OOC chitchat

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Mar 29, 2016 4:35 pm
Do we have to talk about it... I mean, I know I brought it up, but ...
Mar 29, 2016 5:28 pm
"Hey hey hey... let me tell you something okay. I have short legs. You can't expect me to always be able to save the day at the spur of the moment you know and not have stuff happen. Besides Totz was the one who was distracted by the pudding fountain. I mean yeah it's cool, how do they keep it from congealing and looking silky smooth? I was focused on the job, I jumped on the speeder bike since the target was getting away. Okay I didn't know it was in reverse okay. So I backed into the fountain. Did any of you know the pudding for Bantha was like giving a wookiee uncut Sansanna Spice? You don't see Lin talking about it I mean you saw what happened to him... Anyway we got the target and didn't get shot up. That should count for something..." Akhrirar explains, "Besides who here has parallel parked a speeder besides me? Huh? Anyone??? Damn... no I want so damn pudding" he adds defensively before walking off in search of pudding.
Last edited March 29, 2016 5:29 pm
Mar 29, 2016 5:34 pm
"Yeah, everyone saw what happened to me...nothing. And this is why you'll never drive the FTY. 'Cause you suck at driving. And she's too pretty for you. Your "short legs" probably couldn't even reach her attitudinal jet pedals." Lin starts to walk away, then turns back, "Oh, and the reason nobody else has every parallel parked a speeder is that you don't need too, THEY FLOAT!"
Last edited March 29, 2016 5:35 pm
Mar 29, 2016 5:34 pm
"I never got the stains out of that cloak..." I mutter to myself as captain green-pants goes off to satisfy one of his many sudden and inexplicable cravings.
Mar 29, 2016 5:47 pm
"Totz is still working on making me attachments." Akhrirar states coming back in eating pudding his lips smacks and licking any on his face he seemed to not be able to shove into his mouth with the spoon he uses to motion towards his feet, "They don't float when they get his with a disruptor do they? Huh? That job on Mijos with the guy who went into the boonies? Look at me I'm tall and Imma jump into the speeder from behind and do some fancy moves. Boom Disruptor, engine cut, splash, Lin in da swamp." Akhrirar states a little defensive before smirking, "Lin remember this?" he begins before talking in a deeper tone, "'Just rip off the Leeches quick if you do it slow it hr-*screams* Do it slow! DO IT SLOW! NO DON'T LET AKHRIRAR USE FIRE ON THEM!" he acts out busting into laughs before sighing, "Classic Lin... and why were you even wearing shorts in the first place?"

Akhrir's shoulders slump while going back to eating his pudding when hearing Acaatha, "I told you that you could just borrow one of mine. You're shoulders aren't as broad but it 'mostly' fits... little short but it's better than anything. Besides no one else wanted to put in a washing machine besides me in the ship." he states finishing the last of the pudding cup scrapping the sides and licking the inside of the container.
Mar 29, 2016 5:58 pm
I have been *begging* for a washing machine ever since I moved in to this ship! Do.. do you guys just ignore me when I ask for things? I am sick of having all of us go to a laundromat every time we reach a spaceport. Do any of you have any idea how filthy the laundromats near a spaceport are? OF COURSE YOU DON'T because somehow *I* always get stuck with laundry duty!
Mar 29, 2016 6:05 pm
"Those weren't shorts, they were a pair of your regular pants, Stumpy. We wouldn't have gotten in that mess if you hadn't been cheap and bought the economy speeder. I said, 'lets get the one with the armor plating' but noooo! Your precious operational budgets."

Lin turns to Mala, "Why do we need a washing machine or a laundromat? We're on a space ship. Just hang your clothes out in the airlock in hyperspace like I do. The vacuum of space will take off all that grime and hyperspace will cleanse all the stains. I haven't "washed" my clothes in years."
Mar 29, 2016 6:10 pm
Mala just stops and stares at Lin, her mouth open, completely speechless. She makes a sound or two, like she's trying to talk, but her brain just isn't processing fully for a few minutes.

finally, she takes a deep breath and attempts to say something calmly, but gives up and just says what's on her mind

Lin! That is NOT how hyperspace works! do you have any idea how incredibly dangerous it is to open any of the airlocks while the ship is in hyperspace!? Wait.. the airlocks are designed to not be able to open while in lightspeed... there's a safety mechanism so people don't get shunted out into hyperspace accidentally... Mala slowly turns her head to glare at Fuzil I wonder who disabled it? Know anything about that, Fuzil?
Mar 29, 2016 7:22 pm
Akhrirar raises a hand towards Mala to prove the point it's needed, "Well Totz isn't allowed into a laundrymat after we had to pay for fire damages due to him modifying the dryers... Lin is... well Lin...Everytime I ask Acaatha about doing the laundry I can't remember how the conversation goes... I've offered to do laundry... I separate my whites, colors, and darks... I fold everything even my underwear...."

