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May 7, 2016 2:19 pm
I was hoping it would slow them down. Like interfering with thier endings systems and reduce their speed.
May 7, 2016 2:29 pm
@Friar_Tuk/Lin I found this online -- still reading through and digesting it.


There's a lot of commentary about how FFG has basically made it so piloting skills don't matter in combat unless you're in an asteroid field or other nasty terrain. There's also the 'chase' mechanic which I haven't been using (p 241) because it's open space and the TIEs are quite a bit faster than the FTY.

Anyone have an opinion on those rules? I like how it means that the pilot now has a /job/ to do. I also like that it frames how to think about the forward arc nicely. I'm not sure I like how it throws boxes around a story that is supposed to be super narrative in the theatre of the mind, if you will.. but I worry that a pilot describing his or her actions without ramifications to those actions will have nothing meaningful to add.

I'd like something here because starship combat is something so core to Star Wars. It's important to me that everyone has something to do. And, to quote someone, as set up -- starship combat between Han Solo and Aunt Beru would be the same outcome unless Han had better gunnery skills.
May 7, 2016 2:29 pm
you could have injected erroneous data into their systems so their targeting won't lock on or the system thinks we're in a space we aren't... oh! you could have tricked the computer into thinking we were closer to it than we really are, prompting the system to divert power away from the engines?

I guess if TIEs could do that, they wouldn't crash into stuff all the time...
May 7, 2016 2:33 pm
Friar_Tuk says:
I was hoping it would slow them down. Like interfering with thier endings systems and reduce their speed.
I haven't figured out what impacting their speed would do to benefit you guys.

Perhaps with the dogfighting rules above, it could contribute a setback to that (or reduce speed which will have an impact on other rolls) or reduce handling by 1 for 1 turn (which could impact them too).
May 7, 2016 2:34 pm
falryx says:
@Friar_Tuk/Lin I found this online -- still reading through and digesting it.


There's a lot of commentary about how FFG has basically made it so piloting skills don't matter in combat unless you're in an asteroid field or other nasty terrain. There's also the 'chase' mechanic which I haven't been using (p 241) because it's open space and the TIEs are quite a bit faster than the FTY.

Anyone have an opinion on those rules? I like how it means that the pilot now has a /job/ to do. I also like that it frames how to think about the forward arc nicely. I'm not sure I like how it throws boxes around a story that is supposed to be super narrative in the theatre of the mind, if you will.. but I worry that a pilot describing his or her actions without ramifications to those actions will have nothing meaningful to add.

I'd like something here because starship combat is something so core to Star Wars. It's important to me that everyone has something to do. And, to quote someone, as set up -- starship combat between Han Solo and Aunt Beru would be the same outcome unless Han had better gunnery skills.
well, think about what Han did in all those space battles. he was flying in asteroid fields, flying THROUGH asteroids, doing stuff that could get them killed, buzzing the command bridge of a star destroyer, just generally dodging and going places enemies couldn't follow. that sounds like we need to have more obstacles in space battles.

in the couple of times in the movies when they were being chased by one or two TIE fighters, they were either blown away pretty quickly or caused to crash into debris. Maybe the pilot can make a roll to cause an enemy who is engaged with him to bump into something, causing some damage?
May 7, 2016 2:46 pm
To be honest I was trying to get to there guns so i would think it should effect that. Im fine with say a setback per success. Just makes it harder to hit the FTY.
Last edited May 7, 2016 2:51 pm
May 7, 2016 2:50 pm
oingo says:

well, think about what Han did in all those space battles. he was flying in asteroid fields, flying THROUGH asteroids, doing stuff that could get them killed, buzzing the command bridge of a star destroyer, just generally dodging and going places enemies couldn't follow. that sounds like we need to have more obstacles in space battles.

in the couple of times in the movies when they were being chased by one or two TIE fighters, they were either blown away pretty quickly or caused to crash into debris. Maybe the pilot can make a roll to cause an enemy who is engaged with him to bump into something, causing some damage?
I get that -- but I don't think every combat encounter we're going to have will take place in interesting terrain. Space is big and pretty empty. So as a result, I think there should be something meaningful for the pilot to do. I think rough terrain could enhance a decent set of dogfighting rules, rather than replace or diminish them.
Kjmagle says:
To be honest I was trying to get to there guns so i would think it shoukd effect that. Im fine with say a setback per success. Just makes it harder to hit the FTY.
Noted. I need to find a reasonable balance to ensure that this isn't an "I win" button for a high computers-skilled person. SB/success is probably too much. I could see SB, then additional SB per two success. But will want to dig around a little and think through things so it's systemic and not arbitrary. Part of the advantage of doing PbP. And besides, you'll know the outcome when it's the end of the round.. ;)
May 7, 2016 2:53 pm
Understood. Yeah we had that problem in the beginning of our other game i play online. I felt very very very op.

We came up with layers then. One round succes i was able to get into system. 2nd roll would get to the. Weapons. Maybe third to take them over.


This was my guy agter 2 years of playing and he has been a nightmare for my brother with my talents. I got one if i get a triumph i can use my maneuvers as extra computer checks. Lol
Last edited May 7, 2016 3:04 pm
May 7, 2016 4:47 pm
I'll be unable to look at this doc until likely Sunday evening. I also have the Ace sourcebook for AoR. I'll take a peek in there to see if has anything interesting to say.
May 7, 2016 4:51 pm
No worries. We are on the weekend.
May 9, 2016 12:21 pm
Hey all, my busy weekend has bled over into a busy Monday. I'm not going to be very active today. Falryx, I'll try to look over those mechanics this evening.

Sorry all and thanks for understanding!
May 9, 2016 4:03 pm
it happens, no worries. will hold the turn a little 'til EOD today.
May 10, 2016 4:21 am
I finally had time to look at those Dogfighting rules. They actually look really good! My only real quibble is that in EotE you never roll for Maneuvers, so instead of a Dogfight Maneuver it should be a Dogfight Action.

If you tell me the difficulty of the opposed check (based on the other pilot's skill) I'll add a piloting roll and choose appropriate outcomes form the included table in that doc.

I'm assuming you, falryx, and everyone else, is ok with playtesting this stuff a bit. Let me know if I am falsely assuming.
May 10, 2016 5:59 am
let's give it a shot and see what happens -- assume 3G for the lone TIE (that said, I'm pretty sure Akhrirar just torched it).
May 10, 2016 12:27 pm
Im cool with you guys testing as fellow gms. It helps me if something like this comes up in our game.
Last edited May 10, 2016 12:27 pm
May 10, 2016 8:34 pm
Is that last Tie down? If not, I'll make a move.
May 10, 2016 8:35 pm
I think we got both TIEs. hyperspace jump coming!
May 10, 2016 8:54 pm
Friar_Tuk says:
Is that last Tie down? If not, I'll make a move.
I think it will be, yes. I can always make a couple more show up if you guys like? :) Normally I wait 'til everyone posts to end the round. But I can pre-empt that if we want.
May 10, 2016 8:57 pm
How about a description of Lins flying thinking that the tie is still behind him...
May 10, 2016 8:57 pm
no, I jammed their comms! no reinforcements!
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