Second Storm: Past and Present

May 1, 2020 8:44 pm
Deuxième tempête: Passé et Présent

Trois mois se sont déroulés depuis les évènements de Décembre 2018 et les troubles avec motards Loups, revendeurs de drogues Vamps et Jacks mistigris... Vous avez rendus les ingrédients pour le rituel volés à leurs propriétaire, at avez vaqué à vos propres obligations.

Maintenant, en début Mars, la température commence à peine à se réchauffer, et les nombreuses tempête de neiges semble indiquer que'Ingrid n'est pas encore tout-à-fait prête à céder sa couronne à sa soeur Camellia. Est-ce que Vincent aurait réussit à semer le doute parmi la cour des Faes? Si c'est le cas, c'est un problème que les Faes vont devoir résoudre seuls car vos problèmes sont sur le point de commencer...

@ Édouard: La petite rencontre avec Maurice s'est quand-même bien passé malgré le fait qu'il était très déçus de tes agissements. Il t'à informé qu'il à du tirer des ficelles pour s'assurer que tu ne finisse pas dans La Voûte, et il t'à fortement suggéré d'aller suivre une formation d détective privé afin que tu puisse savoir où se trouvent tes limites légalement parlant... Tu as aussi retourné à ton emploi à quelques reprises, afin de faire un peut d'argent et ne pas perdre ta job. Sur quoi d'autre est-ce qu'Édouard travaille présentement?

@ Elijah: Elijah est arrivé à Montréal il y à environ 3 mois, trop tard pour participer à le dernière Tempête, mais assez longtemps pour avoir rencontrer les autres joueurs. Son temps à été occupé à s'adapter à une nouvelle ville, faire des contacte avec la communauté Wicca de Montréal, et s'être présenté aux agents du Conseil afin de les informer de l'arrivée d'un nouvel surnaturel en ville.

Éventuellement, tu reçoit un coup de fil de Sarah Dorion, une de tes clientes pour des sessions de prédiction de l'avenir. "Heille, Elijah, regarde aux nouvelles, je pense que ça va t'intéresser." en ouvrant la télé, il y à un reportage sur des gens ayant vus des fantômes d'amérindiens dans le Vieux Montréal...

Que fais-tu?

@ Suzhen: Suzhen à eue la vie dure en ayant perdue ses contacts pour de nouveaux logements, et l'opportunité de travailler pour Greenfield à gros salaire. Elle réussit quand-même à se trouver un petit logement modique dans Rosemont-La Petite Patrie. Même se relation avec Chrétien est tendue car celui-ci démontre des signes d'abus, probablement aux mains de Delphine. Et il y à Liana Greene qui tente de passer beaucoup de temps seul avec celui-ci quand Suzhen est absente... Sur quoi est-ce que Suzhen travaille présentement?

@ Toby: Toby n,à pas eu souvent l'occasion de contacter Dylan car il à du prendre l'offre de faire des heures au 7/11 de Montréal-Nord. Puis, il y à le fait que son ancien lieu de travail fut rasé afin d'être reconstruit, et se faufiler sur un chantier de travail s'est avérer un peut plus difficile... Aussi, Dylan à informé Toby que les fières à bras de Poitevin semblent s'intéresser à découvrir pourquoi Toby passe du temps ici... Avec quoi est-ce que Toby est présentement occupé?

three months have elapsed since the events of December 2018 and the troubles with Wolf bikers, Vampes drug dealers, and Jacks Mistigris... You returned the stolen reagents which were meant for the ritual to their rightful owners as well as having seen to your own personal obligations.

Now, in early March, the temperature is barely getting warmer, and the numerous snow storm seems to indicate that Ingrid is not quite yet ready to give the crown to her sister Camellia. Has Vincent somehow managed to sow confusion in the court of the Faes? If it is the case, it will be a problem the Faes will have to solve for themselves as your own problems are about to start...