"You never get the fully loaded speeder Lin, that's how they get you from the upcharge because if you do get the fully loaded speeder with the armor plating... they know what you're doing, you have to get full coverage because if you don't you might as well just buy a speeder or two and set them on fire when you're done it costs just as much... that's why they make you get the full coverage. Besides which one's less obvious, the armor plated speeder or the normal one with rust on it... the hanging flap thingy for the uh... *snaps fingers* Totz help me out here." he falls silent, "Hold up my pants? The ones with the Dark Green Stripe down the sides that say GM in yellow? I thought you said Mala lost those at the laundry mat?" he asks before storming off to check what else is missing from his wardrobe.

He pops his head back in, "Oooo Totz you in trouble... Doc knows where you sleep too. I'd run." he advises before going to check on his stuff.

Stumpy? I'm a grown ass little man... I ain't got no stumps... hope he hits his head on the top of a door frame... he thinks to himself walking off angrily.
Last edited March 29, 2016 7:24 pm
Mar 29, 2016 7:31 pm
Remnant says:
"you might as well just buy a speeder or two..."
This all Lin heard of Akrirar's rant. "Really? Hey great idea Stumps! Fully armored right? With the turbo-charged motivator! Yeah!" Lin snatches the ship credit chip out of Akrirar's back pocket and starts walking toward the exit hatch, whistling.

"I take back that "operational budget/you're cheap" comment. Your legs are still hilariously short though!"
Last edited March 29, 2016 7:31 pm
Mar 29, 2016 7:43 pm
"And you have a but like a droid, I'm surprised my pants even stayed on your narrow behind." Akhrirar shot back over his shoulder shoving a finger in the air and he stomped off.
Hope Lin knows how much is on the ship cred stick...
Mar 29, 2016 7:45 pm
"Ha! Jokes on you buddy. Droids don't have butts."
He wouldn't. Frankly, he wouldn't even think about, and will likely return to the ship at a dead run, with the entire staff of a local Speeder Depot chasing him because he punched their manager in the nose in an argument about overextended credit.
Last edited March 29, 2016 7:46 pm
Mar 29, 2016 7:51 pm
Following by Akhrirar getting decked by the Speeder Depot guards as they chased Lin, because Acaatha made them perceive Mr green-pants as Lin to 'distract' them so Lin could escape. She seems cold, and ill-mannered, but she -- kind of -- gets the whole ship-mate pranks-mean-friendship thing... kind of. Look, it's only happened twice... that you know of.
Last edited March 29, 2016 7:51 pm
Mar 29, 2016 7:51 pm
"That's the POINT Lin!" he yells back.
We don't credit pinch by choice... XD
Mar 29, 2016 7:53 pm
sorry not joining in. On vacation with family and we decided to gonout today. Will read up on this post later. Will consider Fuzil meditating to new age music with empty containers of pudding
Mar 29, 2016 7:54 pm
Just because Akhrirar literally has thinker skin doesn't mean his feelings don't get hurt just as easily, it does mean he has thinker skin and bares fangs when punched in the nose after going 'Mutha-', especially since he wouldn't know why the punch came. You have to aim lower to hit him in the nose meaning it's intentional.
Last edited March 29, 2016 7:55 pm
Mar 29, 2016 8:05 pm
"Boys, please. It's a small ship, and your voice echoes. Fuzil's trying to mediate, and I'm trying to figure out how we'll refuel at the next starport without any credits, and maybe without Lin making another scum bag starport gang lord angry. No matter how I run the numbers though, Akhrirar, I can't promise you won't get your nose broke again. Must be something about that cheap green spray paint you keep using Akhrirar. People really don't like it, and when they see it they forget that they were trying to murder Lin, and start hitting you instead." I turn, walking back towards my quarters, "Probably for the best anyway. Lin probably couldn't live wit himself if his nose got offset as badly as yours has been."
Mar 29, 2016 8:11 pm
Candi says:
"People really don't like it, and when they see it they forget that they were trying to murder Lin, and start hitting you instead."
"Duh. Why do you think I hang around that guy?"
Last edited March 29, 2016 8:12 pm
Mar 29, 2016 8:11 pm
so now we're all just going to ignore that the safety locks on the airlocks have been tampered with? is this what we're doing? really?

Mala walks off toward one of the lesser used cargo bays to mutter to herself about insensitive and slovenly crewmates in various languages
Mar 29, 2016 9:04 pm
"Guys... my nose isn't broken it's always looks like this..." Akhrirar states before stiffing, "Oh I didn't have to pay for the paint it was free. That's why I use it on everything. It's decent paint and I have a lot of it so why not splurge on useage. Besides Ba-ran-da-ing." he explains, "I thought you hang around me because you need a wing man, I mean if you're not actually flying you have to make it sound good what you're dong with no proof... Totz just lets them know how you manhandle the ship badly and abuse it..." he adds with a smile... "Seriously though we need to not stress out the Doc she's been stressed over something but she doesn't talk about it... But yeah we need to figure out something to do about credits fast. The only real high yield bounties are high risk though... we don't have the reputation yet to take the easy big money ones either though with the richer clientele." he says a little quieter thinking for a minute seriously, "Wait do you think it was her birthday or something... recently?" he mutters before shaking his head and going back to thinking of how they could make some money quick. "We could, uh, try battle speeder bike racing again maybe... Lin's eyebrows look like they've grown back in... they look almost the same" he offers quietly before he falls quiet licking his lips and strokes his chin.
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