Jun 10, 2020 12:20 am
Hey everyone! Longtime GM here, hoping to get to play some games(and give back by running a few while I'm at it). I've been looking for a new site, because the one I usually play on has slowly drifted towards 99% D&D or PF games, with a smattering of like 3 other systems. Meanwhile, I've been buying and reading and devouring so many games that I can't wait to try, and never have the IRL or Online group to play with. I also just downloaded a few hundred shortform RPGs in the BLM bundle...
I'm most comfortable with 13th Age and Powered by the Apocalypse games right now, but I've gotten heavily into LANCER, Firebrands Hacks, Fellowship storytelling stuff, and a few other Indie games as of late. I'm not entirely sure what the "requesting to join a game" etiquette is, but I'm excited to poke around!
I'm most comfortable with 13th Age and Powered by the Apocalypse games right now, but I've gotten heavily into LANCER, Firebrands Hacks, Fellowship storytelling stuff, and a few other Indie games as of late. I'm not entirely sure what the "requesting to join a game" etiquette is, but I'm excited to poke around!