@ Édouard: The meeting with Maurice went relatively well despite how upset he was with you. He informed you that he had to pull some strings to make sure you didn't end up in The Vault and also highly encouraged you to follow some private investigator formation so as to avoid this sort of incident in the future... You also went back to your job on a few occasion, so as to earn a bit of money and make sure you didn't get fired... So what is Édouard up to at the moment?

@ Elijah: You arrived in Montréal about three months ago, too late to participate in the last Storm, but long enough to have met the other players: Édouard, the charismatic Indigo Vamp who sold you your crappy car, Tobias Culpeper, the "young" Immortal in your vision, and Bai Suzhen, a Dragon who's a friend they have in common. Your time in Montréal was spent mostly getting adjusted to a new place, making contacts among the Wiccan community in Montréal, and meeting representatives of The Council to announce your arrival in the city.
kalajel sent a note to CESN
At some point, you are called by Sarah Dorion, one of your frequent client to your fortunetelling sessions "Hey Elijah, you need to check out the news now, I think this will interest you.". As you open your T.V. you see a news report about people in Old Montréal seeing what they can only describe as ghost from native Americans...

What do you do?

@ Suzhen: The following months have been hard on Suzhen. No only did she lost her reccomendations from Greenfield for a new apartment, which made finding a new place to live difficult, but she also lost her opportunity to work for Greenfield for big money. Eventually, she managed to find an affordable apartment in Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie. Her relationship with Chrétien was difficult too as he had difficulty being intimate with Suzhen, showing clear sings of abuse at the hand of Delhpine. Liana Greene was also trying to find any excuse to spend time alone with Chrétien when Suzhen was off at work... What else might Suzhen be working on right now?

@ Toby: Toby's plan of keeping Dylan company was made difficult by the fact that eventually, he had to take his boss offer to get a shift in the 7/11 of Montréal-Nord, but also the fact that eventually, his old place of work was torn down and rebuilt, and sneaking on a construction site was a bit more difficult now. Though you did managed to visit Dylan a few time. At those times, he informed you that men had come to investigate the place shortly after Toby left, and by the description Dylan gave you, they look like Poitevin's men. though they found nothing, they do seem interested in finding what the hell is Toby doing spending so much time here... What is Toby currently busy with?
May 2, 2020 12:53 am
Édouard est très décu de la réaction de Maurice et du conseil. Après tout ce qu'il a fait pour a fait pour empêcher leurs bêtises de devenir une catastrophe pour la ville, menacer de l'envoyer a la Voute comme un Vincent ou un meurtrier est difficile a avaler.

Les derniers mois ont passés tres vites. Entre faire assez d'Argent pour refaire toute sa garde-robe (et reparer sa veste pare-balle), commencer un cours d'adulte pour etre detective privé, chercher pour les toiles de Thomas, et s'occuper de ses "clients", Edouard n'a pas vu le temps passé.

En se moment, il bâtit des liens avec la bande de Loup du Chic Resto Pop dans Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. En passant du temps la comme point de rendez-vous, Edouard apprends a connaitre les gens du coin et a se faire connaître aussi. Il prends le temps d'observer comment ca marche et comment se rendre utile dans le quartier.

Edouard is disapointed to almost be considered like a vulgar criminal after all he's done to clean both the Council and the SPVM's mess.

Right now, he is learning how to get trusted and integrated himself in the Socially conscious wolf band of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve


Investigate a place of power (Night) - (2d6+1)

(26) + 1 = 9

May 2, 2020 2:10 am
Toby has recently heard rumours of a scholar by the name of Théolinde Lemaire who collects old books and manuscripts on necromancy and other forbidden magics. He doesn’t have to work until later this afternoon so he’s decided to spend the morning tracking down this scholar in the hope that she might have a book that could help him in his attempts to resurrect Dylan.

