OOC Discussion

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Nov 10, 2016 4:40 pm
To top it all off, Vow of Celibacy (or Chastity, whatever) is a whole lot more strict now. In 3.5, it was just "no sexual contact". It was the easiest vow to fulfill, in my opinion, which made it one of the weakest. In PF, you have to "shun all pleasurable contact", and can't even share a room with someone. You can't even get a Cure Light Wounds spell from a Cleric, and only get 1 ki point every 5 levels? Ridiculous.
Nov 10, 2016 4:41 pm
irvanovich says:
To top it all off, Vow of Celibacy (or Chastity, whatever) is a whole lot more strict now. In 3.5, it was just "no sexual contact". It was the easiest vow to fulfill, in my opinion, which made it one of the weakest. In PF, you have to "shun all pleasurable contact", and can't even share a room with someone. You can't even get a Cure Light Wounds spell from a Cleric, and only get 1 ki point every 5 levels? Ridiculous.
Terrible... Perhaps I will GM in some extra benefits for our monk if he is able to keep to his vows?
Nov 15, 2016 4:39 am
Thankfully, Xandak hasn't taken a vow of celibacy. I'm not that much of a masochist hahaha

Also, after looking at the rules for vows a little bit more, I'm not seeing anything about fulfilling a vow, just rules for breaking a vow. Not sure how we would want to treat that. I figured large story milestones could be good points for Xandak to consider one of his vows "fulfilled", as his vows aren't life-long commitment but temporary punishment for his mistakes, like an atonement. Saving the city from an assault by hundreds of Goblins might certainly meet that requirement, although at the moment, he's not feeling very self-improved. He failed to land a single hit on Tsuto!

Poverty would probably be the first to go, as I'm sure Xandak will eventually realize that he cannot face every single challenge in his life with just his pure physical ability... but I don't want to let it go so soon that I don't get an extra ki point or two out of it first hahaha

Decisions, decisions....
Last edited November 15, 2016 4:40 am
Nov 15, 2016 4:44 am
thedandyman says:
Thankfully, Xandak hasn't taken a vow of celibacy. I'm not that much of a masochist hahaha

Also, after looking at the rules for vows a little bit more, I'm not seeing anything about fulfilling a vow, just rules for breaking a vow. Not sure how we would want to treat that. I figured large story milestones could be good points for Xandak to consider one of his vows "fulfilled", as his vows aren't life-long commitment but temporary punishment for his mistakes, like an atonement. Saving the city from an assault by hundreds of Goblins might certainly meet that requirement, although at the moment, he's not feeling very self-improved. He failed to land a single hit on Tsuto!

Poverty would probably be the first to go, as I'm sure Xandak will eventually realize that he cannot face every single challenge in his life with just his pure physical ability... but I don't want to let it go so soon that I don't get an extra ki point or two out of it first hahaha

Decisions, decisions....
Well, clearing the underside of the Glassworks could certainly qualify, especially since he's probably going to use the sword that Archie got him. Perhaps he will realize at that point that some things in the world can't be handled without assistance.

Either way, once he's broken the vow, he loses all of the ki points that he gained from it.
Nov 15, 2016 12:50 pm
If it were me, I would get rid of the silence first. Being unable to communicate with the majority of the party is a big hurdle, and you don't get nearly as much ki for it.

Poverty is at least workable...especially if you look into opening chakras once you get ki.
Last edited November 15, 2016 12:54 pm
Nov 15, 2016 1:38 pm
I think those vows are awesome from an RP perspective. Whether they're "worth it" is entirely up to you. I think you've been doing a great job roleplaying them, though it does help that Gongar is around to interpret.
Nov 15, 2016 6:13 pm
Naatkinson says:
Either way, once he's broken the vow, he loses all of the ki points that he gained from it.
So there's no way I could stop following a vow without giving up all the ki points I had accumulated by following it through my previous levels?

Also, if we waited until I hit level 7 to go after those demons in the basement, my fists can be treated as cold iron for the purposes of Damage Reduction.... So Xandak COULD learn to fight completely in his own strength... just not for a long time lol
Last edited November 15, 2016 6:17 pm
Nov 15, 2016 6:16 pm
A monk can discipline his body to hold more ki by upholding the strict tenets of a vow. By adhering to his vow’s tenets, the monk’s ki pool increases by the amount listed in the vow’s description. Every vow comes with a penalty or limitation to offset this increase in ki. A monk can take a vow at any level, but it does not add to his ki pool until he gains a ki pool as a class feature. The ability to take these vows replaces the still mind class feature, even if the monk abandons all his vows.

If a monk knowingly and willingly breaks his vow, his ki pool is reduced to 0 (as if he had spent all of his ki points) and he cannot replenish his pool or use abilities that require ki or a ki pool until he has redeemed himself. Redemption requires a recommitment to his vow accompanied by an atonement spell. After the redemption, the monk’s normal ki pool (without the bonus from the vow) returns. If he upholds the previously broken vow for a full month, his ki pool regains the additional points from taking the vow, and he can decide whether to continue with his vow or forgo his vow without penalty. Once a monk forgoes a vow in this fashion, she can never gain a ki point bonus from that vow.

