Qralloq says:
Rolemaster says:
Hey all thanks for the warm welcome!
As for the games that I run, The Dark Eye, Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition and Pathfinder 2nd edition.
Not RoleMaster? Dangnabbit!
But SRSLY, welcome.
And tell us about The Dark Eye, please.
I mostly like to play Rolemaster lol not run it.
The Dark Eye is a german rpg, set in the world of Aventuria, where players can do many different things. It got a bit of classic and dark fantasy vibe to it. You can expect to find many fantasy tropes but it is more lethal and complex than dungeons and dragons. There is a lot of customization and a rich world to explore.
The dark eye had also a couple of video games but I didn't play them, so won't claim to know much about their quality.