Toby locates the address given to him- a small, cluttered bookshop on Saint Laurent Boulevard- and, finding the door locked, politely knocks on the window. There is a sign on the door that says the shop is closed but Toby suspects this is just to stop mortals from wandering into the store by accident.
7-9: Whatever I need is more costly than anticipated?
Last edited May 2, 2020 2:12 am


Hit the Streets (Mortality) - (2d6)

(63) = 9

May 2, 2020 1:41 pm
Suzhen found it hard to recover from her recent setback. Her time when she first arrived in Montreal was difficult, struggling with her trauma and depression. The events of three months ago were a source of momentary happiness, when she found Chretien, and managed to bring some positive impact to the city by averting the crisis revolving around Fei Lung, Vincent and the Ordo. But that was short-lived. She was miserable again, and withdrew somewhat from Chretien, her newfound friend Edouard who seemed to distrust her, and even her old friend Toby. She became paranoid that Poitevin and Greenfield might be on her tail, eavesdropping at her every move and action, and buried herself in her work and her own magical research in her sanctum.

She could take it no longer. Suzhen needed to gather the final things she thought were missing from her life. Her stolen scroll was one. Her remaining broodmates were the other. She had to take action. As she did previously to find Liana, she gathered the necessary reagents and materials needed to perform the ritual to find the rest of her brood. This time though, she did it with a twist; the ritual contained the steps to prevent anyone from discovering that she had done so.
Going to seek a broodmate, and marking Corruption to keep Suzhen's identity and location a secret. The extra Corruption means Suzhen now has a Corruption Advance, Eyes of Ember.
Last edited May 2, 2020 1:51 pm
May 2, 2020 4:48 pm
@ Édouard:
Pour être plus clair, Maurice était déçut du fait que tu avait attaqué deux courier à vélos et désarmé un policier pour le tenir en joue avec sa propre arme (quelque chose qui aurait pus te faire finir dans la Voûte car tu est clairment trop puissant pour une simple prison). C'est ces actions qui lui ont fait te suggérer une formation de détective privée. Pour le reste, il était plutôt satisfait des tes performances...
Édouard passe un bon moment à observer le Chic Resto Pop (tu peux marquer la Faction Night si ce nest pas déjà fait) pendant qu'il boit son café. Il remarque que cette meute de Loup est plutôt alerte, probablement normal quand une petite branche de la Faction Night décide de servir les normaux plutôt que de s'en servir comme proie... Les employés jetant souvent des coup d'œils discrets et alerte par les fenêtres pendant que la clientele est occupée à manger et discuter. Il y à aussi une hiérarchie claire, comme dans toute meute de Loups, ou ceux de basse caste suivent docilement les directives de leur supérieurs. Finalement, il y à une sorte d'instinct protecteur, ou les Loups s'assurent souvent que les normaux qui fréquentent leurs établissement sont bien traités, n'hésitant pas à référer l'un ou l'autre qui semble en difficulté vers un organisme de charité qui serait en mesure de l'aider... Soudain, un jeune homme à l'air troublé rentre et est accueillis par un des employés Loups....

"Salut Alex! Oh, ça pas l'aire à filer..."

"Oh, j'ai eu des mauvaises nouvelles... Est-ce que Léopold Petroni est ici? j'aurait à lui parler..."

"Non, tu l'as manqué. Il passe ici environ une fois par semaine pour prendre des nouvelles. Il était ici hier. Désolé..."

"Ah, okay, bon, bin j'vais y aller d'bord..."

Et sur ce, ce "Alex." s'apprête à quitter les lieux... Que fais-tu?

@ Suzhen: Suzhen se concentre sur son rituel, et se sent tirée vers Saint-Léonard. Il semble qu'un autre Dragon se trouve à cet endroit...

@ Toby: Toby entre dans la boutique pour se faire dire que c'est fermé de l'arrière boutique. Mais après avoir dit à Théolinde ce qu'il recherchait, celle-ci sort de l'arrière boutique et s'informe au près de Toby pour s'assurer que celui-ci et bel et bien un client sérieux et non un agent du Conseil...

@ Édouard: Édouard is observing the Chic Resto Pop while drinking his coffee. He notices how alert the Wolf staff is, that Wolves will be Wolves and there is still a rigid hierarchy in this pack, and that they are really making sure the mundanes are well taken care of. Suddenly, a worried-looking young man enters the establishment and asks if Léopold Petroni is there. Being told taht he missed him by about a day, the young man is about to head back out... What do you do?

