Looking for french speakers

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Apr 3, 2020 8:37 am
Delio says:
Well, CESN you have here a game in french, and i could set up a game about psychics or about cats if you're up for it
I had a quick look at Kalajel's game description and that sounds interesting, though likely a totally new set of french I wouldn't use with a neighbour ;) How is a player limit (archetypes) at this time? I can imagine a random "tourist" dropping in Montreal for one reason or another.

@Delio, not sure what's Falconloft's level, but if we get some more people we could start something basic! I feel cats will have more practical french than psychics, though it may be a bit more limiting :D

Apr 3, 2020 8:47 am
Okay, i'll look for Secrets of Cats in French. Blessing i got my hands on it just a few days ago :)
Apr 3, 2020 9:13 am
Too bad French isn't really on my list. Otherwise I love this concept.
If someone opens up a game in Polish, I would jump on it immediately.
And I guess if someone wants to practice German, I could help with that ;)
Apr 3, 2020 2:46 pm
@ CESN: The first storm is pretty much over and I could start a second storm, especially if I have a new player joining. Also, Ironically enough, aside from TheVagrant's character (who is also a RL friend of mine), every other character came from outside of Québec and are all relatively new-comers to Montréal. As for available archetypes, we currently have a Vamp, a Dragon, an Immortal, and a Mage. Though, the Mage player has been rather absent lately (she has good reasons). I could ask her if she plans on continuing playing with us, and if she cannot, it would free up the Mage archetype...
Last edited Apr 3, 2020 2:46 pm
Apr 3, 2020 3:39 pm
I got a bunch of out-of-print French Call of Cthulhu scenarios for my birthday this year. I've toyed with running them, but always assuming I'd translate to English. Maybe I should rethink that? :) It won't be anytime soon, though, unfortunately.
Apr 3, 2020 3:42 pm
It seems vamp and mage are missing from the game description but both dragon and immortal sound good. Just to be clear. I don't know the system as well 😅
Last edited Apr 3, 2020 3:43 pm
Apr 3, 2020 5:00 pm
The Vamp and Mage are missing because they are in the basic game and can also be obtained for free in the intro package which was made for that game. The other archetypes you need to pay to get, why I added a basic description for them on the game's page. As for the system, it's Powered by the Apocalypse. So basically, game mechanics tend to take a bit of a backseat to narration and storytelling. In fact, when you roll, you do it for narration control.

About 90% of the mechanics is when you use a move you roll 2d6+appropriate stats.
- On a 6-, you miss and the GM gets to narrate what happens to your character.
- On a 7-9, you succeed, but at a cost or with some complications, and you narrate what that looks like.
- On a 10+, you succeed in doing exactly what you set out to do, and you narrate what that looks like.
There are some exceptions, in that a few rare moves let the GM narrate even when you succeed, and many moves have a list of complications or costs you need to prick from when you roll a 7-9, advancing moves for an even better results on a 12+, etc. but that's pretty much the game in a nutshell...
Apr 3, 2020 5:04 pm
Oh, PbtA :o

What are the archetype still available ?
Apr 3, 2020 5:29 pm
(possibly Wizard? I'll have a talk with my player)
Apr 3, 2020 5:58 pm
Fae ? Interesting. What sort ?
Apr 3, 2020 6:39 pm
Pretty much up to you, so long as you pass as human in order to interact with the mundanes. The way the archetypes are made, they leave some room for customization, so you can try to get as close to as possible as what you want to play (and keeping in mind that the move Let It Out pretty much contains everything else that you feel your creature should be capable of doing and not already covered in a special move...). And if for some reason, you can't get exactly what you want, you can later through advancements.
Last edited Apr 3, 2020 6:40 pm

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