OOC Discussion

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Dec 6, 2016 1:17 am
Naatkinson says:
The door opens easily, revealing a hallway that goes 15 feet north before turning left and going another 30 feet west, then turns right and continues north. There is a passage going east from here, about 10 feet down the tunnel, as well as a room with two side passages (east and west) and a door on the north side.

So no visible hostiles between B2 and B3? What's the tunnel like here? Doesn't look like natural rock anymore.
Dec 7, 2016 12:41 am
No visible hostiles, and it is now a worked tunnel, not natural.
Dec 12, 2016 8:12 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
Naatkinson says:
Urthask and Arktos charge, but have to slow down a bit to navigate the narrow stairs and make it to the top of the stairs.
Well, you're in range now, but couldn't take the charge action. You still have one action left if you'd like to attack something. The Wrathspawn and the quasit are both in range.
Hi! Sorry, I don't get it. They're too far away so we ran out of movement to complete a charge. How can they now be in range for a melee attack?

Edit: Oops! Anticipating a discussion, and not wanting to clutter the game thread, I meant to post this in the OOC thread but goofed up!
You can't take the charge action because it requires a straight path to the enemy with no difficult terrain. You didn't meet those requirements :)
Dec 12, 2016 8:20 pm
Ah! *facepalm* I get it now! Thanks! So I did have enough movement to get me there but it's a normal attack and not a charge? So Arktos and Urthask can each make 1 attack?
Dec 12, 2016 8:45 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
Ah! *facepalm* I get it now! Thanks! So I did have enough movement to get me there but it's a normal attack and not a charge? So Arktos and Urthask can each make 1 attack?
Correct :)
Dec 14, 2016 10:01 pm
Can I get close enough this first round to try a trip attack on the spawn? or am I still to far away?
Dec 14, 2016 10:22 pm
You'd still be slightly too far away to reach the spawn, though if you have some sort of throwing weapon, you could do that!
Dec 17, 2016 1:47 am
The quasit is in range for Urthask to make a full attack?
Dec 17, 2016 1:51 am
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
The quasit is in range for Urthask to make a full attack?
Yes sir!
Dec 17, 2016 2:33 am
What is the penalty again for each subsequent attack? -2?

How about Arktos making his 3 natural attacks? Penalties on those as well? What if Arktos wants to grapple and pin the wrathspawn instead?

Last edited December 17, 2016 2:37 am
Dec 17, 2016 2:40 am
Each extra attack takes a -5 for weapon attacks.

Arktos can use all three of his actions for the round to make all of his natural attacks at their normal rolls.

Grapple will provoke an AoO unless you have Improved Grapple feat
Initiate a Grapple (Attack; 2 Acts): You initiate a grapple against a creature within your melee reach.

Continue a Grapple (2 Acts): You continue a grapple. If you initiated the grapple, you must either take this action at the start of each subsequent turn or end the grapple as a free action. When you take this action, you attempt a grapple combat maneuver check with a +5 bonus. If you're successful, you can either move, deal damage to, or pin the creature you are grappling. Alternatively, you can attempt to tie up the creature with a rope.

Tie Up a Grappled or Pinned Creature: If you have a rope in your hands, and you are grappling or pinning a foe, you can attempt a grapple combat maneuver check at a –10 penalty to tie up that foe. If you're successful, the ropes pin the creature until they are removed or the pinned foe succeeds at a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check (DC = 20 + your CMB).
Dec 17, 2016 2:41 am
Gonna be honest, I hate grappling in PF, it's so complicated at times!
Dec 17, 2016 3:46 am
Gonna be honest, I hate grappling in PF, it's so complicated at times!
Yeah same here TBH.
Dec 18, 2016 5:59 am
So sorry for my absence! December is a busy month in my line of work (Janitor here! You would not believe how many christmas parties people can throw in one building within the span of a week.) I had hoped to be a bit more active, but it's looking like that may not be the case, at least for the foreseeable holiday season. I will do my best to get on as often as I can, but Xandak may be a little slow for the next few weeks. I have not abandoned the quest!
Dec 18, 2016 6:08 am
Eh... before I can post, I need to know how attacking with this sword will work. Do I need some kind of proficiency to be able to use it without penalty? Are the modifiers for it the same as my fists?
Dec 18, 2016 7:01 am
thedandyman says:
Eh... before I can post, I need to know how attacking with this sword will work. Do I need some kind of proficiency to be able to use it without penalty? Are the modifiers for it the same as my fists?
Well, it's a martial weapon, which monks aren't proficient in, so you'll take a - 4 to your attack rolls. It is a Monk weapon though, so you can use flurry of blows with it.
Dec 19, 2016 2:55 am
-4... yikes. Is there a way to go about gaining proficiency later on?
Dec 19, 2016 3:24 am
Martial weapon proficiency feat :-)
Dec 19, 2016 6:20 am
Got it. One more question: looking at this weapons list on d20pfsrd, it's got two columns for damage on each weapon: Dmg (S) and Dmg (M). What does that mean?
Dec 19, 2016 1:47 pm
That's damage for Small (S) and Medium (M) creatures. You'll use the damage listed in the (M) column, as you are a medium sized creature :)
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