@ Suzhen: You perform your ritual, taking extra care to be careful this time. The Ordo Draconis might have been silent for he past three months, but you know they are not gone... So long as men fear Dragons, they will be here... Finally, you feel a tang of familiarity tugging at you... Yes, it's another Dragon... It is close... You concentrate on the direction and intensity of the pull, and bring up a map of the island of Montréal in your mind... Yes... It would seem that Dragon is living in the Saint-Léonard burrow... You are also confident that it is not away it has been found.

What do you do?

@ Toby: Toby enters the book shop and is soon greeted by a shout of "We're closed!" coming from the back store. After announcing himself, a small pale face pokes from between the bead curtains separating the ship form the back store...

"Oh, sorry sir, I wasn't aware I had an actual customer. What can I help you with today?"

After Toby informs Theolinde of what he's searching for...

"Oh... Well, you do know that such magic has been forbidden by The Council right? If it was known I had sold such a book to someone, I'd loose my business and my collection..."

She looks around for a moment to make sure Toby is indeed alone in the shop and that no one else is about to enter...

"You're not an agent of The Council are you?"

What do you do?
May 2, 2020 9:06 pm
Removing 4 faction marks and Advancing Let it out, Persuade an NPC and Figure someone out
Leopold Petroni and Alex, as Edouard meet them in the past or can I put a face to the name for one of them?
Édouard s'approche de Alex. "Hey! Y'as quelque chose qui va pas?

Edouard approach Alex. "Hey! Is something troubling you?
May 3, 2020 12:10 am
@ Édouard: Pour ce qui est de Léopold Petroni, tu sais ce qu'il y à décrit sur lui dans le topic "Factions de Montréal". Bref, tu sais que c'est un Aware qui à beaucoup d'expériences pour dealer avec les surnaturels... Pour ce qui est d'"Alex", tu peux toujours rouler avec Mortality.

@ Édouard: Léopold Petroni is described in the thread "Factions of Montréal". For "Alex", you can roll with Mortality.
May 3, 2020 12:25 am
Put a face to a name


Put a face to a name (Mortality) for Alex - (2d6+2)

(13) + 2 = 6

Put a face to a name (Mortality) for Leopold (in case) - (2d6+2)

(42) + 2 = 8

May 3, 2020 1:47 am
Toby laughs. "Absolutely not," he assures her. "I’m just about the furthest thing from an ‘agent of the Council’ that it’s possible to be."
May 3, 2020 10:54 am
Suzhen didn't stop there. The time she had spent in her sanctum made her pore over her ancient texts and museum research. She consulted the one scroll she did possess, the Water scroll of the Fivefold Path, in order to prepare herself for what she might encounter later. She knew that all her current research dragged her down into a darker route, but she didn't see a better solution. She had to take precautions, she had to be sure never to be caught offguard, or unable to be prepared for what's next.
Rolling for her copy of the Fivefold Path of the Dragon. Soft hit means I hold 2 and mark Corruption.
Last edited May 3, 2020 10:58 am


Path of the Mind (Water) - (2d6+1)

(25) + 1 = 8

May 3, 2020 4:33 pm
I'm going to wait a bit to allow CESN to post so that you guys don't jump too far ahead.
May 4, 2020 9:42 am
Sorry guys, "frenching" this much during the weekend is a bit more difficult :)
Settling in a new city is never easy. The weather, though cold, was not something that would bother Elijah too much. The languages, on he other hand... he had to struggle between two different languages which are constantly mixed everywhere. Fortunetelling requires, of course, a mixture of talent and deception, but also some good communication skills and that wasn't going as well as expected,. It surely would not support him for too long unless he gets more into the culture and the language of the city.

