Jul 5, 2020 4:24 am
A lot of my experience is in D&D (3.5 was my main game back in the day, though I wasn't very successful in it, but I like 5e a lot), though I have some in the old Star Wars d20-based system (not enough of a fan of the series to get super-into it), d20 Modern, & a tiny bit of Call of Cthulu. I'm more of a player than a GM, though I am working on a fantasy world for adventures to take place in, so who knows, maybe I'll jump into that role sometime?
(Also apologies for the lack of an avatar; this site doesn't like the one I generally use for some reason.)
(Also apologies for the lack of an avatar; this site doesn't like the one I generally use for some reason.)
Last edited July 5, 2020 4:25 am