myself with a quote?). It'll be part of your PC's backstory in a way so I think it comes up in the game if you're lucky. Sometimes is hilarious if you think about how it can affect things.

I look at characters like a GM looks at a planned game world. It'll change once the game starts sometimes like you expect other times totally out in left field from organic reaction to events.

The Big Heavy Chain Gun guy sees a small puppy and just says nope and leaves the room(Trauma from a kid) leaving the crew to wonder why the guy who isn't scared of anything just saw a puppy and left.
Mar 1, 2016 8:48 pm
and besides, an obligation doesn't have to dictate how your charcter acts or makes you have to make any major personality changes. you could be laid back and easygoing, but still owe a lot of money to a hutt.
Mar 1, 2016 8:52 pm
It's only not fun when we don't work at keeping it down. Then someone's backstory takes the limelight. =D

*In Character from behind cover*
Why are Cyborg Wookies shooting at us!!!?
You would prefer them trying to eat us?
I would prefer no Wookies!
Dude that's not cool... what Wookies ever do to you?
Try and Kill Me!!!!
Mar 1, 2016 9:45 pm
I have it on my other 2 guys but this guy is just kinda roll with the punhces.

Ok i will just roll for it.


Obligation - (1d100)

(25) = 25

Mar 1, 2016 9:46 pm
Well shit not good with 2 bounty hunters on board. Lol
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