As he is setting up to go out for another day of work, he gets a call on his new Canadian number. Not many people have that number yet, so he takes some time to guess who it could be. Just a little blind guess into the future for his own pleasure. He smiles to himself and then sees the call is from Sarah Dorion. Interesting, I don't have any appointment with Sarah today.... She seems to think he will be interested in something that is on the news. Curious, he turns on the T.V. in time to see the reports of the sightings of native American ghosts in Old Montréal. Interested in the supernatural scene of the city, he talks with his clients about such things, mostly chit chat. He may have mentioned an interest in trying channelling spirits to Sarah, but this could be a more interesting opportunity to "see" into the past of the city.

"Thank you for letting me know. I'll definitely follow on this story. We'll catch up on it next time we meet?" He leads the conversation to its logical end as he consults his schedule. No meetings until after lunch? This must be a sign to take the morning off...
Guessing checking out the haunted place is an Investigate a place of power? If that is really night... I'd had a -1, so fail :(
CESN sent a note to kalajel

[ +- ] french
CESN sent a note to kalajel
Dear lord, this wasn't easy, particularly since I trying not to go too far from the original english meaning ... :D
Last edited May 4, 2020 10:54 am


Check haunted place - (2d6)

(34) = 7

May 4, 2020 2:59 pm
@ Édouard: Ce "Alex" ne te dis absolument rien, mais Léopold Pétroni, tu reconnais par réputation. Un Aware d'une quarantaine d'années basé à Saint-Léonard qui à beaucoup d'expérience à travailler de concert avec les surnaturels de la ville. Il est souvent appelé à servir de médiateur entre divers Faction quand ils ne peuvent pas ou ne veulent pas passer par le Conseil... tu peux marquer la Faction Mortality si ce n'est déjà fait.

@ Suzhen: Après avoir étudié son parchemin, Suzhen se sent prête à faire face à tout défi que la journée pourrait lui envoyer...

Que fais-tu?

@ Toby: Heureusement pour Toby, les goons de Poitevins ont du trouble à le suivre depuis qu'il à trouvé et enlevé le mouchard GPS dans sa voiture il y à deux semaines, et Toby est très confiant que se discussion avec Théolinde n'est pas écoutée....

Théolonde continue "Je vais avoir besoin de plus que ta parole pour me prouver que tu ne fais pas parti du Conseil... Vois-tu, il y à cet autre livre que je veux absolument avoir, mais son propriétaire est obstiné et refuse de vendre. Peut-être peux-tu réussir à obtenir ce livre pour moi..."

Que fais-tu?

@ Édouard: This "Alex" fellow doesn't ring a bell, but Édouard knows Léopold Petroni from reputation for all the work this Aware has done with the various Factions of Montréal...

@ Elijah:
Yes, Investigating a Place of Power would make sense, once you're over there... I assume you're heading to the Old Montréal? We'll keep your result in mind.
kalajel sent a note to CESN
@ Suzhen: Having studied her scroll, Suzhen feels ready to face any challenge she might encounter today...

What do you do?

@ Toby: As you answer, you are suddenly wonder if you're not being listened on right now. A quick glance outside shows no familiar cars or people having followed you. Poitevin's goons have had a bit more trouble tracking you since you found and removed that GPS tracking device in your car two weeks ago and it doesn't seem like they've adapted to this situation just yet...

Théolinde continues "Well, I'm going to need more than just your word... Perhaps you could do something for me to prove me you're not with the Council. I have this other book I'd really like to obtain, but it's owner has refused to sell it to me. Perhaps you could find a way to get it for me...".

What do you do?
May 4, 2020 3:26 pm
kalajel says:
Yes, Investigating a Place of Power would make sense, once you're over there... I assume you're heading to the Old Montréal? We'll keep your result in mind.
That's the plan: take the morning off to check the place :D
May 4, 2020 3:27 pm
Satisfied that she had made all the necessary preparations before heading out, Suzhen got into her car and drove to the Saint-Leonard borough. She hadn't been to the area much, maybe two or three times, once to sample a lovely Italian restaurant, and another time one of the cafes. She drove past the church, and reached the main thoroughfare, Via Italia. That's when she slowed down and pulled over, and focussed on the details of her ritual to head towards the exact location of where this dragon might be residing or based in.
May 4, 2020 6:04 pm
"That seems... fair. But I’ll need a few more details. What’s the book called? Who were you trying to buy it from?"
May 4, 2020 6:08 pm
Édouard s'approche de Alex. "Hey! Y'as quelque chose qui va pas?

