Moonbeam says:
runestone says:
bowlofspinach says:
It does seem suspicious that there has emerged a trend of new members starting up Savage Worlds games that then suddenly disappear but I don't see what the point would be of someone repeatedly coming here and trolling people interested in SW games.
My theory: Someone from another PbP site who likes to play SW but is unable to come up with a quality character concept, so they make a game here and steal ours. :-)
That's just crazy enough to work!
It's not only SW games they are pulling this with or only at GP. Look through the game recruiting ads for the last three or four months and you will see the same MO. Recruit. Fill game. Make characters. Maybe start first scene, then ghost and delete support files.
I hadn't thought about the character stealing theory. I think they just get off on the mass disappointment caused.
Last edited October 30, 2020 10:23 am