A monk may have multiple vows. Their effects and increase to his ki pool stack. If a monk violates a vow, he suffers the loss of ki described above; redemption means the monk regains the extra ki from his unbroken vows, but the extra ki from the broken vow does not return until he finishes the month-long commitment (in effect, violating one vow does not have an effect on the other vows once the monk redeems himself).
Technically, breaking a vow removes all of your Ki points until you renew it and atone. I'd bypass that in the case of you fulfilling the vow instead. I might even allow you to keep one extra ki point per vow fulfilled, just as a reward for good RP
Nov 15, 2016 8:10 pm
Naat is so meta, using the OOC tag in the OOC forum.

So meta.

Anyways, on topic: I'm certain that, between all of us, we could come up with some sort of pretty cool thing if Xandak decided he'd keep the vows. Maybe an AC bonus or something like that?

For each sacred vow a monk possesses, he gains a +1/4 sacred bonus to AC per level. ...or something like that?
Nov 15, 2016 8:18 pm
Honestly, I could allow him to use the Automatic Bonus Progression (or something similar) variant rule I thought about using earlier. But only so long as he holds on to all three of his vows.
Nov 15, 2016 8:31 pm
So per the rules then, it looks like I could keep any extra ki points by breaking the vow, then getting an atonement spell, going through redemption for a month, and then forgoing the vow. Seems like a complicated way to drop a vow :P

Also, I hadn't seen any of that stuff about chakras... that might be worth looking into, although it does seem a tad complex.
Nov 15, 2016 8:50 pm
thedandyman says:
So per the rules then, it looks like I could keep any extra ki points by breaking the vow, then getting an atonement spell, going through redemption for a month, and then forgoing the vow. Seems like a complicated way to drop a vow :P

Also, I hadn't seen any of that stuff about chakras... that might be worth looking into, although it does seem a tad complex.
Hrm...as written, you could keep the points after going through such a process. However, that seems a little over the top...that's something that would definitely be open to GM interpretation.

Chakras are...interesting. They require a crap-ton of ki to use effectively, but there are feats that'll help with it.
Nov 15, 2016 8:56 pm
That's kind of the conclusion I'm coming to about chakras. I just don't know how one could get enough ki points to use them effectively; at least not until much higher levels.
Nov 15, 2016 9:27 pm
To build an effective chakra user, you'd have to take Psychic Sensitivity at 3rd level...which would give you the ability to use certain skill unlocks right now, but would overall be useless. At Level 4, you'd have access to the Root and Sacral Chakras...assuming a Wisdom of 13, you'd have DR 2/-- for about 5 rounds, or the ability to basically leap tall buildings in a single bound for six rounds. You get access to a new chakra with every even level, up to 14 when you get the Crown chakra. You have to open them in order, and you have to maintain them with a fortitude save before trying to open the next one with a will save.

At level 5, you take Chakra Initiate, which gives you 3 "serpentfire" ki points specifically for the opening and maintenance of chakra. Take Extra Ki at level 7 for the bonus 2 there, and Chakra Adept at level 9 for another "serpentfire" point, plus all the bonus points from your three vows (assuming you kept them, that'd be 9 from poverty, 1 from truth, 1 from silence), and assuming your level 4 or level 8 ability increase went to Wisdom, you'd effectively have 21 rounds of chakra time to play with.

At level 9, you'd effectively be a secondary healer, with the Heart Chakra stuff...healing a minimum of 9 HP worth of damage and getting rid of conditions to boot. At level 15, take Chakra Master to get another "serpentfire" ki point, and gain the ability to use up to three chakras at once. Profit from the ridiculous amount of ki you've earned by having three friggin' vows. (Assuming all three ability bumps go into Wisdom, that'd put your regular ki at 32 and your serpent fire at 5). Become mother effin' Goku.

...sorry. I've been thinking about this a lot lately...actually laying out the numbers and doing the math for it makes it look insane.
Nov 15, 2016 9:32 pm
It really makes me think of Rock Lee and Maito Gai from Naruto. I am almost totally convinced that's where they got the idea from.
Nov 23, 2016 3:18 pm
I'm leaving to visit family tonight for thanksgiving so I won't be able to post until I get back on Saturday. Sorry if I miss some action while I'm gone.
Nov 27, 2016 5:49 pm
I hope everyone had a good Turkey day!
Nov 29, 2016 8:57 pm
How big is this room?
Nov 29, 2016 8:58 pm
25 feet deep and 20 feet wide, approximately
Dec 1, 2016 2:52 pm
Naatkinson says:
Xandak, Urthask, Malik, Archie?
A little meta: The +2 to attack granted to Urthask's allies by his Distracting Charge is only good until he acts again, so I'm waiting til everyone has gone. Only Malik and Xandak left now I think.
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