Edouard approach Alex. "Hey! Is something troubling you?
Last edited May 4, 2020 6:09 pm
May 4, 2020 9:32 pm
@ Édouard: Alex avait la main sur le poignée, sur le point de sortir quant tu l'approche.

"Euh, je..." Il s'arrête et se retourne vers un des employés qui hoche de la tête pour indiquer que tu es correcte.

"Des mauvaises nouvelles... J'ai deux cousins que je penses sont dans marde... Anyways, pas pour t'insulter, mais j'te connais pas et y à rien qui me dise que tu puisse m'aider..."

Que fais-tu?

@ Elijah: Elijah se promène pendant de longs moments dans le Vieux Montréal en essayant de déterminer ce qui se passe. Il sent le froid surnaturel qui accompagne la présence des esprits des défunts, mais aucun autres signes. Alors qu'il s'apprête à retourner chez lui bredouille, il entend un murmur dans un language qu'il ne comprend pas... puis des sentiments de perte et d'angoisse, rapidement remplacés par de la colère... Soudainement Elijah est projeté dans la rue. Il n'es pas blessé, mais se trouve dans le trajet d'au autobus qui est sur le point de lui passer sur le corp...

Que fais-tu?

@ Suzhen: Se concentrant sur la magie de son rituel, Suzhen se sent tirée vers un petit bloc à appartements près de la petite église... Le Dragon est proche...

Que fais-tu?

@ Toby: Théolinde informe Toby du nom du livre et de son propriétaire...

@ Édouard: After being reassured by a staff from the restaurant, Alex tells you that he heard some bad news leading him to think that two of his cousins might be in deep shit be he doubts you might be able to help...

@ Elijah:
Oh, okay, I was a bit confused as you did't said you left or anything...
You make your way to the Old Montréal, a popular spot for tourism. Looking around, you spot no ghosts right away, but you do feel the odd cold some people have reported when the restless dead are around. You take some time to study the area (you would have rolled with Night which I see is a -1 on your sheet, so the end result is a 6, a miss, but you can still mark the Night faction if it isn't already marked). Aside from the definite supernatrural cold, you feel nothing out of the ordinary. As you're about to leave, you suddenly hear something, a whisper in a language you do not understand... then a feeling of loss and anguish quickly turning to anger... then you are pushed, hard. Not hard enough to actually inflict harm on you, but hard enough to throw you onto the street, right into the path of one of the city busses. The driver has seen you and is attempting to break, but thanks to its momentum, you fear it won't stop in time...

What do you do?

@ Suzhen: Concentrating on the magic of the ritual you feel a tug toward one of the small apartment complexes near the little churches. You are near, the Dragon lives there...

What do you do?

@ Toby: "Its a book about the First Nations, their beliefs, superstitions, artefacts. It's called "Myths and Legends of the Native People of Canada"... The current owner is a man named Sergio Esposito."
May 4, 2020 10:38 pm
"Bien sur, bien sur. Je m'appelle Edouard. Je suis nouveau dans le coin et je veux faire ma part, comme Léopold et les gens d'ici (indiquant les employés loups du Resto) pour garder la paix et aider les gens. Si tu me laisses une chance, je te promet que tu seras pas déçu et tu me rendrais service a moi aussi en m'aidant a prouver que je peux aider la communauté ici."

Edouard ask for a chance to prove his helpfulness.
May 5, 2020 1:18 am
"Alright, do you know where Sergio lives?"
10+: He owes me a debt! :D
Last edited May 6, 2020 1:31 am


Put a Face to a Name (Sergio Esposito) - (2d6)

(46) = 10

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