Part 3: The Spider's Web

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Aug 20, 2016 11:28 am
"Consider it done, friend."

Stormsong pauses briefly to casually admire Gimblyn's handiwork before leaving.

He is familiar with bows as a soldier, though not proficient. Does he notice anything extra special or flawed?
"Excellent work, master crafter!"

He then leaves to stretch his legs in a town walkabout, keeping an eye out for a leather workshop, armory, or scrap heap to gather little pieces of leather and a farm or other livestock pen to collect a little fleece.
Last edited August 20, 2016 11:32 am


Perception on bow work - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Aug 22, 2016 4:12 pm
Stormsong is not able to tell, at this point, if this bow is shaping up to be something special, but he remains polite about it to the little gnome. It is little trouble (and negligible cost) to gather the materials for Gimblyn.
You all ready to head out?
Aug 22, 2016 5:00 pm
Kama inspects the tack and harness for each horse, ready to head out as soon as everyone is able.
Aug 23, 2016 4:13 am
With a flurish and a kiss on the hand, Stormsong thanks the inkeeper's wife for another lovely breakfast and for his comfortable stay in their establishment. "If you would be so kind, could you please check in on our friend Gundren from time to time as he recovers from his awful time in captivity?"

Hearing the cocks crow and sensing the breaking of dawn, he turns to his companions around the table and says, "It looks like a fine day to adventure! Let's pay a call on 'Ms' Agatha in Conyberry -- perhaps she'll let us browse her library."

He then stands and passes a small pouch to Gimblyn, "I hope this will suffice, friend crafter."
Aug 23, 2016 4:45 am
I nod to everyone at the table. "If we're to complete our tasks, we must leave as quickly as possible."
Aug 23, 2016 5:09 am
"We'll be taking the Triboar Trail," Kama says, though it's probably obvious to everyone. "While it's a marked path, the last time we were on it we got assaulted by goblins. But, maybe we'll have some temporary peace as they figure out their next leader." He climbs onto the saddle and gives a nod.
Aug 23, 2016 5:22 am
Stormsong admires the big horse that Kama has provided for him, and strokes it's neck before mounting.

He is curious about this half-orc who speaks of peace, and casually appraises him. "Clearly there is more than meets the eye with this one," he thinks, as he prepares his mind for the creative flow that often comes with a morning ride, the beginnings of a tale with a kindly but powerful beast-man as the hero are taking shape...
Aug 24, 2016 1:48 am
Gimblyn missed the forest, however his crafting and new adventure ahead kept his mind busy. Stormsong was very kind for getting the materials. The bard seemed genuine, but the gnome didn't put much thought into it after the initial impression. The horse towered over Tumtwig, casting an intimidating shadow. He looked over at his companions.

"I swear... I need something more my size! Haha."

Using his staff, Gimblyn jumped up onto his horse with a large bug-eyed grin. The forest gnome was ready to take off.
Aug 24, 2016 4:24 pm
It's a quiet couple of days as you head to the ruins of Conyberry. Anyone familiar with the region knows that it was overrun years ago by a barbarian horde and never rebuilt. From the ruins of the small town, there is an old trail leading northwest into the forest.

The forest grows dark and still as the trail winds deeper into the trees. Heavy vines and thick layers of moss drape the branches, and the air is noticeably colder than it was in the ruined village. Rounding a bend in the trail, you see a screen made from the warped branches of trees standing close together, woven into a dome-like shelter in the shadows. A low doorway leads inside.
Aug 24, 2016 4:45 pm
Kama dismounts and ties the reins to a nearby tree. He approaches the doorway, but does not yet cross the threshold. Instead, he knocks on the frame. "Hello?"
Aug 24, 2016 6:42 pm
Gimblyn follows suits, walking behind Kama. He takes his appropriate sized wooden staff and knocks on the frame as well.
Aug 24, 2016 7:23 pm
I follow along the treeline in an arc away from the frame until I'm nearly in line with it. I keep an arrow on hand just to be safe as I keep an eye out for any surprises in the vicinity.


Perception - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Aug 24, 2016 8:30 pm
Stormsong dismounts and stands behind Kama and Gimblyn, a few feet back and, if possible, is leaning against a tree, in an effort to try to look less menacing. He swings his lute around to the front and casually strums old elven tunes he learned in his childhood.
Last edited August 24, 2016 10:32 pm
Aug 24, 2016 10:31 pm
He "sees" the harmonic strands of his music rise and intertwine, and directs the inherent magic to inspire Kama.
+1d6 to any attack, damage, save, or check, or as a reaction, to AC. You can choose to use it after seeing the result of your attack/save/check roll, but before the DM declares success or failure of that roll.
Aug 24, 2016 10:48 pm
As Kama knocks, a cold wind blows by, but there is no answer.
Aug 24, 2016 10:56 pm
Tumtwig looks at his companions with a small grin. "Shall we?" The gnome slipped past the large Kama and attempted to enter the building.
Aug 24, 2016 10:58 pm
Kama takes a deep breath and checks that he still has the offering. "Hello?" he repeats, politely, even as the gnome slips past his legs. "My name is Kama. May I come in?" No sense in presenting themselves as a threat.
Last edited August 24, 2016 10:59 pm
Aug 24, 2016 11:07 pm
Gimblyn steps into the dwelling. A home of sorts is sheltered within the dome of woven branches. It is sparsely furnished with chests, shelves, a table, and a reclined couch, all of it old and of elven craft.

A few moments after entering the air grows cold, and a powerful feeling of dread grips you. A cold, pale light flickers in the air, rapidly taking on the form of a female elf, her hair and robes waving in a spectral wind. She might have been beautiful once, but a hateful expression twists her features now. "Foolish mortals," she snarls. "What do you want here? Do you not know it is death to seek me out?"
Aug 24, 2016 11:17 pm
"My lady," says Kama, stepping inside to instinctively pull Gimblyn back. "We, uh... we have come seeking knowledge. We have a present, a token of our appreciation, as a gift for your audience." He pulls out the jeweled silver comb and holds it up.
Aug 24, 2016 11:23 pm
The anger that twisted her face fades to amusement, "I see... so you bring your baubles in hopes that you can pay for answers to your petty mortal questions?"
Kama! Persuasion check with Advantage!
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